Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

To provide the experience for students to develop a policy that impacts the workforce or the workplace.

Many health professions have .gone to the doctoral level for  entry to the profession including pharmacists and physical therapists.  Why do you think nursing has been reluctant to validate the importance of education in the care of patients.

***please use at least 3 appropriate evidence based practice articles/references, must be within the last 3 years
***no plagiarism please

The Role of Corporate Communication in Risk and Crisis Management and the Enlightenments from the Epidemic

*The Literature Review should have three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.

*The structure of Literature review should not be chronological. It should be Thematic or Theoretical.

*Include at least 20 high quality citations, and at least 50% of them should be peer-reviewed academic references.

It is important to have a good introduction that clearly tells the reader what the literature review will be about, and its central themes or organizational pattern. Point out overall trends in what has been published about the topic, and explain the criteria you have used to analyze and compare the literature you reviewed.

The literature review is a critical look at the existing research which is related your research study.  It is important for you to read and analyze everything that could be related to your research questions. 

After completing a literature review you should be able to identify the prominent authors and texts that are related to your topic, and area of study.  The literature review may include both the research (empirical or analytical) on your topic, and theoretical works related to your topic.

The literature review is used as the basis for your Introductions brief description of the background of your study, to identify research trends or areas of interest that are relevant to your study, and to find potential gaps in the existing body of knowledge.

There is no one way to conduct a literature review, but this section should be done in a systematic fashion to capture, evaluate and summarize the literature. Creswell (2013) has a 7 step plan to follow that could be used.

Advanced Counseling (Cert)

Please write an integrated essay 1 to 2 pages on your long term professional goals addressing the following questions.

How has your master’s in counseling degree has influenced your current position as a counseling professional or intern?

The population you plan on working within your professional discipline, and what special knowledge you might like to have that this certification will afford you?

If this certificate enables you to change your professional direction in terms of setting/population, please explain why you desire this change? 

I have written a few expression points for each question. I will provide them to the chosen writer.

SAP Enterprise

I will upload snippets of video and also text topics to include in paper to help with questions.

1) What are your overall impressions?
2) Describe what is meant by ERP systems.
3) Describe how the video relates to specific topics in the textbook.
4) Do you agree with what Dr. Word is proposing?
5) Could a possible minor in MIS be of benefit in your career?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read instructions carefully and please make references separate for each discussion post

Page 1: Discussion Post #1

Utilizing the WHODAS form discussed in the DSM-5, have a patient or someone else you know complete the form and then score it following the directions on p. 745. Identify a nursing model of your choice to utilize as a framework for developing a treatment plan that accommodates the patients highest level of functioning.  EN WHODAS 2.0 – 36 items SELF.pdf 
) or a friend, colleague, family member following one of the case scenarios from the case vignettes 1-6 Case Vignettes for Peer Interview Assignments_4__1_.pdf

Page 2: Discussion Post # 2

For this week’s discussion I would like you to choose two of the following prompts to respond of the four below and respond to at least one classmate:

1. Describe an indication for oral or topical anti-fungals and which product you would chose? What teaching would need to go along with that?
2. The overuse of antibiotics has lead to resistant bacteria and has narrowed our options for certain infections. Find an article that describes this problem in the literature and summarize for the class.
3. We are approaching cold and flu season. Many people will be coming in with cold symptoms wanting to be treated. Describe what advice and treatment you would offer depending on different exam findings and patient history. How will you handle requests for antibiotics for viral illness? What will you say?
4. Explain your personal philosophy regarding children’s immunizations. How would you counsel parents who do not want to vaccinate their children.
As always back up with references, but I also like hearing your personal stories and viewpoints. It makes the class more interesting for everyone!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read instructions carefully and please make references separate for each discussion post

Page 1: Discussion Post #1

Utilizing the WHODAS form discussed in the DSM-5, have a patient or someone else you know complete the form and then score it following the directions on p. 745. Identify a nursing model of your choice to utilize as a framework for developing a treatment plan that accommodates the patients highest level of functioning.  EN WHODAS 2.0 – 36 items SELF.pdf 
) or a friend, colleague, family member following one of the case scenarios from the case vignettes 1-6 Case Vignettes for Peer Interview Assignments_4__1_.pdf

Page 2: Discussion Post # 2

For this week’s discussion I would like you to choose two of the following prompts to respond of the four below and respond to at least one classmate:

