Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Critical Thinking

The following are the facts you are to use for the basis for this question.

Georgia and Loren have pooled their savings to create a start-up company to develop and market an idea they conceived while students together at MIT. They obtained permission to use a college lab during late night hours a few nights a week during their last term before graduating to work on the project. Then they were able to move to Loren’s parents garage, which they keep locked.
Now they need more sophisticated resources. They have created a prototype robotic device, called “Phoebe,” that will aid first responders in disaster relief by sensing and locating survivors remotely in areas unsafe for humans and dogs to navigate. Phoebe’s sensors will locate living beings, scan vitals and assess level of trauma.
Georgia and Loren have mapped out both private and public,  civil, and military, applications of their invention, plus continued R & D improvement into next-phase capabilities.
They have not shared their theory, the prototype, their documentation or any of the associated hard and soft technologies with anyone, but anticipate needing to do so to obtain a funding source.

In a coherent, integrated essay, please provide the following advice to Georgia and Loren.  Please organize your essay with appropriate headings so that it is easy to follow your advice and understand the basis supporting it.

Georgia and Loren do not yet have any sort of company or business organization together. They have worked together in an informal collaboration creating Phoebe. They are considering one of the following:  (1)  C-Corp; (2) S-Corp; (3) Limited Liability Company (LLC); (4) General Partnership.  In your essay,
Define each of these four (4)  business organizations;
Explain the pros and cons of each for Georgia and Loren;
Then, recommend one of these four as the best choice for Georgia and Loren; and
Explain why that selection is your recommendation.
Georgia and Loren know they need to protect their proprietary rights to their invention through use of intellectual property (IP) protection.  Three types of IP that might apply are:  (1) patent; (2) copyright; (3) trademark.  For your essay,
Select TWO (2) of these three IP to recommend for protecting their interest in Phoebe.
For EACH ONE that you select, provide the following information for Georgia and Loren:
definition of the IP;
describe how the IP applies to Phoebe;
explain in what way the IP protects their interest in Phoebe;
include length of time the protection lasts; and
explain how they go about acquiring the IP. 
Assessment of your essay will include such factors as accuracy, completeness, application of knowledge to facts, use of appropriate sources in support, organization, and mechanics of writing (grammar, spelling, etc.) and citation. 

case study assignment

Mr. Coles, a 60 year-old-male, was brought into the ER.  He is a construction worker who was involved in an accident at the job site.  He has obvious severe head and neck traumahis scalp and neck were badly lacerated and he has an impacted skull fracture, he remains in a comatose state. His initial urine lab test was within normal limits. A Complete Blood Count (CBC) was done and his hematocrit was 30%. When his blood was sent for typing, it agglutinated with anti A and anti B serum. Further testing was done and revealed that Mr. Coles blood lacked the Rh factor.

Question 1: Explain the term blood typing, what is the purpose of this test and how is it completed.  What do Mr. Coles results indicate? 
Question 2: If Mr. Coles is requiring a blood transfusion, what blood group(s) and type(s) can he receive? Why?

The physician discovered that Mr. Coles was the great-great-great grandson of Queen Victoria.  So, his fracture was repaired without further delays and the following orders (and others) were given:
    Transfuse 2 units of blood
    Check and record vital signs; report any adverse reactions
    Apply pressure bandage to any bleeding episodes immediately

Question 3: Explain the hereditary blood disorder that Mr. Coles has inherited.  How will that affect his current treatment?
Question 4: Describe 2 types of transfusion reactions.  What are the symptoms, why do they happen and what are possible consequences?

On the second day of his hospitalization, the nurse noticed the following on Mr. Coles:
    Rapid heart rate, nervousness, and hand tremors
    Skin warm and flushed
    Sweating and rapid respirations

Upon receiving this information, the physician ordered further blood tests to be done. Lab test confirms the diagnosis of over activity of an endocrine gland. 

Question 5: What would you say Mr. Coles hormonal problem is and what is the cause of his signs and symptoms? Explain your answer.

You are expected to submit a professionally completed assignment with the required sections as outlined below. Answers to the case scenarios should be written with enough detail that someone without prior healthcare knowledge will understand the information.

Required sections
1.    Answers to all the questions:
a.    Typed and double spaced.
b.    Not exceeding 4 pages (not including reference and title page)
c.    Proofread for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.
d.    APA format.

2.    Other documents:
a.    A cover page with students and professors name.
b.    A copy of the case study scenario. 
c.    Reference page.
d.    A copy of the rubric.

HS210 Unit 6 Discussion Board

Topic 1: Release of Medical Records

Barbara Jones and her daughter, Patricia has been a patient of Dr. Young for many years. Patricia is currently in college and is in need of her medical records. Patricia has asked her mom, Barbara to pick up a copy of her medical records. Is it acceptable for Dr. Youngs medical practice to release a copy Patricias medical records to her mom? If so, why?  If not, why?

SS238 Unit 5 Discussion Board

Topic: Public Policy Analysis: Understanding the Concern

We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frosts familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy. A smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at is end lies disaster. The other fork of the road – the one less traveled by – offers out last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth
–Rachel Carson

Policy analysis is the study of public policy concern and the development of possible solutions to the public policy concern. Public policy analysis borrows from rational decision making. According to Michael Kraft, in rational decision making, one defines a problem, indicates the goals and objectives to be sought, considers a range of alternative solutions, evaluate each of the alternatives to clarify their consequences, and then recommends or chooses the alternative with the greatest potential for solving the problem (Kraft, 2018).

