Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Sampling issues

First introduce your chart and the contents of it in a narrative paragraph.
Fill out each aspect of the chart to identify the type of sampling plan, effectiveness, areas of concern, and plan for improvement.
Conclude with a comparison and contrast of the sampling used in the articles reviewed in a narrative paragraph. Make a case for which ones could be replicated with confidence and/or which ones need revision.
1- Sampling Plan               
2- Effectiveness of Sampling Plan               
3- Issues of Concern               
4- Ideas for Improvement


Civil Rights

f the Civil Rights movement that lasted from Montgomery [1954] to Memphis [1968] is only part of the story (as Dowd Hall argues), when might one argue the movement actually began? What ideas about democracy contributed to the movement overall? How did these ideas about democracy contribute to the movement overall? Finally, what is the legacy of the Civil Rights movement? And in what ways might the African American struggle for civil rights be continuing?
I need to use the down Hall article as a source and 2 other sources.

21st century threats

Write a 1500-word (minimum) reaction paper on the concepts. Consider for inclusion in your discussion:

– Describe the national security risk and threat assessment process.

– What national security threats have been attributed to climate change?

– What recommendations should be followed to protect the US from climate change?

– What is the water-food-energy nexus and why is it important?

– How will rising sea levels impact defense infrastructure?

– What is an EMP and why is it dangerous?

– What components of infrastructure can be damaged by an EMP and how can they be protected?

– What threat does Ebola and similar pandemic diseases pose?

– What pre-infection (mitigation) measures can be employed?

– What post-infection (response) measures can be employed?

– Given what you’ve learned about risk assessment, which of these modern threats should be given highest priority and why?

Global Health Reflection

In this discussion, students will reflect on aspects of global health that are affecting them and other citizens as a result of our current global health pandemic.

The presentation of the post should demonstrate a clear and concise writing style appropriate to graduate-level work, utilizing appropriate terminology.

Peer-reviewed references between 2016-2020 (meaning articles published in scholarly journals) should be your primary support in all posts and cited according to APA formatting guidelines. 

Assignment Directions

1. (A) Write a personal reflection on your concerns about the status of our current global health crisis.

(B) Share your feelings or perspectives from at least TWO of the many “hats” that you wear (eg; student, healthcare provider (RN), citizen). ****Complete this section in at least two separate paragraphs, each one addressing your feelings, concerns, fears, hopes, etc., from one of your chosen hats. (For example, a paragraph on your perspectives as a citizen and a paragraph on your perspectives as a nurse).

(c) Include in each the impact of social distancing on that role and financial concerns (as much as you are comfortable sharing).

2. (A) Provide a summary of current information of the diversity on covid-19 victims ( age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender) and their outcome severity.

(B) Discuss the potential reasons for those disparities. While, they may be included, think beyond comorbidities as well.

3. (A) Discuss the role and/or impact of the media for you personally AND our nation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

(b) Compare and contrast the role, responsibility, reliability, quality, and moral/ethical obligation of the mainstream news versus information obtained on social media.
    1. What role has either or both played in distributing governmental and non-
          governmental information and recommendations to the general public? 
    2. Are you concerned about the information clients have access to?
    3. Implicit biases are pervasive throughout all forms of media.
    4. Has any particular message in the media resonated with you and why?
    5. How did the implicit biases impact the message delivered?

4. (A) Compare AND contrast the economic assistance or stimulus packages being considered (including unemployment assistance).

(b) Discuss the pros and cons of these packages.

(C) What evidence exist to support how we manage the economy during this time?

(D) Does the evidence support or refute some of the common concerns?

5. (A) Explain the importance of engaging in global health. This may also include thoughts on our responsibility to help other countries and why that ultimately may help us in return.

(B) Has your perspective on our role in global health changed because of coronavirus. (

C) How? Why?

Additional Instructions for Forum Discussions

Each student will submit an initial discussion post of approximately 750-1000 words in the discussion.  Support your discussion with at least 5 references, the majority of which should be peer-reviewed. Primary references should be published within the last five (5) years between 2016-2020. No title page is required.

Use APA-style headings consistent with rubric order for initial post.

literature review of social media

This literature review must include at lease 4 academic journal article references, the academic journal article references must search throw either academic journal article database or google scholar.

