Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Virtual City or County Council

My topic of meeting is:
Wednesday, October 21, 2020. JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL CHAMBER, ROOM 340, CITY HALL – 2:00 PM

I attached links for your pls review the videos and read instructions and questions

Virtual Module Virtual City or County Council

Virtual City or County Council Assignment
Research local governmental meetings including, school board, city council, or other municipal (forest,
library, College of DuPage, etc.) gatherings as well as political events that have the primary purpose of
informing voters–debates, town hall meetings, rallies, etc.
Determine which type of governmental meeting best suits your personality and your schedule.
Find the local governmental meeting online. (School district website, village hall website, etc.)
Attend the meeting for two hours: take notes on what was said/done
Reflect on your experience by answering the required questions (see below list).
Turn in the reflection by the appropriate due date to Canvas.
Include the URL of Meeting

Self-Reflection Questions to Answer in at least 19 lines or more
What meeting did you go to?
When did you go to the meeting?
Where was the meeting held? (In what location? In what town?)
Why would a nurse need to attend a city council meeting? (At least 4 lines)
What happened at the meeting? Be specific about what was discussed and who was discussing
it. (At least 4 lines)
What did you learn about your community from your attendance at this meeting? (At least 4
What vulnerable population issues or social determinants of health issues were discussed? (At
least 4 lines) If not discussed what vulnerable population would you want this meeting to
address and why? (provide citations/references to support your points)
What did you learn about yourself from your attendance at this meeting? (At least 4 lines)
What impact did your attendance at this meeting have on your interests regarding politics
or organizations? (At least 4 lines)


New health care innovations offer the advanced registered nurse an opportunity to apply emerging technologies in practice to improve quality and patient outcomes. For this assignment, research an emerging health care technology that you think has the potential to overcome current or emerging barriers to care.
Write a 500-word brief that provides an overview of the technology, its purpose, and how it would function in a health care setting, including any ethical or legal issues that would accompany the incorporation of the technology. Discuss how this technology could improve access to care and promote patient safety and quality.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

ABC Classification

Describe what is meant by ABC analysis. What is the purpose of this inventory technique provide an example.

Here is one resource

Understanding ABC Classification
Class A items are the one that gets managements utmost focus and attention. The A, B and C classification of items has generally been based on a single criterion (Colley et al. 1977), i.e. money value per unit multiplied by usage rate (Silver and Paterson 1985). There are other criteria, however, that represent important considerations for management depending on the nature of the organization such as: Consumption rate, Demand, Lead-time, and Criticality of items (Bhattacharya et al. 2001).

The conventional ABC classification system is intended for grouping items of a manufacturing firm according to annual sales volume. The conventional classification technique is an attempt to identify the small number of items that will account for most of the sales volume, and that are the most important, in order to control for effective inventory management (Arsham 2005).

ABC analysis categorizes an organizations inventory items into groups depending on their relative values. The conventional way to classify the items is to forecast the total annual outlay for each stock item. The total annual monetary value of the items must be estimated by applying an average cost per item to the forecast production requirements for material, parts, and components. The items are then ranked depending upon their annual costs and classified into three groups.


Appendix 8
Virtual City or County Council Assignment
Research local governmental meetings including, school board, city council, or other municipal (forest,
library, College of DuPage, etc.) gatherings as well as political events that have the primary purpose of
informing voters–debates, town hall meetings, rallies, etc.
Determine which type of governmental meeting best suits your personality and your schedule.
Find the local governmental meeting online. (School district website, village hall website, etc.)
Attend the meeting for two hours: take notes on what was said/done
Reflect on your experience by answering the required questions (see below list).
Turn in the reflection by the appropriate due date to Canvas.
Include the URL of Meeting

