Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Theoretical Implications and Practical Implications

This is a real Dissertation: I really need you to follow all the directions closely. There are two sections to this assignment. I attached a copy of my dissertation paper entitled Track 3 DRP (you must read it so you know how to align each section together. PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information (I will be available). Please do not use transition words like: Nevertheless, furthermore, therefore, thus, etc. Please check for sentence structure and grammar.  This assignment have two parts

Psrt 1: Theoretical Implications

Describe any theoretical implications that the proposed study may have for understanding phenomena. For example, will the study generate new theory, provide a description of the lived experience of the participants or provide a description of a cultural phenomena?

    This section should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs.
    The paragraphs should describe how this research will contribute to the theoretical foundation.

This research will provide a description of the lived experience of the participants

Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly,  PRIMARY resources to support statements.Use APA style in citing all resources. You must use at least 5-10 scholarly resources to support your work

Part2: Practical Implications

Describe the practical implications that may result from your research.  Specifically, describe any implications the research may have for understanding phenomena for practitioners, the population being studied, or a particular type of work, mental health, educational, community, stakeholders or other setting. Relate these back to the your Research Problem.

    This section should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs.
    The two paragraphs should describe the specific practical implications that may result from this research that can be used by any or all of the following stakeholders: the population being studied, practitioners, clinicians, medical practitioners, community-based service providers or the wider community itself. 
    NOTE: Be cognizant of the limitations and scope of the proposed research.  Do not promise practical implications that are beyond the scope of the research

Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly,  PRIMARY resources to support statements.Use APA style in citing all resources. You must use at least 5-10 scholarly resources to support your work

Methodology and Basic Design Overview

This is a real Dissertation: I really need you to follow all the directions closely. There are two sections to this assignment. I attached a copy of my dissertation paper entitled Track 3 DRP (you must read it so you know how to align each section together.PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information (I will be available). Please do not use transition words like: Nevertheless, furthermore, therefore, thus, etc. Please check for sentence structure and grammar. 

2.4  Methodology and Basic Design Overview

Provide an overview of the basic research methodology and the research model proposing. Also state how this methodology is a good fit for the question being asked and the phenomena being studied.

    Describe the qualitative methodology (for example phenomenology) and research model (for example Giorgi empirical phenomenology or Moustakas transcendental phenomenology) you propose to use.

Assignment Instructions:
    This section should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs.
    This section will introduce the research methodology and the design/approach.
    NOTE: The approved qualitative designs/approaches for the Counseling programs are phenomenology, generic qualitative inquiry, case study, grounded theory, and ethnography.  Please review the Acceptable Qualitative Research Approaches for Counseling Programs document on the iGuide for more details on these designs/approaches.

My Research Question is: How do women with drug-related felony histories experience reintegration after incarceration?

My research will use:
Qualitative designs/approaches (generic qualitative inquiry)

The first paragraph should make the case for exploring this qualitatively.

The second paragraph should provide a well-supported rationale for using the generic approach.

You must use at least 5-10 current (within 5-7 years), scholarly,  PRIMARY resources to support statements. Use APA style in citing all resources.

Methodology and Basic Design Overview

This is a real Dissertation: I really need you to follow all the directions closely. There are two sections to this assignment. I attached a copy of my dissertation paper entitled Track 3 DRP (you must read it so you know how to align each section together.PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information (I will be available). Please do not use transition words like: Nevertheless, furthermore, therefore, thus, etc. Please check for sentence structure and grammar. 

2.4  Methodology and Basic Design Overview

Provide an overview of the basic research methodology and the research model proposing. Also state how this methodology is a good fit for the question being asked and the phenomena being studied.

    Describe the qualitative methodology (for example phenomenology) and research model (for example Giorgi empirical phenomenology or Moustakas transcendental phenomenology) you propose to use.

Assignment Instructions:
    This section should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs.
    This section will introduce the research methodology and the design/approach.
    NOTE: The approved qualitative designs/approaches for the Counseling programs are phenomenology, generic qualitative inquiry, case study, grounded theory, and ethnography.  Please review the Acceptable Qualitative Research Approaches for Counseling Programs document on the iGuide for more details on these designs/approaches.

My Research Question is: How do women with drug-related felony histories experience reintegration after incarceration?

My research will use:
Qualitative designs/approaches (generic qualitative inquiry)

The first paragraph should make the case for exploring this qualitatively.

The second paragraph should provide a well-supported rationale for using the generic approach.