Write a literature review of social media, I main paper talked about cyberbullying in social media, so I want to write a section about social media. The social media’s literature review section should mainly talked about social media platform’s social responsibility and upside and downside of free speech in an anonymous environment on the web.

Administration of Justice Organizations

Chapter 1 Case Study – The Department of Homeland Security

How does the creation of the Department of Homeland Security affect resources traditionally designated for local criminal justice organizations?
Are there too few resources to fight both terrorists and traditional criminals?
Who should pay the burden for investigating, apprehending, prosecuting, convicting, sentencing, and incarcerating terrorists?
Should Osama Bin Laden have been taken alive?
What are the due process protection questions in light of the creation of the Department of Homeland Security?
Should these due process protections matter in the fight against terrorism?


Personal Philosophy of Teaching Assignment Directions
This week, you will develop your personal philosophy of teaching in a written statement, articulating your beliefs about important educational theories and practices. Your teaching philosophy should be based on what is meaningful to you in your approach to teaching.

Note: As your experiences and beliefs about teaching grow and change, your philosophy will also change. Therefore, at the end of this course, you will submit your revised teaching philosophy with a brief discussion of how your philosophy has changed or developed during this course.

There is no right or wrong way to write a personal teaching philosophy. However, for the purpose of this assignment, please follow the assignment guidelines below to connect your beliefs, goals, and strategies into a coherent approach to help students learn and grow.

Assignment Guidelines

Philosophy Paper Requirements

The paper should be 24 pages, typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins.
Use a first person narrative and present tense.
Write sincerely, uniquely, and memorably. Avoid clichs, jargon, and technical terms.
Include specific (not abstract) ideas, using 12 concrete examples, whether actual or anticipated experiences.
Show humility and mention students enthusiastically.
Include your conception of how learning occurs.
Communicate your goals as an instructor.
Include actual or anticipated teaching strategies and methods.
Include justification for why you teach (or anticipate teaching) the way you do.
Include a brief discussion of how your teaching (or anticipated teaching) facilitates student learning.
Include a conclusion.
To assist you in developing your teaching philosophy, you may choose to include any or all of the following:

Famous quotes
Your personal experiences as a learner
Your views of the educational system
Your interest in new types of teaching and learning
What you think students should expect from you as a teacher
How you know your goals for students are being met
How you create (or anticipate creating) an engaging or enriching learning environment, and specific activities or exercises to engage your students


Discussion 1:
The diversity of both students and faculty poses important considerations for teaching and learning. Reflect on the characteristic differences in gender, race, and culture, as well as the differences among the diverse generations in todays nursing education classroom. When considering your personal philosophy of teaching, discuss how you might use these characteristic differences and diverse backgrounds and experiences of todays nursing students as a teaching tool to connect students to nursing content and increase their understanding. In other words, how might you incorporate the background and experiences of your students into your teaching methods to enhance the ability of all students in your classroom to think critically and problem solve patient-care issues?

Discussion 2:
Nursing faculty is responsible for creating an environment that is conducive to learning and accommodates the multiple learning styles and abilities of students. As a nurse educator, how might you design learning experiences for class and clinical environments to promote positive and effective learning for all students? Do you think students should use their preferred learning styles and perhaps risk becoming rigid and unable to learn in different ways (should a situation demand a different learning style)? Or should educators encourage students to be open to different methods of learning, moving them away from their comfort zones?

Same as previous discussions. 1 page with reference per each discussion.


Using the area of interest Improving self-management for diabetes, address the following:
Draft a PICOT question using the standard quantitative PICOT format.

Identify your practice question, being sure to include the following:
In ________(Population) what is the effect of ___________(Intervention) in comparison to ___________ (Comparison) on _____________ (Outcome) to be completed over __________ (Time).

The above information just needs to be filled out. The 2 pages applies to the attached document.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is from my professor…
I will upload the directions and rubric.
I have good news and bad news. But its more good than bad. There was a little inconsistency between the powerpoints and rubric. So, we decided you can just use the first three articles (Stroop, Hindzman, and Windes) and just two others (you can find yourself or use the ones on canvas for your introduction. So a total of 5 would be satisfactory. Sorry for the confusion. Good luck!