Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Comprehensive Mental Health Examination

list the parts of a comprehensive mental status examination (MSE) for mental health patients. Give examples of each and describe the significance to the advanced practice nurse.
The paper should be formatted per current APA and 2-4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract, and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 5-6 current (published within the last five years include page numbers) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

I have attached a few resources. Some are outdated and can’t be listed as a reference in the paper. However, it will give you a few tools to create the paper. If you need information please let me know. It has to be graduate level writing.

Paula T. Trzepacz, & Robert W. Baker. (1993). The Psychiatric Mental Status Examination. Oxford University Press.

Jill C. Cash, M. A. F.-B., & Cheryl A. Glass, M. W. R.-B. (2017). Family Practice Guidelines, Fourth Edition: Vol. Fourth edition. Springer Publishing Company.

Identifying Risks for Scope and Resource

Answer the following questions, including headings and at least two peer reviewed source and personal experience.

The PERIL database represent many projects and their risks. Define scope risks and resource risks. Discuss the major types of scope risks and resource risk and how they negatively impact projects.

Evaluate the pros and cons of high-level risk assessment tools.

Discuss some considerations when addressing risk estimation.

Why should you manage project constraints and how can you uncover missing risks?

Qualitative Data Analysis Worksheet

Imagine that you have been named project leader for a non-profit serving residents in the rural northwest of Haiti. As part of a needs assessment, qualitative data were collected through interviews with women in the community. Interview questions focused on health complaints, barriers to healthcare, and living conditions. Your job is to conduct content analysis on the qualitative data to determine common themes that can inform the development of new programs to serve the community.

Since this is your first time conducting qualitative data analysis, your supervisor gives you some tips. First, your supervisor reads through the transcripts with you and helps you determine common codes. (Codes are important concepts that are mentioned by participants. They are often repeated by more than one participant although, of course, the wording will differ.) Your supervisor helps you develop a codebook that details code name, definition, and example content from participant response

see attached

Book Review on book: Crazy by Pete Earley,
Write a reflection paper on the book Crazy.

In a 5 page double spaced paper discuss the following three concepts addressed in the book:

The intended and unintended consequences of deinstitutionalization.
The ethical dilemma of self-determination vs. duty to protect (Use of NASW Code of ethics and your state commitment laws will enhance your paper and increase your grade).
Needed changes in policy and programs to address the above issues and provide adequate services to persons with mental illness and their families.

Rubric Criteria   
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome intended consequences
student is able to articulate the actual intentions/positive outcomes of deinstitutionalization.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome unintended consequences
student is able to articulate the disasterous, unintended consequences of deinstitutionalization, including those that currently exist

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome paternalism vs self-determination
student is able to articulate his/her own position/thoughts about forcing treatment for “ones own good” versus supporting clients right to refuse treatment–ie “Where do you stand on this issue?”

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Ethics/State laws
Student is able to identify articulate the relavent code from NASW Code of Ethics and the circumstances allowed to force treatment/hospitalization under student’s state of clinical practice or rescidence.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome grammar /sentence structure
Expectation of high level of academic, professional writing with minimal errors

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome needed changes
student able to articulate policy/programs changes that have been described by the author to address current treatment of clients with severe and chronic mental illness

Social media and body image

I need an introduction part of my research paper on Social media and body image with at least 6 references from peer-reviewed articles. I have a data from past research which I am supposed to use as If I was part of the research. In this data in SPSS i can see that questions from the survey were : I am satisfied with my body? measured from : describes me very well, somehow well, not very well and doesnt describe me at all. The other question was: how much time do you spend on social media(facebook, snapchat, instagram) – almost none, 30min-1 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours or more. And the sample was students, boys and girls born from 1999 to 2004. So this information has to be connected with the hypothesis.

Peer response 11

Here you will be providing answers to 3 of my peers on the SW 11 assignment that you wrote for me .

All  RESPONSES to peers :

> use the class readings, outside sources, or my experiences as support
> reflect deep rather than surface level thinking
> express my thoughts clearly
> use respectful language and tone
> directly relate to the topic of the discussion

      100 words minimum for responses

Analysis Paper( needs a different topic)

The student will write a 3-4page  analysis to demonstrate their understanding of theories and how it applies today.  The paper should have a cover page and a reference page (citing the book).  Students are not required to use empirical sources but can use them if it strengthens your paper.

    Choose two cultures of psychology and compare and contrast the main tenants of their philosophy. 
    Discuss how these schools of thoughts are used in the contemporary. 
    Share and support which culture concept of psychology best describe your thinking about how psychology is used in a cross-cultural manner. 

REQUIRED TEXT MATERIAL: (Below book and The two power points)

Luden, D.C. (2020). A history of modern psychology: The quest for a
    science of the mind (ed. 1). New York, NY: Sage Publications

Executive Summary – Patterson Patient Navigation Services

I have attached all the previous papers that were written for the business plan.

Please note I am changing the name to Patterson Patient Navigation Services.

I have been receiving points off for APA 7 formatting so I have attached a document from my professor that is an example of APA 7 formatting. (Please note that paper is just an example formatting  document nothing to do with the business plan)

No references older than 2015

Movie Reflection : Life of Pi

As learnt in the first class, allegories, parables, and fables are the language of religion. Life of Pi is a movie that connects deeply with religions with both plain narratives and symbolic metaphors.

-Did the story make you believe in God? Did it inspire real faith?

Please write a (750-800 words) reflection paper in APA format that demonstrates your personal understanding of

-how this movie tries to teach its audience of religion and your feeling about it.

– The theme is not restricted to Christianity. Any religious, pantheism, or atheism perspective is welcomed.

– Your own thinking is valued for this paper. Copying from other sources is both unnecessary and will cause you to receive a 0% if such behaviour is discovered.

– There’s no need to repeat the entire plot.

Ethical concerns

Consider these landmark studies in the field of psychology mentioned in this video linked here below

Do you think they would be considered unethical today?
What ethical issues stand out as possible concerns to you?
Research more about these studies, or one of the others found in the resource link above, and create a PowerPoint presentation (or other) covering possible ethical concerns while also citing the relevant principles and standards of the ethics code. Use references from this module and include APA in-text citations.