Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Privatization of prison

Drawing Privatization of prisons discuss in more depth the arguments for and against privatization of prisons 

I am looking for a paper to get me started

– Arguments for
– and a critical analysis 

Class readings

(Pg. 1-8 howver, more of the reading is relevant)^^

Other relevant articles (outside sources):

Video Reviews


~Everything MUST be in YOUR OWN WORDS, NO in-text citations

~Please watch these two videos (links) below, write TWO PARAGRAPHS for each video & connect it to general information about addiction…. you must download the videos to watch them:

~If you do need any outside information please ONLY use this book below but ALL information put into your own words

Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology
Ninth Edition| 2019 Ronald J. Comer; Jonathan S.

Create a FAQ

Imagine that you work for a city/county/parish/state office that offers licensing for commercial emergency medical services (EMS) agencies. Develop a frequently asked question (FAQ) document consisting of 10 questions that someone who wants to be licensed in the state might ask. Be sure to include responses specific to any local, state, or federal regulations for commercial agencies that apply within your imagined city/county/parish/state. The requirements may be specific to one of those or a combination of all four. Also, be sure to include responses that paraphrase regulations related to personnel, agencies, and operations.

Your employer plans to use this on your office’s website for consumers/potential applicants to use. You are encouraged to format the FAQ page in a creative way, but it should be readable and consistent throughout. The questions and responses must relate to licensing and safety requirements for EMS agencies. This assignment should consist of at least one page of content.

Your FAQ page must have a link to web-based information for each response, and your references page should reflect all resources that are used/linked. Examples of FAQ questions and answers based on existing EMS regulations pertaining to licensing and safety from various city/county/parish/state office websites can be utilized, but no direct quotes may be used. Use of your own words is required. Correct APA formatting must be used for all outside resources used.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Uploading screenshots, this paper is due in parts. the parts due this week are just the title and the introduction. We’ve worked together in the past and I love working with you! So I will just keep requesting you for the other parts.
I’m attaching the screenshot of the directions. I will also upload the resources given to me.
I will also upload the power points that the professor gave us.

Juvenile Delinquency

I need an annotated bibliography page for a paper on Juvenile Delinquency. It requires a minimum of 10 sources, five of which must be scholarly, peer reviewed sources. Must use APA style 7th edition and must be listed alphabetically rather than chronologically. Whomever take on this assignment, I will also like to write the research paper that it coincides with in a couple of weeks. I also have three other sources that I have chosen on my own to be added to the listed bibliography.

Mentorship in Nursing

Topic: Mentorship in nursing

    Integrate concepts related to leadership into the professional nursing role.
    Analyze the philosophy, goals, and organizational structure of a healthcare system in relationship to the delivery of quality healthcare.
    Compare selected theories of leadership, management, and organizations in relation to healthcare agencies.
    Identify how collaborative leadership styles might be utilized in various community agencies to enhance the role of the nurse leader.
    Examine change theory, change management, conflict resolution, and strategies to promote innovation.
    Explain principles of continuous quality improvement (CQI) and the process of quality planning, improvement, and control.
    Discuss the management process and its impact on the delivery of optimal healthcare.
    Analyze how accountability, advocacy, and collaboration augment the management of care.
    Describe the meaning of teamwork in respect to the health care team
    Identify the essential components of a business plan
    Analyze various organization structure/management theories as they relate to nursing practice
    Be 3-4 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
    Source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use in-text citations pointing to evidence in the literature that supports your ideas.
    Incorporate a minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed sources into your paper.
    Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.

Response Paper 1

Instructions: Think of this response paper as a personal reflection. This module has described attitudes toward death, dying, and bereavement, with this in mind, answer the following:

– How do attitudes (chapter 3) differ from encounters (chapter 2)?
– How have your attitudes been affected by your encounters (either directly or through the media) with a specific death-related event?


Corr, C. A., Corr, D. M., & Doka, K. J. (2019). Death & Dying, Life & Living (8th ed.). Boston,
MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1337563895

