Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final Paper – What Health Policy Issue are You Concerned About?

This assignment requires the student to initially do some thinking about what current health care problem, issue or topic is interesting or concerning.  Your interest or concern must be about a health-related problem that can be addressed by government.  This may be the same problem you submitted for the lesson #2 discussion board.

Use the following format and components in completing the assignment:   

Steps to Determining the Health Policy Solution to Your Problem.

1.    1.  Identify a health care issue and describe why this issue is of concern and/or interest to you.  Include evidence that supports the need for this issue to become a public policy (not an action by the healthcare industry).  YOUR TOPIC SHOULD BE VERY SPECIFIC AND NARROW IN SCOPE, MAKING IT A MORE FEASIBLE AND EFFECTIVE POLICY.

    (Length of (1): 2 pages)

2.    2.  Determine what kind of public policy your healthcare issue needs.  From the textbook and what you learned from the Week 2 lecture, identify whether the policy should be a distributive or regulatory policy, and why.

    Apply what you have learned in the class and produce a strategy for     realizing your desire to have government address your health problem     or concern.  Your strategy will include the following:

    Whether (and why) the policy solution you desire is one that is best     suited to:

a. Be addressed by the federal, state, or local government.  If you choose a state or local government, it must be a specific state or local (county or city) government.

b. Originate in the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of government; 

c. Be a new or modified action by government

    (Length of (2): 2 pages)

3.    3.  How you plan to accomplish your desire to have government address your problem.  This includes:

a. Identification of which individuals or organizations NOT PART OF GOVERNMENT you will work with to get your issue/concern on the political agenda of policy makers in government.

b. Determination of how best to advocate/lobby for your issue to government policymakers, including to whom in government you will be targeting your lobbying efforts, and how you plan to get their attention and support.

    (Length of (3): 2-3 pages)

4.    4.  Draft a Proposed Policy that outlines your problem and what government should do.  Which type of public policy you choose (law, regulation, ordinance, etc.) will be based on how you answer.  Use the following templates for a:

    Law (Statute) or Ordinance: Use the Bill Template at:
    (Length of C(3): 2 -3 pages)

The paper should total 9-10 pages double-spaced (not including title page and references) with 1 margins, 11pt font.

Feel free to speak with the instructor if you need help identifying some current health care issue that requires a government solution, and will provide you some guidance as to whether the health policy solution is one involving: 1. federal, state, or local government;  2. the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of government; and  3. a policy that represents a new or modified action by government.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Health Care Policy and Politics

The Influence of Values and Ideology on Health Reform

Describe the influence of American values and ideology on a specific area of health care delivery. In your response you should describe 1) your chosen health reform topic and 2) the American values and 3) how those values influence that topic. Possible topics span the healthcare continuum. Examples of topics include: Medicare for All, accessibility of contraception, reduction of disparities in prenatal care, child healthcare in immigration detention centers, free COVID-19 testing, private health care for Veterans, personable and portable health insurance, surprise medical billing, reducing pharmaceutical costs, health insurance subsidies for individuals unemployed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Power Elite

This written exam asks you to explore the application of theory in everyday culture. It is worth
25 points of your final grade. This assignment should be no less than 2 and no more than 5 pages
in length. It is due in Week 12.
1. Choose a song, poem, or piece of art that you are familiar with and provide either a web-link
to the piece or the lyrics/words in your document. (5 points)
2. Explain how the song/poem/art relates to or exemplifies one or more of the theories we have
discussed in class this semester, use specific examples and citations from the text. (10 points)
3. Discuss how music and art have been used as a force in social justice movements and how
they may influence popular support of these movements, provide two examples. (5 points)
4. Provide an APA style reference list for any cited sources (should include, at minimum, the
required text). Please make sure to proofread your work. Spelling, sentence structure, citations,
organization, flow and critical thinking are all important aspects of this assignment and assessed
in this section. (5 points)
find your own
art/music/poetry to explain the fundamentals of the theory you have chosen.
Song/Poem Location on Web Related theory

I would like to do a song that relates to the power elite the most. Any song of your choice that relates to this would be great. DO NOT USE SONG FROM EXAMPLES. PICK YOUR OWN

Peer responses 10

Here you will be providing answers to 3 of my peers on the SW 10 assignment that you wrote for me .

All  RESPONSES to peers :

> use the class readings, outside sources, or my experiences as support
> reflect deep rather than surface level thinking
> express my thoughts clearly
> use respectful language and tone
> directly relate to the topic of the discussion

      100 words minimum for responses

The purpose of this assignment is to explain the official policy about teaching Columbus’ voyages to parents and teachers.

Imagine you are an administrator for the school district. In light of the Columbus controversy, you have been assigned to write a set of guidelines for teaching about Columbus in the district’s elementary and junior high schools. These guidelines will explain official policy to parents and teachers in teaching children about Columbus and the significance of his voyages. They will also draw on arguments made on both sides of the controversy, as well as historical facts on which both sides agree.
The purpose of this assignment is to explain the official policy about teaching Columbus’ voyages to parents and teachers.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Has your understanding of ethics in business changed since beginning the course? What about your thinking on sustainability related issues? Critically reflect on your learning this term and address the following questions and include any other thoughts you have on all we have covered during this course.

