Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)


Going beyond that previously identified by the CFO and Controller as reimbursement related issues impacting the hospitals patient service revenue.

Examine other issues related to reimbursement methodologies that could have accounted for the 15% decline in quarterly revenue.  There are no relevant reports to access to aid in isolating additional factors that could have contributed to the revenue decline; however, it is typical practice for leadership to begin investigating a phenomenon by clearly defining the problem, and then begin running through possible scenarios that might account for the phenomenon being examined.

1. Clearly define the problem, and then begin to consider what other reimbursement related issues could have accounted for the notable decline in the hospitals quarterly patient service revenue.

2. Suggest an action plan to validate or rule out the possible reimbursement related cause for the revenue decline.

3. Provide a rationale to support their speculations and suggested action plan. 

Social Cognition

This will address one of these topics and I expect that you will be citing both the book and some of these peoples definition in your definition of terms that adapt to your topic

Choose one ;

Think about a time when you made a memorable purchase or a decision, and describe what happened.  Include the key concepts from the chapter that explain how social cognition influenced this/these.


Chapter 2 makes clear that we all make judgments about people or situations based on incomplete information and biases we have.  Discuss one or more examples from your own experience using key concepts from the chapter to explain how social cognition influenced these.

The book chapter will be attached as pictures. You just need the chapter 2 from the book and some of these peoples definition of terms that adapts for you the best :

Person A says
Social Identity Theory: the theory that belonging to a group based on shared beliefs, attitudes, and/or activities creates feelings of acceptance and elevated self-esteem; as well as contours our thinking in relation to those in and out of the group.

Person R says
Halo Effect – The halo effect is another instance of decision making in the attitude heuristics that can often be misleading due to ones previous  assumptions, actions, and behaviors of a person.  An error based decision making process that is usually a bias opinion. 

Person C says
Internalization is when a value or belief becomes deeply rooted within our system of values. Once the value or belief is integrated into they system of values, it becomes independent of its original source and extremely resistant to change. (I found helpful that the book notes that  it’s opposite pairing is compliance, which has the least enduring effect because once the individual is behaving only to gain reward or avoid punishment.)

Person S says
The Contrast Effect is basically looking at a problem or situation for better or for worse depending on the things it is being compared to. For me this reminds me of a certain situation. Let us say there is a white male boy who goes to an upper class private school. The boy’s family has a little less overall money than the other children’s family. All of his friends from this school have their own bedroom and computer at home. This boy shares a room with his brother and they share a computer. When he goes to his friend’s houses and sees they have a bigger home and their own bedroom and their own computer, he legitimately gets depressed because he feels poor and less privileged. The boy actually feels sad and like he is struggling in life because he has to share his room and computer with his brother.

Person D says
Social Cognition is when a person defines a situation or any stimuli based on what they are currently thinking about or experiencing. This goes hand and hand with the power of perception. As a result of social cognition, people are able to experience the same situation in different ways depending on what they were thinking when the situation occurs. Social cognition explains the “cup half full or half empty” phenomenon due to individual life experience and perception.

Person G says
Identification: A form of conformity that occurs when an individual matches the behaviors, opinions, or values of an admired person or group.

Person J says
A cognitive miser is someone who has a wealth of thoughts and thinking power, but refuses to spend any more than is necessary – sometimes at the cost of completing accurate narratives or thoughts. 

Person N says
Bias Blind Spot- the unintentional inaccurate assessment of oneself in light of assessing others by the same measure or judgement.
We tend to have judgements about people or things and hold to our convictions regarding the same, with little understanding or insight to the cause and effect.  Generally, we judge people based on their actions but judge ourselves by our intention. 

Management of the United Way

This paper should be written in APA, New Times Roman 12 point font, APA 7. It should be an overall review of the program. Please do two pages or more on each question. This paper will be written in five parts. Each question is a separate part but it will all go together at the end of the course. The research paper will talk about staff, the agency, the people, and the services they provide. Please read the attached information.

assignment 1

For this paper, read the article The Only Thing You Cant Subscribe to Now is Stability, by Amanda Mull. Using the guidelines from the online readings, write a paper analyzing standout points in the article. Your paper must have a title, thesis, and quotes from the article. The paper must be in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced, in APA format, and three pages in length.    website:

Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center

This assignment is a group project.  My portion of the group project is

The Abstract
Description of how the strategy will be executed and measured, including financing, revenue, and expense. How will you pay for the changes you recommend? This is a critical part of the exercise.

