Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic

this is a summary; you should not be providing a lot of detail but rather synthesizing what the authors did.
Please include the following sections in your assignment and make sure to fully address each point:
Summary of the Article

Summarize the author(s) purpose and hypotheses for the study.
Why is this an interesting or worthwhile topic/phenomenon to research?
What is already known about this topic/phenomenon?
Where are the gaps in contemporary knowledge or understanding of this topic/phenomenon?
What methodology was used?
Describe the sample of participants in the study (number, age, gender, race, etc).
Describe the measures/materials used and the how the study was conducted.
Describe the results/findings of the study.
What are the implications of the results?

Is the method employed a valid test of the predictions or hypotheses?
Has the researcher overlooked any possible confounds or extraneous variables which could affect interpretations of the findings?
Was the sample appropriately diverse? Is the research design appropriately inclusive and/or sensitive to the cultural context?
Is the method of sample selection described one that is likely to result in a representative, unbiased sample?
Are there ways of interpreting the results that haven’t been considered?
How generalizable are the findings?
What limitations did the authors state?
What are the additional limitations that the authors did not acknowledge?
What future research directions did the authors outline?
Discuss additional future research directions that you see.
What do you suggest to improve this research?
Can you identify additional implications of the results that were not discussed in the article? 
Personal Reflections
What are your overall impressions of the study?
How can the findings or implications be applicable to your life?
Did this study make you curious about other ideas or topics?

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics
Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to add to the body of knowledge, advance the profession, and ultimately help in the care of patients. Work that lacks integrity is subject to erode quickly or worse.
Fortunately, there are strategies and tools that can help ensure integrity in academic and professional work. This Assignment asks you to consider these tools and how you might apply them to your own work.
In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by appending the original document you began in the previous assignment.
To Prepare:
    Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources for this Module in support of academic style, integrity, and scholarly ethics.
    Reflect on the connection between academic and professional integrity.
The Assignment:
Part 3, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity
Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began in Module 1 and expanded in Module 2, write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:
    Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
    Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
    Cite at least two resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.

Academic and Professional Integrity 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 1 Academic and Professional Integrity Program Transcript NARRATOR: Builders often speak of the integrity of their structures, a reference to the soundness, strength, and stability of their finished products. Construction that lacks structural integrity is likely to quickly erode. Integrity is not only a concern for builders, but is noteworthy for all professionals. Given the nature of the work, professional integrity is a cornerstone of the nursing profession. As a student building a path to professional growth and development, developing academic integrity is a big step on that path, and develops practices that lead to professional integrity. Much like structural construction, academic and professional nursing efforts that lack integrity are likely to quickly erode. Researchers and practitioners use words, format, and technique, like builders use hammers, nails, and lumber. This is where integrity begins. Tools that can ensure academic integrity in relation to scholarly writing include Grammarly and SafeAssign. And of course, ethical behavior is the glue that binds the integrity of your efforts. By ensuring that your efforts have integrity, you’re making a significant commitment to delivering work that is sound and will stand for many years to come. Academic and Professional Integrity Content Attribution GettyLicense_478536966 Ridofranz / iStock/Getty Images Plus / Getty Images GettyLicense_92180619_h12 Chris Dapkins / DigitalVision / Getty Images GettyLicense_159627464 Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images GettyLicense_638646884 Cecilie_Arcurs / E+ / Getty Images GettyLicense_467597707_7 Squaredpixels / iStock/Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

The university Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Academic and Professional Integrity 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 1 The university Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Academic and Professional Integrity Program Transcript FEMALE SPEAKER: The expectation for students at  University is that they will have high academic integrity. We take it very seriously because we think it’s very important. Academic and professional integrity for me are one and the same. I don’t think you can have one without the other. Nurses are a very trusted profession, and we are expected to have integrity. Integrity in the workplace of course means being honest, doing the best we can to provide the best possible care. The same thing applies in an academic setting. A student that has good academic integrity does their own work. And while you may collaborate in terms of discussion and sharing of ideas, you don’t share work. FEMALE SPEAKER: Academic integrity goes hand in hand with professional integrity. We wouldn’t do something in the professional realm in terms of taking notes from others or taking copyrighted information from others and making it our own. We shouldn’t be doing that in the academic setting either. FEMALE SPEAKER: Make sure you know how to properly cite if you are going to use a direct quote from somewhere, using the proper citation. And as a graduate student, I would actually recommend that you learn to use your own words because you are going to be an expert, and it’s much better to read from multiple sources and use your words to promote what idea you’re putting forth and give credit for the idea, but not the quote. FEMALE SPEAKER: A lot of times we paraphrase things. And sometimes we don’t take into context that perhaps we should cite something. Ask the question. There’s nothing wrong in asking. I would rather have students ask the question in terms of, do you think this is the approach that I should take? FEMALE SPEAKER: It is a huge component of what we do as nurses to be ethical and have integrity, knowing that we are doing the best for our patients every single day. FEMALE SPEAKER: You take an oath to do what’s right, to do what’s good, and to do no harm to your patients. And so you must have integrity to be a nurse. FEMALE SPEAKER: Honesty, trust, integrity– those are the essence of a nurse that anybody– when they think about nursing, that’s what they think about.

