Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation

Select Expectancy, Equity, or Goal-Setting Theory to analyze in detail. Then evaluate the effectiveness of your selected theory according to scholarly literature and biblical principles. Lastly, provide your thoughts on this topic and include your recommendations as a result of your research of the Bible and management literature.

Remember: This assignment and all assignments in this course have a management, not leadership focus. There is a distinct difference between management and leadership. Discuss management, not leadership. The Contemporary Management text only provides basic topical information. As a research-intensive doctoral course, you will need to research current scholarly literature. There is no assignment in this course that can be completed by relying on the text alone.
Assignment Requirements

This 1000 minimum word paper needs to be written to include the following 3 sections:

1. Analyze one of the following motivation theories; Expectancy, Equity, or Goal-Setting Theory. In your analysis, define the theory, describe its intended purpose and functions, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. Discuss to what extent the management theory is effective in accomplishing its purpose and provide a summary statement that explicitly states whether or not the theory is effective according to current scholarly journals. (At least 700 words)

2. Evaluate your chosen theorys effectiveness according to biblical principles. (See supplements in Course Content/Course guide/Course Guide and Assignment Instructions/Additional Information.) Your biblical evaluation, must include the following: A summary statement that explicitly states whether are not the theory is effective according to the Bible.  Discuss the biblical principles/strategies/tools/ techniques/methods you are using to evaluate, examine, and/or critique the management theory, and the chapter and verse of the Bible that you derived your biblical evaluation strategy from. If you are using the rationale of a Christian scholar in your evaluation, then explain their Bible-based rationale and support it with biblical citations. (At least 200 words)

3. Provide new, personal thoughts with recommendations related to this topic Give your opinion in the form of new insights that you gained about this topic. Some suggested questions for reflection: What are your thoughts about the effectiveness of your selected management theory? What new insights do you have about achieving the purposes of your stated management theory? What is the best way to accomplish the purpose of the management theory? Does the theory address the root of the problem? (at least 100 words)

Required Headings

Cover page with Topic Title
Table of Contents
Theory Analysis from Literature
Theory defined
Purpose and function of the theory
Strengths & Weaknesses of the theory
Summary statement of effectiveness
Theory Evaluation from Scripture
Summary statement of effectiveness
Method of evaluation with scripture
New Thoughts and Recommendations.

Other Requirements

Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

    The cover page must include this statement: By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.
    This paper must include at least 7 references from scholarly articles that have publication dates no older than 5 years, in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Do not use any books other than the Bible and the 2 course textbooks. Do not cite the management text more than twice in your paper. Do not conduct interviews.
    In-text citations are required to support your thesis statement, paragraph topic sentences points, statements, issues, arguments, concerns, statements of fact and opinion.
    The required cover page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference sections are not included in the required assignment word count but are required as part of your paper.
    The abstract should be written within a range of 150-250 words. It should not introduce your paper or duplicate your introduction section, but articulates a clear and comprehensive overview of the papers content with a focus on your findings and includes your biblical application.
    The introduction should not be longer than page. It presents a detailed description of the problems and issues central to the case. A thesis statement, with supporting citation should be at the end of your introduction section.
    Your conclusion section should not be longer than page. It clearly states the answer to the problem which you stated in your introduction.
    Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedia will not be accepted.  Similarity scores must not exceed 20%
    Paragraph lengths: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence unless it continues from or provides support to the prior paragraph. A paragraph is defined in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length.
    The first person may be used in the New Thoughts and Recommendations section. Your opinions should be restricted to this section. All other parts of the assignment must be based on scholarly and biblical literature.
    Avoid clichs, slang, jargon, exaggerations, abbreviations, figurative language, and language that is too informal and/or too subjective.

Grading Metrics

All quoted materials must be properly cited in the current APA format.

Introduction and Search History part B

Use the outline you created previously. Now, elaborate on your outline to include a synthesis of what you found about your topic. Discuss this in at least three main well-developed themes. The following sub points will help your identify your themes:
Identify relationships among the research you found.
For each topic and subtopic you outlined, determine what the articles have in common and what is different.
Are any different? How are they different? Do they contradict each other?
What is the conclusion of each study? What relationships can you infer? Did any themes appear?
Critique of the evidence and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the studies.
Explain gaps identified in the research.
Discuss the comparison of your own practice with the research.
Conclude with the answer to your PICOT question.