Please use no references older than  2015. APA 7

This is a Master Class

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Prompt: We are mindful this exercise may bring up emotions and feelings for you as you share your family history or what you know of it. The intention is to explore and examine the ways we can use a Genogram to engage, assess, and intervene with community members. This exercise helps to explore our own countertransference useful for practice. If you begin to feel triggered, take pause and consider what feels safe for you to share.

What discoveries did you make while completing your genogram?
What reactions did you have while completing?
What family patterns/themes did you notice?
Who in your family is the designated storyteller or keeper of the family history?
Consider these ideas:
The process of creating a genogram as a member of an oppressed group The effect of ethnicity, colorism, language, culture, religion, historical trauma, isms, etc. on family structures and  family relationships
What roles did family members fulfill?
Who are the emotional caregivers?
What types of messages did you receive from relevant caregivers? What are your ties to your family in terms of your interests, career, etc?
Where do you see yourself in five years, 10 years?
Where does this all leave you?

You must use both of the uploaded readings.

Three generations back

my generation born in United States-
parents generation born in United States
great Grandparents born in  Austria and traveled across to Nova Scotia

Four functions of management

There are four functions of management that span across all industries. You are the CEO of the company. Discover the four basic functions of management and the importance of these in achieving organizational goals and objectives. Describe how these functions apply to your organization, and how these would apply to a company you create.

please prepare a professional PowerPoint presentation summarizing your information. The presentation will consist of a concise presentation of 8 slides minimum not containing your title and references. An agenda slide should also be included (not included in the slide count). Detailed speaker notes are required for each slide (speaker notes are what you would say if presenting it live). This does not have to be a script that you read, but it would contain all the information you need to present the information. The slide contents are there as a guide for the audience to follow, while the speaker notes contain all the relevant information. You will be required to use the PowerPoint Template for this presentation.

eyewitness testimony

Review two empirical articles (from scholarly journals) that examine eye-witness memory. Both articles should be on the SAME TOPIC. These need to be research articles from scholarly journals.  They should not be case or theory reviews.  Use Psych Info or some other scholarly search engine. You will probably need to check out several papers to find 2 you like & can understand. Give yourself time to search for appropriate articles. If in doubt, talk to me or a librarian.  These can be studies discussed in book / lecture, but you will need to get/read the original articles to complete the paper.

This should be a well written structured paper, do not just number the questions and answer them in a few sentences.  Take the time and space to thoughtfully explain your responses. 
Your paper should probably be 3-4 pages (1.5 spaced) and should include the following information:

1) Review the general topic (theory) and the specific research questions of the papers.
2) For each paper (separately) describe the study and the pattern of results.  NOTE:  if there are multiple studies reported, pick the one you think is most important and focus on that one, but briefly mention the others).
3) Discuss the conclusions drawn from the study and discuss how it could be applied to the area of Psych and Law.  Talk about similarities or differences in the methods or results of the 2 studies, and what these might tell us.
4) Provide references to the articles (also provide a copy of the FIRST PAGES of the articles)

Strategies for Growth for the Sales and Marketing Firm

Now that you have established your business in marketing and sales, you need to grow your business. Develop an APA formatted paper that addresses the following:

Based on the readings and lecture, what type of financing would you procure for your business?

How many employees are you going to forecast, and, what type of management team would you build in order to ensure success and growth? Explain the immediate and long-term effects of your financial decisions; give examples to demonstrate this point.

Much of what your company does is highly specific for individual customers. What will you do to ensure you protect the intellectual property of your company from predators, even internally?

Best Practice Paper

please use the following sources in referencing the work.

Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B., & Flynn Makic, M. B. (2016). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. (11th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier.
Jarvis, C. (2015). Physical examination & health assessment.  (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Jarvis, C. (2015). Physical examination & health assessment: a Student laboratory manual. (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., & Ostendorf, W. (2018). Clinical nursing skills & techniques, (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stocker, P.A., & Hall, A.M. (2017). Fundamentals of nursing. (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Silvestri, L. (2014). Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX- RN examination. (7th ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.