Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Guidelines for Boy Erased:  A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family Paper Counselors and psychotherapists have been portrayed in various ways in books.  Boy Erased:  A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family, a memoir by Garrard Conley, portrays counseling as it occurs at Love in Action (LIA) a church-supported conversion therapy program a facility that attempts to cure homosexuality.  While conversion therapy is an umbrella term including reparative therapy, for the purposes of this assignment, I will refer to the process interchangeably. IN addition to reading Mr. Conleys memoir, prior to commencing your work on this paper, please view the web links, relevant to this assignment, posted in Brightspace.  They will assist you in answering some of the questions outlined below. Although your Boy Erased paper is not solely a research paper, research will be an integral component (this will become clearer when you review the expectations below); consequently, your paper must be written in APA format.  Part of your work will center on how the counselor, counseling process, and helping professions are depicted.  To that end, below is a list of questions to contemplate, research (if necessary), and answer.  Please do not simply answer the questions; I expect that you will write a cogent, well-written, well-formatted essay. Moreover, I expect detailed specifics and examples so that I can be sure that you have read the work and viewed the information in the web links.  Keep in mind that learning does not only takeplace via textbooks; a well-executed work of fiction can often supplement and greatly enrich learning.  Too, in the age of Hulu and Netflix — which, by the way, I have nothing against — my hope is that reading will allow you to experience the power of the written word.What is reparative therapy?  What exactly is this therapy trying to repair?What is the brief history of reparative therapy?Please include meaningful references to the brief video and the Cornell University meta-analysis of reparative therapy in your discussions.Referencing the Portland Press article as your resource, indicate whether conversion therapy is illegal in Maine?  Briefly address its current legality in Mr. Conleys home state of Arkansas.Is it effective?Why does the counseling field not endorse reparative therapy?Why is this therapy particularly dangerous to utilize with adolescents?Using the Trevor Project as your resource, discuss the potential suicidality of LGBTQIA+ relative to heterosexual youth.  How is this depicted in Boy Erased?  Please provide specific examples.How do LIAs therapists approach counseling?  Is their therapeutic approach based on the clients strengths or weaknesses?Provide specific examples of their antithetical approach to counseling.What are some of the fallacies that LIA perpetuates?Based upon what you have learned about the counseling process, should counseling be utilized to cure homosexual clients?
What, if any, are the ethical issues presented?  Are there BETA approaches or techniques that you recognize?  Be specific by giving examples.What BETA techniques might be useful with LIA clients?What kind of an image of the counseling or helping profession is presented?On page 335, an ex-gay survivor describes the lasting effects of reparative therapy by saying, It elevated sexuality from being part of my life to being the central fact of my life; everything revolved around it and my fear of it and being discovered.  This survivors sexuality had become his master status.  What is a master status and how, in this instance, is it not helpful? In Mr. Conleys epilogue, does it appear that his time at LIA is indelibly etched in his psyche?  Give specific examples of the damage LIAs counseling has done.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Guidelines for Boy Erased:  A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family Paper Counselors and psychotherapists have been portrayed in various ways in books.  Boy Erased:  A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family, a memoir by Garrard Conley, portrays counseling as it occurs at Love in Action (LIA) a church-supported conversion therapy program a facility that attempts to cure homosexuality.  While conversion therapy is an umbrella term including reparative therapy, for the purposes of this assignment, I will refer to the process interchangeably. IN addition to reading Mr. Conleys memoir, prior to commencing your work on this paper, please view the web links, relevant to this assignment, posted in Brightspace.  They will assist you in answering some of the questions outlined below. Although your Boy Erased paper is not solely a research paper, research will be an integral component (this will become clearer when you review the expectations below); consequently, your paper must be written in APA format.  Part of your work will center on how the counselor, counseling process, and helping professions are depicted.  To that end, below is a list of questions to contemplate, research (if necessary), and answer.  Please do not simply answer the questions; I expect that you will write a cogent, well-written, well-formatted essay. Moreover, I expect detailed specifics and examples so that I can be sure that you have read the work and viewed the information in the web links.  Keep in mind that learning does not only takeplace via textbooks; a well-executed work of fiction can often supplement and greatly enrich learning.  Too, in the age of Hulu and Netflix — which, by the way, I have nothing against — my hope is that reading will allow you to experience the power of the written word.What is reparative therapy?  What exactly is this therapy trying to repair?What is the brief history of reparative therapy?Please include meaningful references to the brief video and the Cornell University meta-analysis of reparative therapy in your discussions.Referencing the Portland Press article as your resource, indicate whether conversion therapy is illegal in Maine?  Briefly address its current legality in Mr. Conleys home state of Arkansas.Is it effective?Why does the counseling field not endorse reparative therapy?Why is this therapy particularly dangerous to utilize with adolescents?Using the Trevor Project as your resource, discuss the potential suicidality of LGBTQIA+ relative to heterosexual youth.  How is this depicted in Boy Erased?  Please provide specific examples.How do LIAs therapists approach counseling?  Is their therapeutic approach based on the clients strengths or weaknesses?Provide specific examples of their antithetical approach to counseling.What are some of the fallacies that LIA perpetuates?Based upon what you have learned about the counseling process, should counseling be utilized to cure homosexual clients?
What, if any, are the ethical issues presented?  Are there BETA approaches or techniques that you recognize?  Be specific by giving examples.What BETA techniques might be useful with LIA clients?What kind of an image of the counseling or helping profession is presented?On page 335, an ex-gay survivor describes the lasting effects of reparative therapy by saying, It elevated sexuality from being part of my life to being the central fact of my life; everything revolved around it and my fear of it and being discovered.  This survivors sexuality had become his master status.  What is a master status and how, in this instance, is it not helpful? In Mr. Conleys epilogue, does it appear that his time at LIA is indelibly etched in his psyche?  Give specific examples of the damage LIAs counseling has done.