Introduction and Search History
3.0 pts
Integration/Synthesis of the Evidence
Present three “themes” across the studies (Similarities in results? Dissimilarities of results?). Within each theme, present the evidence from the studies.
15.0 pts
Critique of the Evidence
Discussion of your overall impression of the quality of the evidence (refer to the critique guidelines in the Melnyk book). Synthesized
7.0 pts
Gaps in the Evidence
What is missing from the evidence? What areas need further study?
7.0 pts
Comparison to Your Own Practice How does what you found in the evidence (specific findings) align with your own experience/practice? Feasibility of changing practice, if warranted? Barriers to changing practice?
3.0 pts
Restate key points from synthesis; implications for practice/research.
5.0 pts
Spelling, Grammar, and Editing
Use 10 primary research articles for this review
2.0 pts
Writing Topic sentences, clarity, logical flow, development/coherence, and paraphrasing/quotes.
5.0 pts
APA Format Title page, headings, citations in text, references, and copies of articles included.
3.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

Introduction and Search History part

Write an introduction to the partial literature review. This sets the stage for the reader to understand why your issue is of concern. It informs the reader as to why this issue is a problem and why it should be studied. The search history is a paragraph about how you found the literature you used. A reader should be able to take your basic history and find approximately the same articles.

The introduction will include a description of your search history.

Using APA formatting write 2 pages (excluding the title page), providing introductory and background information about your topic of interest and your search history.
See the rubric (below) for the content that needs to be included in the introduction.
Turn in the following (all bundled in a single file):
Title page
Introduction (remember that APA does not use “Introduction” as a heading level)
Search history (includes library and data bases searched, key words used, number of articles found, number of articles selected, and the reason articles were excluded or included as well as the final number retrieved).
In an outline format, lay out the rest of the literature review. Use short sentences and be clear as well as concise. (Suggested outline format with headings: Integration of Evidence, Theme I, Theme II, Theme III, Critique of Evidence, Gaps in Evidence, Comparison to Your Own Practice, Conclusion.)
Reference list with all works cited in APA format


Scope and significance of the problem (background info: facts, prevalence, statistics, etc.)
20.0 pts
Significance to nursing/nurses (Why is this an important question/topic for nursing?)
6.0 pts
Personal connection to the problem/issue/question (Why are you interested in the topic?)
5.0 pts
Restate PICO question
7.0 pts
Describe your search history (includes library and databases searched, key words used, number of articles found, number of articles selected, and the reason articles were excluded or included as well as the final number retrieved)
7.0 pts
APA format (title page, heading, citations, reference list)
5.0 pts
Spelling, grammar, editing
5.0 pts
Writing (topic sentences, clarity, logical flow, careful paraphrasing, no use of quoted material)
15.0 pts
Rest of literature review is outlined.

Malfunction in Cell Division

1000 Words
Font    12 point , Calibri Font, no more than 1″ margins
Program/File Type    Submit in Word
Attachments    Should be pasted into the Word document if possible.
Referencing system    APA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet.

You are a doctor in a hospital, and a patient is experiencing trouble with her skin repairing itself from a cut. The patient is also expecting a child, but the cells in the reproduction development are experiencing malfunction in cell division.

Describe the stages of each type of cell reproduction process from a normal patient whose body cells can repair themselves and normal cell division during the reproductive development of the unborn baby.
Explain the disadvantages and advantages of each type of cell division.
Discuss how the patient experiencing problems with the cells repairing from the cut and the child’s reproduction development malfunctions can alter haploid and diploid cell development.

Solution focused group

I am to conduct a literature review on solution-focused group therapy. In my literature review, I should describe the findings and state the reasons why an agency should choose solution-focused group as the appropriate group type to support a cohort of students whom are defiant young adolescents in school.

In your essay, critically examine and discuss your findings. Substantiate your choice with sound literature referencing and provide a critical evaluation of the efficaciousness of a solution-focused group to support your decision.

The discussion should encompass proper APA referencing and explain in detail the
rationale for adopting the choice of a solution-focused group.

