Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Professional Development Program Proposal

In your first assignment, you conducted a research analysis of the company and proposed strategic solutions to the CEO. As you continue your consulting role, the next task is to deliver a professional development program to the CEO of your chosen organization.

It is important that your program’s proposal be based on your research of emotional intelligence (EI) and specifically details how a new incentive program, based on an EI management approach, will:

Foster teamwork.
Strengthen interpersonal relationships.
Enhance communication.
Increase overall performance.
Benefit not only managers but the bottom-line.


Write a 57 page, double-spaced proposal that includes the following components:

1.EI (emotional intelligence) and Motivation:

Which of the EI building blocks would impact managements ability to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction?

Based on your research on motivational theory, describe which motivational theory you would utilize to influence the members of the organization and aid in helping to resolve the issue. Provide examples to support your solution.

2.EI and Social Skills and Decision Making:

Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the decision-making efficacy of the management team.

3.Effective Teams:

Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies you would implement to develop team dynamics that will benefit the organization.

4.Reward Systems:

Create an effective reward system for this organization based on how you want to resolve the organizational issue. Determine the strategies you would incorporate to motivate employees and influence behavior.

5.References and Citations:

Go to the Strayer University Online Library to locate two quality resources.

In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.

6.Formatting and Writing Standards:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop a proposal for a program to help managers use reward systems and emotional intelligence to motivate team members

Humanities “consumptions”

Research Essay

Word Count: 2100-2300 words
Write a formal essay discussing ONE of the following questions:

1.    Discuss and evaluate the relevance today of the different conceptions of media audiences with reference to a specific medium or communication technology.

2.    Discuss the relationship between identity, agency and media consumption.

Indicate clearly at the start of your essay which question you are attempting.
Present your discussion as an engagement with the key debates presented in the readings for this unit. This means identifying if there are competing ideas or positions and giving adequate representation of views that challenge your position (and/or challenge common- sense or widely accepted views). You do not need to argue in support of any particular position, but if you do, you should support that argument with an engagement with the strongest counter-arguments to your positions. Draw on the relevant sources from the set readings as well as from further LIBRARY research.

**You must directly cite at least SIX sources, including at least FOUR of the readings list (Provided).

I have attached articles, sample paper and direction on how the paper should be done.

There are two more articles attached below in addition to these 3 articles.
Huo, X., Krumholz, H. M., Bai, X., Spatz, E. S., Ding, Q., Horak, P., Zhao, W., Gong, Q., Zhang, H., Yan, X., Sun, Y., Liu, J., Wu, X., Guan, W., Wang, X., Li, J., Li, X., Spertus, J. A., Masoudi, F. A., & Zheng, X. (2019). Effects of Mobile Text Messaging on Glycemic Control in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease and Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, 12(9), e005805.

Dobson, R., Whittaker, R., Jiang, Y., Maddison, R., Shepherd, M., McNamara, C., Cutfield, R., Khanolkar, M., & Murphy, R. (2018). Effectiveness of text message based, diabetes self-management support programme (SMS4BG): two arm, parallel randomised controlled trial. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 361, k1959.

Sahin, C., Courtney, K. L., Naylor, P. J., & E Rhodes, R. (2019). Tailored mobile text messaging interventions targeting type 2 diabetes self-management: A systematic review and a meta-analysis. Digital health, 5, 2055207619845279.

executive summary

Based on the Effect of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country assignment you completed in Topic 3, provide an ( 650 word) executive summary to describe how an emerging technology could solve a problem in your country. Create an Executive Summary that uses the following format to analyze the economic, legal, and cultural factors that affect organizations in a global business environment. Provide research/evidence that supports your summary.


Provide an overview of the executive summary.
Identify the Problem. Introduction expertly provides an overview of the executive summary with thoughtful detail.

Describe the problem that exists within the chosen country.
Propose a Solution. Identification of the problem expertly describes the problem that exists within the chosen country with thoughtful detail. Supporting research and analysis are present

Describe a global or local emerging technology to solve the problem.
Identify an organization (outside the selected country) that offers the emerging technology to solve the problem. Solution expertly identifies an organization (outside chosen selected country) that offers the emerging technology to solve the problem is comprehensively explained with concise and relevant detail. Supporting research and analysis are present. Demonstrates thorough understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.

Provide an analysis of the economic, legal, and cultural factors that would affect the organization within that global business environment. Solution expertly provides an analysis of the economic, legal, and cultural factors that would affect the organization within that global business environment with concise and relevant detail. Supporting research and analysis are present.

