Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Critical Thinking Essay

1.) Review the primary article in no more than 2 pages.

        2.) Present two issues and/or arguments being raised in the commentary article.
                o  Be sure to link how these two issues and/or arguments serve as counterpoints to, or modify the points in the original article.

        3.) Based upon your experience and understanding of the differences between the two issues/arguments you discussed, complete the paper by proposing some suggestions for future research/analysis that could help better understand or resolve these differences.

        4.) Essay written in APA style is preferred and length not to exceed a maximum of 5 pages. Not including cover page and references.

Statement of Purpose

Please submit an essay of up to 5 pages in length, double spaced, that explores your personal and professional reasons for seeking admission.

This essay should incorporate the following themes into one coherent statement: your self reflections regarding the significant events in your life that led to this choice; your understanding of your personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, particularly in the academic, clinical, and research realms; your scholarly and professional goals and interests, and how these fit with a clinical psychology program, and with Fielding in particular.

Social Problem Policy Analysis

Identify and analyze a social welfare policy with respect to its effectiveness in addressing poverty and its correlates. Begin by thoroughly exploring the nature of the social problem and then analyze the impact of the social welfare legislation, answering the ultimate question: is it effective? This paper will focus on poverty among the LGBTQ+ community in the United States and if current legislation and programs are effective.

Paper needs to be written in APA format (7th edition), with a minimum of 10-15 peer-reviewed references. It needs to include a title page, abstract, content, and reference page.

Topic: Poverty among the LGBTQ+ community in the United States.

Analyze the social problem (about 3 pages):
1. What? Define the problem: Thoroughly define the social problem drawing from peer reviewed literature. All statements of fact must be supported by one or more citations. If there are varied definitions, include them and explore the differences. For instance, the federal government defines homelessness as people who live in unsheltered locations, such as on the streets, in homeless shelters, in cars. Homeless advocacy organizations use a broader definition to include those living in motels, couch surfing, or doubling up. Therefore, federal counts are lower than advocacy organization counts (by millions), which has implications for funding. This type of discrepancy is important to explore. The questions youll be answering are: what causes poverty?

2. Who? Demographics: Who does the problem affect? You should still begin by providing broader demographics. For instance: In 2019 there were 38 million people in the United States who lived below the poverty threshold (Smith & Davis, 2020), 15 million of whom are children (U.S. Census, 2020). Child poverty has increased significantly in the last xx years (citation, year) in fact, according to most recent statistics available, xx children live below the federal threshold and xx children are considered low income (citation, 2020; citation, 2020). Also consider these demographic factors: region, gender, race, age. Basically, you want to paint as detailed a picture as possible regarding who is impacted by the social problem.

3. Why? Risk Factors: What are the risk factors associated with the social problem? What increases someones chances of becoming poor? These are not causes, but more correlates. Perhaps the research shows that certain ethnic minority groups experience an increased risk for certain social problems, or someones gender or age increases their risk, or perhaps its having a childhood with trauma and abuse. Also consider structural issues, such as a bad economy or a poor school district, racial or gender oppression. All of this information will be in peer reviewed journal articles.

4. How? Consequences: What will happen if theres no government intervention? Increased learning disabilities in children? An increase in crime? An increase in health problems? Increased risk of domestic violence? (sometimes the risk factors are the same as the consequences). All of this information will be in peer reviewed journal articles.

Policy Analysis Section (about 3 pages)

Discuss how TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) addresses the social problem of poverty among the LGBTQ+ community in the United States.
Describe the legislation and related program(s). Youll likely draw from existing policy literature for this portion of the paper, such as policy analysis briefs from nonpartisan think tanks. And then describe the legislation and the program in detail. What is the history of the legislation? How has it changed through the years? How does the legislation define the social problem? The legislative goals will often be included in the legislation and may reference perceived cause(s). What are the criteria for acceptance into the program? What are the benefits? What is the delivery system? How is the program funded? What government agency/ies are responsible for facilitating the program(s)?

Analyze the Legislation
Youll then evaluate the effectiveness of the legislation (Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act of 1996, for example) and associated programs to determine whether there has been a positive impact on the problem (i.e., reduced poverty). Does the legislation define the social problem accurately? (consistent with the literature). Do the criteria exclude anyone? Are the benefits sufficient? Is the delivery system effective/efficient? Is the program funded sufficiently? Examples may include defining poverty in a way that doesnt account for systemic factors, the federal poverty threshold being too low (again, all based on research you read and then cite), programs that arent funded sufficiently based on needs referenced in peer-reviewed research and/or government stats.

Lastly, make recommendations with possible solutions for making the legislation and/or programs more effective and more equitable (based on your readings and own analysis).

Research designs, questions, analytical methods and findings

Research basic designs, corresponding questions, analytical methods related to research questions and limitation on implication of findings (causal vs relational).

Step 2: Consider
Related to the research questions and limitations on implications or findings (causal vs relational):
What are the basic research designs?
What are the corresponding questions used?
What analytical methods are used?

Step 3: Write
Write a paper that addresses the questions above.
Template provided

Consumer Health

Tobacco use is associated with both heart disease and cancer, just to mention two illnesses – there are more. Based on your research of credible sources of consumer health information, what are the current trends in smoking among youth and young adults (for this essay will define the age group as 13-24)? Has the trend been going up or down and in what tobacco products? What prevention efforts seem to be working? Are the prevention efforts in public schools effective? Are there prevention efforts on social media platforms or not? Explain. One new trend seems to be in vaping Link  (

Is vaping a good alternative or not so good alternative to smoking?

What prevention efforts still need to continue or what new prevention efforts or programs need to start regarding tobacco use among youth?

