Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Website Privacy Protection Features

Develop a list of privacy protection features that should be present if a Web site is serious about protecting privacy.
Then visit Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Apple, and examine their privacy policies.

    Write a report that rates each of the Web sites on the criteria you have developed.
    Discuss your findings in a brief write-up of 3 pages
    Be sure to cite your external sources (minimum of 3).
    Use APA to format your document

Mental Models/Education

    How do mental models reveal individuals assumptions of how the world and how organizations work?
    How can mental models both impede and accelerate learning in the organization?
    How can understanding mental models be institutionalized in organizational practice?

Scholarship Essay/Education PhD

1.    Describe how you plan to use your education (masters and/or doctoral degree) to better your community or help others to help themselves, and how receiving this scholarship will help you in doing so? (750 words)
2.    What would you consider one of your greatest professional successes? How did your success benefit your organization and its people? (750 words)

IT Password Requirement Essay

Your boss wants to implement new password requirements. She’d like you to make a recommendation on what the new requirements will be. She knows this is new for you, so she expects you to do some research and present your recommendations, fully cited with the resources you used to write those recommendations. Your paper should be between 600 and 800 words, and should describe the current issues associated with password security (including examples), what is considered “best practice” and why, and provide a conclusion of what the policy should be. Be sure to discuss length, expiration, as well as any other issues you might consider important. Each essay in our class should have three sections: Intro: Short, and to the point. Basically just states what the paper is about Body: 90% of the paper’s length. Facts. Just facts. No opinions. This is where you discuss the issue in the context of research. Most, if not all of your citations end up here. Conclusion/recommendation: This is where your opinion can be inserted. Make sure that your opinion is strongly backed up by the research in the body! Your paper MUST cite at least 5 different, verifiable, expert resources that support your recommendations and best practices. Do NOT cite Wikipedia or similar resource. Use APA format.


Describe the principles of genetics and genomics.


Describe the principles of genetics and genomics.


As you work with your preceptor, you learn that she is planning a training session for all new nurses to familiarize them with principles of genetics and genomics using data from a three-generation family pedigree. She asks your help in building a pedigree and genogram to reflect inherited genetic disease processes. You agree to do some reading and describe a genetic disorder and provide a genogram that would indicate how this disorder is transferred over generations. Your preceptor asks you to pick one from this list:

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Turner Syndrome
Von Willebrand Disease


After you pick one, create a brief 3-5 slide presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint and a free recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers, Screencast -O-Matic. Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.

Access the Screencast-O-Matic homepage by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner titled, “Sign Up” to create your free account.
Create a free account (be sure to write down the email and password created for account access.)
Once logged in, click on the “Tutorials” link at the top of the homepage and view 1. Recorder Intros
Create your presentation by clicking on the “Start Recorder” box.
Once finished recording, click on the “Done” button.
Next, choose, “Upload to Screencast-O-Matic.”
Select “Publish.”
Choose “Copy Link”
Place the “Link” in a Microsoft Word document and then upload this document to the assignment drop box.
For additional assistance on creating a Screencast-O-Matic, please visit the Library and Learning Services Answers page: How do I make a video of a PowerPoint presentation using Screencast-O-Matic?
Address the following principles of genetics and genomics:

Create a three-generation family pedigree and genogram with standard symbols with the interpretation of results explained using standard terminology
Definition of your chosen genetic disorder and how it presents in clients
Possible genetic testing for the disease you selected

Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it.

Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below:

What is the pathophysiology of one STI
What is the etiology of the selected STI
What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI
What is the treatment for the selected STI
Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Pathophysiology/ Nursing

Provide the background and history for a patient. Include the history of present illness (what brought them to the hospital), past medical history, relevant labs, diagnostic tests and vital signs. (30 points) CHOOSE DIAGNOSIS 1. HYPERTENSION 2. HYPERLIPIDEMIA
What is the pathophysiology of each of the disease processes? (20 points)
Discuss a minimum of five risk factors related to the disease process. (10 points)
What risk factors for each disease process did your patient experience? (10 points)
What assessment findings would you anticipate finding in a patient with each diagnosis? (10 points)
What diagnostic testing and labs would you examine for each diagnosis and why? (10 points)
You have received a call about your patient from a provider covering for the patient you are taking care of. They have no history on your patient. Summarize, using SBAR, the first three components of SBAR (Situation, Background and Assessment) for the patient you have taken care of, including all of the information above. (10 points)

Although targeting selected market segments for advertising and marketing messages would seem to be a sound strategy for any company, there can be difficulties. Some companies have been accused of using segmentation approaches that discriminate against ce

Although targeting selected market segments for advertising and marketing messages would seem to be a sound strategy for any company, there can be difficulties. Some companies have been accused of using segmentation approaches that discriminate against certain groups within society. Complaints have been raised about potential discrimination based on race, culture, age, gender, and sexual lifestyle.

Assume that you have been asked to review segmentation profile practices. Pick one company that you believe avoids discrimination in market targeting and one company that you believe does not. Compare and contrast the two companies with respect to their market target selection process and how the market targets are approached. Comment on any perceived ethical practices that you are aware of. Be sure to check any information on ethics provided by researching the Web sites of your two example companies. Lastly, list the ethical guidelines or best practices you believe organizations should follow when selecting market targets. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts and position.

Face mapping tech

Gathering physiological data on consumers can be difficult; however, in the future we may all be providing such data every time we enter a store. Imagine entering a store and having your face mapped via an infrared sensor. Your face map is then used to match you against a data bank of shopper profiles suggesting whether or not you are in a mood to buy. Does this sound too futuristic?

Face mapping is currently receiving a lot of attention from a variety of quarters. Security experts tell us that face mapping can alert security services to certain profiled behaviors. Dermatologists say face mapping may provide solutions to long-term skin care. Others say that face mapping can be used to insert a persons picture in real-time advertisements. Thats rightyoull be in the ad that you see in the store or are viewing on a screen. You could watch yourself flying a helicopter in a U.S. Army ad, see yourself walking across the graduation stage in a college recruitment ad, or check yourself out as you model the latest fashion that the store has to offer.

Research the subject of face mapping via secondary research sources. Think of a new application (i.e., idea generation) for face mapping and describe it. Describe how you would test to see if your new application might work. What ethical and legal issues might face mapping bring if it was practiced on a large scale? Summarize your thoughts on the application and future of this technique.

This assignment MUST be completed in a word document

Examine 3 different automobile competitors. For example: 1. Mercedes 2. BMW 3. Volvo Based on what you find on their websites, compare the positioning strategies for these top-of-the-line models. Analyze the product features, competitive advantage,

Examine 3 different automobile competitors. For example:

1. Mercedes

2. BMW

3. Volvo

Based on what you find on their websites, compare the positioning strategies for these top-of-the-line models. Analyze the product features, competitive advantage, and points of differentiation.

This paper should be in APA 7th edition

For this assignment 3 pages in length is recommended

MUST be completed in a word document and ALL sources MUST be cited