Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Developmental Milestones Chart

Construct a chart (or a visual of your choosing, Word table, Excel chart, etc.) of age-related developmental milestones. Theorists who MUST be included at each appropriate age level are Piaget, Kohlberg, Bandura, Vygotsky, Erikson, Mahler, and Jung. Other theorists of your choosing should also be included (minimum of three). Your visual should include:

Describe the essential developmental features of each age category.
Discuss concerns or issues pertinent to each age category. NOTE: Place more emphasis on the age group with which you work or aspire to work.
Use four to six scholarly resources with an APA-formatted reference page.
Theorists who MUST be included at each appropriate age level are Piaget, Kohlberg, Bandura, Vygotsky, Erikson, Mahler, and Jung [=7]. Other theorists of your choosing should also be included (minimum of three=3).” Choose your additional three theorists.
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MS Psychology

1.1: Describe key historical perspectives and theories in psychology.

1.2: Differentiate among current perspectives and theories in psychology


there are two discussion board questions. References in apa 7 for this one.
#1- must be 150 words total-word count
Can our goal of maximizing the value of the stock conflict with other goals, such as avoiding unethical or illegal behavior? In particular, do you think subjects like customer and employee safety, the environment, and the general good of society fit in this framework, or are they essentially ignored? Think of some specific scenarios to illustrate your answer.

#2- no min or max for word count just answer questions in paragraph format (no references for this one)
– What, if any, are the differences between the management accounting information needed in manufacturing organizations and that needed in service organizations?

-What forces have caused management accounting systems designed decades ago to become less relevant and less valuable for organizational employees in today’s globally competitive environment?

-How can beliefs systems and boundary systems foster high ethical standards among employees?

Current State of Information Management

Topic:  Current State of Information Management
Must answer:
How is information (data, use of technologies) currently managed 1) in your organization (dont share the name of the organization) and 2) by you in your work and personal life?
Who are the stakeholders helping you manage information and technology in your work?
What information?
Who controls it? 
Which technologies provide the information (data)? o How do you use the data provided to you?
Is it helpful?
Does it make a difference in policy, practice, results?
Is your organization Information Centric?
What model or framework will help you maximize IM and IT where you work?

Must use articles provided; Can add more if needed
The article can be qualitative or quantitative in nature, but it must specifically focus on the public administration context.
Remember to synthesize your research and findings with the required readings and presentations for this week and a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior.
Meaningful and relevant case study is chosen for detailed analysis, study and application.
Concepts from the previous essay, required reading, etc. are applied in a meaningful and thorough way.
Major points are stated clearly and effectively. Clear, logical flow to post; stayed on topic.
Ideas from all the required reading and presentations from the Module/Week and 2 scholarly sources are integrated. Relates topic to Scripture/biblical principles. 
Moves the conversation forward with new ideas, research, and analysis.
Contains abundant citations from required reading, presentations, and 2 scholarly sources.
Minimal to no errors in grammar, spelling, or APA.
Appropriate word count:
825 words for thread

COVID on nurses

Topic – Covid -19 and nurses that tested positive.

Introduction: discuss the purpose of the paper and what you will discuss in the paper

Background: about COVID 19, about vulnerable populations, how COVID 19 impacts vulnerable populations, about your individual vulnerable population member that you interviewed – a nurse that tested positive for covid (be sure to use reputable references to site statements in this section).

Discuss what stuck out to about this interview with the person.

Discuss how from a Christian perspective, how we as nurses can assist our vulnerable populations during a pandemic such as COVID 19?

Last, discuss how you will see the image of God in vulnerable populations as you care for His flock during situations of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty?


COVID-19 and how it affects nurses

Introduction: discuss the purpose of the paper and what you will discuss in the paper

Background: about COVID 19, about vulnerable populations, how COVID 19 impacts vulnerable populations, about your individual vulnerable population member that you interviewed – a nurse that became positive of covid (be sure to use reputable references to site statements in this section).

Discuss how from a Christian perspective, how we as nurses can assist our vulnerable populations during a pandemic such as COVID 19?

Last, discuss how you will see the image of God in vulnerable populations as you care for His flock during situations of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty?


COVID-19 and how it affects nurses

Introduction: discuss the purpose of the paper and what you will discuss in the paper

Background: about COVID 19, about vulnerable populations, how COVID 19 impacts vulnerable populations, about your individual vulnerable population member that you interviewed – a nurse that became positive of covid (be sure to use reputable references to site statements in this section).

Discuss how from a Christian perspective, how we as nurses can assist our vulnerable populations during a pandemic such as COVID 19?

Last, discuss how you will see the image of God in vulnerable populations as you care for His flock during situations of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty?

Psychology: adolescence-theories & research

In this chapter, three theories of media influence were discussed.

Which theory do you think is the most influential on adolescents and why? 

Please write about THE MEDIA PRACTICE MODEL to explain your reasoning. 

