Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment is an exciting chance for you to address the course outcomes in a new and personalized manner. You will consider the next year in four “chunks” of months. Based on your passions and uses for argument in different areas of your life, you will evaluate possible argument scenarios, considering audience and argument techniques. This assignment will also afford you the exciting prospect of using the source evaluation skills you have learned via searching for books to place on your personal reading list, referencing them in correct APA Style, and explaining what excites you about those books. The assignment template will guide you in expressing your goals, in thinking about argument in different and fun contexts, and in identifying books for your 12-month reading list. The objective of this assignment is to provide you with further application of argument techniques and of information literacy tools.

Please use the template, composing your responses directly on the template. Approach this assignment with an eye toward change and the power you have for impacting the world around you.


Read : Could Evolution Bring Back Dinosaurs??
Questions to Respond To
How is evolution affecting us/our world right now, as we speak?

3 PAGES: Instructions
For this final paper, you must be more formal than with your past weekly journal/reflection papers. The topic for your final paper is Evolution.  Despite evolution’s potential for personal controversy, it is an essential element of biology and our natural world. In this paper, you will outline your response to a hypothetical situation by presenting your supporting arguments and summarizing your conclusion.

Hypothetical Situation
Imagine on the first day during which your class is discussing evolution, a fellow student says to you, “I don’t believe in evolution or that it creates new species of organisms.”
What would you say back to this student? Do you agree with them? Does the scientific evidence agree with them? Why or why not?
Support your response to the student with the scientific concepts we are learning about in class.


10 years ago, a hominid skeleton was unearthed on an island in the South Pacific. It is remarkably different than anything discovered.

Write a 3 page (minimum!) paper addressing the following:

Is it a new species or an individual with a random mutation?

After you read the articles posted below, explain which side you believe and why you think the other isn’t plausible. Be sure to justify your answers with supportive research.

Article 1: “HOBBIT”


Article 3: “THE FLORES FIND”

Article 4: Human Evolution

Article 5: Flores, God, Cryptozoology

contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA.

This is an article from Nature magazine regarding Rosalind Franklin and her contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA.

After reading the article please respond to the following questions in paragraph form.

Summarize the article

Before reading this article did you know of Rosalind’s contribution to the DNA discovery?

What do you think of Watson and Crick’s behavior?

Discussion 2: Program Evaluation Types, Approaches, and Models

Program evaluation models continue to evolve as the needs of students and the educational programs in which they participate change. As a special education leader, you will need the resources to implement or to create your own program evaluation tool that meet the specific needs of your program. For this Discussion, you will research and evaluate program evaluation types, approaches, and models. As you conduct your research, consider how you can promote systemic positive outcomes as an educational leader in special education.
To Prepare:
    Review the module Learning Resources.
    Identify at least three program evaluation types, models, or approaches.
    Build a Resource List of Programs to add to your existing Tool Kit.

A description of at least three program evaluation types, approaches, or models. Provide the citation and brief analysis of each program. Identify possible positive and negative outcomes of program evaluation. Explain how you can promote systemic positive outcomes based on special education program evaluation as an educational leader.

Learning Resources
Required Readings
Fullan, M., & Quinn, J. (2016). Coherence: The right drivers in action for schools, districts, and systems. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
    Chapter 6, Leading for Coherence (pp. 127138)

    Coherence Assessment Tool (Figure 6.2)

Peurach, D. J., Lenhoff, S. W., & Glazer, J. L. (2016). Large-scale high school reform through school improvement networks: Exploring possibilities for Developmental Evaluation. Teachers College Record, 118(13).
Large-Scale High School Reform Through School Improvement Networks: Exploring Possibilities for Developmental Evaluation by Peurach, D.; Lenhoff, S.; Glazer, J., in Teachers College Record, Vol. 118/Issue 3. Copyright 2016 by Teachers College Record. Reprinted by permission of Teachers College Record via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Coffey, J. H., & Horner, R. H. (2012). The sustainability of school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports. Exceptional Children, 78(4), 407-422. doi:10.1177/001440291207800402

Hedegaard-Sorenson, L. & Tetler, S. (2016).  Evaluating the Quality of Learning Environments and Teaching Practice in Special Schools. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 31(2), 264-278. DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2016.1141524

McIntosh, K., MacKay, L. D., Hume, A. E., Doolittle, J., Vincent, C. G., Horner, R. H., & Ervin, R. A.(2011). Development and initial validation of a measure to assess factors related to sustainability of school-wide positive behavior support. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 13(4), 208218. doi:10.1177/1098300710385348

