Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment is about how scientists communicate with public through scientific journals. I need you to:
1- Choose an article  as a model to imitate from one of the following magazines (Time, National Geographic, Scientific American, Discover, The New York Times) analyze the article for the type of audience, the use of narration, analogy, examples, definition, comparisons.. etc ( please attach the model with the final paper).

2- Write 4-5 pages essay for a popular magazine about CAR T-cell therapy for cancer (use five citations from reputable, high-quality sources)

3- Create visuals designed for this journal and audience to include along with your text.

4- Be sure to include the of narration, analogy, examples, definition, comparisons where necessary and appropriate

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment is about how scientists communicate with public through scientific journals. I need you to:
1- Choose an article  as a model to imitate from one of the following magazines (Time, National Geographic, Scientific American, Discover, The New York Times) analyze the article for the type of audience, the use of narration, analogy, examples, definition, comparisons.. etc ( please attach the model with the final paper).

2- Write 4-5 pages essay for a popular magazine about CAR T-cell therapy for cancer (use five citations from reputable, high-quality sources)

3- Create visuals designed for this journal and audience to include along with your text.

4- Be sure to include the of narration, analogy, examples, definition, comparisons where necessary and appropriate

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment is about how scientists communicate with public through scientific journals. I need you to:
1- Choose an article  as a model to imitate from one of the following magazines (Time, National Geographic, Scientific American, Discover, The New York Times) analyze the article for the type of audience, the use of narration, analogy, examples, definition, comparisons.. etc ( please attach the model with the final paper).

2- Write 4-5 pages essay for a popular magazine about CAR T-cell therapy for cancer (use five citations from reputable, high-quality sources)

3- Create visuals designed for this journal and audience to include along with your text.

4- Be sure to include the of narration, analogy, examples, definition, comparisons where necessary and appropriate

The potential of embryonic stem cells

Scenario – You have just been hired as an R&D product manager at a Biotechnology company, Helix Inc. 
As a first step, your boss wants you to brush up on your literature research skills and ive her a
sense of how well you understand ethics as it relates to various biotechnology  areas nd

our first task is as follows:

1)  Select a topic from a provided list of topics

2)  Submit the selected topic in the Discussion area by the end of Week 1.

3)  Use this topic for your Library Research Activity Assignment in Week 2.

4)  Register for Graduate Writing Tutoring, the link can be found in LEO in “Content/ Assessing
Tutoring for Graduate Writing”.

5)  Once you have completed  the library research your boss asks you to write a paper on your
topic that includes

a.  an introduction and historical background to the topic,

b.  a description of the nature of any societal or ethical problems associated with the topic,

c.  a presentation of pro and against arguments

d.  an analysis of any ethical issues surrounding your topic

e.    Wrap-up with a strong and logical conclusion

f.    Complete APA citation

g.  Proofread your paper

6)  This paper should be approximately 2000 words, plus relevant diagrams, graphs, and other
figures, references and URLs on a societal issue in biotechnology. This paper may not include any
of your work which you have been submitted previously  for another class at any time.

The first draft of this paper is due by the end of Week 6. Use the Writing Tutoring to help you ith
style/grammar and proper citation format.

7)  When your draft is ready, submit it to your writing tutor. Once you receive feedback from your
tutor, submit your first draft along with the provided feedback to your assignment folder.

This part of your assignment (the first draft) will be graded as PASS/FAIL.

As you work on the final draft, consider implementing recommendations/feedback provided by your
tutor. If you have any questions about the technical/Biotechnology content, feel free to contact me
and I will be happy to help.

8)  Submit the final draft of your paper to the Week 9 Discussion Area and your assignment folder
by the beginning of Week 9 (Monday 10 am). Your paper will be the topic of class discussion for
that week.

9)  Your paper will be submitted to TURNITIN (by your instructor) for originality verification. If
any of part of your submitted work contains 10% or more material copied from other sources, a grade
of no more than 50% will be assigned to the whole assignment. I strongly encourage you to pay close
attention to proper paraphrasing and proper citation.

