Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Understanding disorders

As you’ve seen from your reading and research, there are many different causes of disorders. Choose two disorders and discuss their potential root causes. How would you best help and support a friend with these disorders?

Mood- major depression
Anxiety – generalized anxiety disorder OR  panic disorder


Review the attached scenario

Prepare for contract negotiations by focusing on relevant information that would directly impact the hospitals income statement.

For example, the leadership team might want to revisit its chargemaster and ensure that its prices are appropriately set. This would have an impact on patient service revenue, which would impact the revenue line item in the income statement.

As a provider organization, we need to assume that the carrier will likely propose a nominal increase in their reimbursement rates to help offset some of the inflation effect, which serves to drive up the cost of the firms working capital. They will also likely suggest that the organization may want to reexamine its pricing model, cost-shifting practices, and expense controls as methods of maximizing the rates they propose. Anticipating their arguments, the leadership team should come to the meeting prepared to address these issues.

Three references

What’s eating you?

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the more prevalent nosocomial infections in health care faculties today. Any patient with a compromised immune system or open wound is susceptible to contracting MRSA from medical staff or even family members. Although MRSA is commonly connected to health care facilities, MRSA can be found anywhere.

For your initial post, discuss who you believe to be at the highest risk for MRSA outside the health care environment? Explain. Discuss the common fomites or transmission factors involved as well as the preventative measures the public can do to reduce or prevent MRSA infections.

Week 3 Module 1 Assignment #2

A bill is proposed legislation under consideration by a legislature. Identify a bill that is pending in either the United States Congress or the Massachusetts Legislature.

In 3 pages, discuss the following:

Bill number and title.
Bill sponsor(s) and info on the sponsor.
Is this a state or federal bill?
Summarize what the legislation will do, what is the law now, and what the proposed changes are.
What is the problem or problems the legislation is trying to address, how long has this problem been present (history of the problem), has this problem been addressed before through legislation? If yes, what was the outcome?
Identify other professional groups, agencies, networks, or coalitions that my be interested in advocating for this bill and those who would advocate against the bill. What is their motivation to support for or against?

Week 3 Module 1 Assignment

This assignment has two parts. First, you will identify your Massachusetts State Legislators (Representative & Senator). Second, you will identify your Federal Legislators (Representative & 2 Senators).

-To find your state legislators, click this link. (Links to an external site.)
-Click here to find out who represents you at the federal level. (Links to an external site.)

Provide a brief summary of each of the legislators that represent you. You will have one representative and one senator from the state level, and one representative and two senators for the federal Congressional side.

Include in your summary or each:

.Party affiliation (i.e. Republican, Democrat) 
.Bills they support
.Committees they serve on 
.Brief biographical data about them

Readings- Files are attached*
1-Review MNA (a nursing union) Legislative agenda and issues (Links to an external site.)
Click on the link and review the top issues website

2-Review ANA Massachusetts (a professional organization) Legislative agenda (Links to an external site.)
Click on the link and review the bills listed on the website.
Be sure to click through all the pages under the tab Legislation/Advocacy

3-Review House of Representative’s website (Links to an external site.) on the Legislative Process
Click on the link and explore the website.
Be sure to click through all seven subpages on the left side column


Write 1 page with 2-3 paragraphs, identifying key points from the video: Watch Frontline Sick Around America .

1-Use specific examples from the material this week to support your reflection (i.e. what you reacted to and how you feel about what you saw)
2-Draw meaningful connections to work experience or prior class work
3-Demonstrate comprehension of the material, being thoughtful about the material
4-Not merely summarizing points
5-Grammar and spelling are important

The Applicability of Learning Theory

In your paper,

Compare and contrast behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning.
Summarize at least two sub-theories or ideologies within each theory or learning framework.
Example from behaviorism: associative learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, conditioning, extinction, and ratio or interval schedules
Example from cognitivism: schema theory, memory development, elaboration theory (i.e., Blooms taxonomy), cognitive load theory, and social learning or cognitive theory.
Example from constructivism: cognitive constructivism, dialectical (social) constructivism, zone of proximal development, and discovery learning
Example from humanism: motivational theories of learning (e.g. self-determination theory, Maslows hierarchy of needs), experiential learning, and Steiner pedagogy or Waldorf education.
List and explain a minimum of two theoretically supported strategies from the past weeks that would most help you to increase your learning success.
Apply basic methods of psychological research skills to this content by synthesizing supporting evidence from at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library in order to defend the strategies you have chosen.
The Applying Learning Theory to Life paper

