Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will review and write a one-page paper (plus the cover page) on your insights to the articles with implications for organizations and managers.  You should also consider the implications for the organization you are serving in a management consulting role. The papers in reading/writing order are:1.Assessing Organizational Culture made Simple

Diabetes among Native American Indians

In essay format, do the following:

Identify and describe your global health issue
Identify and discuss at least three determinants of health and how they impact your issue
Discuss at least three ways to address the determinants of health to positively impact your issue

Disease surveillance

Select a preventable disease affecting a population and write a blog for proposing a disease surveillance program. The essay should:

Introduce the topic and include a thesis statement
Describe the preventable disease and population affected by the disease
Propose methods for a disease surveillance program within the population.
Suggest global health organizations that would be suited to launch the program.
Explain how the program would be communicated to healthcare providers and communities.

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

Apply skills and strategies presented in this lesson to develop a plan for teaching from The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (reading level 7.4 and interest level 9-12).  Your plan must involve a minimum of 4 reading comprehension strategies.


Executive Summary

Create an executive summary containing a community outreach strategy that will improve the quality of life for Veterans with mental health concerns.

Identify a problem that requires a mental health community outreach strategy for the veteran population.
-Describe the problem in detail including:
-Specific health determinants supported with current evidence.
-Predictions for how those determinants affect the ability of the outreach to be successful.

Propose a community outreach strategy to the Director of the Veterans Hospital including:
-Description of the community outreach strategy.
-Explanation of how the proposed strategy will align and assist with the health determinants.
-Support for the explanation with current evidence.

Describe the resources needed to initiate the community outreach strategy including:State your ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.
-Detailed description of resources needed to initiate the community outreach strategy.
-Potential impact of the recommended resources to the health determinants.
-Description of how the health determinants will be overcome to ensure accessibility to the community outreach strategy.

Virtual Team Leader

The student is required to reply to the threads of at least 1 classmates. Each reply must be at least 250 words and include at least 2 peer-reviewed source citations in current APA format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principle as outlined in the Discussion Board rubric.

USA Health care system

Select a nation from a list provided by your instructor (or your instructor may assign you one) and research its health care system. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation. Presentation should be at NO MORE THAN 15 minutes.
Please refer to

LDRS 400

In this weeks lecture we discussed the communication process. The communication process is a dynamic two-way exchange of information requiring both parties to seek meaning, sending and receiving, providing ongoing feedback through various channels while paying attention to the barriers to communication in the form of noise.

When communication is clearly sent and received working and personal relationships are able to function at optimal levels. When communication breaks down, for a variety of different reasons, the door to conflict opens wide.

Noise gets in the way of clarity. As discussed, noise comes in many forms, both obvious and subtle. In the communication process, we need to pay attention to noise and seek ways to reduce, minimize or eliminate it if we want to improve the communication process.

For your initial post, find and share a communication example that produced less than desirable outcomes, i.e. a bad example of communication. This example can be personal or sourced from the media, TV or the internet.

1.  Describe the setting, the persons involved, what was said or not said and analyze what you think caused the miscommunication.

2.  What examples of noise can you identify in this example? Explain.

3.  What would you recommend to the persons involved to get a different, positive result?

4.  From this example and this weeks lecture, how might you approach communicating differently in the future?

Use articles or your textbook to cite support for your approach for the future. Make sure you move beyond opinion and towards supported assertions.

Maternal Newborn

Part 1: Read the attached article and respond to the following question in the Discussion Board below.
Identify how the theory of caring (Watson’s) can be incorporated in this labour story.
You may also ask another question you feel would help with the discussion.
needs to be a page long.

Part 2: you will be provided with other students’ responses, and you need to choose one to reply to (75ish words)

*The article, rubric & Watson’s theory are attached… I will provide other students’ posts asap as well!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Inventory is a necessary element for customer service. However, it implies an additional cost that can become unsustainable for an organization.

Read the article Inventory-Driven Costs and answer the following questions:

Is HPs focus on minimizing inventory costs is feasible for a company operating in a market where delivery speed is an order-winning factor?
Would you pay a premium for a product or service price for an earlier delivery? For which type of products or services?

Calloni, G., de Montgros, X., Slagmulder, R., Van Wassenhove, L., Wright, L. (2005). Inventory-Driven Costs.  Harvard Business Review.  Retrieved from:
Please cite at least 5 references in APA format.