Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Here are the directions given by my professor
Read this article:

After linking this article with chapter 7 in your textbook, write an essay of approximately 250-300 words answering the following questions:

(This time, you are NOT allow to answer the questions separately)

1. Chapter 7 discusses the prevalence of cheating in the educational system. According to the article, how is the Internet changing the way that people cheat?2. Where are essay-for-hire companies springing up? Why are young college graduates deciding to work for these companies?3. How common is contract cheating in higher education?4. How forthright are companies such as EssayShark regarding the purpose of their services?5. Why is contract cheating harder to detect? What is being done to catch contract cheaters?

Please consider my feedback provided in the former SWA to avoid losing any point.

You should invest the time of the class period to do this assignment, as we’re not meeting this Wednesday Wednesday 10/21/2020

Please avoid Plagiarism

Please divide it to more than a single paragraphCite the sources you use (including the textbook & the article your read)

Please make sure that the word matching does not exceed 25% of words

Those matters will affect your grade

Due Wednesday 10/21/2020 9:00 pm

Network Forensics Tools

Network Forensics Tools

After reviewing the video below, discuss your observations/lessons learned, and what other steps could be taken, from a network forensics perspective, to analyze malware with similar TTPs as the Zyklon Trojan.


Pain Perception (Top-Down Influence)

As you learned from the pain lecture, top-down influences are huge in determining our perception of pain. For example, you learned that individual differences (e.g. being raised in a physically intense environment such as Nepal), being distracted (including both the content of distraction), shifting attention (and the extent of how much the shift of attention), expectation of the amount of pain to be received, and the emotion we are in when we feel pain are all ways that our perception of pain can become reduced or increased.

For this discussion, you will need to think about a time in your life when pain was influenced in one of these ways. Then, you will need to compare it to the specific study or example discussed in the lecture.

Your Discussion:

1. Explain a time in your life when a top-down factor influenced your perception of a painful experience.

2. Identify what type of top-down influence this was, and how it may have affected your pain perception (e.g. was your pain less or more)?

3. Which specific example, or specific study, from the lecture relates MOST to your personal experience? In other words, what is your personal experience most similar to from the studies and examples discussed in the lecture. Be specific and explain why.

Child Abuse Reporting by State

I need a response to the following question using the resources provided in the following documents.  It should emphasize the school districts reporting policy and the Oklahoma state reporting policy, along with the other resource included in the document in APA 7th edition format.  A couple of paragraphs with no less than 500 words total.
Question to answer:

What do I do if a student tells me he was inappropriately touched by an adult several years earlier or by another student more recently?

Your answer must include what you would do and why.  You must cite the sources listed above using APA style. Information for citing laws begins on page 361 of your 7th edition APA writing manual.

When the social media content about JUUL is targeting teens, what are the publics reactions to the content in posts?

This is a group work, we already finished an annotated bibliography. now we are doing a literature review and my research question is When the social media content about JUUL is targeting teens, what are the publics reactions to the content in posts? please using at least 4 peer reviewed articles, content analysis method and past tense. i will attach assignment instruction, annotated bibliography and content analysis sample paper. please read through them carefully!

Intracranial Regulation Case Study

You are the pediatric nurse caring for Missy, an 8-year-old girl who has been diagnosed with epilepsy. Missy will be hospitalized for at least 3 more days. Missy has been prescribed carbamazepine. You have been assigned to develop the initial teaching plan for Missy and her parents. How will you best prepare to answer these questions?

Question 1: Does the patient need to follow the time frame established for the administration of the drugs used in her treatment?
Question 2: How can Missy and her parents assist the healthcare team in determining how her seizures can best be treated?
Question 3: What are the action, side effects, and precautions needed for carbamazepine?

The questions should be answered separately. Please use my textbook and another peer-reviewed source. If you are confused please reach out for clarity.

again each question is answered separately. APA 7th edition

Code of Ethics

Unit VII Journal (use the IRS)

Companies use a code of ethics to preserve a certain level of ethics within their organization. Think about a company that you believe constantly displays ethical behavior. If you had to pull from their code of ethics to improve a different company’s code, what types of items would you want to replicate and why?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care

Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care.
Research the literature for an appropriate professional article that discusses the health care needs of your selected cultural group.
It should include 5-7 pages within the body of the paper with 3-5 references (at least two articles/book references).
Papers must follow APA format 7th  edition format, and include a title page, citations,  and reference pages.
View the APA Sample Template.

Nursing History Paper

This is an individual assignment related to a nursing leader or nursing historical event. This paper should be three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. The paper should include level one headings.

In review, when developing a scholarly APA paper, begin with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose statement. The body of the paper should include levels of heading that keep the writer focused and on track. For example, this paper would have four level one headings not including the introductory paragraph or conclusion. The paper would then have a conclusion to summarize the main points of the paper. The last page would be the reference page.

Select one nursing leader or nursing historical event from the list below:
Nursing Leader
    Florence Nightingale

Nursing Historical Event
    Advances in Nursing Practice
    Evolution of Palliative Care
    History of Nursing Education
    Impact of War on Nursing
    Professional Nursing
    Public Health Nursing

Assignment Criteria:
Students will develop a scholarly paper relating to the selected nursing leader or nursing historical event that includes the following criteria:
1.    Identify and provide rationale for the selected nursing leader or nursing historical event.
2.    Describe the historical background of the selected nursing leader or nursing historical event.
3.    Explain the effect the selected nursing leader or nursing historical event had on the practice of profession nursing today.
4.    Provide a prediction of the future needs of nursing based on the selected nursing leader or nursing historical event.
5.    The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 3 pages excluding the title and the reference page.
6.    Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
7.    Include level 1 headings to organize the paper.
8.    Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use we or I) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.
9.    Include a minimum of two (2) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper.
10.    APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Business Analytics

This assignment is a final paper. There was a draft paper written which is attached and the professor wants us to build on that. There is no page requirement, but my professor said students have done 10-15 in the past. Since there is already one page, I have 9 as the requirement. Please keep in mind he likes examples and stories. Be as analytical as possible, as his feedback to me was to add more analysis and insight. Here’s the directions for the paper:

Develop on the draft you prepared for the report in Module 4 and submit the final version in this module.

One of the key benefits of making full use of the available organizational data is that it enables business and other organizations to consistently make more rational, and in aggregate more accurate, choices. That said, while many, if not most business organizations are awash with data, most of those organizations nonetheless struggle to develop and deploy system-wide data-driven decision-making capabilities. Given that, your task is as follows:

Firstly, you are to identify, delineate and describe a specific business function (e.g., promotional planning, risk management, inventory control, etc.). Secondly, you are to identify and clearly describe distinct and specific data sources and data types that could be used as input in the business function of interest.

IMPORTANT: Be specific! For example, it is insufficient to just mention customer purchase data because there are numerous distinct sources (e.g., in-store UPC scanners, factory shipments, online transaction processing systems, etc.) and types (e.g., batch-based period extracts vs. ongoing streams)of data, thus it is very important to be as specific and as detailed as possible. Lastly, you are to create a clear and an explicit plan for how you would propose to use the available data to evolve the business function you identified in step 1 into more expressly evidence-based practice that takes maximum advantage of the available data. Again, be explicit!