Self-Reflection Questions to Answer in at least 19 lines or more
What meeting did you go to?
When did you go to the meeting?
Where was the meeting held? (In what location? In what town?)
Why would a nurse need to attend a city council meeting? (At least 4 lines)
What happened at the meeting? Be specific about what was discussed and who was discussing
it. (At least 4 lines)
What did you learn about your community from your attendance at this meeting? (At least 4
What vulnerable population issues or social determinants of health issues were discussed? (At
least 4 lines) If not discussed what vulnerable population would you want this meeting to
address and why? (provide citations/references to support your points)
What did you learn about yourself from your attendance at this meeting? (At least 4 lines)
What impact did your attendance at this meeting have on your interests regarding politics
or organizations? (At least 4 lines)

you can use this
and watch press confronce regarding covid

Redesigning employee performance evaluations with financial/merchandise incentives

Writing Assignment #4   
Research-Based Report to a Decision-maker   

Summary of assignment   

    Task:  You write a report that does the following:
o    defines a problem persuasively and accurately o proposes a solution or solutions to the problem or issue
o    presents that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation

    Topic: You will choose the same topic on which you wrote the memo for writing assignment #3.

    Length: 2000-3000 words

    Format:  Your sources will be cited and listed in APA format.

    Writing Process: You will submit a first draft of the report to the assignment folder.  The first draft will be given comments by the instructor.  After receiving comments from the instructor, you will submit a revised draft.  The final draft will be graded.

If you do not submit a second draft, the first draft will be graded.
    Components of the report: 
o    title page
o    letter to the decision maker (this can be a business letter OR a memo)
o    executive summary
o    table of contents
o    introduction
o    body of the report to include headings and subheadings
o        conclusion stated as a recommendation for implementation of the solution
o    References page, with references listed in APA format
o    Any appendix (or appendices if there are multiples)

Instructions on how to list an interview in APA format can be seen at the following url: 
Primary and Secondary Sources
The report must incorporate the results of your own primary research. When integrating primary research, you must explain the method(s) you used to gather that research and insert a copy in your reports appendices of any collection instrument you used.  For example, if you interviewed some people for the report, you would put the list of interview questions you asked in the appendix.  If you arranged for a group of people to take a survey, you would put the survey in the appendix.
The complete report should also cite at least seven secondary sources. At least three of these secondary sources should come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.
Students who cannot conduct primary research for safety or other valid reasons are required to provide TEN secondary sources. Of these FOUR should be from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.
As noted above, your primary and secondary sources will be integrated into the paper to explain the problem, to provide evidence of the problem, and to support the solution. 
Please note that, if you interview people for your research, you must cite the interviews in your paper.  In the paper, you cannot simply write that you spoke with employees.  A URL that shows how to cite an interview in APA citation style is provided in the list of components for the report. 
You might have taken WRTG 393 at UMGC. In WRTG 393, the final paper is a white paper.  This assignment is different from the white paper in WRTG 393.  In this paper for WRTG 394, you are writing to a specific decision-maker about a specific problem in your workplace or community.  The audience is much more focused than that for the white paper in WRTG 393. 

Your report might benefit from graphics.  As mentioned above, pictures of your workplace or community situation might help illustrate the problem you are trying to address.  Graphs, tables, or charts might help show trends that will persuade your decision-maker that the problem exists. 
Please do not incorporate a graphic for the sake of incorporating a graphic.  Include a graphic only if it helps communicate a message in your report.
Due Date
Your instructor will notify you of the due date.  You will write a first draft, your instructor will comment on the first draft, and you will submit a second draft using the comments as your guide.
Guides to Help You in Writing this Assignment:
    Victoria University of Wellington 
    Murdoch University 
    Colorado State University 
Topic Selection:

For this report, you will write on the same topic on which you wrote the memo for writing assignment #3.  In addition, it should be related to the topic on which you wrote writing assignment #2.  The secondary research you conducted for writing assignment #2 should be usable in some form for this report.
You must contact your instructor for approval before changing your topic from writing assignment #3.  In addition, if you do so, you must re-submit a memo for writing assignment #3.

