Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

IKEA Case Analysis

The essay focused on the case analysis based on the competitive strategy course.

I have attached IKEA case, writing instruction and case rubric to you. Please read the IKEA case and follow up the writing instruction and case rubricvery carefully. In the rubric, the required contents of essay could also be found.

Note: Any sources external to the case are not allowed. The analysis must be based only on information found in the case. Thank you!

Exhibition critique

Please read the instruction doc. This assignment is for a teacher’s college and the course is about exploring the exhibition and museums (to increase scientific literacy, controversial issues around the various exhibition, the purpose of the exhibition, how it can be used in a science classroom). PLEASE CHOOSE 3 ARTICLES from the “articles list” pdf to ACTUALLY READ!! and include QUOTES + KEY points from the articles to support your critique content of the exhibition/museum of your choice.


You have to plan low-budget, cost effective learning activities for South African children in one of the following age groups (choose ONLY one age group): 6 years in Grade R, 10 years in Grade 5 OR 15 years in Grade 10

Ensure that you include the following aspects as part of the content of the assignment:
Discuss the essence of the relevant areas and/or domains (such as physical, cognitive, social and emotional development) related to the specific developmental stage you choose
Explain how children in this specific stage of development learn 
Describe practical examples of classroom and/or learning activities that are cost effective and relevant for South African children in the developmental stage you selected
You should use a minimum of 8 scientific resources (i.e. academic books and articles not older than 10 years)

Nursing and Poverty

A discussion response to this:

According to Seear & Ezezika (2017), approximately 15-20% of the global population suffer from a lack of access to basic essentials to live a dignified life. Despite this, in the last 30 years the global population living in extreme poverty has significantly decreased from 36% of the world surviving on just $1.90 a day in 1990 to now just 9.2% (Peer, 2020). The World Bank Group (2020) outlines that in 2018, more than 40% of those living in poverty around the globe live in areas where the economy is impacted by fragility, conflict, and violence. In a local context, Statistics Canada (2020) outlines that in 2018 11% of Canadians lived in poverty, which decreased from 11.7% in 2017.

Jindra & Vaz (2018) discuss that good governance is an essential aspect to reducing poverty on a global level as countries with good governance tend to develop faster and, in return, are able to utilize resources available to efficiently aid the vulnerable population. Global leaders have vowed to aim their focus on eradicating extreme poverty to the population worldwide by 2030 by utilizing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Peer, 2020). Seear & Ezezika (2017) state that poverty is a complex issue that is not simply caused by a lack of money, “its effects on morale and expectations, combined with exhaustion from overwork and poor nutrition, imprison people within an endless cycle of hopelessness” (p.110). Social determinants of health such as; education, employment, income, and health services play a vital role in extreme poverty. Providing accessible resources that aim to improve these factors is an essential aspect to reducing and facilitating an exit from extreme poverty (Page & Pande, 2018). Nurses can play a vital role in reducing poverty through health promotion and advocating for the vulnerable population within the community.

IKEA Case Analysis

The IKEA case (from the textbook in “Part 5: Cases & Activities” on page C-184) will be used.
You are required to submit one individually prepared case write-up. You are not allowed to discuss your individual case write-up with your peers. In other words, this assignment must be an individual effort in the truest sense of the term. Any violation of this requirement will lead to a grade of zero for this assignment.
The case write-up is a maximum of 2000 words. No appendix, executive summary or table of contents are allowed.

It must be written from the perspective of the decision maker in the case.
To:                        Senior decision maker(s) outlined in case and Company Name
From:                  Students full legal names and ID number
Date:                    Date submitted
Issues (10%): outline and explain the key problems, decisions or issues and why they are important. If you decide to focus on 1-2 issues, explain why you think the ones you chose are the most important.
Analysis (60%): analyze each of the companys key strategic issues you chose. Your analysis must be supported by concepts, frameworks and other materials from class. The analysis may utilize tables and figures to succinctly present information.
Options (10%): outline 2-4 possible options the company can take to resolve the issues. Include a discussion of the pros and cons of each individual option, clearly linking each option to your analysis.
Recommendations (10%): include a clear and actionable set of recommendations, that are supported by and explicitly linked to your options and analysis.
Formatting, clarity of writing, grammar, spelling (10%)
Note: Do not contaminate the case by using sources of information, data, analysis, ideas and/or suggestions external to the case. Your analysis must be based only on information found in the case.