What is Needed to Implement the Solution
For example, potential obstacles, how much the solution costs, return on investment, competition, licensing, land, resources, based on economic, legal, and cultural factors.
Identify a local business partner that would help advance the proposed emerging technology within the selected country. Summary expertly explains what is needed to implement the solution and identify a business partner to advance the emerging technology within the selected country with thoughtful detail and insight. Supporting research and analysis are present

I included my paper from that week below so you could see the problem. Thanks

Media critical essay

Critical Essay Assignment Guide
Synopsis: For this assignment, you will select ONE mass mediated text (i.e., film, television show, advertisement, video game, song, literary work, magazine, newspaper, internet site, etc.), research it, and write a 1100 word critical analysis (approximately 4 pages) of the text that utilizes one of the theoretical perspectives explored in class (i.e., Marxist, organizational, pragmatic, rhetorical, cultural, psychoanalytic, , queer, reception, sociological, erotic, or ecological). Your chosen media artifact should be no more than 2 years old (e.g., distributed no earlier than September 2018).Note that there are sample student essays of this sort in the Appendix of your textbook. There is a sample for each lens covered in class, so review to these, if you need inspiration. There is also an FAQ guide for this assignment included in OneDrive.
In terms of structure and general content, your paper should include, at a minimum:
1. A paper that begins by being properly formatted in accordance with APA 7 guidelines, including a proper cover page.
a. A resource for this style guide can be found here: documentation/apa-style/
2. A one-paragraph introduction in which you:
a. introduce your media text;
b. comment upon its significance as an object of study;
c. formulate a clear and concise thesis statement (i.e., identify what your text is doing and how it is doing it); and
d. preview your argument/paper.
Generally, a good academic introduction will orient the reader to the theory being used, offer a claim (i.e. a thesis) to be supported, suggest why that claim matters, and will briefly explain how your chosen theory will ultimately support the claim you offer.
3. A development paragraph that orients your reader to your chosen media text. Do not assume your reader is familiar with the media you have chosen. Offer a brief synopsis and related background information to ensure your reader understands what media object you have chosen and why it is relevant.
A development paragraph usually follows the introduction, taking a step back to use narration and/or description to show your reader the media object before you begin analyzing it. For example, if you choose a film, dont assume your reader has seen the film.
4. An analysis of your text using relevant principles discussed in class and the course readings. The goal of this section is to combine theory and astute critical observations effectively, applying relevant theory to a contemporary media object. This is the body of your paper and should constitute the largest portion of the essay (i.e., several paragraphs).
The body should be a series of paragraphs organized around major themes or aspects of the theory and/or media object under examination. Your essay need not be a 5-paragraph essay; rather, your essay should have as many, or as few, paragraphs as needed to address the major points of your claim.

Each main point should have its own paragraph, constructed around some specific aspect of your argument, theory, and/or media object, applying theory to a specific example. Your paragraphs should have a logical flow, and you are not encouraged hard breaks (e.g., subheadings) to organize your essay.
5. A critical conclusion in which you briefly reflect on the implications of your analysis. This might include speculating about the role your text plays in political affairs, processes of socialization or interpellation, or North American culture generally.
An effective academic conclusion does more than merely summarize or list what has been said in the essay, and it never simply repeats the introduction. Rather, this is a space to emphasize the points that have been argued in a way that shows the reader why those points and that argument are important.
Ask yourself, What is at stake in this analysis? Why does this matter? Then, provide your answer for your reader in the form of a conclusion.
6. A bibliography formatted in accordance with APA 7 standards. Your essay, and thus your bibliography,should contain no fewer than three academic sources (i.e., sources from academic publishing houses or peer-reviewed journals) in addition to the course text, as well as proper citation for your media object, and any other resources used in constructing your essay.
Your academic sources can focus on the media text youve chosen (e.g., many popular films, television shows, and entertainment genres have been written about in scholarly journals), on the theoretical lens you have chosen, or on both of these. If you are unclear on what constitutes an academic source, you are encouraged to speak to our research librarian in the campus library, who can help guide your research. You can also check the refereed (i.e. peer reviewed) status of journals via Ulrichs Web.
For example, the referee shirt next to this entry for the Journal of Media and Ethics demonstrates that this is an appropriate scholarly source:
Academic Integrity: Please see the syllabus to understand how this course uses Turn It In to evaluate the originality and authenticity of student work.
Grading Rubric: The critical essay will be assessed on comprehension of chosen media theory (25%), correctapplication of theory to a media object (30%), use of appropriate scholarly/academic resources (25%), correct
citation in APA 7 format (10%), essay formatting that conforms to APA 7 guidelines (5%), and overall quality of writing (5%).
Length: 1100 words of text in the essay, plus a separate title page and bibliography.
Format: Please follow APA 7 citation and style guidelines. A comprehensive guide to this format can be found here: . Incorrect formatting and citation will result in a point deduction of up to one full letter grade (10 points).