1. Describe an indication for oral or topical anti-fungals and which product you would chose? What teaching would need to go along with that?
2. The overuse of antibiotics has lead to resistant bacteria and has narrowed our options for certain infections. Find an article that describes this problem in the literature and summarize for the class.
3. We are approaching cold and flu season. Many people will be coming in with cold symptoms wanting to be treated. Describe what advice and treatment you would offer depending on different exam findings and patient history. How will you handle requests for antibiotics for viral illness? What will you say?
4. Explain your personal philosophy regarding children’s immunizations. How would you counsel parents who do not want to vaccinate their children.
As always back up with references, but I also like hearing your personal stories and viewpoints. It makes the class more interesting for everyone!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose two of the studies listed below, which are all related to the topic of stereotyping and its effects. Compare and contrast the methodology that the researchers used in each of the cases. What were the variables that they measured, and how did they use these measurements to make conclusions about larger implications? Did the results in either of the cases surprise you, or did they fit with patterns that you have already observed? How do the different methods chosen in the two articles affect the observations and conclusions that they made? Consider an additional example of how you might research the effect of stereotypes. What variables might you measure? What social concerns or questions inform your interest in this topic? What do you think the results might be?

For this option, you must draw on two of the following articles listed below:

Arai, Mahmood, Moa Bursell, and Lena Nekby (2016). The Reverse Gender Gap in Ethnic Discrimination: Employer Stereotypes of Men and Women with Arabic Names International Migration Review 50(2):385-412.
Booth, Alison, Andrew Leigh, and Elena Varganova (2012). Does Ethnic Discrimination Vary Across Minority Groups?: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 74(4).
Rubin, Donald L. (1992). Nonlanguage factors affecting undergraduates judgments of non-native English-speaking teaching assistants. Research in Higher Education 33(4):511-531.
Mengel, Friederike, Jan Sauermann, and Ulf Zlitz (2019). Gender Bias in Teaching Evaluations. Journal of the European Economic Association. 17(2): 535-566.
Watson, Stevie, Osei Appiah, and Corliss G. Thornton (2011). The Effect of Name on Pre-Interview Impressions and Occupational Stereotypes: The Case of Black Sales Job Applicants. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 41(10): 2405-2420.


response paper should be about 5 pages and include:
2-3 big ideas/themes related to this topic that you found intriguing
What ideas/assumptions you began with about this topic that evolved through the readings/discussions
Any questions that were raised for you (What would you like to learn more about?)
Response papers should not read like diary entries. In other words, the paper should not focus on how you feel about a particular issue, but how you are sense-making as we plough through the readings and engage in class discussions. I will evaluate your understanding of the readings, your ability to analyze and think critically about the readings, and your ability to apply the main ideas of the readings. You might make explicit and nuanced connections between theoretical and practical ideas gleaned from the readings and class discussions. Thus, if you draw from your community research experiences, analyze said experiences with theoretical insight from the readings and class discussions. In short, use your 5 pages wisely, in a scholarly manner.

suicide rates in schizophrenia patients

This just an introduction. that has to be two pages for my research proposal my topic is suicide rates in male and females with schizophrenia it has to be in APA format I have provided a sample intro that my professor gave us but our intro has to be two pages long I’ve also included my topic form and a reference list that will be used within the paper I’m an undergraduate so the language used has to be appropriate and no plagiarism.

2025 DQ 16 RESP 2

Readings and Discussion Post: Humanistic Existential Psychotherapies
14 14 unread replies. 26 26 replies.
Readings: Humanistic – Existential

Wedding & Corsini: Ch. 8

Rogers, C. R. (2007).


Rollo May, Ph.D., On Existential Psychotherapy (Links to an external site.)
Carl Rogers, Ph.D., On Person Centered Therapy (Links to an external site.)
Carl Rogers Ph.D., And the Person Centered Approach (Links to an external site.)

Discussion post:

What are the core elements of Humanistic Psychology? What are the core elements of    Existential psychology and psychotherapies?

How do they compare?


