Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Discussion: Why Does This Matter?

Sustaining whole system change as a leader in special education will require establishing a collaborative culture in which additional leaders are developed across various levels of the organization. Fullan and Quinn (2016) suggest that, as leaders master the four components of the Coherence Framework, not only do the leaders become more effective, but the system as a whole becomes more effective and more likely to sustain the change. As you reflect on the four components of the framework, consider your strengths and areas of greatest need as a leader in special education. For this Discussion, you will consider the four components of the Coherence Framework and identify what you believe are the 10 most important aspects of creating and sustaining coherence as a leader in the field of special education.
To Prepare:
    Review Figure 6.3 of Chapter 6 in the Fullan and Quinn text as you reflect on the leadership competencies needed to sustain whole systems change.
    Identify the top 10 aspects you believe are important in being a leader in special education. Support your choices with research. In Module 7, you will create a video presentation using these top 10 aspects.

Your top 10 most important aspects of being a leader in special education. Consider the leadership competencies for whole system improvement outlined in Figure 6.3. Support your choices with evidence from the research.

** Please use Learning Resources

                                                        Learning Resources
Required Readings
Fullan, M., & Quinn, J. (2016). Coherence: The right drivers in action for schools, districts, and systems. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
    Chapter 6, Leading for Coherence (pp. 127138)

Florian, L. (Ed.). (2014). The SAGE handbook of special education (2nd ed.). London, England: Sage Publications Ltd.
    Chapter 47, Education Without Condescension: Philosophy, Personhood and Cognitive Disability (pp. 803818)
    Chapter 54, Special Education and its Contribution to the Broader Discourse of Education (pp. 931944

Kauffman, J.M. (2015). Opinion and recent developments and the future of special education. Remedial and Special Education, 36(1), 9-13. doi:10.1177/0741932514543653

Morrow, S. (2015). Management of change. International journal of e-learning, 14(1), 75-82. Retrieved from

Leader Christian

Consider the types of leaders in public service. Then assess whether leaders are born or made; is leadership innate or learned? Compare the differences and similarities between leader and management roles. And finally, justify the Christian calling to political involvement. Apply at least 1 biblical passage to the concept or practice of leadership. Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you.

Romans 13:1-5
        Isaiah 41:10

      Each thread must be 825 words in current APA 7 format, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and supply biblical and course assigned reading references.

need 6 peer and scholarly reviewed articles within last 5 years


Categorize types of leadership.
Assess if leadership is innate or a learned behavior.
Evaluate Management versus leadership.
Investigate the Christian calling to political involvement.


Each reply must be 200 words, be written in current APA formatting, and must be supported by assigned
course assigned reading and/or biblical references.

ICE Detention Centers Holocaust Implications. I have to admit that I am appalled at the treatment of
these people! Theres much to be said about collaboration within your study referencing privatized
detention centers and those owned by states and municipalities. All of which are under the same
jurisdiction and should be mandated to maintain the same standards, quality of life, and monitored
properly. There are International Humanitarian Laws that are obviously being violated by the
overcrowding, unsafe water quality, and unwanted/undocumented medical procedures and lack of care.
Major crosscutting administrative laws vary in their authorization of collaboration as a public value
policy and of specific designs, including collaborative networks, public policy dispute resolution,
mediation, public participation, dialogue, and deliberation (Amsler, 2016).
However, I am inclined to differ with you on your scripture choice, James 1:12. I believe that
scripture was referring to the persecuted followers of Christ in biblical days that were jailed because of
their beliefs in the Messiah. Whereas, the detained today are trying to find asylum in the U.S. and
make a better life for their families, that became prisoners for it. Further, the Holocaust victims were
taken and massacred for resisting the change in government radical reform to Nazis. Assuming that the
immigrants detained are Mexican or of Central/South American decent, why detain them more than
24 hours when we can send them back across the border? Governments can only stimulate
environmental conditions that are necessary to generate spontaneous behavior by citizens as individuals
and groups…programs of involvement and collaboration need to be governed by citizens and
administered by practitioners…adjusting more vigorously to include transformation of goodwill into
effective operations (Vigoda, 2002). Can the partnership needed for a collaboration or good
governance be attained without a covenant involving both parties?
You also stated that as immigrant detention continues to grow the usage of state and municipal
prisons…can be addressed by public officials. Well, that may be the problem, or lack thereof when the
decision-makers should be lobbying not just to demand the standards of the facilities be brought to
livable conditions, but simultaneously to bring proper reform. In conclusion, I challenge us to in
everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and
the Prophets. Matthew 7:12.