This section should be 800 words only strictly

nursing Practice

Title of Assignment
Professional Identity of the Nurse: Scope of Nursing Practice
Purpose of Assignment:
According to Larson, Brady, Engelmann, Perkins, and Shultz (2013), the development of professional identity is a continuous process that begins with admission to the nursing program and evolves throughout ones professional career in a dynamic and fluid process where interacting relationship of education and practice lead to self-reflection, growth, and human flourishing (p. 138).
Larson, J., Brady, N., Engelmann, L., Perkins, B., & Shultz, C. (2013). The formation of professional identity in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives.34 (2). p 138.
Course Competency(s):
Describe the foundations of nursing practice.
Explain the roles and scope of practice for members of the intraprofessional team.
Describe principles of effective communication in the healthcare setting.
This course includes a project with three parts. Each part builds off prior knowledge to help you create your nurse professional identity. In the first part, you examine the role of the nurse and scope of practice, which will help you identify the nurses role. In the second part, you describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursing, and examine the standards of nursing practice for the role you are obtaining during the nursing program. The final submission requires you to use the first two parts of your assignment to explain your belief of caring in nursing, describe your professional identity, and identify a potential professional organization that you may join to help support your development.

Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following:
    Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment)
    Describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursing
    Identify the American Nurses Association Standards of Practice for the licensure you are obtaining (LPN or RN)
    Conclusion (reflect on the criteria of the assignment)
    Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the ANA Standards of Practice, and another resource could be the ANA Code of Ethics. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.

    Two to three page written assignment
    Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    Logical, original and insightful
    Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
    Run your paper through Grammarly and make corrections to identified errors before submission. Note: You must use the following link to create your Grammarly account. You must use your Rasmussen student email address:

Mapping International Migration

Explore: Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World (Migration Policy Institute)

Explore: Visualization of Asylum Seekers

Explore: Migration Data Portal

After you explore the course materials from this week please complete the following:

1. Pick three of the maps from the migration policy institute link. For each map answer the following… (About 200 words)
a) What type of map does the author use to tell a story? (Does it show little bubbles of different size – a proportional symbol? or perhaps a choropleth map (shaded areas)
b) How is visual hierarchy used on this map?
c)  What is the title of the map? What story does the map tell? What does it show?
d) What are some strengths and weaknesses of the map? What would you change?
e) Does it say where the data came from? How do you think it’s collected?

2. Navigate to the asylum seekers map. Explore it.  (About 200 words)
a) What geographic patterns do you see?
b) Where does the data come from?
c) Do you like the approach the cartographers took to creating the map? What would you change if you made a map about asylum seekers?

3. Migration Data Portal  (About 150 words)
a) Togging through the different categories under ‘immigration and emigration’ – look at the proportional symbols on the map – find the country you created charts for last week (Spain, charts attached). Are the numbers similar to what you found? If there are discrepancies – how do you account for them?
b) What patterns emerge on this map?
c) Please include snips of two countries (for immigration and emigration) you haven’t explored yet. Describe what you see.

Reflection 13


Three poems of Maya Angelou, “The Mask, I Am Human, and I Still Rise”, have been uploaded from YouTube. Click on ‘Maya Angelou poems’ to view the videos.

After viewing and listening to the poems, reflect on their messages or themes.

For Reflection Assignment #13- please respond to the questions below.

1) What are some of the themes or messages that come to you from listening to these poems?

2) How can we protect our human dignity?

“We are not against other people, only what they are doing. Means are ends in the making; nothing good can ultimately result from violence.” ~ Anonymous

3) Integrate an insight that you gained from viewing the film  “Leymah Gbowee” with the themes of the poems including the concept of nonviolence. The video can be found at the end of the article click on the box that states WATCH Leymah Gbowee on Democracy now.

Reflection 12


Review the Dignity and Respect Campaign website. Watch the video of Maya Angelou discussing Dignity and Respect on the home page. Reflect upon ways to incorporate acts of Dignity and Respect into your daily lives.

Watch the Two videos by Donna Hicks on 1) The Meaning of Dignity and 2) Declare Dignity

Read the article Understanding Dignity in the Lives of Homeless Persons by Miller and Keys.

For Reflection #12 On the discussion board: Answer the questions and provide examples.