Peurach, D. J., Glazer, J. L., Winchell Lenhoff, S. (2016).  The developmental evaluation of school improvement networks.  Educational Policy, 30(4), 606-648.  doi:10.1177/0895904814557592

Fullan, M. (2015b). Change: Making it happen in your school and system. Retrieved from

Required Media

Grand City Community
Laureate Education (Producer) (2016a). The components of sustainability [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Go to the Grand City Community and click on Venues. Then go to School District Administration Offices and open and review the following scenario: The Components of Sustainability.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

07/2020 psl 1
HLTK 1500
Health Care Topic Paper Assignment and Rubric
You may write a paper on any topic of interest that pertains to any of the content in this
class. The paper must be original for this course and written in your own words. I check all
papers for plagiarism and submissions to previous courses. You may go to the Writing Center for
help if you have difficulty with your writing skills. Please discuss with me (via email) your
intended subject so we can narrow it down if needed – do this by October 18, 2020. The paper is
due October 25th and there is a link on Week 9 in Moodle where you may submit the assignment.
Some ideas include (but not limited to):
Researching alternative therapy use
New technology or technological advances in a particular area of care
Pay scales for various health care personnel
Personnel shortages around the country
Implications of the aging population
Pharmaceutical costs
Use of the internet in health care
Managed care
Home health services
Unserved or under-served populations
Government involvement in health care
Patents on technology and medicine
Pharmaceutical development
Write a 4-5-page paper using APA Guidelines for student papers from the APA 7th edition (see
the reference below and carefully review the rubric). Submit the paper using Microsoft Word –
papers will not be graded if submitted in a word processing program other than Microsoft Word.
APA Guidelines for the 7th edition can be found here:
The paper should include the following:
1. Title page (does not count as part of the total number of pages required for the
assignment). You do not have to include an abstract.
2. Introduction Thesis stated clearly, providing unity to the assignment. It is relevant and
compelling for the audience.
3. Body of the paper
Organization The main sections of the paper are identifiable, following a logical flow
of ideas that reinforce the thesis and evidence through effective transitions.
Idea Development A variety of types of evidence and sources are used, including
oppositional voices, that provide an insightful analysis of the topic
07/2020 psl 2
4. Conclusion
5. Reference Page (does not count as part of the total number of pages required for the
assignment). A minimum of 3 references should be used.
6. See the Grading Rubric below for more information.
07/2020 psl 3
HLTK 1500 Health Care Topics Grading Rubric
Criteria for Full Credit Acceptable Unacceptable
1. Define or clarify the topic of the paper.
2. Presents a thesis that is clear and provides
unity to the assignment. It is relevant and
compelling for the audience.
3. Lays a foundation for the rest of the paper by
giving readers a sense of what to expect.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
1. Topic not defined
2. Thesis not presented
3. Foundation for the rest of
the paper not presented
15 1-14 0
Sections in the body of the paper are logically
present and clearly identifiable. Student uses
concise, engaging, objective and formal writing
(i.e. use of APA writing style conventions is
demonstrated with use of 3rd person and
academically appropriate: formal without being
wordy or involving affectation (unnatural or
artificial expression meant simply to impress).
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
No obvious section in the
paper. Informal, colloquial
language used. Paper is
mostly 2nd or 3rd person.
20 1-19 0
Each body paragraph contains a mini thesis
identifying the paragraph topic and supporting
sentences that may include references.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Body paragraphs do not
contain mini-theses or
supporting sentences
4 1-3 0
Major points are stated clearly and are supported
by specific details, examples, or analysis.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Major points are unclear
and/or unsupported
4 1-3 0
Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and
maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Paragraph transitions are not
4 1-3 0
The paper is at least 4 -pages long (not including
title page and reference page) but no longer than
5 pages.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Paper is less than 4 full pages
4 1-3 0
1. Summarizes key points
2. Draws connections between important ideas
3. Reiterates the thesis
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
1. Key points not summarized
2. No connections
3. Thesis not reiterated
15 1-14 0
1. Required number of references are used and
are peer-reviewed or from reputable source.
2. All references cited in paper are listed on the
reference page. All references listed on the
reference page are appropriately cited in the
3. Authors listed per APA guidelines, i.e. using
editor or organization as author when one not
listed, guidelines followed for multiple authors.
4. Reference page contains required scholarly
academic references and text reference.
5. Follows APA guideline of components:
double space, 12-pt Times New Roman or 11-pt
Calibri, hanging indent, alphabetized by authors
last name.
1. Less than required number
of references and/or one of
the references was not peer
reviewed or from a reputable
2. One reference cited in
paper is not listed on
reference page OR one
reference listed on reference
page is not cited in the
3. Reference page contains
required number of academic
resources and text reference,
but is missing one necessary
APA component.
1. Lack of congruency
between most in-text
citations and references listed
on reference page.
2. Reference page contains
less than the required number
of references or unacceptable
references or is missing
greater than one necessary
APA component.
15 1-14 0
07/2020 psl 4
APA and
1. Follow APA Guidelines using supporting
material that is correctly and consistently
cited, demonstrating recognition of
intellectual property, i.e. all quoted or
paraphrased information in paper is
appropriately cited. APA-style in-text
citation used throughout document
2. Title page contains a page header for page
numbering, title of paper, students name,
course number and name , instructors
name, and due date, centered and doublespaced.
3. Entire paper is double-spaced with 1
4. 12-pt font, Times New Roman or 11-point
font Calibri.
5. Correct running head with pagination.
6. Appropriate use of first-level headings
(and second-level headings if needed).
7. Rules of spelling, grammar, usage and
punctuation are followed.
8. Sentences are complete, clear, concise,
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
1. APA not followed
2. Intellectual property not
3. More than 10 punctuation,
grammatical, or spelling
4. Sentences not complete,
clear, concise, or varied
15 1-14 0