Topic : The potential of embryonic stem cells

CM220 Unit 3 Discussion Board

In this weeks readings and Learning Activities, you focused on choosing a topic, narrowing it down, and crafting a thesis statement. For this weeks Discussion, respond to the following questions in at least two well-developed paragraphs:

Tell the class about a community issue that you have some knowledge of and would like to try and improve. Who are the people in your community most affected by this issue (key stakeholders)? Who in the community is in the best position to bring about a change? What challenges have kept them from solving this problem already?
Share your preliminary thesis statement.
Share the thesis that you created in the Writing Your Problem-Solution Thesis Learning Activity.
In your thesis, be sure to identify your target audience, a concrete action the audience can take to solve the problem [solution], and a reason for action [problem/benefit].
Example: The San Antonio School District [target audience] should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet [solution] because this will encourage more learning outside of the classroom, increase mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates [benefit].
Dont worry about getting your thesis perfect this week. At this stage, your thesis is more of a hypothesis that needs to be tested and refined as you dig further into the problem you will attempt to solve.
Finally, wrap your post up with an open-ended question.
For an extra challenge in your peer feedback this week, try to determine the underlying assumption of your classmates thesis by using what you learned from the Enthymeme section of the Logical Argument Tutorial and then tell the class if you agree with the assumption or if you have some concerns with it. Those concerns can help your peers fine-tune the thesis statement. Hint: To determine the assumption (major premise), you can replace the action in the solution part of the thesis with something and the word because with if. The minor premise is the problem statement.

Example: The San Antonio School District should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet because this will encourage more learning outside of the classroom, increase mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates.

Major premise: The San Antonio School District should do something if it encourages more learning outside of the classroom, increases mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates.

Minor Premise: Tablets encourage learning outside of the classroom, increase mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates.

All Discussion posts and responses to peers should be written in complete sentences using Standard English. Before posting, proofread for grammar, spelling, and word-choice issues. Be sure to respond fully to every aspect of the Discussion.

When you refer to concepts from the units Reading, be sure to use a signal phrase like According to . . .[name of reading]. If you are directly quoting the Reading or another source, be sure to use quotation marks and cite the source using proper APA in-text citations and full references. See the Purdue Global Writing Center Using Sources for resources on APA citation formatting.

Discussion Board Rubric

Review the Discussion Board rubric your instructor will use to determine your Discussion grade.
Sample Discussion Post

You can review a sample Discussion post and response to a peer by clicking on the Unit 3 Sample Discussion Assignment.

Future Trends in the Business of Healthcare

1. Identify a future trend in the healthcare industry that interests you. This might be telemedicine, artificial intelligence, robotics, or another trend.
2. Compose a 14001750 word paper in which you:
3. Identify and describe the future trend that you chose.
4. Analyze how this trend could affect the finances of a healthcare organization, or the economics of the overall healthcare industry.
5. Evaluate the ethical implications of this trend for the healthcare industry.
6. Cite a minimum of three scholarly resources.
7. Format your paper according to the standards of: APA Formatting and Style Guide.

Additional web page:

rhetorical analysis

(15 points) Review the three approaches to generic criticism discussed in Foss by speculating about how you might apply one of the approaches to the speech you have analyzed for your paper (about 300-350 words).

(10 points) Read ONE of the attached case studies and explain how this specific rhetorical genre might be useful in evaluating a contemporary speaker/message (100–200 words)

M6 Essay (dropbox)

Essay Assignment: Chapter 2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis

Essay Assignment: Chapter 2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Chapter 2 is one of the longest and most dense chapters in our textbook. The concepts that are introduced assist us in making financial decision based on a company’s financial statements and reports. As you are likely aware, there is a very close relationship between finance and accounting, and in order to understand finance, it is critically important to comprehend basic accounting terminology and procedures. Please write a 1 page essay, double spaced, no less than 450 words, explaining the close relationship between accounting and finance. This essay should use accounting terminology, new terms we learn in Chapter 2, as well as examples of the importance of understanding accounting in a finance setting.

Aircraft pressurization

This module you have had the chance to learn more about the atmosphere and how aircraft have been adapted to operate at higher and higher altitudes. Take some time to research two different aircraft: one pressurized and one un-pressurized. Please provide a short summary describing how the two aircraft’s individual systems/equipment deal with flight (as they relate to atmosphere and pressurization).

General science

1) showing you read the essay by briefly summarizing it in your own words (paragraph 1),

2) demonstrating a passing familiarity with (a) the related concept(s) covered in class by not only mentioning the topic(s), but defining it/them and linking it/them to the essay (paragraph 2),

3) summarizing your reflection on the essay- by describing (how) do you relate to the essay and why (paragraph 3)