You must use at least 5-10 current (within 5-7 years), scholarly,  PRIMARY resources to support statements. Use APA style in citing all resources.

Qualitative Data Collection

This is a real Dissertation: I really need you to follow all the directions closely. There are two sections to this assignment. I attached a copy of my dissertation paper intitled track 3 DRP (you must read it so you know how to align each section together. I attached a copy of the assignment with the instructions and I attached some important reading and information to help you complete this assignment. PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information (I will be available). Please do not use transition words like Nevertheless, furthermore, etc.

Qualitative Data Collection DRP
Assignment Preparation
Using your library searching skills, identify at least two existing resources (articles, books, training materials, etc.) on conducting data collection in your selected qualitative design. You will incorporate these two, and probably more, references in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of your DRP.
Assignment Instructions
Integrate the information from this unit’s study activities and the articles you just collected into sections 5.1 Data Collection Sampling Procedures and 5.2 Data Collection Procedures of the DRP.
Be sure to address the following in the assignment:
5.1 Data Collection Sampling Procedure
Describe in detail each step that you will take from the beginning of recruitment to consent from the participants to participate. You must provide specific details and present the details in the order in which the will occur during the sampling process. You must include all of the following (if applicable):
    The recruitment site(s), acknowledgement of any permissions needed from the sites, and if there is an IRB at any of the sites.
    All of the means by which recruitment will occur (for example, flyers, e-mails, and social media).
    How potential participants will contact you.
    How the potential participants will be screened and how you will proceed if they do qualify and if they do not qualify for the study.
    Use current (within 57 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Use APA style in citing all resources.
    Review the school specific instructions for section 5.1 Data Collection Sampling Procedures of the DRP to ensure you are including all of the information required.
5.2 Data Collection Procedures of the DRP
    Data collection begins at the time of informed consent and continues until the data is collected.
    Describe the exact procedure that will be used to collect the data. This is a step-by-step description of exactly how the research will be conducted. This should read like a recipe for the data collection procedures to be followed in your study. Be sure to include all the necessary details so that someone else should be able to follow this to replicate the study.
    Review the school specific instructions for section 5.2 Data Collection Procedures of the DRP to ensure you are including all of the information required.
Once completed, submit it to the assignment area for instructor review.

You must have at least 5 current (within 57 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements in each section. Use APA style in citing all resources.

Qualitative Data Analysis Draft

This is a real Dissertation: I really need you to follow all the directions closely. There are two sections to this assignment. I attached a copy of my dissertation paper intilted track 3 DRP (you must read it so you know how to align each section together. I attached a copy of the assignment with the instructions and I attached some important reading and information to help you complete this assignment. PLEASE,  PLEASE  let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information (I will be available). 

Qualitative Data Analysis Draft
Assignment Instructions
In this assignment you will complete Section 5.4 and 5.5 – Data Analysis in the DRP. Reference the materials throughout this unit to ensure you have accurately completed each section.
As you are completing Section 5.4 and 5.5, be sure to:
    Describe each step in the data analysis process accurately. These steps should be described in sequential order and should allow for the data analysis process to be completed correctly.
o    Be sure that you select a data analysis method that will allow you to accurately answer the research question you have identified
    Align the proposed data analysis method(s) appropriately to the research design.
    Be sure to describe each step in the data analysis process accurately.
You should integrate the information and the articles you collect during this unit into these sections of the DRP. When integrating this information, cite all statements using correct APA format. Also, review the school specific instructions for sections 5.6 Types of Data and 5.9 Data Analysis of the DRP to ensure you are including all of the information required.

Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly,  PRIMARY resources to support statements. Use APA style in citing all resources.

Simulation in Healthcare

Sometimes, challenges or issues in healthcare delivery are not prescriptive in nature and cannot be solved using pure optimization. Simulation provides healthcare administration leaders and decision makers a method to evaluate problems using probabilistic components. For example, a primary care queueing problem might logically follow a Poisson process and be modeled using simulation techniques.

For this Assignment, examine the different simulation techniques highlighted. Reflect on how these simulation techniques might apply to specific challenges or issues for healthcare delivery.

gap in research

Topic Selection Assignments (2)
Topic Selection: Find a Gap — The student will select 3 topics related to the counseling profession. The topics and summaries of 3 peer-reviewed articles published within the last 5 years (one article per topic) will be submitted to the instructor for approval and feedback. The instructor will give the student feedback on his/her topic selections regarding which may be the most researchable and ethical topic, based on assignment requirements, and may recommend the student focus on one for subsequent assignments.  The proposal will not be completed as an experimental study, but rather as a proposal of a study that could be conducted in the future.