Prepare a 3-5 page APA formatted essay, doubled spaced, New Times Roman or Arial, 12 font with a cover sheet about this topic.

Electronically Mediated Social Learning and E-learning Tools

write a paper that explores electronically mediated social learning and e-learning tools. First, present a 1-2 page discussion on the use of social tools for electronically mediate learning. Discuss how electronically mediated social learning follows predictable principles of learning; note any differences or new directions that learning may be taking, based on these new tools and media. Then, locate and evaluate at least 10 tools. Provide the URL (web address) for each tool, describe its function and purpose, and explain how each relates to the complex processes in learning discussed in the text, such as cooperative problem solving, community of learners, self-regulated learning, and the adoption of novel study strategies.

Length: 4-6 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

Review a business editorial from the Wall Street Journal or New York Times to review

Learning Objectives
-Examine the process involved with problem formulation.
-Apply critical thinking to problem identification.
-Evaluate ethical implications of a decision.

-Choose an editorial article (An editorial is an article that presents the writer’s opinion on an issue supported with facts) from the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. Browse the library and choose an editorial that addresses a business issue that interests you.

-Write an essay describing the following:
-Citation of the article and a brief summary of its contents
-What are the premise(s) in the article?
-What evidence is presented? Is it credible?
-Can you independently verify the evidence presented?
-How are counterarguments addressed?
-Does the writer represent a particular interest?
-How is language used to develop the argument?
-Do you detect any errors in knowledge, evidence, or thinking?
-Does the writer use any types of appeals or commit any fallacies?
-Overall, how compelling is this article?

Be certain to carefully research your analysis using at least 3 credible sources. Your submission should be 4-6 pages in length minimum and should be a thorough representation of your ability to critically think through the steps above. Use the template provided to ensure you are following APA format.


In this assignment you will develop the conceptual foundation for a strategic practice initiative to improve one or more health care outcomes. This is the first part of a two-part assignment series about the same strategic practice initiative. The second part is the development of a formal proposal for the initiative. This two-step process simulates a real organizational environment.

When individuals in an organization get an idea to improve or grow the organization, they develop that idea collaboratively with others in the organization to refine the idea and to test the organizations willingness to support the concept. The hope is that presenting your concept with supporting evidence that its a good idea for the organization will get a nod of approval from your colleagues and organizational leaders to develop the idea further and bring back a formal proposal for approval.

The second assignment in this series is the Strategic Practice Initiative Proposal. The proposal is more developed, using the ideas from the concept paper and incorporating feedback obtained from presenting the concept to the organization (or faculty in this case).  The proposal has greater detail than the conceptual paper. (There is a third phase, which we will not do in this course that comes after, and only IF, the proposal is accepted by leadership, and that is to develop an implementable business plan.) You may question why so much process and multiple phases of initiative development is necessary.  The reason is, it takes organizational resources to develop ideas, and in a vibrant organization there are abundant ideas. The organizations resources for initiative development are limited, so there has to be a process to filter for ideas that are a priority for development from those that are not.

You will apply the concepts of the Triple Aim: cost, quality and access to a practice initiative in the conceptual paper which later you will develop into a full proposal in the final course assignment. Strategic practice initiatives often take the form of new or redesigned programs or roles. (For example, if you have identified a patient population that faces issues with access to or coordination of care, you might develop a nurse navigator role targeted at that population.)

Nurse leaders use their influence to bring about change that advances patient / population outcomes and promotes the organizations strategies and mission. Nurse leaders do not accomplish this in isolation, rather they develop ideas for practice initiatives collaboratively and promote them to the organizations leadership team to gain buy-in for the support that will be required to accomplish the initiatives, and to assure the initiative aligns with the organizations mission, vision, and strategic plan.

Think of an initiative that will address deficiencies in an organizations current delivery system or an idea that is entirely new to the organization that will improve health outcomes in terms of cost, quality or access. Conduct a search of the professional literature to find examples of similar initiatives and/ or evidence that supports why your proposed initiative will achieve the outcomes you are claiming for your proposal. Consider how the current organization as a whole would be impacted by the initiative. Successful nurse leaders develop their ideas in this way before presenting a proposal to their colleagues. This assignment is designed to reflect that discernment and refinement process in written form. You will not attempt to define in detail cost implications (or new revenue implications) at this stage. That would not happen until after the formal proposal (the next paper) is accepted to go forward into a business plan. Only after the formal proposal gained acceptance from the organization would a full business plan, including a detailed financial analysis, be developed. 

This paper cannot exceed 12 pages (not including title page, reference pages, and appendices). You will upload your paper into Module 0 for grading

Introduction: Briefly describe the organization and in general terms about what this proprosal is about.
Description of the initiative: Provide a more detailed description of the initiative and how it will impact health care outcomes (cost, quality, and or/access)
Supporting Evidence: Explain the evidence that supports why this initiative will (should) achieve the outcomes suggested.  Provide sufficient references to validate your claims.
Organizational impact: If the initiative is a new role, describe what impacts this could have on existing roles, If it is a new program, address how could it impact other programs in the organization or the community. Explain how this initiative aligns with the organizations strategic plan or mission.

Death and Dying

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.

Based on “Case Study: End of Life Decisions,” and the Christian worldview, you will complete an ethical analysis of George’s situation and his decision from the perspective of the Christian worldview.

Provide a 1,500-2,000-word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:

  1.) How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?
    2.) How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?
    3.) As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?
    4.)What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?
    5.) Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?
  6.) Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George’s situation?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is REQUIRED!

Advancement of sports med/ medical devices in sport

15 full pages
Times new roman 12 pt font double spaced
Write about advancement of sports medicine and medical devices in pro sports. Could start with origin of sports med, talk about specific players that have benefitted, and then the future direction of medical devices in sport.