Any topic (writer’s choice)

07/2020 psl 1
HLTK 1500
Health Care Topic Paper Assignment and Rubric
You may write a paper on any topic of interest that pertains to any of the content in this
class. The paper must be original for this course and written in your own words. I check all
papers for plagiarism and submissions to previous courses. You may go to the Writing Center for
help if you have difficulty with your writing skills. Please discuss with me (via email) your
intended subject so we can narrow it down if needed – do this by October 18, 2020. The paper is
due October 25th and there is a link on Week 9 in Moodle where you may submit the assignment.
Some ideas include (but not limited to):
Researching alternative therapy use
New technology or technological advances in a particular area of care
Pay scales for various health care personnel
Personnel shortages around the country
Implications of the aging population
Pharmaceutical costs
Use of the internet in health care
Managed care
Home health services
Unserved or under-served populations
Government involvement in health care
Patents on technology and medicine
Pharmaceutical development
Write a 4-5-page paper using APA Guidelines for student papers from the APA 7th edition (see
the reference below and carefully review the rubric). Submit the paper using Microsoft Word –
papers will not be graded if submitted in a word processing program other than Microsoft Word.
APA Guidelines for the 7th edition can be found here:
The paper should include the following:
1. Title page (does not count as part of the total number of pages required for the
assignment). You do not have to include an abstract.
2. Introduction Thesis stated clearly, providing unity to the assignment. It is relevant and
compelling for the audience.
3. Body of the paper
Organization The main sections of the paper are identifiable, following a logical flow
of ideas that reinforce the thesis and evidence through effective transitions.
Idea Development A variety of types of evidence and sources are used, including
oppositional voices, that provide an insightful analysis of the topic
07/2020 psl 2
4. Conclusion
5. Reference Page (does not count as part of the total number of pages required for the
assignment). A minimum of 3 references should be used.
6. See the Grading Rubric below for more information.
07/2020 psl 3
HLTK 1500 Health Care Topics Grading Rubric
Criteria for Full Credit Acceptable Unacceptable
1. Define or clarify the topic of the paper.
2. Presents a thesis that is clear and provides
unity to the assignment. It is relevant and
compelling for the audience.
3. Lays a foundation for the rest of the paper by
giving readers a sense of what to expect.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
1. Topic not defined
2. Thesis not presented
3. Foundation for the rest of
the paper not presented
15 1-14 0
Sections in the body of the paper are logically
present and clearly identifiable. Student uses
concise, engaging, objective and formal writing
(i.e. use of APA writing style conventions is
demonstrated with use of 3rd person and
academically appropriate: formal without being
wordy or involving affectation (unnatural or
artificial expression meant simply to impress).
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
No obvious section in the
paper. Informal, colloquial
language used. Paper is
mostly 2nd or 3rd person.
20 1-19 0
Each body paragraph contains a mini thesis
identifying the paragraph topic and supporting
sentences that may include references.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Body paragraphs do not
contain mini-theses or
supporting sentences
4 1-3 0
Major points are stated clearly and are supported
by specific details, examples, or analysis.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Major points are unclear
and/or unsupported
4 1-3 0
Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and
maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Paragraph transitions are not
4 1-3 0
The paper is at least 4 -pages long (not including
title page and reference page) but no longer than
5 pages.
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
Paper is less than 4 full pages
4 1-3 0
1. Summarizes key points
2. Draws connections between important ideas
3. Reiterates the thesis
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
1. Key points not summarized
2. No connections
3. Thesis not reiterated
15 1-14 0
1. Required number of references are used and
are peer-reviewed or from reputable source.
2. All references cited in paper are listed on the
reference page. All references listed on the
reference page are appropriately cited in the
3. Authors listed per APA guidelines, i.e. using
editor or organization as author when one not
listed, guidelines followed for multiple authors.
4. Reference page contains required scholarly
academic references and text reference.
5. Follows APA guideline of components:
double space, 12-pt Times New Roman or 11-pt
Calibri, hanging indent, alphabetized by authors
last name.
1. Less than required number
of references and/or one of
the references was not peer
reviewed or from a reputable
2. One reference cited in
paper is not listed on
reference page OR one
reference listed on reference
page is not cited in the
3. Reference page contains
required number of academic
resources and text reference,
but is missing one necessary
APA component.
1. Lack of congruency
between most in-text
citations and references listed
on reference page.
2. Reference page contains
less than the required number
of references or unacceptable
references or is missing
greater than one necessary
APA component.
15 1-14 0
07/2020 psl 4
APA and
1. Follow APA Guidelines using supporting
material that is correctly and consistently
cited, demonstrating recognition of
intellectual property, i.e. all quoted or
paraphrased information in paper is
appropriately cited. APA-style in-text
citation used throughout document
2. Title page contains a page header for page
numbering, title of paper, students name,
course number and name , instructors
name, and due date, centered and doublespaced.
3. Entire paper is double-spaced with 1
4. 12-pt font, Times New Roman or 11-point
font Calibri.
5. Correct running head with pagination.
6. Appropriate use of first-level headings
(and second-level headings if needed).
7. Rules of spelling, grammar, usage and
punctuation are followed.
8. Sentences are complete, clear, concise,
Points assigned based on the
extent the criteria for full
credit are followed.
1. APA not followed
2. Intellectual property not
3. More than 10 punctuation,
grammatical, or spelling
4. Sentences not complete,
clear, concise, or varied
15 1-14 0