developing countries ability to control the world pandemic of COVID-19 to ensure the health and safety
of the land, economics, and people. Scientific research identified the start of COVID-19 originated in
Wuhan, China (Moon, (2020). While in the earlier stages symptoms of COVID19 seemed like the severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) (Moon, (2020). After
multiple infections were studied it was determined COVID-19 was more contagious (Moon, (2020). The
infection of COVID -19 is seen as the most impactful infectious virus globally (Moon, (2020). COVID has
impacted the publics financial, health, and psychological fears. The number of infections is more rapid
than previously mentioned diseases (Moon, (2020). COVID has a height of 2.5 million infections

worldwide, with more than 160,000 deaths in the span of four months (Moon, (2020). When compared
to SARS and MERS combined infections totaled 8,096 in the span of eight months (Moon, (2020).
Harlan Cleveland was the first to use the word governance as a substitute for the term public
administration. Cleveland stated, What the people want is less government and more governance
(Frederickson, (2004). The term governance has evolved over time in terms of public administration.
Public administration started with the understanding of one who implements government policies and
works as civil servant. In the modern form a person positioned as a public administrator is not only
accountable for influencing the procedures and systems of governments, they are also held accountable
for social transparency. One who governs needs to have the ability communicate clearly, plan, organize,
direct, coordinate, and control government systems.
China, and South Korea discovered there first verified COVID cases in January 2020. Presented
challenging conditions as increasing case numbers were verified, cases steadily (Moon, (2020). On
February 19, 2020 there was a height of 909 newly verified cases. It was determined that the up rise in
COVID came from religious group Shincheonji service meetings from Kyungbook Province (Moon,
(2020). Shincheonji beliefs teach the true faith with salvation to be given at the final judgment. Persons
outside the religious group are believed to be deprived of mercy and demolished (Moon, (2020).
The South Korean government alerted the public with the red level due to an increase in COVID19 cases
in Daegu and Kyungbook Province (Moon, (2020). The government sprang into action communicating,
planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling government systems for the wellbeing of
their country (Moon, (2020). Measures varied from epidemiological examination of the infected to
homeopathic care, public, and economic plans (Moon, (2020). the government suffered difficulties in
bargaining with the religious group when trying to gather data. the South Korean governments well-
thought-out battle of cases demonstrated innovative and useful answers to COVID19 epidemic (Moon,

Representation in Collaborative Governance: A Case Study of a Food Policy Council
This case study focuses on the aspect of representation as a hallmark of democratic governance.
Representation is the act of having people from different areas with varying perspectives brought
together in deciding what should be done concerning a particular issue affecting the community or state
(Koski et al., 2018). The study was based on a food policy council located in the Western United States,
where representation was applied in public administration to ensure that everything in the region ran
smoothly. Therefore, collaborative governance involves the community, government, and the private
sectors that interact and work together to achieve what could not be achieved by a single sector in the
public administration (Amsler, 2016). However, this requires a set of conditions that must be met to
ensure that this type of governance runs smoothly.
The case study brings together management, politics, and law in the public administration in an attempt
to provide stable governance to a group of people (Koski et al., 2018). From what can be drawn from the
study, the first condition required for effective collaborative governance is democracy. Society must be
democratic where each individual has their rights and freedoms to do whatever they want as long as
they abide by the law (Koski et al., 2018). This will give room for representation in which different

groups can rise and demand that their opinions be listened to when making decisions affecting them.
This is a good indicator that collaborative governance is specifically designed to embolden the inclusion
and participation of different stakeholders and a diversified array of parties in the policymaking process.

