Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Unit 2 HS230 Assignment

Week Two Plan for Success Paper

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Identify at least 3 health care administration positions and their corresponding responsibilities.
Describe what skills and abilities are needed for an administrative position.
Course outcome(s) practiced in this Assignment:

HS230-1: Describe the roles and responsibilities of administering, managing, and leading health care organizations.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

For the Assignment this week, you imagine yourself developing your initial plan of moving yourself toward a health care career and describe your plan and what you will need to develop yourself toward the goal.


Identify at least 3 health care administration positions and their corresponding responsibilities. Then choose the one that interests you the most.
Describe how you will prepare yourself to obtain the skills and abilities needed for the job.

This Assignment will be 2 pages long in APA format, with a word count of at least 500. The paper should have at least two references other than the book for the course. Grading criteria will be based upon APA guidelines, spelling and grammar, as well as how well your mission statement reflects the goals of the practice you have set up.
                                          Here is 3 positions I would be interested in

1. Clinic Administrator -Clinic Administrators at medical clinics may also be called managers or supervisors and have a long list of responsibilities. Some of these responsibilities include hiring and training staff, making staff schedules, and conducting staff meetings. Other responsibilities include maintaining the facility, implementing policies and even overseeing billing. Developing and employing marketing campaigns can also fall into the lap of a clinic administrator. Depending on the clinic, the range of responsibilities will differ, but one thing is for sure – a clinic administrator is tasked with important undertakings.

2.Nursing Home Administrator – A nursing home administrator is expected to oversee clinical and administrative affairs of the nursing home, as well as related facilities. Typical responsibilities include staffing and personnel recruitment, training and management, as well as supervision of financial matters and medical care. Other tasks could include the upkeep of medical supplies and facilities.

3. Health Information Manager – The foremost duty of a health information manager is securing and organizing patient records. Health information managers spend a great deal of time working with IT professionals researching software that will meet the terms of federal orders for storing electronic patient information. Health information managers must make sure these records are both correct and complete, as the records may be used for investigations, research and/or quality management. Health information managers largely focus on improving the quality of care through enhanced data management

Non communicable disease (reflection )

500-word synthesis statement reflecting on your key learnings from the readings, activities, and discussions with other students. (Synthesis Post Discusses key insights and learnings about the subject; references important readings; applies learnings and insights to current situation, how does it create new possibilities for you and for others)
References: minimum 3  it should be APA 7 EDTION

Researching a company’s network security, compliance level and vulnerabilities and making recommendations on each topic

You are to research a company of your choosing.  In a 12-page paper, you will submit the following as a report to your CIO:
1.  Assess the level of data and network security.  What would you change?  Why would you change it? 
2.  Assess vulnerabilities and determine how best to fix them.  Present not only how to fix them, but also what they are and why they are a major problem to the company. 
3.  Determine how compliant the company is with IT governance in it’s current practices.  If they are not, provide a plan to bring them compliant. 
Remember that proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA formatting are required.  Minimum of 10 to 15 sources for this paper. 

Art therapy

Identify the title
Identify the author
Identify the thesis
What is the purpose
Explain what the article is about
Include reasons for agreeing with the author
What are the strengths and weaknesses or the article
Include examples
Include (if used )other resources

Critical Review

The student will write a 5-page review of Simply Christian by N. T. Wright. Your goal in reviewing
this book is to provide a brief summary and careful evaluation. A good review should include the
following components:

1. Identify the purpose and overall structure of the book;

2. Briefly explain some of the main points of the book;

3. Briefly evaluate the clarity and organization of the book; and

4. Evaluate whether this book has provided insight into Christianity and achieved its stated
purpose. Does the author satisfy my curiosity about the subject with the questions he raises
and the answers he gives to them? Is the authors research sound and has it drawn valid
conclusions? Is the author consistent and logical? Do biases (and be sure to realize that you,
the reader, also have biases) influence the authors conclusions? Be sure to critically evaluate
the book, giving specific examples from the book with detailed argumentation.

Here is a link about Free 30 days:

Optimization in Staffing

Oscar is a healthcare administration leader who oversees the management of an ambulatory care clinic. Over the past 2 months, patient inflows have dramatically increased due to a recent shutdown of a neighboring care clinic. The patient inflows require that 90% of all nursing staff work overtime to ensure effective healthcare delivery. However, having 90% of the nursing workforce work overtime could be problematic in terms of patient quality and safety. Oscar would like to determine how he can best optimize his current staff holdings to ensure a balance between quality patient care and safety.

