Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Human Resource Information Systems

    Section 1: Literature Review – Human Resources Information Systems
o    Concepts Overall use of HRIS, how they could/should be used, why its important to study, in practice (big picture)
o    History
o    Research/Literature

    Section 2: Practical Applications (Whats currently being used in the field?)
o    What works?
o    What doesnt?
o    Success vs failure in the research.
o    Practices that make a difference

    Section 3: Recommendations to improve
o    Areas for future research
o    How to conduct the research


The Meaning of Being Human

The following format must be followed for all writing assignments unless directed otherwise.

APA Guidelines when necessary. If you are just using textbook you only must mention any pages to which you are referring. When using the articles assigned mention them by name when referring to them. If using additional sources, then provide complete bibliographic information. This assignment must be a .doc file readable in Microsoft Word, with Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced.
Label each question and its parts separately. Keep everything in ONE document and submit ONE document.

The entire conversation about the responsibility of healthcare and healthcare providers from the Catholic perspective rests on the foundation/ value of the meaning of human dignity/ the human person.  Using 200-250 words, describe what the Catholic Christian understanding of person is and from where it derives. Utilize the assigned readings and your own words.  Whenever you use ideas from the readings or videos, be sure to cite source including author and  page number (or approximate time if the source is a video).

MD, D. S., PhD, OFM.  (20060519). The Rebirth of the Clinic. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]].  Retrieved from vbk://9781589014626

Research Methods

Discussion Board Forum 1
    Read Robson & McCartan: chapters 12 Attached

Research can take many forms. The two primary types of research that will be conducted in the DBA program is that of a case study and that of consulting. After reviewing the Reading and Study material for this module and considering the two different types of research that will be done, please respond to the following two questions:

1.    What makes a good problem if it is for a case study?
2.    What makes a good problem if it is for consulting?

Your response to these two questions should be a minimum of 300 words.
You must use your text plus two outside scholarly resources, for a minimum of three resources.
After you have answered these questions, please provide an annotated bibliography on all sources that were used.

Andes Manta: The Music of the Andes

Personal Reaction Paper

There is one (1) Personal Reaction Paper in this course, in Week Two.  It is due at the end of Week Three.  This paper is worth 14% of your grade. Personal Reaction Papers must be two-three complete pages in MS Word or PDF ONLY in MLA or APA format. Please do not use the text box.  Papers entered in the text box will receive a ZERO(0).

For this assignment, you will choose one of the World Music videos given in the assignment (Week Two).  Only one (1) video must be chosen.  Watch one of the concerts in its entirety.  Then answer the following questions:

1.    Name of the video and of the act you are watching, date it was uploaded, date of concert, location
2.    Name of performer or performers, including soloists, and what instrument or ensemble was involved..
3.    Comment on the acoustics and ambiance of the performing space and on the use of amplification.
4.    Discussion of how performers performed, used their instruments
5.    Discussion of how the performers interacted with the audience
6.    Discussion of any new information you learned while watching
7.    The number of pieces performed and their titles (if you can).
8.    Which piece(s) your enjoyed most and least and why (be specific).
9.    Were any encores performed? What were they?
10.    Estimated size of the audience and its demographic make-up (if you can see them).
11.    How did the audience appreciate the performance?

This information should be provided at a minimum.  Above and beyond this basic information, your paper should show evidence of the following:

    Thought about the connection between music and culture related to this particular concert
    Any information about the music or performance that connects with concepts we have learned in class (or in the text book or discussion questions)
    Anything new that you have learned from the video, from the experience or the music itself.
    Any difficulty you had relating to or getting into the performance
    Would you go and see another concert like this?

You may use your textbook for reference.  You may use the internet to learn about the music or the performers.  You may share this experience with a friend or family member and include that person’s reaction.  You may not like everything about this performance and that’s fine.  Do try to take the music on its own terms and write as deeply as possible about it.  Students will be graded on detail and depth of response.