SHEL Model

For this case analysis, please select an aviation mishap (from the past 24 months) that has been attributed to human factors. Use the SHEL model with a consideration of physiology to analyze the mishap.

Your analysis should include the following sections:

Summary of the case
Problem Statement What is the problem?
Significance of the Problem Why this is a problem?
Alternative Actions (2) How could it have been avoided?

Read/view all module objectives and materials.
Research the given case topic and analyze using scholarly resources.
Write your analysis: target 2 pages in length, double spaced. Make sure to include a reference page (Reference and title page do not count towards the length).
Include APA citations and references (with the references listed on a separate last page).
Include information obtained from primary or secondary sources beyond those listed in the module

Policies that affect mexican communities.

1.  What policy issue(s) (local, state, and/or federal) most greatly affect your community site?Be specific.a.How does it affect the site itself?b.How does it affect the clients at the site?c.What type of changes in policy do you think are necessary?  Do you think these changes can happen and, if so, how? If not, why

Educational Psychology Annotated Bibliography

For this assignment, you will develop an annotated bibliography that is focused on a topic or concept we cover in the course. This assignment is important for several reasons. First, this work is excellent preparation for a research project. Second, your work could be valuable to others who are interested in the same topic. Finally, your learning is deeper when you explore topics that you find interesting. Your task is to select a course concept that you find interesting and then find and describe relevant academic articles related to the concept. What you are creating is an annotated bibliography that contains the essential knowledge on a particular topic.
Topic: how technology effect cognitive development

Students will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts and norms in educational psychology. (SLO 1)
Evaluate and apply concepts from scientific research in educational psychology. (SLO 2)

Task Specifications
The selected concept must be one that we have covered or will cover in the course.
Your description of the article should include the essential ideas in the article and why you selected the article.

What to Submit Here
Please write a short description (1 or 2 paragraphs) of your selected topic and any relevant information related to your topic. This will give me an idea about your overall goals for the annotated bibliography.
The APA citation of your source
A summary of the source including main arguments, methods, findings, and implications
A reflection on the importance of the source and why you selected it.

Chose a topic or concept that interest you!
Each source can be described in three or four paragraphs.
Your work will be submitted to TurnItIn for review.

Needs Assessment outline

Follow the following outline for your needs assessment. Do not change or delete the headings (e.g.: I. Health Status).  The finished document should be between 4 and 6 pages in length.  There needs to be a separate page for your references.  Reference page must be done in APA style.

Millet, G., Peterson, L., Wolitski, J., Stall, R.(2006) Greater risk for HIV infection of black men who have sex with men: A critical literature review, American Journal of Public Health, 96 (6) 1007-1019.

Article Critique: Students must use APA formatting at all times

Millet, G., Peterson, L., Wolitski, J., Stall, R.(2006) Greater risk for HIV infection of black men who have sex with men: A critical literature review, American Journal of Public Health, 96 (6) 1007-1019.

1. What is the research question? (Should be in the form of a question)

2. What is the research design? (Study approach type: experimental, case study, qualitative, correlational, cross-sectional)