Just give your opinion in one post of a minimum of 300 words (NO outside references, ALL in your OWN WORDS)

I uploaded a PowerPoint with information about the media practice mode, have to go through to look for slides, not all slides are about the topic

Health Care

Instruction: In APA 7 format, with section heading for each, address below:
a.    Propose three additional goals not found in Healthy People 2020 that should be added to the Healthy People 2030. Use supporting resources and data to defend your proposed goals.
b.    Prioritize and explain future health systems, programs, and policies that might affect the future of public health and health education.
c.    Describe an emerging role for public health or health education professionals in 2030 and beyond. Explain and support your choice with resources.
d.    Explain how a health education professional’s goals to support and promote the field of public health or health education have changed as a result of Perspectives on Health and a scholar practitioner course.
e.    Describe how a health education professional will use her/his personal strengths, skills, and knowledge as a scholar and practitioner.

Business Decision Making Evaluation

Feel free to use any academic source you find, but please use some theories and concepts from the powerpoints attached below. Thank you very much.

Please select a decision made by an organization, and evaluate the effectiveness of that decision. The organization can be in any sector.

The evaluation must contain information acquired from a primary source: i.e. someone from the organization that was involved in the decision-making process. Thus please choose the brand Hisarlar Makina. Hisarlar is in the agriculture machinery field (they produce the harvesting machines).

You can choose to talk about how the business responded to the Coronavirus pandemic, such as making staff cutbacks, and anything else you feel. Feel free to make up the decision made as you feel, no need to research too much about Hisarlar since it’s such a small company not much data will be available online. So you can just talk about the decision made and you can also decide the outcome of the decision yourself. So in essence you have full control over the decision and the outcome of this decision.

**The evaluation should consider:

1. The context of the decision – why was the decision made?

2. The process of the decision – how was the decision made and implemented? What social, psychological, and biological factors were involved? Focus on these rather than strategic/management/technical elements.

3. The outcome of the decision – what impact did the decision have? How was the decision evaluated?

1. Introductory Section:
  – Explains the assignment, why it is being done (including the merits of evaluating someone elses decision).
  – Describes at a brief, introductory level the content of the essay.
  – Sets out the personal objectives when completing the assignments. E.g: Understand high-level business decision making and the factors behind it.

2. Context Section:
  – Describes the person who is interviewed, covering their background, their experience, and their role both in the organization and in the decision being made.
      *The person you interviewed from Hisarlar is Mr. Giju Kurian. He has been the CEO of              Hisarlar after Mahindra and Mahindra bought them over. Mr. Giju Kurian is a vice-president at Mahindra and Mahindra.
  – Sets the scene for the decision, describing relevant biological/psychological/social factors that led to a decision having to be made.
      *Hisarlar is based out of Turkey. The main revenue stream comes from Exports, thus the lockdowns had a significant negative impact on the business’s cash flow.

3. Process Section:
  – Describes the process the individual went through when making the decision, focusing particularly on bio/psycho/social factors.
  – Explores the role of collaboration and other people in the decision-making process. E.g The board of Hisarlar. Mr. Giju Kurian is the CEO of Hisarlar as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Hisarlar.
  – Examines the challenges in decision making.
  – Strong evidence of research conducted (quotes, references) –> This point I will do myself, just please leave space for it.

4. Evaluation Section:
  – Evaluates the decisions made by the individual and the organization (from your point of view)
  – Evaluates the decisions made by the individual and the organization (Mr. Giju Kurian’s point of view)
  – Identifies how the decision could have been improved, and the positives and negatives of the decision

4. Concluding Section:
  – Summarises the key points of the essay.
  – Concludes the arguments and ties together the overall piece
  – Please note, my professor hates it when the conclusion starts with In conclusion,…, so please use another start. Sorry for the inconvenience.
5. Any references.

**General features throughout the essay for an A grade:
-Excellent organization and clarity of thought.
-Theories are explained demonstrating subject knowledge.
-High level of relevant detail-Elaboration and analysis where relevant.
-Correct and complete referencing in APA format.
-Focus given to positives and negatives with good balance and criticality.

Executive Summary for Final Report

Your response to this discussion is due by this week Friday before midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST).

You are also asked to respond to at least one other student in the class on his or her response.

Your response to your fellow student is due by this week Sunday before midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Please note that you will not be able to see other students’ responses to this discussion topic until you post your response.


You will share a draft of your report’s executive summary using the guidelines provided in the video, and then provide feedback on a classmate’s draft.

Please watch the video, “Video review of executive summary from Victoria Business School.”  It is linked to at in Content for week 6.

After watching the video, please complete the following. Post your completed work as your response to this discussion topic.

Please post a draft of your executive summary for your final report. Make sure that your executive summary draft follows the format and structure of the Victoria Business School executive summary. The purpose of this discussion topic is to get you started in thinking through your executive summary.  Another goal of this discussion topic is to allow your fellow students to see the topic on which you are writing your report and the possible conclusions you might have come up with.

Please note that your executive summary might change quite a bit when you eventually submit a draft of your report.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure that you follow the Executive Summary format described in the video