Link to the concert:

Pysc Aspects of Mental Health

After reviewing the Module resources, do some investigating on your own! Find a unique, kid-friendly interactive therapy, treatment, etc. for mental health. What is the app, game, etc. called and how does it work? Has it been proven effective? Is there research to support its use?  Why is it important to have different therapy methods for children/adolescents? What statistics about adolescent mental health shocked you the most?

Your response should be at least 350 words, not including references

Research methods paper

Hello everyone! For my class I am required to write 3,000+ words for a research paper.

I have some little parts of it completed that I will attach below. I have also included all of my references in PDF for you, and included everything you will need! I also wrote up a document that will explain the paper as well for you, if you have any questions at all I am more than happy to help!!

Research methods

Hello! I have read many amazing things about you and all your great reviews! For my class I am required to write 3,000+ words for a research paper.

I have some little parts of it completed that I will attach below. I have also included all of my references in PDF for you, and included everything you will need! I also wrote up a document that will explain the paper as well for you, if you have any questions at all I am more than happy to help!! My email is [email protected] 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Follow on from order #181829617. 

Development of Strategic Recommendations: The next phase of the project will be to develop a proposed set of recommendations about alternative strategies that might be used to address the problem. Though you will likely identify a number of possibilities, be sure to customize a course of action for your company based on their specific situation and needs.

Action paper

this is a formal written report that explains what was done and why it was done. Your written analysis should lay out your ethical reasoning that shaped your perspective on this issue, detail the actions that you took, suggest what the impact of your action was, and reflect on what you learned about this issue and about social justice from the experience.

The following is a list of questions/statements may help you complete the action paper:

Provide a detailed accounting of your action

How much time it took

Why you selected this action as opposed to some other

How the action affected you

The responses you received to your action

What impact you think your action had.

One of the goals of this project is to enable you to gain a better sense of yourself as a moral agent. Reflections on your action can contribute toward the achievement of this goal.

*** The service I did: before the coronavirus, I used to volunteer at Shepherd’s Hope every other Thursday for 5 hours. I used to help with translation, from English to Creole. I helped to check-in and checking out patience. I love helping others and that why I volunteer there.****

Shepherd’s Hope helps the uninsured and underinsured in Central Florida raising awareness of the issues they face and providing access to free high quality, compassionate medical care. They help everyone get medical care with no fee.

link to Shepherd’s Hope:


Evaluation Criteria:

The overall coherence of the social justice issue and the analysis. Was the action thought through and executed well and does the written analysis demonstrate this? Is the purpose of the action clear and was it appropriate for this course?
Does the written analysis demonstrate sufficient breadth and depth on the issue addressed? Were there moral perspectives on the issue and does it treat those other perspectives fairly?
Logical relationship between injustice and the action. Does the action taken reflect well the social justice perspective the analysis articulates?
Insightfulness of the observations/conclusions. Do the observations/conclusions show the sense of social justice? Is there a sense of what the author learned through the experience and what contributed to or hindered that learning?
Clarity. Does the paper have a clear sense of progression?
Mechanics. Are the grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraph construction in good shape so that they contribute to the analysis and do not confuse the reader? Do they provide appropriate information? Does the bibliography or reference page follow proper format?

compare and contrast

Begin by opening the Compare and Contrast Brainstorming Chart that is linked below. You will enter your ideas into the chart. Choose two subjects to compare and contrast and enter them into the chart under Subject A and Subject B.

Next, select three (3) categories for contrast (differences) and enter them into the category boxes under Subject A and B. The categories for contrast need to match for both subjects.

Next, add two (2) supporting detail sentences into the appropriate boxes under each category.

In the center column, list three categories of comparison (similarities) between subjects A and B, and then add one (1) supporting detail sentence under each category

I chose High School Vs College
High School will be subject A and College Subject B

It has to be done on this document

If you need anything else please let me know.