Internet of things

Each reply must be 200 words (1#, 2#, 3#), be written in current APA formatting, and must be supported by
assigned course assigned reading and/or biblical references.

The United States government has generally struggled in the area of information management.
Anderson et al. (1994) discussed how an existing problem of the government is delivering services
across a fractured pattern of vertically organized individual programs where issues are addressed by
individually authorized and funded programs that are monitored by specific agencies in the federal,
state and local levels (p. 336). Magana (2017) argues a new digital era is erupting and, as a result, we
will see exponential growth of a globally connected, interdependent network of knowledge architects
actively designing, producing and contributing new digital representations of human knowledge and
thought (p. XXIV). This has resulted in an explosion of new technology across the public sphere (Orton
Jones, 2017). And the sheer speed of innovation and rapid adoption of new technologies has pushed
the government to be more data-driven, people-focused, and agile (Satyam, 2018). As a government
employee, I have experienced the impact of this technological explosion.
Current Information State
White (2007) noted that information is a vital organizational resource (p. 3). In my experience, I
have personally witnessed how important information management is in the U.S. government and how
information management initiatives have risen in priority. Our agency has multiple departments
dedicated to information management, both within the District of Kansas and at the national office.
These professionals strive to ensure we have or will obtain the most advanced equipment, programs,
and training available. They are regularly engaging in collaborative meetings to identify newly available
systems and programs that will improve efficiency. Our national office provides resources or secures
national contracts that we can choose to utilize to gain access to more advanced information systems.
Our agency manages our information, developing and updating national and local policies that mandate
how the information is to be used, exchanged, and managed.
Our agency identifies as an evidence-based organization which means we rely on the most recent data
available in all decision-making. This is a newer concept in our field that requires us to have quick access
to data for our employees and stakeholders that is readily available. As such, the model from our
studies that would help us maximize information technology best is the SAMR model. The substitution,
augmentation, modification, and redefinition (SAMR) Model focuses on how technology changes the
nature of tasks (Magana, 2017). Since the importance of information management and information
technology has rapidly evolved, this model provides a development plan.
Valacich (2017) discusses how the rapid innovations in technology have led to work life creeping into
individuals leisure time and an increased focus on being permanently on call (p. 5). This is applicable
to information management in my work and personal life where we are required to be on call around
the clock. In turn, I expect individuals in my personal life to also be current on information technology
and readily available.
The dedication by our agency to information management has definitely improved our accountability
and ability to measure outcomes. We are provided regular reports that help us prioritize our work and

minimize data inefficiencies. As a supervisor in the organization, I am able to run quick reports to obtain
data related to my staff to evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement. However, there
have also been negative impacts of our rapidly advancing system. The increased availability of data has
led to increased demands on staff resulting in more frequent burnout. For example, we have reports
that generate data in color. If a deadline is missed, the report lists the missing information highlighted
in red. Employees have expressed higher levels of anxiety associated with the red on their reports.
Nationally, managers have noticed an increase in employees seeking to retire at an earlier age.