1) When you hear the words “respect human dignity”, what does that mean to you?
2) What does it mean for a person to have dignity?
3) How does dignity differ for vulnerable individuals?
4)Provide an example of when human dignity was honored and one example of when human dignity was not honored.

ASSIGNMENT : Strategic Practice Initiative Conceptual Paper Instructions: In this assignment you will develop the conceptual foundation for a strategic practice initiative to improve one or more health care outcomes. This is the first part of a two-part a

ASSIGNMENT : Strategic Practice Initiative Conceptual Paper
In this assignment you will develop the conceptual foundation for a strategic practice initiative to improve one or more health care outcomes. This is the first part of a two-part assignment series about the same strategic practice initiative. The second part is the development of a formal proposal for the initiative. This two-step process simulates a real organizational environment.

When individuals in an organization get an idea to improve or grow the organization, they develop that idea collaboratively with others in the organization to refine the idea and to test the organizations willingness to support the concept. The hope is that presenting your concept with supporting evidence that its a good idea for the organization will get a nod of approval from your colleagues and organizational leaders to develop the idea further and bring back a formal proposal for approval.

The second assignment in this series is the Strategic Practice Initiative Proposal. The proposal is more developed, using the ideas from the concept paper and incorporating feedback obtained from presenting the concept to the organization (or faculty in this case).  The proposal has greater detail than the conceptual paper. (There is a third phase, which we will not do in this course that comes after, and only IF, the proposal is accepted by leadership, and that is to develop an implementable business plan.) You may question why so much process and multiple phases of initiative development is necessary.  The reason is, it takes organizational resources to develop ideas, and in a vibrant organization there are abundant ideas. The organizations resources for initiative development are limited, so there has to be a process to filter for ideas that are a priority for development from those that are not.

You will apply the concepts of the Triple Aim: cost, quality and access to a practice initiative in the conceptual paper which later you will develop into a full proposal in the final course assignment. Strategic practice initiatives often take the form of new or redesigned programs or roles. (For example, if you have identified a patient population that faces issues with access to or coordination of care, you might develop a nurse navigator role targeted at that population.)

Nurse leaders use their influence to bring about change that advances patient / population outcomes and promotes the organizations strategies and mission. Nurse leaders do not accomplish this in isolation, rather they develop ideas for practice initiatives collaboratively and promote them to the organizations leadership team to gain buy-in for the support that will be required to accomplish the initiatives, and to assure the initiative aligns with the organizations mission, vision, and strategic plan.

Think of an initiative that will address deficiencies in an organizations current delivery system or an idea that is entirely new to the organization that will improve health outcomes in terms of cost, quality or access. Conduct a search of the professional literature to find examples of similar initiatives and/ or evidence that supports why your proposed initiative will achieve the outcomes you are claiming for your proposal. Consider how the current organization as a whole would be impacted by the initiative. Successful nurse leaders develop their ideas in this way before presenting a proposal to their colleagues. This assignment is designed to reflect that discernment and refinement process in written form. You will not attempt to define in detail cost implications (or new revenue implications) at this stage. That would not happen until after the formal proposal (the next paper) is accepted to go forward into a business plan. Only after the formal proposal gained acceptance from the organization would a full business plan, including a detailed financial analysis, be developed. 

This paper cannot exceed 12 pages (not including title page, reference pages, and appendices). You will upload your paper into Module 0 for grading

Section    Key Points    Possible Points    Points Earned/ Comments
Introduction    Briefly describe the organization and in general terms what this proposal is about.    20   
Description of the initiative    Provide a more detailed description of the initiative and how it will impact health care outcomes (cost, quality, and or/access)    60   
Supporting Evidence    Explain the evidence that supports why this initiative will (should) achieve the outcomes suggested.  Provide sufficient references to validate your claims.    80   
Organizational impact    If the initiative is a new role, describe what impacts this could have on existing roles, If it is a new program, address how could it impact other programs in the organization or the community. Explain how this initiative aligns with the organizations strategic plan or mission.    30   
APA 7    This assignment is done in the APA 7 style. Grammar and punctuation are correct. Citations and references are in correct format and sufficient to validate the elements discussed.    10   
    Total Points    200