Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the sample professional liability insurance policy.  LOCATE the various provisions:

    Limits of liability
    Reservation of rights
    Covered injuries
    Defense costs
    Coverage conditions and supplementary payments
I have attached the sample professional liability insurance. Please include at least 1 scholarly source

Development Theories

In a 1 to 2-page paper, address the following:
Briefly explain Piaget’s and Erikson’s theories of development. Who had a better theory of human development: Erikson or Piaget? Please offer detail to explain your choice.
What tips would you give to someone who has just suffered a major loss, now that you know the stages of grief?
Use references from the 10 slides attached and include APA in-text citations.

Safety Risk

Provide your answers to the following questions in a 2-page paper. Use APA Editorial Format for all citations and references used.

What should the “culture and environment of safety” look like when preparing and administering medications?
Discuss a common breach of medication administration.
Identify three (3) factors that lead to errors in documentation related to medication administration.
What can I do to prevent medication errors?

Viral Treatment

There are many opinions on the need and/or importance of vaccines in preventing the spread of disease. Our children are required to get vaccinations before entering school, and health care workers must have them when working in environments where they can come into contact with bloodborne pathogens. In health care facilities, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C (HCV) are the two more prominent infectious concerns for medical staff.

For your initial post, research the two diseases HIV and HCV. Based on your research, discuss whether you think that a vaccine will be developed for either of these diseases within the next ten years. Why or why not?

Nursing Ethical Dilemma

Analyzing an ethical dilemma.

You are transplant nurse coordinator, thinking about two patients who are being evaluated for placement on the kidney transplant waiting list. One patient is a 40-yr-old African American schoolteacher. She is married and has two children. The other patient is a 22-yr-old unemployed white man. He misses three or four dialysis treatments per month and does not take his antihypertensive medications consistently.

Points to consider:

The foundation of this conflict resides in the Constitution, in which the founders made education a free public resource and ignored health care as a right. Health care then became a privilege, a resource to be obtained by persons with the funds to pay for it.

It took almost 200years for health entitlement programs to be developed. Medicare is a federally administrated program. Individuals covered by Medicare are protected by Constitutional laws prohibiting discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and ethnic background.

Medicaid is a federally sponsored program jointly administered by the various states. The states have the right to set coverage eligibility and limits but may not violate an individual’s constitutionally protected rights against discrimination.

It is highly unlikely that the standard prohibitions against discrimination will change, but it is possible that definitions of unhealthy behavior such as substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking, and obesity may be used to screen out candidates.

Nurses are concerned about social justice because of their health advocacy role. Today the situation is immensely more complex because of the cost and availability of care.

Address the questions below:

Which ethical principles and values apply to this case; which ethical principles are in conflict?
What which of the patients should receive the next available kidney transplant? Defend your answer using the steps of the decision-making model. Address each level of the decision-making model. Identify other information that might help you make a decision.
Assignment Expectations

Write a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Problem-Solving Strategy

In this assignment, you will prepare a paper that includes an introduction and summary of the best practices in problem solving, and the skills and strategies that expert problem solvers use.

Then, you will present one theoretical problem related to a diverse group within your community. (For example, present a community or, civic problem, or problems related to the delivery of health care or educational services; avoid discussing personal interpersonal problems). Follow the best practices in problem solving you discussed in your paper to reach a solution to the problem you identified. Use at least one graph (such as mind mapping, brainstorming, decision tree, flow chart) to illustrate your problem solving process.

Finally evaluate how well these behavioral guidelines for changing problem solving behavior were or were not effective. What other perspectives or tools might be needed to appropriately solve the type of problem you raised?

Support your paper with at least three scholarly references from peer-reviewed journals published in the past five years. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 4-6 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


Provide a case scenario that you have encountered where patient privacy was violated (See attached for an example on page 185, Case 2). Please provide the legal ramification that resulted, how the situation was dealt with, and how the situation could have been avoided. Utilize the text, outside resources, and the ANA website for supporting evidence.

First-person pronouns can be used.
Need 2 sources cited using APA 7th.

Cultrual DIversity

The paper should be 3 pages and should observe, compare and contrast two families of different ethnicity and/or race and compare and contrast including, but not limited to; the culture, values, ethnicity, customs, family expectation, interactions, role etc. of the families (Incorporate information and knowledge gained from texts and supplemental sources)


Provide a case scenario that you have encountered where patient privacy was violated (See an example on page 185, Case 2). Please provide the legal ramification that resulted, how the situation was dealt with, and how the situation could have been avoided. Utilize the text, outside resources, and the ANA website for supporting evidence.

Need at least 2 sources cited using APA 7th.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Guidelines for Boy Erased:  A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family Paper Counselors and psychotherapists have been portrayed in various ways in books.  Boy Erased:  A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family, a memoir by Garrard Conley, portrays counseling as it occurs at Love in Action (LIA) a church-supported conversion therapy program a facility that attempts to cure homosexuality.  While conversion therapy is an umbrella term including reparative therapy, for the purposes of this assignment, I will refer to the process interchangeably. IN addition to reading Mr. Conleys memoir, prior to commencing your work on this paper, please view the web links, relevant to this assignment, posted in Brightspace.  They will assist you in answering some of the questions outlined below. Although your Boy Erased paper is not solely a research paper, research will be an integral component (this will become clearer when you review the expectations below); consequently, your paper must be written in APA format.  Part of your work will center on how the counselor, counseling process, and helping professions are depicted.  To that end, below is a list of questions to contemplate, research (if necessary), and answer.  Please do not simply answer the questions; I expect that you will write a cogent, well-written, well-formatted essay. Moreover, I expect detailed specifics and examples so that I can be sure that you have read the work and viewed the information in the web links.  Keep in mind that learning does not only takeplace via textbooks; a well-executed work of fiction can often supplement and greatly enrich learning.  Too, in the age of Hulu and Netflix — which, by the way, I have nothing against — my hope is that reading will allow you to experience the power of the written word.What is reparative therapy?  What exactly is this therapy trying to repair?What is the brief history of reparative therapy?Please include meaningful references to the brief video and the Cornell University meta-analysis of reparative therapy in your discussions.Referencing the Portland Press article as your resource, indicate whether conversion therapy is illegal in Maine?  Briefly address its current legality in Mr. Conleys home state of Arkansas.Is it effective?Why does the counseling field not endorse reparative therapy?Why is this therapy particularly dangerous to utilize with adolescents?Using the Trevor Project as your resource, discuss the potential suicidality of LGBTQIA+ relative to heterosexual youth.  How is this depicted in Boy Erased?  Please provide specific examples.How do LIAs therapists approach counseling?  Is their therapeutic approach based on the clients strengths or weaknesses?Provide specific examples of their antithetical approach to counseling.What are some of the fallacies that LIA perpetuates?Based upon what you have learned about the counseling process, should counseling be utilized to cure homosexual clients?
What, if any, are the ethical issues presented?  Are there BETA approaches or techniques that you recognize?  Be specific by giving examples.What BETA techniques might be useful with LIA clients?What kind of an image of the counseling or helping profession is presented?On page 335, an ex-gay survivor describes the lasting effects of reparative therapy by saying, It elevated sexuality from being part of my life to being the central fact of my life; everything revolved around it and my fear of it and being discovered.  This survivors sexuality had become his master status.  What is a master status and how, in this instance, is it not helpful? In Mr. Conleys epilogue, does it appear that his time at LIA is indelibly etched in his psyche?  Give specific examples of the damage LIAs counseling has done.