According to Kraft, Public policy analysis contains five steps:

Step 1: Define and analyze the problem.
Who, what, when, where, and why is there a public policy concern?

Step 2: Construct policy alternatives.
What are the possible, public policy options?

Step 3: Choose evaluative criteria.
How do we evaluate the possible, public policy options?

Step 4: Assess the alternatives.
Which alternatives are better?

Step 5: Draw conclusions.
Which public policy option will you choose?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an excellent resource on how the institution practices policy analysis.

A key component of public policy analysis is defining and understanding public policy concern. One must first identify the problem before one can offer possible public policy solutions.

Rachel Carsons environmental activism is an example of understanding a public policy concern.

On September 27, 1962, Rachel Carson, a former U.S. Bureau of Fisheries employee, naturalist, and author, wrote the international bestseller Silent Spring, an environmental book that documented how synthetic chemical pesticides damage the environment, wildlife, and humans (Carson, 1962). Carsons book was a synthesis of four years of scientific research: government reports, congressional testimony, and academic case studies (Lear, n.d.).

Rachel Carson starts Silent Spring with A Fable for Tomorrow. In this short story, Carson illustrates a small town beset by a strange blight.

According to Frank Graham, Jr., author of Since Silent Spring, Carson said her purpose in writing this book was the first to inform the public about the downside of pesticides and to spur the government to take necessary action (Graham Jr., 1970). The publication of Silent Spring, coupled with the ensuring media furor, chemical industry pushback, and Carsons congressional testimony, ignited environmental, public policy debate.

For more information on Rachel Carsons impact on environmental, public policy, please watch PBSs documentary, Rachel Carson.

Directions: Using the required, academic readings, and supplemental academic research, please address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric:

Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields:
Economic policy
An example of economic policy is U.S. budget deficit spending.
Education policy
An example of education policy is the implementation of national education standards.
Environmental policy
An example of environmental policy is the Clean Air Act.
Foreign policy
An example of foreign policy is how we conduct trade with other countries.
Healthcare policy
An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Welfare policy
An example of welfare policy is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Using the rational decision-making model:
What is the chosen, public policy concerning issue?
Where is the chosen, public policy concerning issue?
Why is the chosen, public policy concerning issue?
How did the chosen, public policy concerning issue begin?
Did previous, public policies cause this concerning issue?
How can one better frame the concerning issue in terms of voter engagement?
How does your chosen, public policy concern benefit from public policy analysis?

Carson, R. (1962). Silent spring. London: Penguin Books, in association with Hamish Hamilton.

Graham, F. (1970). Since silent spring. London: Hamilton.

Lear, L. (n.d.). Rachel Carson, The Life and Legacy. Retrieved from

HS210 Medical Office Management – Unit 5 discussion board

Topic 1: Critical Thinking Application

The practice partners ask Elaine, the medical office manager, to prepare a budget for office supplies and equipment for the upcoming year. How can Elaine prepare for this challenging task, using her time management skills to plan for keeping the supply inventory up to date at all times? What references can she use to develop an accurate budget for the coming year? Be sure to answer all questions thoroughly.


respond to the following prompts.

1. What is your opinion about Christians working to convert other Christians, who are not in their denomination to join them, to save them from the consequences of sin and earn the rewards of heaven?

2. Whats your opinion about converting non-Christians?

3. What about doing Christ-like good works in faith-based missionary settings whether in inner-cities or in impoverished countries?

4. Have you had any experiences in this type of charitable regard? If so, what good did it do for you. If not, would you seek one out?

LDRS 420

The topic is Understand    how    organizations    respond    to    changes    in    the    external    environment.

Find 6 scholarly reference about how organization respond to changes. 6refrence, 6 ways of how organization changes. Therefore, plz write 6 paragraph based on each reference, you dont need to right intruduction backgroud and conclusion paragraph. this is is a speech sheet of a presentation. the most important plz provide the link of the refrence.

Rational, Natural, and Open Systems


Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum.  initial thread must include a minimum of 7 sources in addition to the Bible Discussion rubric. Each thread and reply must integrate at least 1 biblical principle.

Discussion: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems
Compare and contrast the rational, natural, and open systems of organizations. The following should be addressed at a minimum:
1.    Defining characteristics
2.    Relationship between the three
3.    Theoretical viewpoints
4.    Personal perspectives

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The following videos will help you recognize the dangers associated with social media and the adolescent population.

The Dangers With Coming of Age in a Social Media-Fueled World

Teens on Social Media Go from Dumb to Dangerous
This assignment is based on the information presented in the two videos
Question 1
It is imperative that we educate parents and adolescents on the dangers of social media. As an APN, or even just a parent, how would you approach this? List at least three dangers and potential solutions. Include at least two other resources in your references with links for your colleagues to explore.

Health care Finance

1. Choose one of the major causes of waste in health care spending, such as failure to adopt best practices (e.g. preventive care, patient safety initiatives), fragmented care, overtreatment, etc. and explain how these relate to increased health care costs.
2. Next, provide an example of a strategy that can be used to address wasteful utilization of health care resources and promote coordination of care.
3. Explain how this information relates to your previous knowledge and/or experiences.