Information was managed in my organization utilizing computer technology that housed financial
information on the current year and out-year requirements for acquisition programs. Product managers
submit their essential needs in several requirements, building software applications, and the economic
cost of supporting the programs. A cost analyst determined the value that projects the life cycle cost of
supporting each requirement’s needs in a product office. In my former organization, 5 product offices
endorsed the organization’s overall goals and objectives. Each product office supplied expertise that
contributed to the successful execution of the mission. After each product office assessed their current
and out-year projections, consulted with the Cost Analyst, the submission was packaged into a program
objective memorandum (POM) and submitted to the Resource Managers Office for review; a needs
assessment was performed. An impact statement was provided in defense of the requirements for the
out years (5 years). This was an annual process. Accurate information and cost data are pertinent and
affect critical Army programs and compete for funding in the out-years. The POM packages were
submitted to specialized program evaluators groups (PEGs) to be evaluated. The PEG evaluators
determined if the requirements were valid and collaborated with the organizations if additional
information was required to make a fiscally sound determination. Therefore, the information provided
had to be justifiable and defensible. As the requirements are analyzed and deemed essential to support
a vital Army mission, the PEG administrator would tag the requirement as critical to the overall Army
mission. The funding would be authorized in the operating/mission budget for the specific 5-year cycle.
The stakeholders helped manage information and technology in my former position, where a team of
IT specialists ensured the systems were properly functioning. The IT personnel (civil servants and
contractors) resided under the umbrella of the HQ, CIO. The General Accounting Office’s (GAO) is also
instrumental in evaluating how public sector organizations invest in IT and IM initiatives and
innovations. The IT personnel ensured that the systems were adequately interacting with other
structures throughout the process from inception to completion. In other words, from field ready to
The information was controlled by our IT department, who was under the umbrella of our Chief
Information Officer. Our organization utilized a structured life cycle system process with action-oriented
phases that assist our organization and agency with implementing and managing computerized systems’
design and maintenance. This also helped auditors in evaluating our organizational practices. This
allowed us to monitor and assess the information system’s management, development, and
performance at critical points. This is very helpful in us achieving organization/agency performance

The current state of information management is challenged across the public sector. Although we rely
heavily on information processes, the execution and sustainability of these processes are often thwarted
by the bureaucracy of oversight and decision making. Unfortunately, I cannot speak to how data is
managed within my organization. As it stands, those policies and procedures are part of an internal
process that is governed under specific regulations. However, I will say that data is protected and
managed at levels to ensure accountability at the user, worker, manager and senior management levels.
The technology professionals have instituted a framework that help to foster an innovative learning
experience, collaborate across the agency and improve facets of performance. A meaningful
technology integration framework can guide how educators think about, enact, and communicate
educational innovation with technology to more reliable impact student learning (Magana, 2017, p.
Information is used to seek understanding under various conditions. Dependent upon the utilization of
data, it can be useful to drive decision making in an organization, answer questions and communicate
ideas. information is a vital organizational resource (White, 2007, p. 3). As a user of information in
both my personal and professional life, I find it beneficial in the execution of daily programs and the
formation of policies related to my work. At some stage, computer technology and components impact
my ability to deliver products and services to the various partners within my organization. In my
personal life, technology has become an integral part of adulting: managing my household task, planning
future events or just relying on the technical convenience of setting daily reminders to the calendar and
The management of information and technology within my organization is a collective
responsibility. Not only do technology professionals have to secure and manage the controls and
updates to information systems and access points, but business managers also have to ensure specific
systems are available to complete specialized jobs. Business professionals are required to ensure the
necessary resources are accessible for employers to complete their requirements and meet mission
goals. Programs are necessary to manage human resources and financial applications and technology.
Because there is a disparity in access and the cost of public service systems compared to private sector
services, acquisition of technology is limited. This limitation creates unique problems in managing the
public management information technology workforce, especially such things as reliance on outside
consultants, vendors and outsourcing the technology functions (White, 2007, p. 4).
Data use is governed by the policy and practice for which the information is used. The needs
for such technology and access to the information dictate how its managed. Technology use in
education: the intentional application of digital technologies to unleash students learning expertise, in
ways not possible without technology, to achieve ever higher levels of knowledge and mastery
(Magana, 2017, p. 39). The strategic mission creates the vision for the use of technology and
information. The augmentation of tools often provides the necessary functionality needed by
individuals, departments and many cases agency programs. Because the need for advance resources
are paramount in accomplishing short- and long-term goals, the SAMR Model use of technology is more
congruent with my daily functions -substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition. The
SAMR is information centric in respect to adjusting with the needs of the workforce and task. For

example, at the substitution state one would substitute technology tools for other tools that might be
used to accomplish a task. The nature of the technology tool adds some functionality improvement to
the task at hand (White, 2007, p.18).

