Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Prominent Social Work Policy Maker

You may have heard the saying that those who discover or create new knowledge stand upon the shoulders of giants. As a future social worker, you will stand on the shoulders of many individuals who have come before you. These influential people may have fought for womens suffrage, African American rights, or poverty assistance, among other social causes. You may be familiar with their names through your textbook readings for this course, or they may be entirely unknown to you.

Through the research and writing for this Assignment, you will gain a better understanding of one social policy activist and their lasting contributions to the social work profession.

To Prepare: Choose one of the following social work policy makers as the focus of your paper, and identify a signature social policy effected by that person:

Jane Addams
Clara Barton
Dorothy Day
William Edward B. DuBois
Medgar Evers
Mary Richmond
Dorothea Spellman
Harriett Tubman
Booker T. Washington

Submit a scholarly paper using the following outline:

I. Biography of the Social Work Policy Maker
        Provide a brief background of the policy maker, including family and professional history.
II.The Social Welfare Policy/Service
        Describe the core tenets of the policy developed by the policy maker upon which you
        Explain the community needs for this policy.
        Describe the population/community served by this policy.
        Explain the process of developing and enacting this policy.
III. Impact of the Policy
        Describe how this policy addressed the needs of a population/community.
        Describe how this policy advocated for a population and served social justice.
        Explain how this policy changed the community.
IV. Practice Implications
        Discuss how this policy impacts social work practice today.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 2 to 3 page paper reflecting on why you are attracted to this theory (or group of related theories). First, read the Siegel paper (Theory is Personal) carefully and reflect on his ideas. In your paper, clearly describe what experiences, personal traits and beliefs, religious or cultural perspectives, or other factors influenced your attraction to this theory. Connect these to the tenets of theory and its approach to practice. You must be specific, clear, and thoughtful in making these connections. The paper should be clearly organized and well-edited but need not apply APA style unless you cite a source that isnt part of the class materials. You do not need to cite course materials, including readings.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 2 to 3 page paper reflecting on why you are attracted to this theory (or group of related theories). First, read the Siegel paper (Theory is Personal) carefully and reflect on his ideas. In your paper, clearly describe what experiences, personal traits and beliefs, religious or cultural perspectives, or other factors influenced your attraction to this theory. Connect these to the tenets of theory and its approach to practice. You must be specific, clear, and thoughtful in making these connections. The paper should be clearly organized and well-edited but need not apply APA style unless you cite a source that isnt part of the class materials. You do not need to cite course materials, including readings.

Case Study – Adult Chest Pain / Stress

      A 52-year-old male patient who is a house painter presents to the office reporting chronic fatigue and mild chest pain. When he is painting, the chest pain is relieved after taking a break. He reports that the pain usually lasts 5 minutes or less and occasionally spreads to his left arm before subsiding.
      The patient was last seen 3 years ago by you, and you recommended diet changes to manage mild hyperlipidemia, but the patient has gained 30 pounds since that time. The patients medical history includes anxiety, vasectomy, cholecystectomy, and mild hyperlipidemia. The patient does not smoke or use other tobacco or nicotine products.
      The patient cares for his wife, who has multiple sclerosis and requires 24-hour care. His daughter and grandson also live with the patient. His daughter assists with the care of his wife, and his job is the major source of income for the family.

      The initial vital signs are: blood pressure 158/78, heart rate 87, respiratory rate 20, and body mass index 32. As part of the diagnostic work-up, an ECG, lipid levels, cardiac enzymes, and C-reactive protein (CRP) are ordered. The patient reports that he does not have time to be sick and says that he needs to take care of everything during this visit so he can return to work and care for his wife.

1. What additional information should you obtain about the pain the patient is experiencing?
2. What additional physical assessments need to be completed for this patient?
3. What considerations are important to remember if the CRP level is elevated for the patient?
4. What differential diagnoses should be considered for the patient (4 minimum)?
5. What patient teaching will be incorporated into the visit to modify the patients risk factors?
6. How will you respond to the patients statement that he doesnt have time to be sick and needs to take care of everything during this visit?

Include Title Page, Introduction, Headings, and References.

REFERENCES (APA 7th ed. formatting, at least 3-4 peer-reviewed scholarly articles, current within the past 5 years.)

The paper should be written at a Master’s level, be APA 7 formatted, and will be checked by Turn-it-in and Grammarly for plagiarism.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Outline and describe the current accepted classification of Ornithorhynchus anatinus. List the current Linnaean classification of this species from Kingdom to species level (including all recognised subspecies if applicable) and explain why it is classified alongside other members of its genus, family and order utilising phenetic classification methods.

