Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Case Scenario Response Part Two

Thread: Using the Case Scenario from the Week 2 discussion forum, lets assume the client has entered a 30-day inpatient treatment facility for rehab. Respond to the following prompt and questions.

The client is in the detox group in treatment, the initial group a client will enter once deemed medically stable. While receiving MATs, the client continues to experience withdrawals and is not convinced he has a problem with alcohol.

Review the section titled Management of the Group in the Group Leadership, Concepts, and Techniques chapter of the SAMSHA (2005b) online book.

Due to the client’s emotional and mental instability during use, along with the experiences he may have from withdrawals, what are at least three issues from the online SAMSHA book chapter that might arise in a group of 5-10 patients detoxing from their drug of choice who are new to inpatient treatment?

How can you, as the counselor, manage the three identified issues an alcoholic might experience in detox during withdrawals in a group setting?

Using Figure 2-1. Groups Used in Substance Abuse Treatment and Their Relation to Six Group Models in the SAMSHA (2005a) online book chapter titled, Types of Groups Commonly Used in Substance Abuse Treatment, what types of groups would address the needs of the client in the Case Scenario part one.

Professional Accountability

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

ATTENTION (The below file C304 Task 1 Heading_Question_Rubric) instructions below

Template contains relevant headings (bold black), each task question (bold blue), and the corresponding rubric standard (bold red). As you complete each section (they do not need to be completed in order), simply delete everything in blue and red for that question.

(The below file C304 Task 1 Cheat Sheet) a different break down of the same file as above file.

Case Scenario Response Part One (attached)


The student will post one thread of at least 300 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday of the assigned Module.

For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in the current APA format for graduate students.

Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citation(s) in the current APA format for graduate student format.

Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include discussion sources, the textbook, peer-reviewed scholarly sources, and the Bible.

Introduction and Foundation Bio Aspects of neurobiology in substance abuse and addiction

At least 3 peer-reviewed scholarly articles from the JLF Library.

At least 3 multimedia sources from the internet from reputable sources (properly credited and referenced)

Use of at least 3 Blooms Taxonomy skills included, and at least 2 use HOTS.

Graduate-level writing style (i.e., formal tone, proper grammar, sentence structure, paragraph style and length, and current APA writing format)

Current APA format (i.e., citations, references, headings, person tense, writing style, etc.)


Successful managerial decision-making is often complex, because managers attempt to analyze options and make determinations to select the best course of action in response to opportunities and threats. In this assignment, students will examine different ways to make decisions that will optimize organizational performance.
Remember: This assignment and all assignments in this course have a management, not leadership focus. There is a distinct difference between management and leadership. Discuss management, not leadership. The Contemporary Management text only provides basic topical information. As a research-intensive doctoral course, you will need to research current scholarly literature. There is no assignment in this course that can be completed by relying on the text alone.
Assignment Requirements
This 1000 minimum, 1500 maximum word paper needs to be written with these 2 main sections:

1.    Among these decision-making techniques (Vroom-Yetto-Yago decision model, multiple decision analysis, stakeholder analysis, game theory, stepladder technique, scientific method, decision making trees, analytical hierarchy process) compare 2 of them and apply the technique that would be most effective in solving a specific problem within your organization or industry or a specific organization that you have been aware of from personal experience or from the media or from the literature. Describe the problem and the application of the technique in detail. Based on scholarly literature, justify why your chosen decision-making technique is the best to solve the problem. (At least 900 words)
2.    Provide new, personal thoughts with recommendations related to this topic of decision making. Give your opinion in the form of new insights that you gained about this topic, demonstrating a synthesis of biblical principles and secular knowledge. Some suggested (not required) questions for reflection: What would Jesus do to solve the problem? What are some biblical examples of applying the decision technique that you have chosen? (at least 100 words)

Required Headings

Cover page with Topic Title
Table of Contents
The Problem
The Solution
New Thoughts