Strategic and operational methods of controlling

Choose any company, choose one strategic and one operative controlling method (BCG matrix, SWOT, pricing strategies, branding) and explain detailly, how you can apply these methods on the general controlling principle. Resources not necessary, but welcomed.
The assignment will not be theoretical paper, it must be appliable

Leadership Response

Each reply must be 275 words, be written in current APA formatting, and must be supported by assigned course assigned reading and/or biblical references.

The spectrum of leadership displays several outlays in terms of individual traits, influence, behavior, role relationship, and effect on the organizational culture (Van Wart, 2014). Regardless of angle, leadership is a collective responsibility of organizing the factors of production towards a common goal. It is the act of motivating, influencing, and consolidating where necessary to achieve strategic aspirations (Jafe-Walter, 2018). The consistent but stable display is resistant to situational challenges and always offer reflective merits. For decades, the debate has always been whether leadership is innate or acquired (Van Wart, 2014). Some scholars believe leaders undergo a rigorous and professional process that churn the best into the various leadership positions. Others consider the argument fallacious. They believe leadership is genetically transferred.
According to the social cognitive theory, human behavior is directly hinged on the immediate environment. Paying attention to leadership, for example, leaders are made from the environment. They can either learn or observe. Arguably, leaders evolve and stand out in different good things (Van Wart, 2014). They create solutions, offer help, innovate, and become relevant where other fail. Steve Jobs, for instance, is a revolutionary leader and investor credited for developing Apple products. Apart of inventing the product, Steve Jobs has demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities. Far from the notion that leaders need extraordinary training to oversee such spectacular investments, Jobs started with zero training and grew progressively to become one of the global icons (Jafe-Walter, 2018). Bill Gates represents yet another revolutionary leader who despite dropping from college comfortably built a billion dollar Software Company. These two leaders demonstrate.

The Christian calling to political involvement is difficult at times. I have known many leaders and managers who lead as Christians and have differing political views than myself; they were not conservative but loved as Jesus does. This isn’t easy when you approach a setting within a workforce. Political involvement and Christianity are usually kept from conversation unless you genuinely know the person you are conversing with. This is sad for today’s day in age, but protection for one’s job is essential. Political stances can hinder Christianity because it can keep one from interacting with someone else. The Christian calling to political involvement means that we have a calling not to be afraid to share the love of Jesus and his calling for our people. In today’s time, it is tough to follow the calling of Jesus, the Christian calling due to the political climate. I believe that it would be a different situation in our current political environment if we all follow a Christian calling within our political environment. Often I find that people are economically conservative and socially liberal. I cannot dispute that one is better than the other.

On the other hand, it is essential that politically we follow Jesus’ commandments. I say that I try to remind everyone within the workforce and leave people better than you find them. Doing this to me ensures that the biblical perspective of Jesus is implemented without me having to risk my position. One bible verse that assists me with leadership is Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” To me, this means that I am not alone in my walk with employees and staff. I rely heavily on my Christian faith to maintain my day to day routines.

Substance Abuse Group Styles & Engagement

Reply t  with a minimum of 200 words and one in-text citation and a  reference list (adhere to current APA style for citations and references ). Ensure your research advances the knowledge of the discussion. In your reply,  address at least one point made by your peer for each of the three requirements in the initial post above.  After one formal reply in APA style, subsequent replies may be informal and casual in the discussion.

These references MUST be used for in-text citation for the response. . NO EXCEPTIONS.

