Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Tesla Inc intrapreneurial opportunity

Considering your assessment in Module Six on the capabilities and limitations of your company, identify and assess an intrapreneurial opportunity within your company and assess its impact with respect to both the level of effort and resources needed and the potential benefits to the organization. Be sure to consider the appropriate types of analysis discussed throughout this course.

I have attached the rubric as well. r

Any topic (writer’s choice)

350 words
Consider your readings and the various White Ethnic groups you have learned about in this unit. For this assignment select one of these groups and a historical trauma, oppression, unresolved grief, or discrimination they have experienced.

Please respond to the following:

Identify the group and the historical trauma, oppression, unresolved grief, or discrimination they have experienced.
Analyze how you think this trauma, oppression, unresolved grief, or discrimination they have experienced has mentally, socially, and economically impacted the ethnic group you selected.
Describe the strategies you can take in your cross-cultural service delivery to address the effects of trauma, oppression, unresolved grief, or discrimination.
Please read the following chapter in your text:

Chapter 17: Working with White Ethnic Clients: An Interview with the Author
Chapter 17 presents cross-cultural work with White ethnic groups such as Jews, Poles, Greeks, Italians, Armenians, and other ethnic groups from the Russian Republic.

Library Readings

Rapfogel, W., Marcus, I. S., & Larson, E. (2007). Understanding the Jewish Near Poor. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 82(1/2), 97103.

Web Resources

United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York (2011). Jewish community study of New York: 2011 comprehensive report. Retrieved from


Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). (2019. March 15). PBS39 News Reports: Mollies [Video file]. Retrieved from

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). (2015, February 17). The Italian Americans: Birds of Passage [Video file]. Retrieved from

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). (n.d.). The Jewish Americans: A series by David Grubin [Video file]. Retrieved from

Race norming: use of race as a factor in hiring and selection.

The text discusses issues involved in the use of race as a factor in hiring and selection.
Specifically, race norming has been prohibited (1991). However, there is still much debate about
the use of quotas or preferential scoring to assist minorities in obtaining positions. write an essay in support of this practice. Support your argument with references.

Includes an APA 7th formatted title page
Includes an APA formatted abstract
Minimum of 3 pages of content in APA style (body of the paper only)
Includes at least 3 outside sources (journal articles) and the required reading
Includes an APA formatted reference page

Please use APA 7th Format

Education Ethical issue

The purpose of these assignments is to encourage you to evaluate current ethical issues and decisions affecting the field of education; thus, the news articles that you choose must address either a situation in which Biblical and ethical principles were breached or a situation in which Biblical and/or ethical principles were highlighted by the media. Your essays must be critical reviews of the articles; once you have briefly summarized the article, your review must focus on your own opinion regarding the article.

Use the News Article Review Grading Rubric to improve the quality of your essays. Adhere to all of the specific guidelines described below.

News Article Selection Guidelines
The articles or news stories that you choose must:
1.    Be found in a newspaper, a news program, or another reputable news source
2.    Be published within the last month
3.    Be clearly related to the field of education
4.    Clearly address biblical and/or ethical issues
Each article review must cover different topics. Refrain from using follow-up pieces or multiple perspectives of the same topic. For example, if you find an article discussing a new government regulation for public schools in The New York Times, you cannot use a follow-up piece written a few days later in the same paper or a different article in a different paper discussing the same topic.

Essay Guidelines
Your essay must be brief (1/2-page to 1-page, double-spaced). In the essay:
1.    Summarize the article in order to demonstrate your comprehension of the content.
2.    Identify key elements discussed in the article and relate those elements to concepts from the course.
3.    Discuss whether the situation described in the article implements any of the concepts discussed in the course or if there are possible ways that concepts from the course could be implemented.

Include a reference page at the end of the essay with the complete citation of the article (including the publication date). If possible, include the actual article either by pasting it at the end of the document or by providing a link. Format the essay and citation in the current APA format 7th edition and include a title page; no abstract is required.