Other Requirements

Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

    The cover page must include the following statement: By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.
    This paper must include at least 7 references from scholarly articles that have publication dates no older than 5 years, in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Do not use any books other than the Bible and the 2 course textbooks. Do not cite the management text more than twice in your paper. Do not conduct interviews.
    In-text citations are required to support your thesis statement, paragraph topic sentences points, statements, issues, arguments, concerns, statements of fact and opinion.
    The required cover page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference sections are not included in the required assignment word count but are required as part of your paper.
    The abstract should be written within a range of 150-250 words. It should not introduce your paper or duplicate your introduction section, but articulates a clear and comprehensive overview of the papers content with a focus on your findings and includes your biblical application.
    The introduction should not be longer than page. It presents a detailed description of the problems and issues central to the case. A thesis statement, with supporting citation should be at the end of your introduction section.
    Your conclusion section should not be longer than page. It clearly states the answer to the problem which you stated in your introduction.
    Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedia will not be accepted.  Similarity scores must not exceed 20%.
    Paragraph lengths: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence unless it continues from or provides support to the prior paragraph. A paragraph is defined in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length.
    The first person may be used in the New Thoughts and Recommendations section. Your opinions should be restricted to this section. All other parts of the assignment must be based on scholarly and biblical literature.
    Avoid clichs, slang, jargon, exaggerations, abbreviations, figurative language, and language that is too informal and/or too subjective.


Managers perform a vital role in influencing organizational culture. Organizational culture influences the interactions between individuals and groups in achieving organizational goals. It is important that managers be able to identify and implement success strategies to restore a dysfunctional culture to a functional one. In this assignment, students will recommend a strategy and an implementation method to transform a dysfunctional culture.

Remember: This assignment and all assignments in this course have a management, not leadership focus. There is a distinct difference between management and leadership. Discuss management, not leadership. The Contemporary Management text only provides basic topical information. As a research-intensive doctoral course, you will need to research current scholarly literature. There is no assignment in this course that can be completed by relying on the text alone.

Assignment Requirements
This 1000 minimum word compilation paper will be discussing the following:

1.    Recommend at least one key strategy or method that will restore functionality to a dysfunctional organizational culture, where internal distrust and competitive behavior flourishes. Justify your reasoning, with support from scholarly literature and the Bible, stating why this strategy is better than other alternative strategies through comparison and contrast with other strategies. Also discuss how you will implement this success strategy for maximum effectiveness. Be sure to mention some factors that cause dysfunction. (at least 900 words)
2.    Provide new, personal thoughts related to this topic of organizational culture. Give your opinion in the form of new insights that you gained about this topic, demonstrating a synthesis of biblical principles and secular knowledge. Some suggested (not required) questions for reflection: How can spirituality be part of the culture in a non-Christian organization? What are some biblical examples of shaping a customer responsive culture? (at least 100 words)

Required Headings

Cover page with Topic Title
Table of Contents
New Thoughts

Other Requirements

Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

    The cover page must include this statement: By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.
    This paper must include at least 7 references from scholarly articles that have publication dates no older than 5 years, in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Do not use any books other than the Bible and the 2 course textbooks. Do not cite the management text more than twice in your paper. Do not conduct interviews.
    In-text citations are required to support your thesis statement, paragraph topic sentences points, statements, issues, arguments, concerns, statements of fact and opinion.
    The required cover page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, conclusion and reference sections are not included in the required assignment word count but are required as part of your paper.
    The abstract should be written within a range of 150-250 words. It should not introduce your paper or duplicate your introduction section, but articulates a clear and comprehensive overview of the papers content with a focus on your findings and includes your biblical application.
    The introduction should not be longer than page. It presents a detailed description of the problems and issues central to the case. A thesis statement, with supporting citation should be at the end of your introduction section.
    Your conclusion section should not be longer than page. It clearly states the answer to the problem which you stated in your introduction.  Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedia will not be accepted.  Similarity scores must not exceed 20%.
    Paragraph lengths: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence unless it continues from or provides support to the prior paragraph. A paragraph is defined in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length.
    The first person may be used in the New Thoughts section. Your opinions should be restricted to this section. All other parts of the assignment must be based on scholarly and biblical literature.
    Avoid clichs, slang, jargon, exaggerations, abbreviations, figurative language, and language that is too informal and/or too subjective.