What does it mean to you to be ethical?
What role does sustainability have in connection with the way you think about behaving ethically?
Do you anticipate ethical challenges as you go forward in your career?
What resources and tools will you utilize to help you when you face these challenges?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose a company and research how it defines and interprets CSR. In your post discuss these things, as well as outlining one or more of its major CSR efforts. At this point in the course, you are very familiar with outlining a case – you should apply these skills to this discussion. For the company you choose, write up a short case report on the company and how it sees the concept of ‘doing well by doing good.” To see a ranking of large companies who practice CSR, see Sustainable Brands. (2015, Sept. 21). Google, BMW, Disney, Microsoft once again tops list of best CSR reputations.  Please have at least 6 cited references

See details (Links to an external site.)

For the class project, the student will access a case study regarding the disaster that occurred at the facilities of the BP Deep Water Horizon.  The student will read the following sections of the case study, and assess these sections as stated below. You are more than welcome to read the recommendation, but that is not a part of the class project. Although the focus of the article looks at the organizations use of social media, the case goes deeper than that. Social media was certainly a part of this, but there were other areas as well. Read the following sections of the case study.

Analysis of Situation/Background
Analysis of the Organization
Analysis of Key Publics
Goals and Objectives
Strategies & Tactics
Communication tactics
Financial Strategies
Budget & Schedule
Critical Analysis Evaluation

Upon reading and assessing the case study, thoroughly answer each of the following questions.

1. What did BP do or not do that created this problem? Once the problem occurred, what was the organizations response?

2. How did this impact the communities and the reputation of the organization? Provide examples from the case.

3. As stated in the case, BP set up Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr accounts communicating its clean-up efforts and keeping the public updated on the welfare of the wildlife. They also communicated their concern about how this disaster had economically impacted those in this area. Furthermore, they set up large funds, initiatives, and even made large sums of donations. What was the organizations intent of these efforts?

4. Regarding communications, consider the statements the CEO Tony Hayward made during this crisis. As CEO, what would have been your statements as opposed to his?

5. Consider the Evaluation section of this case. At the time the case was written, what had BP done to address the issue? What does this say about its concern for its employees, communities, and environment?

6. Consider yourself in the CEO position after the crisis. As the CEO, what actions would you take going forward?

Introduction and Search History

Write an introduction to the partial literature review. This sets the stage for the reader to understand why your issue is of concern. It informs the reader as to why this issue is a problem and why it should be studied. The search history is a paragraph about how you found the literature you used. A reader should be able to take your basic history and find approximately the same articles.

The introduction will include a description of your search history.

Using APA formatting write 2 pages (excluding the title page), providing introductory and background information about your topic of interest and your search history.
See the rubric (below) for the content that needs to be included in the introduction.
Turn in the following (all bundled in a single file):
Title page
Introduction (remember that APA does not use “Introduction” as a heading level)
Search history (includes library and data bases searched, key words used, number of articles found, number of articles selected, and the reason articles were excluded or included as well as the final number retrieved).
In an outline format, lay out the rest of the literature review. Use short sentences and be clear as well as concise. (Suggested outline format with headings: Integration of Evidence, Theme I, Theme II, Theme III, Critique of Evidence, Gaps in Evidence, Comparison to Your Own Practice, Conclusion.)
Reference list with all works cited in APA format


Scope and significance of the problem (background info: facts, prevalence, statistics, etc.)
20.0 pts
Significance to nursing/nurses (Why is this an important question/topic for nursing?)
6.0 pts
Personal connection to the problem/issue/question (Why are you interested in the topic?)
5.0 pts
Restate PICO question
7.0 pts
Describe your search history (includes library and databases searched, key words used, number of articles found, number of articles selected, and the reason articles were excluded or included as well as the final number retrieved)
7.0 pts
APA format (title page, heading, citations, reference list)
5.0 pts
Spelling, grammar, editing
5.0 pts
Writing (topic sentences, clarity, logical flow, careful paraphrasing, no use of quoted material)
15.0 pts
Rest of literature review is outlined.

Building Matrices II

Locate a minimum of 3 additional primary research articles (different from the 3 articles you selected previously) in response to your PICO(T) question.  One of the 3 articles should be related to health disparity (refer to the additional details) in connection with your PICO(T).
Upload your primary research articles as full text documents with your assignment.
Build a 1 page matrix for each article using the Matrix Template (Word) (I WILL UPLOAD THE MATRIX TEMPLATE.).

Reference in APA format (only the reference is required in APA format in this assignment)
5.0 pts
Rows 26 (each row appropriately addresses row title)
15.0 pts
Strengths and limitations (as indicated by the author, as well as your own thoughts)
10.0 pts
Critique: Your opinion about how the research was conducted, what could/should have been done differently, and how the research could have been improved
15.0 pts
Neatness/presentation (typed, Times New Roman, and spelling)