Critical essay on media

Critical Essay Assignment Guide Fall 2020
Synopsis: For this assignment, you will select ONE mass mediated text (i.e., film, television show, advertisement, video game, song, literary work, magazine, newspaper, internet site, etc.), research it, and write a 1100 word critical analysis (approximately 4 pages) of the text that utilizes one of the theoretical perspectives explored in class (i.e., Marxist, organizational, pragmatic, rhetorical, cultural, psychoanalytic, , queer, reception, sociological, erotic, or ecological). Your chosen media artifact should be no more than 2 years old (e.g., distributed no earlier than September 2018).Note that there are sample student essays of this sort in the Appendix of your textbook. There is a sample for each lens covered in class, so review to these, if you need inspiration. There is also an FAQ guide for this assignment included in OneDrive.
In terms of structure and general content, your paper should include, at a minimum:
1. A paper that begins by being properly formatted in accordance with APA 7 guidelines, including a proper cover page.
a. A resource for this style guide can be found here: documentation/apa-style/
2. A one-paragraph introduction in which you:
a. introduce your media text;
b. comment upon its significance as an object of study;
c. formulate a clear and concise thesis statement (i.e., identify what your text is doing and how it is doing it); and
d. preview your argument/paper.
Generally, a good academic introduction will orient the reader to the theory being used, offer a claim (i.e. a thesis) to be supported, suggest why that claim matters, and will briefly explain how your chosen theory will ultimately support the claim you offer.
3. A development paragraph that orients your reader to your chosen media text. Do not assume your reader is familiar with the media you have chosen. Offer a brief synopsis and related background information to ensure your reader understands what media object you have chosen and why it is relevant.
A development paragraph usually follows the introduction, taking a step back to use narration and/or description to show your reader the media object before you begin analyzing it. For example, if you choose a film, dont assume your reader has seen the film.
4. An analysis of your text using relevant principles discussed in class and the course readings. The goal of this section is to combine theory and astute critical observations effectively, applying relevant theory to a contemporary media object. This is the body of your paper and should constitute the largest portion of the essay (i.e., several paragraphs).
The body should be a series of paragraphs organized around major themes or aspects of the theory and/or media object under examination. Your essay need not be a 5-paragraph essay; rather, your essay should have as many, or as few, paragraphs as needed to address the major points of your claim.

Each main point should have its own paragraph, constructed around some specific aspect of your argument, theory, and/or media object, applying theory to a specific example. Your paragraphs should have a logical flow, and you are not encouraged hard breaks (e.g., subheadings) to organize your essay.
5. A critical conclusion in which you briefly reflect on the implications of your analysis. This might include speculating about the role your text plays in political affairs, processes of socialization or interpellation, or North American culture generally.
An effective academic conclusion does more than merely summarize or list what has been said in the essay, and it never simply repeats the introduction. Rather, this is a space to emphasize the points that have been argued in a way that shows the reader why those points and that argument are important.
Ask yourself, What is at stake in this analysis? Why does this matter? Then, provide your answer for your reader in the form of a conclusion.
6. A bibliography formatted in accordance with APA 7 standards. Your essay, and thus your bibliography,should contain no fewer than three academic sources (i.e., sources from academic publishing houses or peer-reviewed journals) in addition to the course text, as well as proper citation for your media object, and any other resources used in constructing your essay.
Your academic sources can focus on the media text youve chosen (e.g., many popular films, television shows, and entertainment genres have been written about in scholarly journals), on the theoretical lens you have chosen, or on both of these. If you are unclear on what constitutes an academic source, you are encouraged to speak to our research librarian in the campus library, who can help guide your research. You can also check the refereed (i.e. peer reviewed) status of journals via Ulrichs Web.
For example, the referee shirt next to this entry for the Journal of Media and Ethics demonstrates that this is an appropriate scholarly source:
Academic Integrity: Please see the syllabus to understand how this course uses Turn It In to evaluate the originality and authenticity of student work.
Grading Rubric: The critical essay will be assessed on comprehension of chosen media theory (25%), correctapplication of theory to a media object (30%), use of appropriate scholarly/academic resources (25%), correct
citation in APA 7 format (10%), essay formatting that conforms to APA 7 guidelines (5%), and overall quality of writing (5%).
Length: 1100 words of text in the essay, plus a separate title page and bibliography.
Format: Please follow APA 7 citation and style guidelines. A comprehensive guide to this format can be found here: . Incorrect formatting and citation will result in a point deduction of up to one full letter grade (10 points).