CISO Deliverable Overview
This document contains full details for each final assignment to be assessed, as well as guidelines for video submissions.
As a synthesis of prior steps and interim submissions, you will be assessed on the following assignments:
1.    Cyber Operations and Risk Management Briefing
2.    Intelligence Debriefing
3.    Lessons Learned Video Presentation
4.    Digital Forensic Investigation Report

Editing your Writing

1. Writing Skill Summary: Editing (4 points) – DUE TUESDAY, October 27

For this writing skill summary, you will explore the topic of ‘Editing your Writing’ (this should include information on editing for both mechanics and analytical strength).

You will begin by researching and learning about the skill/topic. Then you will compose a written document that serves as a tutorial on that writing skill. Offer a definition/explanation of the topic, proper use, examples and exercises as if you were writing to help someone learn about that writing skill. Be sure to explain the specific application in professional public administration writing to tie what you are learning to our course concepts.

Your tutorial should be approximately TWO (2) pages and use APA formatting for citations and references.

Hero’s Journey

Purpose: to argue whether or not a character from history, a book, a movie, or a television program represents an example of Joseph Campbells monomyth (heros journey)

Audience: an educated audience that might have some familiarity with the theory.

Genre: Persuasive academic essay

Tone: Formal- Avoid use of the I voice

Media: Print

Design: APA

For this essay, you should select a historical figure or a protagonist from a book, comic book, short story, movie, or television show and write an essay arguing whether or not this character would fit the monomyth (heros journey) definition of a hero. To make your argument, you should try to show how the characters story does or does not conform to many of the main characteristic and stages of the monomyth theory. You should provide explanations of each stage, specific examples from your characters story, and detailed explanations of how these examples support your claims about the characters relation to monomyth. You should use the PDF about monomyth that is available in doc sharing as one of source on the theory. In addition, you should use at least one primary source about your character such as a movie, book, or television episode featuring the character. You must relate that specific text to the monomyth story. If you simply use memory or Wikipedia, you are not likely to do well on the paper. Finally, you should use at least one secondary source, something written about either monomyth or your character.

You will be using APA format for the essays.  You will need a title page and a references page.  The paper should be divided into the following sections:

I. APA Title page

II. An Abstract that gives an overview/summary of your overall argument.  This should be approximately one paragraph in length.

III. A Body Section that includes each of the following

An Introduction that sets up your paper and includes a specific thesis statement about whether or not your hero meets the hero’s journey.

Sections dealing with each of the major stages of the hero’s journey.  In each of those subsections you must explain what that stage traditionally involves and you must provide specific references to your hero text that fulfills this category.  If you do not believe that a certain stage is fulfilled by your character, please explain why you believe this.

A Conclusion that sums up your overall argument.

IV. A References page.

You will need to use APA format including citations and a references page. As the PDF in notes is missing key information, I’ve include a references entry for it below:

Hamby R., & Hamby Z. (2019) The heros journey [PDF file]. Retrieved from

The body of the paper should be 1000-1250 words (4-6pages) in length not including the title page, abstract, and references page. 

Malaria care for the Maasai people

After reading the journal article about the malaria care for the Maasai people, respond in writing to the following prompts:

Explain the health problem that the research study was about.

Describe the manifestations of the disease. How is the disease classified? Acute? Chronic? Both?

What treatments are available?  Is the disease curable?

Describe the population (ethnohistory) impacted by the disease.  Why is this disease problematic for this population?

What is the theoretical framework used for this study? Describe Leininger’s Sunrise Model that is pictured on the 3rd page of the article.  Does the Sunrise Model assist you to accurately visualize Madeleine Leininger’s  “Culture Care Theory of Diversity and Universality?” 

Summarize the key research findings.

How can these findings impact nursing practice for those who are caring for the Massai patients and families who are impacted by the disease of malaria? (Links to an external site.)