Health Care

Case: As a health professional at MoH during the influenza outbreak, you have been asked to educate the community about the outbreak as well as means for preventing the flu.
Your Role: As Country Health Department Expert.
Discussion post: Respond to each of the questions supporting with scholarly resources and citations – APA 7th referencing.
1.    Define and support your target audience, and be sure to specify if there will be more than one targeted audience
2.    Define the specific message you will relay to your audience(s)
3.    Explain how, specifically, you will convey this message to your audience(s), including actions to be undertaken and personnel involved
4.    Discuss at least two ways that you could use social media as a means for reaching your audience(s)
5.    Describe at least one specific action that can impact the incidence rates (number of new cases) and at least one specific action that can impact the prevalence rates (number of existing cases) of your health concern. Be very clear as to whether these actions are to be taken by individuals, public health professionals, health education professionals, or others?
6.    Describe how teams with multiple types of personnel can work together to take action on this health issue, supporting your ideas with at least two best practices in teamwork.

Case study- education

Part of a special educators responsibilities include understanding the characteristics of the major disability categories and how the characteristics affect typical development. When conducting observations and consulting with staff who work with students with disabilities, teachers must be able to articulate the differences in development and prescribe appropriate interventions. Understanding the effect of culture and language development must also be considered in meeting student needs.

Case Study:  Larissa
Grade:  3rd
Age:  8
Larissa is a female third grade student with a specific learning disability in written expression and an executive functioning disorder. She is originally from El Salvador and moved to the U.S. with her mother, father, older sister, and newborn brother when she was 14 months old. In first grade, she was assessed for special education services and was found eligible in the areas of written expression and executive functioning due to a diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD by an outside psychologist referred by her primary care physician. Larissas verbal expression is close to grade level, but when asked to express her thoughts on paper, she often uses lower level vocabulary and fragmented sentences, and her writing lacks organization. This could be due to her inability to focus on longer tasks as well as her difficulty with spelling, written expression, and multiple languages spoken in the home. Larissa also struggles with starting tasks independently, staying on task, and with task completion. She often cannot find her materials when needed such as pencils, paper, assignments, books, etc.
Recently, her mother and father separated. Her mother has since moved the children out of their home and in with family friends. The family friends have three children and two adults living in the home already, so the three bedroom, one bath home is very crowded. Their new home is within walking distance of Rosewood Elementary, where Larissa has recently transferred.
Larissas mother, Rita, has a job in which she works long hours and is currently struggling to establish her own line of credit. At home, Larissas family speaks both English and Spanish. Rita considers English her primary language; however, Spanish is her first language and she sometimes has difficulty understanding written English, despite speaking it well.
At a recent parent-teacher conference with Larissas teacher, Mr. Fleming, Rita shared that she obtained an order of protection against her husband after they separated. Because the order of protection extends to the children, she provided Mr. Fleming legal documentation of the order. The day after the conference, Mr. Fleming notified the office and gave them the documentation in the event that Larissas father should come to the school.

Using the information from the case study, address the following in a 1,000-1,250 word essay:

Discuss how the Christian worldview perspective can be demonstrated in professional practice by explaining why teachers need to be committed to respecting students individual strengths, interests, and needs to promote each students growth and potential.
Explain how language, culture, and family background influence the students student’ learning.
Describe three research-based, specially designed instructional strategies that can be used to respond to the developmental differences and individual needs of the student.
Cite research to provide justification for how the selected strategies provide specially designed instruction and access to the general education curriculum and standards as required by IDEA.

Support the assignment with at least three scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Write your own Success Story

Part 1: Describe three goals that you plan to work towards that will increase your self-efficacy. Explain why you are confident that you can succeed, then explain how you plan to succeed. Be sure to provide details and any intermediate goal you may set to build up to your stretch goals. 

Part 2: Explain what motivates you or gives you more grit, i.e. any words or motivational phrases you will use to encourage yourself on the journey to your stretch goals.

Part 3: Describe what you see happening in your life when you achieve your goal. Be sure to address how this action of reaching your goal will affect your self-efficacy and the power dynamics in your workplace.

Cultural Differences

Part 1: Explain how cultural intelligence is important for success in your workplace. Be sure to consider both personal and collaborative success.

Part 2: Give an example of a cultural difference that you have observed in a co-worker. Describe how your awareness of cultural difference can be used to strengthen your relationship with your co-worker.

Part 3: Describe the power dynamic among those in leadership at your current or future job. Be sure to explain how this dynamic relates to both the personal and professional environments.

Part 4: Reflect on your past experiences with cultural diversity in the workplace. Consider whether you would change your actions if you were to be in similar work places. Be sure to include any actions you want to take with regard to future places of employment.

Journal Entry # 2

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the opportunity for application and reflection of course concepts to an established interpersonal relationship.

The journal will address two things:

1:Are you a good listener? Why or why not?
2:Reflect on the relationship established in the first journal(the first journal is shown in the files I uploaded). What is the role of listening in this relationship? Do you feel the other person feels heard? How are you going to apply the concept of listening within this relationship?

While this assignment is largely reflective, your goal is to demonstrate the connection between the concept and your life. Journal entries should be concise, clear, thorough, and thoughtful. Minimum page requirement is 2 pages.