See instructions

This assignment requires you to create a Literature Literacy Matrix with 13 articles. Articles should be within the last 5 years. The Matrix is provided in excel format. The instruction page with an example is also provided.

13 articles, instruction with the example, and Excel Matrix file have been attached. Needed to be filled in and format the citation in APA 7th.

Korean War and Vietnam

“Discuss the differences between the two wars, the general perceptions of them, and how you may have learned about them prior to this lesson.”

Please Write one page with a freestyle response to this question for assignment and the rest of the material

Korean War and Vietnam

“Discuss the differences between the two wars, the general perceptions of them, and how you may have learned about them prior to this lesson.”

Please Write one page with a freestyle response to this question for assignment and the rest of the material

preliminary case analysis for Harris funeral home vs. EEOC

Standard format will be Times New Roman in 12 point with double-spaced paragraphs. Format for citations will be APA 7th Edition.

please use the BLATT- how to brief a case to help as the format for this:

please only use the scholarly sources listed:

Ashworth, T. A. (2020, February 22). Trans-forming sex based stereotyping. Louisiana Law Review | A leader in comparative and Louisiana law since 1938.
Roundtable discussion | Harris Funeral Homes: Employment discrimination and gender identity. (2020, March 28). Columbia Undergraduate Law Review.
Young, E. (n.d.). What the Supreme Court Could Have Heard in R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC and Aimee Stephens. California Law Review.

R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC. (2020, June 17). Freedom for All Americans.

R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). LII / Legal Information Institute.

Bostock v. Clayton County: Supreme Court opinion. (n.d.). American Civil Liberties Union.

R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, Inc. Petitioner, v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Et Al., Respondents. (2019, October 08). Retrieved September 30, 2020, from         

R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Oyez. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from

please use what is written for the preliminary briefing document as a guide as it was started already.

Interpreting the Sheriff Offices’ Chi-square

Below is a chi-square and Cramers V statistic from Maricopa Countys Sheriff Offices Annual Report (2014-2015). The tables tests the relationship between whether a driver had an item seized by that drivers race. The chi-square is significant, so a relationship exists.

What does this tell us about the organization? How does the Cramers V weigh in here?

Driver post-stop perceived race or ethnicity
    White    Unknown    Native American    Hispanic    Black    Asian    Total
Driver item seized – No    18747    271    401    5671    1988    569    27647
Driver item seized – Yes    268    2    23    131    47    5    476
Total    19015    273    424    5802    2035    574    28123
Chi-Square    64.29    **                   
Cramer’s V    0.048    **                   
+ p < 0.10; * p <0.05; ** p < 0.01

Correctional Policies

In a 1500-1800-word essay, evaluate the efficacy of correctional policies based on theories of punishment and incarceration. Your assignment should:

Identify three correctional policies (examples include but are not limited to, forms of community based corrections, the death penalty, determinant sentencing practices, treatments programs and many others)
Clearly describe at least three theories of punishment and incarceration on which these policies are based.
Analyze correctional policies and three theories of punishment and incarceration
Determine each policys effectiveness.

Review of Mixed Methods Studies

You will search and review two empirical research articles in your field within the last three years that employ mixed methods design. You will submit a summary for each research article based on Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR) criteria (Links to an external site.).

The information required on the review form (Links to an external site.) include:

Article Citation Information
Article Summary (100-150 words) and Keywords
Article Review and Comments:
Noteworthiness of the problem
Theoretical framework
Fit of questions to MM design
MM sampling
MM analysis and integration
Insightfulness of discussion
Writing quality
Quality of conclusions
Contribution to MM literature

Alcohol and Addiction

At least 3 peer-reviewed scholarly articles from the JLF Library.

At least 3 multimedia sources from the internet from reputable sources (properly credited and referenced)

Use of at least 3 Blooms Taxonomy skills included, and at least 2 use HOTS.

Graduate-level writing style (i.e., formal tone, proper grammar, sentence structure, paragraph style and length, and current APA writing format)

Current APA format (i.e., citations, references, headings, person tense, writing style, etc.)