chapter 1-3


Content Pages (2-3 pages: a minimum of 750 words but no more than 1000 words of content).1.  Providean Executive Summary of the case by summarizing your report- not the case itself. Must be clear and concise and be at least one paragraph. NOTE: This will be the last section written when preparing your case study. (11 points)2.  Identify the Statement of Immediate (obvious) Problem (s) (your companys issues) including the root cause of the immediate problem, and the secondary problem(s) that may not be solved when immediate problem is solved. (11 points)3.  Describe your companys Situation (SWOT) Analysis by explaining at least three items for each element(23 points)
2a)    Strengthsb)  Weaknessesc)  Opportunitiesd)  Threats4.  Describehow you would approach the Marketing Mix for your case            (all of the 4 Ps MUST be addressed). (22 points)5.  Provide an Action Plan for this case including how to prevent a future similar occurrence. Must include    whatshould be done by whom, whyit should be done and how it should be done. Should include a contingency plan should problems arise. (23 points)Endnotes (one separate page): Minimum of three (3= grade of C) but no more than 5 quality endnotes. (5 points as part of the Grammar grade) Note: This is your original analysis and solution. Tjherefore, a maximum of 20% of your case study submittal can be direct quotes or paraphrasing anothers work. A one point penalty for each percentage point above the 20% maximum will be assessed.In the Content Section, place an Arabic numeral by the information to be cited. Repeat the number on the Endnotes Page. Identify from which entry in your bibliography you obtained the data. Include the page number(s) of the reference. What to endnote: Information not commonly known such as facts, dates, quotes etc. Please use only Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) One point penalty per entry for using Roman numerals. Internet: Supply URL address including all appropriate extensions. When in doubtEND NOTE! Place end notes on a separate page. Do not insert endnotes in the body of your content. Only the endnote number. For end notes examples, please see the A graded papers attached in Blackboard. Five point penalty if correct endnotes format is not followed. Five point penalty will be assessed for Endnotes page not submitted on a separate page. GRAMMAR REQUIREMENTS (10 points) (One (1) point penalty for each violation of these basic directions.) Document MUST be left justified in a portrait format. Black (no other color!) 12 point Times New Roman or Arial typeface only. (Five (5) point penalty for each page submitted with any color other than black).No background color on any page is acceptable. A five (5) point penalty will assessed for each page that contains a background color.Write in third person voice (he, she, it, the company, etc.) only. Do not use first person (I, we, and us) or second person (you, them) voice.Your content MUST be broken into paragraphs. The first line of all paragraphs should be indented. Whole blocks of type are not acceptable. A 5 point penalty per page submitted with no paragraphs.Numbers 10 or larger, type the number. Less than 10, type the word (one, two, etc.)
3Financial figures are to be written as $50 (not fifty dollars); $1,500 (not one thousand, five hundred dollars); $1M (not one million dollars); $3.2B (not three billion, two hundred million dollars).Never end your sentence with a preposition like to, from, by, with, between, before, after or during. (E.g. The company could not have anticipated where the threat came from.) Always use italics for the name of a source (magazine, book or newspaper title) e.g. Wall St. Journal.NEVER use the words sticking (instead use placing or inserting the product into the market); everyone (no product appeals to/or is used by everyone-ever!), stocks (it is stock) or came up with (use developed). Always capitalize the first letter of proper names.When you attach your project to the online drop box, use SINGLE MS Word file or PDF attachment IN THE ORDER YOU WANT IT PRINTED AND READ. No multiple MS Word or PDF file attachments will be accepted. (10 point penalty per attachment for multiple documents submission).Always include page numbers on the bottom right corner of each page.Text MUST be double spaced.  A 5 point penalty per page not double spaced

Application of the Problem-Solving Model and Theoretical Orientation to a Case Study

The problem-solving model was first laid out by Helen Perlman. Her seminal 1957 book, Social Casework: A Problem-Solving Process, described the problem-solving model and the 4Ps. Since then, other scholars and practitioners have expanded the problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy. At the heart of problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy is helping clients identify the problem and the goal, generating options, evaluating the options, and then implementing the plan.

Because models are blueprints and are not necessarily theories, it is common to use a model and then identify a theory to drive the conceptualization of the clients problem, assessment, and interventions. Take, for example, the article by Westefeld and Heckman-Stone (2003). Note how the authors use a problem-solving model as the blueprint in identifying the steps when working with clients who have experienced sexual assault. On top of the problem-solving model, the authors employed crisis theory, as this theory applies to the trauma of going through sexual assault. Observe how, starting on page 229, the authors incorporated crisis theory to their problem-solving model.

In this Final Case Assignment, using the same case study that you chose in Week 2, you will use the problem-solving model AND a theory from the host of different theoretical orientations you have used for the case study.

You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 11 to 12 slides,

Review and focus on the case study that you chose in Week 2.

Review the problem-solving model, focusing on the five steps of the problem-solving model formulated by DZurilla on page 388 in the textbook.

In addition, review this article listed in the Learning Resources: Westefeld, J. S., & Heckman-Stone, C. (2003). The integrated problem-solving model of crisis intervention: Overview and application. The Counseling Psychologist, 31(2), 221239.

Identify the theoretical orientation you have selected to use.
Describe how you would assess the problem orientation of the client in your selected case study (i.e., how the client perceives the problem). Remember to keep the theoretical orientation in mind in this assessment stage.
Discuss the problem definition and formulation based on the theoretical orientation you have selected.
Identify and describe two solutions from all the solutions possible. Remember, some of these solutions should stem from the theoretical orientation you are utilizing.
Describe how you would implement the solution. Remember to keep the theoretical orientation in mind.
Describe the extent to which the client is able to mobilize the solutions for change.
Discuss how you would evaluate whether the outcome is achieved or not. Remember to keep the theoretical orientation in mind.
Evaluate how well the problem-solving model can be used for short-term treatment of this client.
Evaluate one merit and one limitation of using the problem-solving model for this case.

Your 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation should follow these guidelines:

Each slide should be written using bullet points, meaning no long paragraphs of written text should be in the slides.
Include a brief narration for each slide (i.e., the narration takes the place of any written paragraphs, while the bullet points provide context and cues for the audience to follow along).

Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
Use literature to support your claims.
Use APA formatting and style.
Include the reference list on the last slide

Risk Management Technique

The student will write a 10-page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on risk management techniques. Specifically, the student will choose a project within an organization, evaluate what environmental factors contribute to the risk of that project, and build a risk management plan to address those project risks. The paper must include at least 10 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. An abstract of 150250 words is required, which is included in the total page count.