Microbial Transmission Route in Hospital

Hospitals and other health care settings will often implement Transmission-Based Precautions to prevent or help reduce the spread of infections to health care workers, as well other patients in their care. These Transmission-Based Precautions are designed to supplement standard precautions in patients/residents with documented or suspected infection/colonization of highly transmissible or epidemiologically important pathogens. The three categories of Transmission-Based Precautions include:

Contact Precautions
Droplet Precautions
Airborne Precautions
For your initial post, choose one of the Transmission based Precautions listed above to research. Include what the definition of the precaution is, when it would be implemented and what type of personal protective equipment (PPE) a health care worker would be required to wear when coming in contact with a patient under that particular precaution.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Blackaby & Blackaby conclude that spiritual leadership does not ultimately rest on casting a vision, pursuing aggressive goals, and/or determining what should be done; instead, the key to spiritual leadership is “absolute obedience to the Father’s will” (p. 50) and to “to preserve everything the Father reveals to them of His will” (p. 50). Does this statement apply to the educational leader in either the public or private Christian school arena? If you believe that it does apply, explain how it applies. If you do not believe that it applies, explain why. Also, after reading the first 6 chapters of Proverbs and viewing the related presentations, discuss what you have learned about wisdom as it applies to your position as an educational leader.  The book to use is “Moving People on to God’s Agenda:  Spiritual Leadership” by Henry & Richard Blackaby

Ethics & Sustainability

Literature review of 5 recent articles. Then use findings to review a companies sustainability challenges. Body text of max 2500 words.

Possible topics:

1. Current situation in CSR
2. Alleviation of poverty
3. Circular business models
4. Effectiveness of climate agreements
5. Stranded assets in Oil & Gas industry
6. Sustainability education
7. Sustainable development goals for businesses


reflections on how you addressed Objections and Alternative Views in your researched argumentative essay, following the Assignment Guidelines below.

Assignment Guidelines:

Reflect on the following in a well-developed paragraph:

As you composed your first draft of the essay, did you imagine your audience as sympathetic, hostile, or somewhere in between?
What was the central claim of your essay and what opposing points of view did you present?
How did you attempt to accommodate or refute opposing arguments, and what challenges did you encounter in the process?

evidence based practice guidelines of diabetes mellitus type 2

  Length: 5-7 pages, excluding cover page & references,
  Format: APA Formatted, including citations and references
  Research: citations required
Choose 2 Evidence Based Practice resources influencing the care provided to your client. Discuss the similarities and differences that you read for those two EBP peer reviewed articles.  Links to guidelines listed below
Submit scholarly paper, with writing style at the graduate level, including all of the following:
    Reviews topic and explains rationale for its selection in the context of client care.  This is a common disease in the American populationexplain the reasons that diabetes care is important to the population reduction of comorbidities etc
    Evaluates key concepts related to the topic.
    Describes multiple viewpoints of the different guidelines if they are opposing.
    Assesses the merit of evidence found on this topic i.e. soundness of research
    Evaluates current EBM guidelines, if available. Or, recommends what these guidelines should be based on available research.  Discuss the Standardized Procedure for this diagnosis.
    Discusses how the evidence did impact/would impact practice.  What should be done differently based on the knowledge gained?
    Consider cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic issues as applicable.  Address the socioeconomic impact ofdiagnosis rates,  access to quality food and access to healthcare among monority populations. Sources:

Compare and contrast the following guidelines
The American diabetes association

American academy of endocrinologists

the concepts of aggression, violent behavior, social learning theory and the evolutionary case for aggressive action.

Demonstrate an understanding of issues related to the concepts of aggression, violent behavior, social learning theory, and the evolutionary case for aggressive action.
Critically analyze, compare, and contrast research related to concepts of aggression, violent behavior, social learning theory, and the evolutionary explanations for aggressive action.
Use real-life scenarios to apply the concepts of aggression, violent behavior, social learning theory, and the evolutionary case for aggressive action.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Length of paper: 4-6 typed double-spaced pages for the text of the paper, not including the cover page or appendices.