Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this project, you will be critiquing an original empirical research article that reports the results of testing reliability of an assessment instrument.
You may choose either of the following articles:
Lauth, B., Magnsson, P., Ferrari, P., & Ptursson, H. (2008)
.  An Icelandic version of the Kiddie-SADS-PL: Translation, cross-cultural
    adaptation and inter-rater reliability.  Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 62, 379-385.
In addition to explaining the study design and results, use the information from the textbook as well as the article to explain each type of reliability that was evaluated in the study.  Be sure to answer the following questions in your critique:
a.    Do you have confidence in the research design (e.g., the number of participants, the inclusion criteria, the methods)?  Why or why not?
b.    Do you have confidence in the researchers analyses of the reliability of the instrument? Why or why not?
c.    Would you have confidence in the instrument based on the reliability of the instrument as demonstrated in the study?  Why or why not?
d.    Would you have any reservations using the instrument in future research?  Why or why not?
e.    What additional types of reliability, if any, would you want to determine in future research that were not tested in this study?
f.    Discuss the purpose of demonstrating reliability in the population and culture sampled in the study.  Can these results generalize to other populations (ages, gender, abilities) or cultures?

Cross Cultural Methods of Test Measurements

Question 1: Explain the process of establishing standardized scores for an assessment instrument.  Include each of the following elements in your discussion, and include a peer-reviewed source that demonstrates establishment of norms for a psychological instrument.

a)    Selection of the norm reference group who should be selected, and why?
b)    Normal distribution
c)    Measures of central tendency
d)    Measures of variability
e)    Raw scores
f)    Methods of transforming raw scores into scale scores (discuss at least three)

Question 2: (a)  A researcher has decided to design a test that measures anxiety in job seekers prior to an interview.  Items in the test will be measured using a Likert scale. Describe the process the researcher would undertake in order to construct the initial instrument, test the items, refine the instrument, and demonstrate the validity of the measure.  Be sure to discuss at least three types of validity (other than face validity).

(b)  If the researcher had decided to design an interview rather than a survey, what additional type of reliability (discussed in chapter 4; Gregory, 2016) would need to be demonstrated?

Question 3: Review chapter 5 (Gregory, 2016) and the Hartley and MacLean (2006) article.

a)    Define a learning disability and briefly describe several different types of learning disabilities.
b)    Explain how a learning disability is diagnosed.
c)    What special considerations are necessary in educational testing of children with disabilities?
d)    What special considerations are necessary in psychological testing of adolescents and adults with disabilities?

Question 4: Sources of test bias.  Explain at least three sources of test bias that can threaten validity of the test results.  What steps can be taken to reduce the risk of bias in each case?  Include at least two peer-reviewed sources that give examples of test bias and/or address strategies to reduce test bias.

Question 5: Compare and contrast projective and objective personality testing, including an explanation of the theoretical basis for each category of test.
Describe at least two projective and two objective personality tests and address the reliability and validity data for each test.

Question 6: For each of the issues, address the following:
a.    Identify possible brain structures that may be associated with impairment in functioning
b.    Identify at least two neurological tests (or specific subscales, if applicable) that could be used to test for impairment in functioning
c.    Explain how each neurological test (or subscale) is administered
d.    Explain how possible impairment is identified by each particular test
    Spatial/manipulatory ability***
    Manipulative speed and accuracy***

Question 7: Forensic:
a.    Explain the difference between competency to stand trial and legal insanity.
b.    Discuss the unique issues involved in assessment of defendants and the legal issues that must be considered when administering tests in a forensic setting.
c.    Identify specific tests used in forensic settings and how they are used to identify malingering and to evaluate competency.

Cross Cultural Methods of Test Measurements

Review the American Psychological Association (2017) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Standard 9: Assessment. ( Pay particular attention to section 9.07, Assessment by Unqualified Persons.  Psychologists do not promote the use of psychological assessment techniques by unqualified persons, except when such use is conducted for training purposes with appropriate supervision. Also review chapter 2 of the textbook (Gregory, 2016) regarding the history of psychological testing.

In a two- to three-page paper, discuss critical issues that must be considered in assessment, including appropriate training, supervision, confidentiality, standard of care, individual differences, and culture, as well as negative effects that may occur if these standards are not followed.  Also include a discussion of the necessary steps that a student in training should take before administering any assessment instrument. 

Cross Cultural Methods of Test Measurements

Twomajor types of psychological tests listed in Chapter 1 of the textbook (Gregory, 2016).  Discuss the following issues as they relate to each type of test.  If you have taken or administered those tests in the past, you may discuss the issues as they relate to your testing experiences, but please dont provide the results of any tests that you have taken!  Note: The PowerPoint slide presentation (Hansen, 2013) may be helpful for an overview of tests and measurements.