3. How are the key variables measured? (i.e., instruments measuring outcome variable)

4. How did they collect the data? (Discuss the data collection process)

5. Who is the sample? (Describe in detail the group)

6. How was the sample selected? (Describe the protocols in group selection)

7. What are the results? (Describe the results of the study)

8. What are the key points in the discussion? (What was the main point of discussion)

9. How is the information useful for your research project?

Nursing:Neumans Systems Model nursing conceptual framework

Using Neumans Systems Model nursing conceptual framework, conduct a literature search to identify 3 published reports of clinical practice guided by the selected conceptual framework.
You will describe each of the reports in your post. Please be sure to include clinical practice reports, not research reports. For example and to illustrate: Fawcett (2005) includes several chapters on each major nursing conceptual framework in her textbook (I have attached it in a file)
Towards the end of each chapter, note that she identifies a list of published reports of clinical practice guided by the conceptual framework.She also includes a list of published reports of research guided by the conceptual framework. These are two different things. Please include reports of clinical practice, not research, guided by your chosen framework. You are free to select from among Fawcett’s list (which you would then locate via literature search), but I encourage you to challenge yourself to search for at least one more recently published report not listed by Fawcett.
You should include the following:
Identify the nursing conceptual framework you chose to explore in-depth. Why did you choose it?
Select 3 published reports of professional practice situations that were guided by your selected conceptual framework.
For each of the 3 reports, identify the clinical situation and clinical population. Then, describe how the author(s) of the report applied the conceptual framework to the clinical situation/population. Use examples to illustrate.

Concept analysis paper

Concept Analysis Paper (25%): Maximum of 5 pages excluding title page and references. Do not include an abstract with this paper. The minimum number of references for this paper is 5.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze a concept that is relevant to your nursing practice. You may choose a concept from the list provided by the professor or another concept that is of interest to you. Recommended concepts:

    Mothering        Parenting        Patient teaching
    Culture        Wellness        Stress
    Fear        Spirituality        Hope
    Caring        Anxiety        Illness
    Functional status        Burnout        Competence
    Quality of life        Social support        Adaptation
    Perception        Self-care        Self-management
    Belief        Grief        Transformational
    Empowerment        Self-efficacy        Self-concept
    Self-governance         Moral distress        Healing

(Please try to use perspective of emergency room nurse)

    If you choose a concept that is not on the list, you must receive permission from the professor. Develop a paper that includes the following:

    Introduction (20 points) – Briefly introduce the concept paper by defining the concept, providing background information on the concept, your rational for analyzing the concept, and identify the aim of the analysis. End the introduction with a purpose statement (The purpose of this paper is to)

    Literature Review (50 points) Review the literature on the use of the chosen concept in nursing and at least two disciplines other than nursing. Compare and contrast the following among the three disciplines:
o    Definitions for the concept in each discipline and how each discipline uses the concept.
o    Identify the key characteristics or attributes of the concept.  For example, a key characteristic of the concept of pregnancy is a fetal heartbeat.
o    Identify the antecedents and the consequences for the concept. Antecedents are incidents leading to the concept. For example, the antecedents of pregnancy are ovulation and sexual intercourse. Consequences follow the concept. For example, the consequence of pregnancy is either miscarriage or birth.
o    Identify empirical referents of the concept

    Cases (20 points) Develop two cases using the attributes that you identified during the review of the literature.  Include one model case and either a contrary, related or a borderline case.

    Conclusion (10 points) Completely summarize your thoughts without introducing new content.

APA This paper must be presented in an organized and scholarly fashion following APA 7th edition guidelines. Up to seven (7) points can be deducted for the following: 
1.    Clarity 3 points
2.    References 2 points
3.    APA Format 2 points

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For your final exam, you will pick TWO of the FOUR questions below and address them in an essay submission of approximately 1,250 words in length (approximately 5 pages of double-spaced and 12 point font of text, not including the cover and reference pages):

1.A critical 21st century challenge will be maintaining and reinforcing the critical relationship between government, military and people specified by Clausewitzs holy trinity a function that has sustained increased pressures from Americas wars and extensive ongoing military commitments. In your analysis, what are the most critical problems (and the sources of these problems) regarding the relationship between the United States government, its armed forces and the people? What remedies do you prescribe to improve the nature of this critical relationship?

2. How would you describe the key features of the emerging global security environment of the 21st century? Which of these do you consider to be the most critical to American national security-and in what ways do they complicate policymaking? What, in your view, are the most important advantages and deficits the United States holds in this security environment?

3. Politics in the United States has been described as an invitation to struggle between the president and Congress, yet the evolution of power has placed the president in a clearly dominant position in national security affairs. What, in your analysis, have been the principle factors leading to executive dominance in national security? What are the most important Congressional roles in policymaking? Are there any instances or areas of policymaking where you would argue that Congressional activity has been detrimental to the provision of national security? Do you agree with those that claim Congress needs to reassert its Constitutional authority in the realm of national security? Why or why not?

4. In the United States, military leaders are not asked by political leaders when and where to go to war, and civilian control of the armed forces has always been a central feature of American democracy; some contemporary observers however argue that there is a developing crisis of civil-military relations. To the extent that this is true, what would you specify as the most obvious manifestations of this crisis? The causes and severity of these problems? How can American society best ensure that the armed forces remain subordinate to civilian authority while retaining the ability to respond to a wide range of security challenges?