Topic Selection: Final Topic Selection — After receiving feedback from the Topic Selection: Find a Gap Assignment, the student will then resubmit the Topic Selection: Final Topic Selection Assignment, choosing one topic selection based upon the professor’s feedback, highlighting measurable variables for the Research Proposal Paper Assignment

possible solutions to suicide

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 1
Minimum of 1 outside scholarly source (sociology in our times)
Initial Post Instructions
Sociologist C. Wright Mills preferred to call the sociological perspective the sociological imagination, and he saw it transforming personal troubles into public issues. Let us begin our discussion this week by considering suicide, which is thoroughly explored in your textbook reading for this week.

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: How does the sociological imagination help to examine private acts such as suicide within a larger societal context and how does it help us consider the causes and possible solutions to suicide?

Deficit Spending

Deficit Spending

During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturns, as unemployment rises, aggregate income declines causing a major decline in tax collections. On the other hand, with the rise in unemployment, spending on safety net programs rise. So, there are not too many good options available to resort the health of the national economy. It will be very difficult to defend cuts in the federal government programs and especially the programs geared to sustain the minimum of the standard of living for the recent “poor.” So, government needs to increase its borrowing. Deficit spending refers to government spending exceeding what it brings in federal income and corporate taxes during a certain period. Deficit spending hence increases government debt. Most economists accept that deficit spending is desirable and necessary as part of countercyclical fiscal policy. In such a case, government increases its borrowing and hence its deficit to compensate for the shortfall in aggregate demand. This is derived from Keynesian economics, and has been the mainstream economics view. Following John Maynard Keynes, many economists recommend deficit spending to moderate or end a recession, especially a severe one. When the economy has high unemployment, an increase in government purchases creates a market for business output, creating income and encouraging increases in consumer spending, which creates further increases in the demand for business output. (This is the multiplier effect). This raises the real gross domestic product (GDP) and the level of employment and lowers the unemployment rate. Government borrowing under such circumstances increases the demand for borrowing and thus pushes interest rates up. Rising interest rates can “crowd out” (discourage) fixed private investment spending, canceling out some of the demand stimulus arising from the deficit
Write an essay analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of deficit spending and the effects of federal government borrowing on the economy i.e., the “crowding out” effect.
Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format. Note your submission will automatically be submitted through “TurnItIn” for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required.

Your paper should be structured as follows

1. Cover page with a running head
2. Introduction: What is deficit spending and how does it work.
2.1. Advantages
2.2. Disadvantages
3. Crowding-out Effect
4. Conclusions: Do you believe that deficit spending helps or hinders short-term and long-term economic growth?
5. References

Final Paper

In any career, it is important to have a personal philosophy that can help you to focus your work, understand why you do what you do, and communicate more effectively with others.  This final paper is a 7-9-page paper describing your personal philosophy of human learning.  The goal for this paper is to develop and communicate your own personal view of learning. Ideally, you would be able to use this as a guide for your future career and developing strategies to better facilitate human learning (in the many forms that takes).  You may utilize any theory/concept that we covered in class (and additional topics with approval) to support this philosophy.

It is more critical for you to convey how you relate a theory, idea, or topic to your vision/philosophy of learning than in demonstrating how much you know (though that will likely show up if done sufficiently).  In essence, tell me about what you care about, how you believe people learn, and how this will guide your future career goals.

Formatting: Your paper should include a title page and reference page.  The paper should be in accordance with APA formatting.  Please utilize at least 7 references to support your philosophy.

Grading: See the rubric for more detail, but your grade will be primarily based on the integration of course material into your philosophy.  You will also be graded on writing clarity, style, and level of adherence to APA formatting.

Through this paper, the student demonstrates depthful self-reflection on how the theories of human learning fit within their own worldview. This means that they are thinking about how the material applies to their life based on past experiences, intersecting identities, and possible career goals.

Integration of Course Material
The student utilizes course material to illustrate points being made regarding the theory. This course material is properly cited and is well-integrated throughout the paper.

This paper is formatted properly in APA format including a title page, reference page (if <3 references, no need to include references on a separate page), and appropriate headers.

This paper is well written, using appropriate grammatical structure, has few spelling errors/typos, and forms a cohesive paper.