SAMSHA (2005a). Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 41. Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy. Types of Groups Commonly Used in Substance Abuse Treatment. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment: Rockville, MD. Retrieved from 
SAMSHA (2005b). Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series, no. 41. Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy. Group Leadership, Concepts, and Techniques. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment: Rockville, MD. Retrieved from 

Interpreting the Sheriff Offices’ Chi-square

Below is a chi-square and Cramers V statistic from Maricopa Countys Sheriff Offices Annual Report (2014-2015). The tables tests the relationship between whether a driver had an item seized by that drivers race. The chi-square is significant, so a relationship exists.

What does this tell us about the organization? How does the Cramers V weigh in here?

Driver post-stop perceived race or ethnicity
    White    Unknown    Native American    Hispanic    Black    Asian    Total
Driver item seized – No    18747    271    401    5671    1988    569    27647
Driver item seized – Yes    268    2    23    131    47    5    476
Total    19015    273    424    5802    2035    574    28123
Chi-Square    64.29    **                   
Cramer’s V    0.048    **                   
+ p < 0.10; * p <0.05; ** p < 0.01

Professional Identity of the Nurse: Role of the Nurse and Scope of Practice

Title of Assignment
Professional Identity of the Nurse: Role of the Nurse and Scope of Practice
Purpose of Assignment:
According to Larson, Brady, Engelmann, Perkins, and Shultz (2013), the development of professional identity is a continuous process that begins with admission to the nursing program and evolves throughout ones professional career in a dynamic and fluid process where interacting relationship of education and practice lead to self-reflection, growth, and human flourishing (p. 138).
Larson, J., Brady, N., Engelmann, L., Perkins, B., & Shultz, C. (2013). The formation of professional identity in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives.34 (2). p 138.
Course Competency(s):
Identify roles and responsibilities for safe nursing practice in the healthcare environment.
Explain the roles and scope of practice for members of the intraprofessional team.
This course includes a project with three parts. Each part builds off prior knowledge to help you create your nurse professional identity. In the first part, you examine the role of the nurse and scope of practice, which will help you identify the nurses role. In the second part, you describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursing, and examine the standards of nursing practice for the role you are obtaining during the nursing program. The final submission requires you to use the first two parts of your assignment to explain your belief of caring in nursing, describe your professional identity, and identify a potential professional organization that you may join to help support your development.


Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following:

    Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment; roles of the nurse, scope of practice, compare and contrast scope of practice)
    Describe the roles of the nurse for the program you are currently enrolled (LPN)
    Identify the scope of practice for the nurse in the state where you intend to practice 
    Using the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice, compare and contrast the scope of practice for the LPN and RN
    Conclusion (reflect on the assignment including how you will use the scope of practice to support your role)
    Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the State Board of Nursing website, and another resource could be a textbook. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.
    Two to three page written Assignment
    Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    Logical, original and insightful
    Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format and style
    Run your paper through Grammarly and make corrections to identified errors before submission. Note: You must use the following link to create your Grammarly account. You must use your Rasmussen student email address:

Discrimination in the LGTB Community

The Week 3 assignment is the first draft of your academic argument. In this assignment, you will show that you are making progress in all course learning outcomes:

Interpret information through close and critical reading.
Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.
Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.
Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.
Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.
You will submit a 4- to 5-page (1,000 to 1,250 words) rough-draft essay that is formatted in proper APA style. This rough draft assignment must integrate prior feedback and show improvement from your prior coursework. The rough draft will be evaluated differently than a final draft essay, so pay close attention to the grading rubrics and requirements.

Your argument should be sound, valid, and based upon evidence from at least 5 credible sources. At least 3 of your sources must be scholarly. You may integrate additional information, since your final draft requires additional research. Information and evidence must be integrated appropriately, cited in APA-style, and used with integrity. Remember to draft your essay for an academic audience.

If you have any questions about the requirements of this assignment, please contact your instructor right away. Your assignment may lose its formatting when it is converted in the Waypoint grading system. To preserve formatting, please submit your assignment as a PDF file.