Health Care Reform: Dismantling the ACA

Chosen topic is Health Care Reform: Dismantling the ACA. This is a Professional Issue Paper. Textbook should be used. Must use a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed articles/books/scholarly references, websites can be used in addition to support topic. I would prefer for the paper to reflect the view that there is a need for significant change to the U.S. healthcare system and the ACA has left many americans in a unique healthcare disparity pointing out how many people are still uninsured and unable to afford their medications, treatments, and how this impacts their health. Would like to propose necessary changes or suggest better ideas.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A needs assessment was conducted in a long term care facility regarding knowledge, confidence level ,attitude and use of nonpharmacologic approaches in dementia person.

The result: more education is needed in the facility.

Their confidence level with working with people with dementia varies.

the more years working and the more experienced  at the facility, they are more equipped to identify behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia and provide better care.

What type of educational program that can be included to address confidence and knowledge.

  National descriptive data about certified nursing assistant, licensed practical nurses and registered nurses in terms of education

The instructions for the work is included in the file plus an example ( but not related to the topic). A synapsis of the topic is on top.

Implication for advanced nursing practice
1. Nursing practice
2. Healthcare outcomes
3. Healthcare delivery
4. healthcare policy
5. future research


Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation?

You are to conduct research and write a three to five page paper on the following subject, Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation? and answer the following two questions:

Some managers would rather get a root canal than go through the performance evaluation process with their direct reports.  Why?
What does research tell you?
As you respond to the two questions listed above, please address the following:

What traits does an effective manager display in the workplace?
Is there a profile for a manager who may struggle with the evaluation process?
What are the key elements of a successful employee evaluation process?  How should a manager prepare for the event?
Develop an evaluation form for your direct reports and show how the evaluation criterion correlates to the organizations objectives.
You are to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least two (2) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), and format your work in accordance with 7th edition APA formatting which includes:

A Title Page (No running head)
Abstract with Keywords
A minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins, left justified, and
A Reference page
While this is a management course, it is expected you will adhere to academic standards of writing which include spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Breast Cancer

The following is an outline of the thesis introduction which is entitled, Introduction, Chapter 1.
Community Health Research
Thesis Chapter 1
On the cover page of the thesis, write the research question, running head, and other pertinent information.
      2.  Background – Write a few sentences summarizing the background of the qualitative study
Theoretical Background Write a few sentences explaining the model, framework, or theory used to support the research? Write one sentence about the target population, where the study will be conducted, how will the population be recruited, and explain the type of study being conducted.
Purpose of the Study Write one sentence why the research is important, target population, type of study, recruitment, location, and the number of participants.
Significance Write one sentence explaining the contributions of the study.
    6.  Specific Aims -What did the study attempt to determine? Give three specific aims of the study. Start the sentence by saying,
To determine ..
To determine .
To determine
        7.  Terminology List the terminology you think is useful to have the readers understand the material. The original article critique assignment was changed to INTRODUCTION OUTLINE (DRAFT) TBA due to the transition of in-person classes to online.

Below are assignments that were done in class to help with the thesis that needs use
NAME –    Francina
AREA OF INTEREST    -Breast Cancer
Recruitment Selection Criteria    18-44 age
Select Exposures/Risk Factors/ -Race, genetics, use of health care services.   
What is unique about your study? -Why women of color at risk?   
Themes for the Literature Review/Chapter 2 -Race, genetics, use of health care services, family history, tobacco, obesity.

any article can be used on Breast Cancer- google scholar

civic Engagment

Discuss justice and its relationship with civic engagement;
Engage in an initial examination of social impact as a form of civic engagement;
Explain abolitionist Henry David Thoreaus concept of Civil Disobedience and how it relates to civic engagement and provided the foundation for understanding all modern American protest movements;
Discuss how surviving the Holocaust transformed survivor Elie Wiesel into a tireless advocate for nonviolence, human rights, and the condemnation of bystanders;
Discuss how the life of former slave Sojourner Truth exposes societal injustices and promotes civic engagement through womens right to vote;
Explain how Ida B. Wells anti-lynching crusade exemplifies how activism combats injustice.
Civic engagement necessitates an awareness of the wider world and a sense of ones own role as a world citizen.  To be a global citizen, one must: 1) respect and value diversity; 2) have an understanding of both current and past social systems; 3) be passionately committed to social justice; 4) participate in the community at a variety of levels, from the local to the global; 5) work with others to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place; and 6) take responsibility for ones actions.  This section will explore important texts that demonstrate the symbiotic relationship between civic engagement, social impact, and justice.