For this Discussion, review the resources, and be sure to focus on the Bastian et al. (2015) article. Reflect on the optimization problem mentioned in the article.

By Day 3
Post a brief summary of the optimization problem presented in the Bastian et al. (2015) article in the resources for this week. Be sure to include an explanation of the objective function, as well as what the constraints actually mean. Then, explain what was done well in the article, and identify where you found shortcomings in the article. Be specific, and provide examples.

Life Science: Reproduction and Heredity

Instructions per Professor.

Now that you have unwrapped your chosen standard and reviewed the corresponding standard for the grades below and above, you need to create a diagnostic assessment. Think of this assessment as a pretest. Do your students have the foundation needed for you to begin teaching this standard? This assessment should contain questions addressing ALL of the prerequisites you identified on your unwrapping document. Include instructions for scoring and a plan for how you will integrate the results of this plan into your instructional lessons within the unit. Be sure to include a variety of question types and enough questions per prerequisite to ensure your students have mastery of the skill.

I will be uploading the unwrapping document with the prerequisites. I also will be uploading the document from (this has to be cited and referenced) however, you also able to use additional information. I will also be uploading the document from were I got my prerequisites from. I will list the page number of the document.

Pg. 34 & 35 (Grade Three Life Science Reproduction and Heredity)

Change Implementation and Management Plan

Assignment : Change Implementation and Management Plan
It is one of the most clich of clichs, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.
As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

To Prepare:
    Review the Resources and identify one change that you believe is called for in your organization/workplace.
o    This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
    Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

Assignment:Change Implementation and Management Plan

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 4 or 5 slides with video that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.
Your narrated presentation should be 45 minutes in length.
Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:
    An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
    A description of the change being proposed
    Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
    Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
    Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
    Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
    A plan for communicating the change you propose
    A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

Controversies in Nutrition and Health

Use a minimum of 3 evidenced-based articles (not web sites) to support your position on the topic below. Include a brief critique of the articles used. Synthesize the evidence and present your conclusions about the validity of the topic and its application to primary care.

Topic= The Pros of Artificial Sweeteners

Write a brief persuasive analysis (3 pages max) discussing the strength of the evidence supporting the topic and your conclusions in utilizing the information in patient care and teaching as a family nurse practitioner in practice.

Please address the following in your submission:
*Is this information reliable and valid?
*What are the limitations of this research?
*Would you share this information with your patients? Why or why not?

Below is some helpful information although cannot be cited in paper as one of the 3 evidenced-based articles:

One article is attached that can be counted as one of the 3 needed.
Also attached grading rubric for this assignment

Animal ethics (critical reflection)

The purpose of the response papers is to encourage thoughtful and engaged reflection on the course materials. In this assignment, you should demonstrate an understanding of the authors main arguments and discuss the mini-lectures and/or interviews posted for the week. Your discussion can include your own personal reflections and connections you make among the weeks ideas, issues that are important to you, and other courses you have taken or are taking. You can use the first-person pronoun I in this assignment and all other assignments in this course.


The aim of these assignments is to critically reflect on the materials for the designated weeks. These are not summary papers. You should succinctly demonstrate an understanding of the authors major arguments but dedicate the majority of the paper (at least 3/4) to noting major common themes and reflecting on your own perspectives about key concepts and ideas. Prioritize the connections between the pieces. How do they overlap? How do they differ?

You need to clearly show you have done a close reading of the materials, rather than simply scratching the surface. Integrate short quotes from both the authors assigned for each response papers. Be specific about what stood out for you. Provide details to show that you understand the authors theses (major argument or intervention). You should also relate the materials to your own life and consider how the material builds upon, or complicates, your understanding of sociology. No outside materials are required. 


4-5 pages (4 pages minimum, 5 pages maximum), 12 pt font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced. APA or ASA citation style. No references list is required unless outside sources are used. No cover page required. (Put title, name, student number, and date on the first page, top left corner). Include page numbers. An introduction and conclusion are required. The prose should be coherent and cohesive throughout. As with all assignments, marks will be lost for incorrect spelling and grammar.