Prepare a scholarly reflection paper describing the artifacts attached and how they demonstrate skills, knowledge, real-world application.

Explain professional growth attained during the program or explain your professional skills to a potential employer.

Write a reflection paper that:

Reflects on professional growth during the program–
What were the strengths at the beginning of the program and how did you leverage them to succeed? (List at least 3)

What were the weaknesses when you started the program (List at least 3)

How were they addressed?
Are they still weaknesses?

What additional professional development can one do to continue growing in these areas?

Describes each of the artifacts, the associated skills demonstrated, and how those skills would be beneficial to the employer.

The document should include:   

Title Page
Personal Development Plan
Reflection on the Course (what should we stop doing, what should we continue doing, and what should we start doing?
References – FIVE (5) or more references using APA format


Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work.

Content Development
Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work.

Reflects/critiques identify and describe growth from experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.

The writing flows smoothly and logically from a well-defined thesis. It contains an appropriate introduction, conclusion, smooth transitions and page count and assignment requirements.

Grammar & Mechanics
Demonstrates almost perfect grammar and mechanics; no more than 1 major error (sentence fragment, run-on sentences comma splice); no more than 2 minor errors (typos, spelling, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, etc.

Twin Studies: Understanding Behavior and Nature vs. Nurture

Research Prompt: How do twin studies help us to understand behavior and nature vs. nurture?

1. ONLY write the introduction and Method section of the research paper.
      Method section must include the following sections:
        – Participants
        – Design
        – Procedure



Burberry and Nokia Case Study

This is related to Marketing for Managers Subject

Each Answer must be 1 page and very preciously written.No Grammarly mistakes no plagiarism, Ph.D. level work. Please ensure high-quality work.
There are 6 answers and all answers should be 1 page and must be written separately in each page

Burberry In 2014, and, Burberrys New Challenges
Nokia Case Study

Risk management techniques

The student will write a 10-page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on risk management techniques. Specifically, the student will choose a project within an organization, evaluate what environmental factors contribute to the risk of that project, and build a risk management plan to address those project risks. The paper must include at least 10 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. An abstract of 150250 words is required, which is included in the total page count.