Journal Article Review

Fill out the journal review form for the article. IF the study does not include a method section or data, in that case, fill out the same form, but summarize the findings and the points made by the authors, including more detail as to how they came to those conclusions.

First attachment is form to fill out (please section it how it is on the pdf)

Second attachment is the article to read and fill out the form on

Management Information Systems

Find attached the Article “The Electronic Mountain” by Alon Peled.

Step 1: Read the article
Step 2: Think about a question that you would like to elaborate about, after reading the article and applying some critical thinking.
Step 3: Your text should come with three “chapters”:
A general introduction to the topic and a high-level summary.
Finish your introduction with the question you come up with (Step2)
Application / Discussion
Explain the points from the article that you find critical.
Explain the rationale behind your thinking and develop an answer to your question.
Provide evidence for your thinking by using literature sources (Webpages, journal articles, books, etc.)
Finish your essay with your personal answer to the question you raised. What are your take-aways?

Design requirements:
– Minimum 2 pages of text. Charts, Pictures, Figures, Tables should be displayed in the appendix.
– 12pt Font Size, Double-space line spacing
– APA Style for referencing / bibliography
– Minimum of 5 sources must be listed in the bibliography and referenced in your text

Case Analysis

In this case study, you will analyze a testing scenario using your knowledge of testing and ethics.

Part A: Review the Case

A psychologist is redesigning a website to make it more appealing to clients. On the website, she lists several tests she learned about in graduate school. She also posts images of the tests, including the Rorschach inkblot cards. She plans to use the website in-place of administering these tests in-person.

Part B: Case Analysis

In a 4-6 page paper, addressing the following information:

1. Describe your immediate reaction to the scenario. What are the details you immediately noticed? What questions did the scenario raise about testing?

2. Identify and explain 3 factors that impact performance on projective tests.

3. Identify and discuss 3 reliability and validity concerns with the scenario.

4. Identify and explain at least 3 ethical concerns as per the APA Ethical Codes and how you would resolve the concerns.

Integrate 4 academic sources on psychological assessment to support your position.

Final Directions

Please ensure that your paper is in APA format from the 7th edition (2019), using 12 pt Times New Roman or Sans Serif font, double-spaced, with a title and references page. An abstract is not necessary. The paper should integrate a minimum of 4 scholarly resources. I will allow you to use the first person to explain your immediate reaction, but remember to keep your writing in the third person for the rest of the analysis. Also, I suggest that you use each of the aforementioned numerical points as respective subheadings to best format your paper.

Incident Response

Begin your first half of the plan by focusing on the environmental conditions and coordination mechanisms. Include:
1.    roles and responsibilities
2.    phases of incident response
3.    scenarioprovide an incident response plan in the case of distributed data exfiltration attacks, specifically the case of loss of communications
4.    activities, authorities pertaining to roles and responsibilities
5.    triggering conditions for actions
6.    triggering conditions for closure
7.    reports and products throughout the incident response activity
8.    tools, techniques, and technologies
9.    communications paths and parties involved
10.    coordination paths and parties involved
11.    external partners and stakeholders, and their place in the coordination and communication paths
12.    security controls and tracking
13.    recovery objectives and priorities
Define Incident Response, Part 2
Your team in this step will continue developing the Incident Response Plan. The second half of your report will focus on events and processes of your active response plan. Include the following:
14. incident response checklist. Refer to the NIST Computer Security Incident Handling Guide for an example.
15. data protection mechanisms
16. integrity controls (system integrity checks) after recovery
17. a plan to investigate the network behavior and a threat bulletin that explains this activity
18. defined triggering mechanisms for continuing alerts and notifications throughout the cyber incident
19. additional aspects of the incident response plan necessary to contain a cyber incident on the international domain
20. diagrams of swim lanes of authorities, activities and process flows, coordination and communication paths. Review the Swim Lane Template to familiarize yourself with the concept of swim lanes and swim lane diagrams.