Submitting the assignment: 

You will submit a first draft of the essay to the assignment folder.  The first draft will not be graded.  The instructor will provide comments on it. 

After receiving comments from the instructor, you will submit a revised draft.  The final draft will be graded.


Proverbs 31:8

Isaiah 1:17

Psalm 82:3

Philippians 2:4

Matthew 10:8

Galatians 6:2

John 15:12

James 2:14-17

pick one and answer the question

Is there a verse that speaks to you individually?
How might the verse or verses help someone struggling with using substances?
Is there anything you learned about faith from the verse or verses?
How can a nurse integrate the principles learned from the verse or verses into nursing practice?

Enterprise Resource Management

You represent a consulting firm that has been selected to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning system in a world class organization. Your team has been required to prepare and present a presentation to the client’s top management team. The team should prepare and deliver the presentation explaining the marketing and sales orders process from the Enterprise Resource Planning perspective.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes in which you include the following topics:

Explain the purpose and design of the Marketing Information Systems module(s) within the Enterprise Resource Planning system.
Describe the purpose and design of the sales orders process module(s) within the Enterprise Resource Planning system.
Include a slide with references at the end of the presentation.
Support your work with scholarly sources from the library not the Internet.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion Question
There are many factors that make people healthy or ill.  This week we will focus on the social factors and determinants that impact health.

It is time to get out into your community!

Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at (Links to an external site.) (*note, you will be using this website in the Week 2 assignment, so you can get started on collecting all the required data if desired)
Input your local zip code, city, or county. Try to get as specific data as possible (city, township, county).  Richmond
Next, identify the:
Total population: 476143
Median income:
Percentage or number of persons living in poverty:
Go to your local grocery store, use a flyer, or app. Include the stores name, city, and state. Identify cost for the following items (please note whether items are organic):
1 gallon of milk: 3.99 2% reduced milk 
1 loaf of bread: wonder 100% whole wheat bread 100% $2.99
1 bag of apples (include price per pound): apple gala $2.99/$0.06/oz
1 bag of carrots: $Natures promise organic carrot baby $1.99
1 large container of yogurt: Chobani Nonfat plain Greek yogurt $5.59
1 2-liter of soda: Schweppe Ginger Ale $2.00 stop & shop brand: 0.88 c
1 bag of chips: UTZ original potato chips $1.69
1 package of cookies: Nabisco Orea cookies $4.49

Utilizing the data collected, discuss social factors that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.).
Discuss how a community health nurse (CHN) could use one of the 17 intervention categories from the Public Health Intervention Wheel to address areas of food security (Nies & McEwen, 2019).
In your responses to classmates, include comparisons and contrasting information.
Your discussion post should look like:

Paragraph one: Utilizing the data collected, discuss a social factor that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.)
Paragraph two: Utilizing the data collected, discuss another social factor that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.)

please use at least two source of peer reviewed article and site all. APA format. Please site the census website in APA. 

what ive written
Have you ever put something back in a grocery store because it was not on your budget or you did not have enough money? Why is that? There are many social factors that impact what groceries a person can purchase such as income status. In Staten Island, NY, the median income per capita is $33,000, and the per household median income is $79,000. Also, according to the US census, the poverty rate in Staten Island is 11.7% compared to the United States average, which is 10.5%. Staten Islands poverty rate is higher than the national average in the United States. Poverty plays an impact on the amount of groceries an individual or a household can purchase and their ability to purchase them. Instead of buying what an individual wants, they might ration and buy what would last longer. For example, an individual that’s poor might buy a loaf of bread and peanut butter because it’s filling and has protein and carbs for energy.

Emotional Intelligence

Jordan and Lawrence (2009) suggest that team performance is comprised of certain team input characteristics and abilities. 
Analyze and discuss how these characteristics and abilities help leaders understand emotional intelligence (EQ) within their teams. Share an experience you have had with EQ in a team.

Posting Requirements:

2 additional journal articles; 3-4 citations