Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Discussion Forum DC Reply WK2 710

This is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached  paper. Please read the Grading rubric before starting this reply.  The reply must include 3 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached.

Readings: Merida: Entire Book (attached)
Scott: pp 35-106 (attached)

Please read Grading Rubric before starting.

In the Replies include the following:
Everything mentioned in the Reply expectations.

In the Introduction section, you must quote or specifically refer to what and to whom you are responding. There is no need to cite a fellow Learner in the DB assignments, unless in a separate thread or a reply in which you are responding to something very specific. Do not be afraid to disagree with a fellow Learner’s perspective, just do so politely and always cite and source why.

You need to cite in support of your argument and use APA 7 format.  Also, in discussions do not be afraid to use a little appropriate humor. “A smiling reader is one whos paying attention and eager to read on.” Not to mention your prof enjoys a good laugh while reading so much content!

You will not bash the writer in this post, you will add knowledge to their findings.

Discussion Board Reply WK2 AM

This is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached  paper.
Please read the Grading rubric before starting this reply.
The reply must include 2 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached.

Please read Grading Rubric before starting.

You will not bash the writer in this post, you will add knowledge to their findings.
I have attached the article my peer used and books for the class as references if needed.

Experimental versus Non-experimental Quantitative Research

Must use one scholarly peer-reviewed quantitative study about BULLYING to complete the assignment.

Appraise the differences between experimental and non-experimental research.
Differentiate between a correlational study and an experimental study.
State the hypothesis being tested in the selected quantitative research study.
Identify the major variables and categorize them as independent or dependent.
Describe the methods and results of the study.
Determine whether the study is descriptive, correlational, or experimental, and explain why it fits this classification.

Developmental Risks

You will have to find an article related to children in situations that put them at risk for developmental challengessuch things as homelessness, lack of medical services or teenage pregnancy facilities, child care shortages, and a host of other situations. The purpose is to heighten awareness of social and political issues and how these relate to developmental problems in young children. Additionally, make sure to provide a link to the article used for your discussion.

Introduction (

You did the intro research for my previous paper. This would be the full introductory to my research paper. I will attach the original assignment.

Write the introduction to your research paper. This is just a framework. You can add to it later. (About 1 page long).

Identify and discuss what course requirements in my entire degree program helped me understand complex systems and how I collaborated with others in these systems.

Write a reflection essay to show evidence of your understanding of how nurses practice in AND collaborate with others in various complex systems. Complex systems come in various shapes and forms. There are hospital systems, billing systems, diagnostic centers, educational platforms, financial and budget programs, simulation, admission and discharge, medication administration, history taking, and many others. Practitioners must integrate
theories and knowledge learned from coursework to provide evidence-based and quality practice and care that is ethical, racially-specific, and socially-equitable; reflect relevant healthcare policy, collaboration with other healthcare professionals or community stakeholders; and, based on social determinants of care, that is individualized to various types of clients, families, communities and organizations.

*** Please make sure the essay cites at least three excellent and diverse artifacts that demonstrate the student’s understanding of various collaborative complex systems where practitioners must integrate theories and knowledge learned to provide evidence based and quality practice and care that reflect healthcare policy, ethical, competent care to individuals, families, communities and organizations. A wellwritten reflective narrative, no longer than two (2) pages, double-spaced, 1 margin on all sides, is included documenting how these assignments helped the student meet this outcome.

(The 3 artifacts have been uploaded below you will need to open and view them in order to do this assignment)

Systemic racism/George Floyd case

Find an example of a high-profile incident in which the actions and/or decisions of one or more individuals in the public safety field left citizens questioning the ethics of the action/decision and write a case study about that incident.

Your study should address at least the following:
Who were the stakeholders potentially impacted by the actions/decisions?
What arguments might those involved have made that their actions were ethical
Be sure to consider various ethical frameworks when considering this question–for example:
From a utilitarian perspective, he or she might have argued that…
From a deontological perspective, he or she might argue…
Considering virtue ethics, he or she might argue…
Explain why the actions made were or were not ethical.  Be sure to explain the academic definition you’re using as a baseline for this part of the discussion
How different actions by public safety administrators may have shaped the outcome of the incident or the perception of the public concerning either the ethics of the decision and/or the appropriateness of the organization’s reaction to it. For example (not all-inclusive), might better hiring standards or increased ethical training has impacted the situation–might more swift action to support or condemn the individual(s) had a positive impact on the public’s perception of the individual(s) or organization. 
The body of the Case Study shall be 8-10 pages, excluding other material such as the cover page, abstract, table of contents, graphics and tables, and references.

The Case Study Paper shall contain:

Cover Page
Body of Paper (8-to-10 pages)
References Page
The paper shall be formatted as follows:

APA 7th edition
1 inch margins
12 point font, either New Times Roman or Arial font style
Double spaced, making sure there are no “extra” spaces in between paragraphs
Properly formatted Section headings as appropriate
In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged.

Strategic Staffing at Atlas Corporation

Read the attached case study. After reading the case study, answer the following questions:

1)How would you explain the alignment of Atlas business, human resource, and staffing strategies?
2) When considering the components of strategic staffing, what is Atlas doing well with regard to staffing strategically? What could they do better?
3) What would you suggest Atlas do to further enhance the alignment between its staffing function and its need to promote from within?
4) Is there a benefit for Atlas to have an internal or external staffing focus in order to gain/maintain a competitive advantage? Why, or why not?

Answer all four questions in one document. Your completed case study must be no less than two full pages in length. You must use at least your textbook as a reference, but other resources may be used if needed. Any information from resources used must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Water pollution

In this unit, you became familiar with water pollution, drinking water sources, and drinking water treatment processes.

For your essay, make certain to address the following components:

the impact of soil erosion on water quality in receiving waters,
the dissolved oxygen profile downstream of a wastewater discharge,
eutrophication of lakes,
sources of groundwater pollution,
drinking water sources, and
typical municipal drinking water processes for groundwater and surface water sources in your location.
Your paper should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions. Your essay should be at least two pages in length, not counting the references page; a title page is optional.

Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources, and use APA format.

Movie Reveiw

Please watch the movie SICKO by Michael Moore and write an essay review of the movie. Please include what ethical principles were violated and how they were violated  by the individuals featured in the movie and what could be done to help the American healthcare system.

Here is the movie’s  link