Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Personal Counseling Theoretical Paper

1.Personal Counseling Theoretical Paper (20 pts)
Students are required to write a paper that describes their personal theory of counseling. This paper is an exploration of your own beliefs about the nature of people, problems, and change, and the counseling theory(s) that fits best with    your beliefs. You may use any counseling theory(s) from the course and research literature. Papers should conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.  The paper is expected to be of high quality and should be a minimum of five pages with at least 5 references. Papers should include a sound rationale for your personal counseling approach and must include the following format.

Introduction -Provide a general overview of the paper.

The Nature of People  – Describe your view of the nature of people, and describe which theory seems closest to this view. A description of mental health or effective functioning

should be included in this discussion.

The Nature of Problems .  Describe your view of how people develop problems, challenges, or ineffective functioning develop.  Also describe which theory seems closest to your view.

The Process of Change Describe your view of how people change in the counseling process.  Include your view of the role the counselor should take and what the therapeutic relationship should be like to facilitate change. Indicate which theory seems most congruent with your views.

My Theory in Practice Describe techniques, strategies, and tools that you believe would assist in the process of change and with which theory they seem most consistent.

Multicultural Considerations Summarize how cultural differences factor into your view of people, problems, and the process of change.

Summary -Summarize the key points of your discussion.


This is a part of a business plan. The funding resources. The funding I would like to use for this business plan is Medicaid, and Medicare, and/or private insurance with a part of the cost being the patient’s responsibility (like a co-pay) for the service. I am also attaching the previous sections of the paper so you know the business plan I am working towards.

Must be APA 7. 5 references no older than 2015. Can be sourced from previous papers.
this is for a Master’s program.

still pondering if it should be called a system or a program.

Challenges that are faced in the classroom teaching children with dyslexia

Each student will review the literature and write a research proposal on a counseling topic of interest. The paper will be comprised of a literature review which efficiently leads to the development of a research question, hypothesis, operational definitions of relevant variables, and a brief description of methodology that entails how the research question can be explored using quantitative or qualitative procedures. The paper must be approximately 15 pages in length, use a minimum of 15 professional journal articles, typed, double-spaced and adhere to APA style. Specifically, students will be expected to develop three Chapter research proposal consisting

    of the following content:

1.Cover page with running head
3.Introduction (Chapter 1)
Statement of the Problem

Research questions and or Hypotheses

Definitions of Related Terms (operational definitions if applicable)

4.Brief Literature Review (Chapter 2)
5.Methodology (Chapter 3)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What leadership roles and strengths are most important in your chosen theory? How are these leadership approaches used to lead organizational learning and change?
Evaluate leadership behavior and motivation as it is applied to your leadership theory. How are leadership skills of diagnosing, communicating, and adapting used?
Analyze how leaders influence by leveraging power and politics, networking, or negotiating.
Evaluate strategies for achieving mutual influence within the leader-follower relationship. How can leaders create an ethical culture that drives innovation and change?
Successful leaders are constantly working to advance their organizations and hone their leadership skills. How should leaders utilizing your chosen theory use self and action research to increase their leadership skills?
Your research paper should be at least three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least four outside sources, three of which must come from the Waldorf Online Library. You may use the sources from the literature review you completed earlier in the course. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

Music and Film

Book chapter attached.  Chapter 4 discusses a variety of 19th-century musical types that can be considered to be forerunners of film music. Describe three of these, including their basic qualities, important composers, and similarities to film music.

Format: typed with double-spacing
Length: at least 3 fully developed paragraphs
Use footnotes only if you quote a source.


Reflect on the applications of sport psychology as it pertains to coaching. The essay should focus on the description and application of coaching from the sport psychology lens. May have additional info…waiting clarification from the instructor. Must cite 5 credible professional sources.              (For Exercise, Sport & Coaching Psychology course)

Providing education to a patient

Describe a recent experience of providing education to a patient, a peer, or the community.
Describe the teaching experience including the following:
Discussion of the educational topic  (use perhaps teaching weight reduction?)
Description of your role in the educational experience
Description of the learner(s) in the educational experience
Discussion of how it was determined that teaching was needed.
Description of the teaching environment
Description of the teaching tool(s) used. If no tool(s) were used, provide a rationale for not using tool(s).
Discussion of the barriers to teaching encountered.
Discussion of the obstacles to learning encountered.
Description of the outcome of the teaching and whether on not there was a need for further education?
As you are sharing a personal experience, it is acceptable to use first person
Cite the textbook to support responses

Bastable, B. S., Gramet, P., Jacobs, K., & Sopczyk, D. L. (2020). Health professional as educator: principles of teaching
and learning. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in the field of Nursing

PowerPoint Presentation – is designed to address professional aspects of nursing that impact nursing practice, leadership, management, education, and healthcare delivery trends. Created as a group project, the PPT development will allow the opportunity for you to experience preparation and teaching to each of your peers. You will be assigned a group and course-related topic by faculty.  Your group will collaborate to complete an informative presentation using PowerPoint or equivalent compatible software which will be uploaded to Canvas for your classmates to view; all presentations will be available as part of the review for the final exam.  Presentations should be at least 15- 20 minutes in length, not to exceed 30 minutes, and must include at least 3 references to support your information (one must be your textbook). All references must be less than or equal to five years old and must be included as the last slide of your presentation using proper APA formatting.

TOPIC: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Key Concepts to include:
Differentiate between decision-making, problem solving, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning
Review traditional and managerial problem-solving and decision-making models (what is the purpose of)
Compare the nursing process to problem-solving and decision -making theories
Include the critical elements of problem-solving and decision making
Define some of the individual variations in decision making
Include at least 2 or 3 decision-making tools
Overview of the leader-manager role in decision making

the creative brief

Please follow the outline, I have attached outline below.

The brief will identify in 5 elements. The majority of write up should focus on the first three components listed above. In some case. the support and constraints section will be quite short.

Better to choose a lesser known brand (e.g., brands like Apple, Nike, or Coke will be harder to justify a new campaign for because they are so well established

The effect CBD has on Joint pain.

Guidelines for Research Paper Spring 2020

1)    Use a minimum of five articles:
a.    Current:  no older than 2015
b.    If the article is a study, the study must have been conducted in the U.S.
c.    Peer reviewed journal or nursing journal
2)    Use APA 7 format this will be strictly graded. 
3)    The body of the paper (minus title page and references) must be a minimum of three pages (not one sentence less), but no more than 4 pages.  Deductions will be awarded for papers that are too short or too long (even by one line).
4)    Never use the words:  you or I in a formal paper.  Technically, he or she should be substituted with the patient/client or the nurse.

I do not need a title page I just need 3 full pages of research and a 4th page of just references.