Must be a minimum of 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.), as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must include APA headings (Links to an external site.).
Must use at least two scholarly or peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years in addition to the course text or other course materials. You may also use required and recommended materials from the course, but these will not count towards the research component of your

covid-19 interview

COVID Experience Interview Assignment Directions

Identify someone from a vulnerable population that you can interview (example a family member, friend, someone from your church, etc.). Provide an introduction and background. Conduct the interview and gather answers to the questions below. Write up the answers to the questions using APA 7th edition guidelines (paper should be 5 pages long) and submit the completed assignment to Canvas.

Introduction: discuss the purpose of the paper and what you will discuss in the paper

Background: about COVID 19, about vulnerable populations, how COVID 19 impacts vulnerable populations, about your individual vulnerable population member that you interviewed (be sure to use reputable references to site statements in this section).

Interview questions:

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted you in general?

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted you financially?

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted your health? Have you been able to take care of your health the same way as before COVID 19? Why or Why not?

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted your diet?

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted your exercise routine?

If taking medications, how have you been able to obtain your medications? Any difficulties? If so, describe those.

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted you mentally?

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted you emotionally

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted you spiritually?

How has the COVID 19 situation impacted your relationships?

Are there other issues that have impacted you during the COVID 19 situation such as: transportation, supplies, caring for others or a pet, hygiene, mobility, etc.? If so, how?

How can a nurse best help you during this COVID 19 situation?

What lessons have you learned from experiencing the COVID 19 situation?

What is the first thing that you want to do after the COVID19 situation is gone?

Provide a reflective conclusion:

Discuss what stuck out to about this interview?

Discuss how from a Christian perspective, how we as nurses can assist our vulnerable populations during a pandemic such as COVID 19?

Last, discuss how you will see the image of God in vulnerable populations as you care for His flock during situations of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty?

Nursing Practice Act Essay

Review the California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and write a 2-3 page essay briefly describing the major functions of the NPA and how the NPA will impact your professional practice as a Registered Nurse.

This paper must be in APA format with a minimum of two (2) references. Use double space, Times New Roman font, and 12 pt. font size. Ensure your essay is a standard 5-paragraph essay with Intro, including purpose statement, body, and conclusion. (See writing resources on Canvas to ensure you are writing a proper academic essay).

To access the Nursing Practice Act follow this link: (Links to an external site.)or using your preferred search engine, type in California BRN and click on the link for Nursing Practice Act– it is located in the business and professions code starting with section 2700.

Your essay will be graded on the depth of reflection and the application of the Nursing Practice Act as it relates to your nursing practice and your overall understanding of the major functions of the NPA.

This paper should be supported by references to articulate your points. This paper is not simply a summary of your thoughts or opinions on how the NPA is integrating into your practice.

Poverty Challenge

PRESENTATION #2, Advocating for a Vulnerable Population via City Council Directions:

Your vulnerable population assigned to you is: Veteran couple in mid-thirties. 4 tours in Iraq, both injured in combat. The husband lost his left leg below the knee and has a prosthetic. The wife had a minor gunshot wound to the shoulder but has made a full recovery. Both suffer from PTSD and depend on medication.

You are speaking before your local city council regarding a problem with your vulnerable population (veteran couple) in your community and seeking funding for your organization that you represent to address the issue. Speakers at city council meetings are given 5 minutes maximum to present, so the same will apply to the group. It is advisable to each pick a point to discuss and practice.

Your name, city, organization you represent
Why is this a problem?
What specific need are you asking for to address the issue?
How much will it cost?
There is PowerPoint for this presentation. Make notes for yourself and speak loudly and clearly, facing the audience. Make sure to answer all of the questions thoroughly and be prepared to answer questions.

After 5 minutes of speaking, a brief reflection of the assignment to demonstrate what you have learned and any future needed research.