Humanistic Psychology is an approach to psychology that is often referred to as the third force and was in response to or opposed, the then-current approaches such as behavioralism and psychoanalysis (Kirschenbaum, n.d.). The Humanistic approach, by Carl Rogers (2007), focuses on the human sense of self or one’s experience of self (Rogers, 2007). Kirschenbaum (n.d.) explains that Rogers’s approach “gave more emphasis and credence to the individual’s perceptions or phenomenal field” than behavioralism or psychoanalysis (Kirschenbaum, n.d.). He went on to describe how Roger’s therapeutic approach was not only on fixing one’s problems but also included their overall wellbeing and reaching “what Rogers described as the fully functioning person”(Kirschenbaum, n.d.). Lastly, Roger’s humanistic approach also included the unique qualities, in theory, to humans, such as “choice, will, freedom, values, feelings, goals” (Kirschenbaum, n.d.). In the Interview of Rogers by Masterson (n.d.), Rogers reflects on his childhood and the feeling that no one could ever know his inner world as no one was listening or genuinely hearing what he had to say about his experience. He reasoned that he would have benefited from someone merely listening in a non-judgmental way and therefore became inspired to listen to others with no judgment (Yalom, n.d.). From the humanistic approach, Carl Rogers developed a psychotherapy style that he called client-centered (also known as person-centered). Kirschenbaum (n.d.) outlines the central tenets of this person-centered psychotherapy;

First is to accept the client as she is, as a person of inherent worth, possessing both positive and negative feelings and impulses. . . Second is empathy, ‘the therapist’s willingness and sensitive ability to understand the client’s thoughts, feelings, and struggles from the client’s point of view to adopt his frame of reference,’ Third is congruence, to be genuine, real, authentic, or congruent in the relationship (Kirschenbaum, n.d.).

Existential Psychology is another approach that was developed by Rollo May (1987) in his attempt to reduce the amount of “gimmick” approaches (Schneider, 1987). He felt that “A therapy that is important, as I see it, is a therapy that enlarges our experience, makes us more sensitive, enlarges our intellectual capacities as well as other capacities” (Schneider, 1987). Yalom and Josselson (2014) explain that the existential approach understands that people must grapple with the concept of human existence and mortality. They assert that life is more than the “objective” categories and that fundamental realities of being human influence one’s inner world and what it means to be alive (p. 266). These fundamentals are called the Ultimate Concerns of Existential Psychology and are as follows”freedom, isolation, meaning, and death” (Yalom & Josselson, 2014). In an existential approach, Yalom and Josselson (2014) also explain that the distinction between therapist and client may also be problematic. People in session benefit more from a “fellow traveler” experience. This enables them to feel that they are in this human experience together with another rather than as one who seeks assistance from an authority (p. 269). 

The Existential approach and Humanistic approach both see one as having a subjective experience of the world and seeks to create an atmosphere for the client to explore their inner reality safely and with acceptance. Both of these approaches believe that it is not enough to treat the ‘problem’ but to see the person as a whole being who has value, life, and the potential to achieve a more profound sense of wellbeing.  Winston (2015) discusses the relationship between the Existential approach and the humanistic approach. She explains their differences as the Existential approach is more interested in one’s more extensive existence as a human rather than the sense of self, and this existence “precedes” one’s “essence” (Winston, 2015). With a humanistic approach, one’s essence precedes their existence. The humanistic approach is focused on the present moment and being heard and accepted in the present to discover how to reach their most significant potential as a human. The existential approach is also about acceptance and being heard but is more concerned with how the “future gives meaning to the present” and allowing one to become aware of their “state of being” to understand their meaning in life (Winston, 2015). In this way, the Existential approach is concerned with mortality and meaning. In contrast, the Humanistic approach believes that all people have a potential for “self-actualization” and positive change and are less concerned with life purpose or death (Winston, 2015).


Kirshenbaum, H. (Director). (n.d.). Carl Rogers and the person-centered approach.[Video/DVD] (Links to an external site.):

Rogers, C. R. (2007). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), 44(3), 240-248. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.44.3.240

May, R. (Guest Expert), Schneider, K. (Host). (1987). Rollo May on existential psychology. [Video/DVD] (Links to an external site.):

Winston, C. N. (2015). Points of convergence and divergence between existential and humanistic psychology: A few observations. The Humanistic Psychologist, 43(1), 40-53. doi:10.1080/08873267.2014.993067

Yalom, I., & Josselson, R. (2014). Existential psychotherapy. In D. Wedding, & R. J. Corsini (Eds.), Current psychotherapies 10th ed. (pp. 265-297). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Rogers, C., Rogers, N. (Guest Experts), Yalom, V. (Host). (n.d.). Carl Rogers on person-centered therapy. [Video/DVD] (Links to an external site.):