1)    Behavior domain sampled by the test ***
2)    Prediction of nontest behavior***

Trends in Health Care in the United States

Write a minimum 2 page (excluding the title and references page), research paper discussing the trends in Health care in the United States, look for recent articles that talk about health care trends that will be coming up in the future.
To be more clear don’t use an article from 2011 or 2015 that talks about what’s coming up…., look for recently published articles.
Also, on Statista you can find all kinds of Statistics and reports.
Use APA 7 Format for your paper and list your references.
Do not use google to find articles, please use only our Library’s databases.

Articles attached

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Part II: Submit a 3- to 5-page paper, excluding the Title and References pages and the Appendix section. This paper will provide additional project information for the project you identified last week in Part 1. Your paper must include the following and follow APA formatting and citation.

Title page
Describe the project:
Goals and milestones
Describe the following, explaining their purpose in project management:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Project Scheduling
Establishing project priorities
Resource Allocation (include information on your project, as well as a Responsibility Matrix table)
Communication Plan (include information on your project in the description)
References page
“Appendix” section for your project
Project Schedule (you can use the table in the example paper below, inserting your project information)
Budget Table (table or diagram showing project costs)
AON (Activity on Network Diagram)
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Diagram

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Part II: Submit a 3- to 5-page paper, excluding the Title and References pages and the Appendix section. This paper will provide additional project information for the project you identified last week in Part 1. Your paper must include the following and follow APA formatting and citation.

Title page
Describe the project:
Goals and milestones
Describe the following, explaining their purpose in project management:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Project Scheduling
Establishing project priorities
Resource Allocation (include information on your project, as well as a Responsibility Matrix table)
Communication Plan (include information on your project in the description)
References page
“Appendix” section for your project
Project Schedule (you can use the table in the example paper below, inserting your project information)
Budget Table (table or diagram showing project costs)
AON (Activity on Network Diagram)
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Diagram

Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction

            Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction

View the media, Levy Family: Sessions 1-7, and consider the psychotherapeutic approaches being used.
In  3-page paper, address the following:
    Identify the psychotherapeutic approach that the group facilitator is using and explain why she might be using this approach.
    Determine whether or not you would use the same psychotherapeutic approach if you were the counselor facilitating this group and justify your decision.
    Identify an alternative approach to group therapy for addiction and explain why it is an appropriate option.
    Support your position with evidence-based literature.

5 resources

Discussion: “Possible Research Questions

For your initial post in this discussion, you will consider possible research topics, conduct preliminary research using the Opposing Viewpoints database from the Ivy Tech Library website and develop guiding research questions to help you arrive at a focus for your Research Proposal. Keep in mind this is pre-writing–this discussion board assignment should be helpful in leading you to a topic you are interested in; however, you are not yet committed to any one topic. Feel free to play around with possible ideas here knowing that you can change your research topic if it is not working for you. (Your peers will give you feedback in this discussion that may cause you to reconsider your topic and Module 1 contains assigned readings on other methods to develop a research topic. Likewise, your instructor will provide feedback for you to help you confirm whether you have developed a feasible academic research topic)

For your initial post, do the following:

1. Identify an issue, problem or controversy that matters to you, or that you would like to investigate in more depth. Need help identifying a topic? Review the readings in Module 01 Readings on the Academic Research Process, especially 6.2 Choosing a Manageable Research Topic, which provides a number of pre-writing prompts to get you thinking about an effective research topic.

2. Access the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database from the Ivy Tech LibraryLinks to an external site. website. Search for articles on your topic and pick at least two (2) articles from the Opposing Viewpoints database to review. Answer at least 3 of the questions in your discussion post, contributing both your own thoughts and information you cite from the articles you found on the topic. (Be sure to cite the articles as needed using APA or MLA style, as indicated by your instructor):

Why are you personally interested in or curious about this topic? (both explain your personal concern for this topic and connect that concern to information contained in the articles you found.)
Why do you think this topic matters now, based on what the articles say? What people, groups, and/or organizations does it matter to? Why?
Based on the articles, what are some specific areas of conflict or disagreement among experts on this topic? What is your understanding so far about why these conflicts or disagreements exist?
Describe at least two different perspectives or opinions on the topic, as described in the articles. To what extent to you agree and/or disagree with these perspectives? Why?
What in the articles surprised you? What ideas or information did you react strongly to? Explain why.
What are some questions that you still have regarding this topic? What do you still need to know in order to formulate an informed opinion on the topic.
3. Based on your responses to the above prompts, formulate 2-3 guiding research questions on your chosen topic. Review the Module 01 reading 6.3: Qualities of a Good Research Question to help as you formulate questions.

Your initial post should be at least 300 original words.

“What is Strategy?”

Article summary, professor gave us an article and we need to answer the questons (see attachment) base on the article. “What is Strategy?” Porter, Michael E., Harvard Business Review, November 1996
article link