Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Critical thinking essay of an news article

find news that interests them in the news media and look up the source on which the news is based. That source must be a scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal. Students then evaluate how well the article covers the subject of the scientific article. Students are expected to think critically and explain both what is well said in the news and what is missing. In some cases, wrongdoing or misleading information is given in the news, and then it is important to report it. In other cases, all aspects of the scientific discipline are properly and clearly explained and then it needs to be discussed. Students write a short essay (500-600 words) where the content of the article is explained, the content of the scientific article is explained in a clear manner and a reasoned critique of the quality of the news is presented.

Why Do You Do What You Do

You are to conduct research and write a three to five page paper on the following subject, Why Do You Do What You Do? and answer the following three questions:

What are the goals, mission, vision and values of your organization?
Is the information available on public display so that all employees are aware?
How is this information communicated to the organizations employees?
Finally, you are to develop an organizational chart listing all of the key leaders, their roles, and discuss how their responsibilities tie to the organizations mission, vision and values.

NOTE:  The organizational chart is to be on a separate page and does not count towards the 3-5 pages of written research of your organization.

You are to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least two (2) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), and format your work in accordance with 7th edition APA formatting which includes:

A Title Page (No Running head)
Abstract with Keywords
A minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins, left justified, and
A Reference page
While this is a management course, it is expected you will adhere to academic standards of writing which include spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Critically analyze, synthesize, and summarize the lecture you have been assigned to. Provide an overview highlighting the chronological perspective (this may or may not require additional sources) in relation to the history of OT and the impact the author attempted to achieve or address.
    List at least 5 key concepts/search terms (see example below).
    Follow APA format. Note that the reference citation is APA format, paying particular attention to citation for chapters or articles in an edited book. This reference should be listed on the cover page and thus does not need further citation throughout the summary.
      The narrative summary is to be a maximum of 2 pages.

Lectures can be accessed from AJOT online of the AOTA website November/December issue of the lecture year.

MBA- Statistics, Biostatistics, accounting, and Financing

Must know how to calculate and do Business Statistics, Biostatistics, accounting, and Financing. I have attached an example of a previous paper done. DO NOT plagiarizer it. Please follow the rubric completely, and use references from data bases that are legitimate and trusted.

    Using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), discuss and calculate the cost of new common stock (Ks).
    What would the dividend yield as a percentage (i.e., per dividend payment divided by the book value of a share of stock) today and a year from now if the dividend growth rate is 12%?
    What is the after-tax cost as a percentage (e.g., interest rate) of new debt today?
    What are your recommendations for raising capital based on your answers to the above questions plus considering other factors (e.g., current and potential changes in the economy locally, regionally, nationally and worldwide, changes in the demand and/or supply plus cost of materials, skilled labor, management and/or leadership, changes in interest, tax, inflation and/or supply of investment capital)?

Are satisfaction levels higher in people who work from home?

FINAL PAPER SUBMISSION: 1300-1500 words  (EXCLUDING the Cover Memorandum, references, footnotes, Appendices, tables, etc.)Single-spacedAt least four academic sources, plus others (total minimum of 6)APA style preferred, any accepted if used appropriatelyPaper Two Parts:  Cover Memorandum:One page transmittal documentPurpose of report (Why doing it?)Target audience (Who asked for it?)Process used to study subject (BRIEFLY)FindingsApplication (How can it be used?)    Paper Itself:1300-1500 words minimumIntroduction to Topic:One paragraph: Why is topic important today?
Research Question:One paragraph, including hypothesis, definitions of variables used and found through studiesResults of Research:Findings from research study by study, separately presentedConclusions:What does it show when all studies considered?Implications:What does it mean?  How can it be useful?  This is where you can draw conclusions and as long as they are within limits of studies covered.Recommendations:What should one do based upon these findings?  These are your informed recommendations based upon research.  This is where you tell people what you think they should do based upon what you found.ReferencesUse a minimum of 4 academic, plus others to make minimum of 6 references overall.  You may use more.  USE PROPER FORMAT

Video Reviews

Please watch these four videos below:                

Please connect the videos to general outside information about each topic (please do not use outside sources, just general facts… do not paraphrase, no quotes, no in-text citations)


Signature Assignment: Part I

choose a project , The project you choose should ideally be from a past, present, or future work situation. If this is not feasible, choose a project you would like to do that will allow you to demonstrate all the tools and principles in project management. You may choose a large project and use a sub-project within it for this assignment.

Extra points are given for creativity and for projects that demonstrate your understanding of the total project management information system. Some doctoring of your project may be necessary to allow you to demonstrate the use of the tools. The paper should follow the processes outlined in the template

Part 1: Submit preliminary information for the project you have chosen. Your paper must include the following, and follow APA formatting and citation. Your paper must be 3-5 pages, excluding Title and References pages.

Title page
Introduce your project/project topic
Define your project:
Project Scope Details (Provide a descriptive paragraph after each of the following items)
Identify the project objective.
List and describe the project deliverables.
List and describe project milestones.
List all technical requirements.
List and describe limits and exclusions.
Conclusion Summarize the project and project delivery in a closing paragraph
References page

Leadership Interview and Paper

Choose a leader in the health profession whom you can interview to learn about his/her work.
You may conduct the interview in person, on the phone, or online, but in person is preferred. Detailed personal information may be omitted at the request of the leader you choose; you may use initials or a pseudonym to maintain confidentiality.
Prepare and implement interview questions to elicit the following information about the leader you have chosen:
Their philosophy
Style, values, and characteristics, including strengths and weaknesses
Their relationships with their colleagues at all levels
Their career path
Future plans
Organizational information: Describe your leaders healthcare organization in terms of a system review:
Organizations product, mission, goals, and objectives
Number of employees and number of beds, if applicable
Types of accreditation, licensure or regulatory requirements
Applicable statistics
Write a six- to eight-page paper that includes the following:
Title page
Table of contents
Body with headings (at least 5 pages)
Briefly state what you learned about the leader you interviewed:
Leader characteristics
Relationship with colleagues
Career path
Organizational information
Leadership theory: Discuss the theories and concepts you have learned in this course:(Adaptive leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership, leader,-member exchange theory, transformational leadership, situational approach,path-goal theory, skills approach, and behavioral approach)
How do they relate to what you learned during your interview?
Did you discover any leadership ideas not covered during the course? If so, include them in your paper, with proper citations.
How can you apply what you have learned in this course and in the interview to your leadership endeavors?
Reference page with at least five peer-reviewed sources/references, in addition to the course textbook; the references cited in the paper must appear in the reference list and vice versa

School Uniforms

Use a Rogerian argument that presents two sides of the debate and argues for a solution that will satisfy both sides. use the two articles presenting opposing sides of an issue (mandatory uniforms in schools), construct your own 2-3 page Rogerian argument essay in which you attempt to arrive at a workable solution or “middle ground.”

Depression and Obesity in Pediatric Patients

I have attached the thesis statement to be used for the assignment and the assignment rubric. the assignment is pretty much straight forward, but please follow the rubic. if you should have any questions please let me know. I will continue to send the paper back if the work is poorly done.