Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)


you will write an essay addressing the following prompts:

Describe a situation in which an organizations might outsource project work.
Provide two detailed examples of best practice approaches used by companies when outsourcing work, and how those approaches would be used in the situation you identified above.
Use information from 12 peer reviewed journal articles to support your answers.
Your essay should be 12 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation.

Followership Video Assignment

Watch the video Cory Bouck on Followership and answer the following questions :

How does the definition that Cory Bouck uses in the video support or challenge the definition in other article ?
Does the assertion that leaders are in the middle and must lead both up and down the hierarchy ring true to you? Why, or why not?
If you are the CEO of an organization how would you get direction and guidance to lead successfully?
One of the terms that people sometimes use to refer to followers is “subordinate.” What does this imply about followers, and does it fit with Corry Bouck’s definition of followership? Why, or why not?
What do you really think about the idea of followership and how does this impact any preconceived notions of leadership that you may have?

The attached can be found on youtube

Essential Hypertension and Transcendental Meditation

Need help with coming up with more material/writing for my research paper.

8-10 pages, 12-point font, typed, double-spaced, at least five (5) references that must be less than three (3) years old, no more than one (1) textbook as a reference, and follow APA guidelines.  The student should reflect upon a direct experience during the clinical year in which care of a patient was related to a health disparity or health policy and what the outcome was. The student should discuss what evidence-based guidelines were followed, discuss current research regarding support of the evidence-based guidelines and/or policy, discuss how this experience will affect the students future practice, and how the students awareness of the health disparity or policy has been affected. 

healthcare economics

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.

A new type of third-party-reimbursement healthcare payment plan is emerging in the United States. CDHPs strive to control costs and improve quality of care by requiring consumers to take control of their own healthcare decisions. Consumers decide how they want to spend their healthcare dollars, depending on what is important to them. CDHPs are geared to encourage participants to enroll in some type of wellness program and improve their lifestyles. Specific types of CDHPs are health reimbursement accounts (HRA), flexible spending accounts (FSA), and health savings accounts (HSA).

However, there are concerns about CDHPs. The consumer may neither understand nor have the education and the tools to manage his or her own healthcare appropriately. This may have long-term ramifications on the whole healthcare system and whether CDHPs can be successful for the consumer, the employer, the physician, and the healthcare facilities, as well as the insurers. Answer the following questions in regard to this development:

Summarize the history of when, how, and why CDHPs were developed.
Explain HSA, HRA, and FSA with examples.
Examine different segments of the population. Describe which socioeconomic group is likely to benefit the most from CDHPs.
Explain the types of incentives to providers for efficiency in the delivery of healthcare services. Explain who bears the financial riskthe provider, the patient, or the CDHP.
Offer your recommendations for patients considering a CDHP, including which types are appropriate for which patients. Include your recommendations for each, to accept or decline, and also include your rationale behind such recommendations.
Summer, J. & Miller, S. (2011, May 6). Consumer-driven decision: Weighing HSAs v. HRAs. Retrieved from

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:
Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document.
Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

locating and appraising research

Step 1: Research
Interview a librarian or nursing scholar on methods for locating and appraising heath and other relevant research literature and electronic database search on strategies.

Step 2: Consider
Write a quality appraisal of the Library and resources.
What did you learn?
How do you locate and evaluate sources of evidence?
Which electronic database would you use most and what types of search words would you use?
What are the strengths?
What are the weaknesses?
Is it adequate? Why or why not?

Step 3: Write
Write a paper that addresses the questions above.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research Question:
Why the Balanced Scorecard Fails in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SMEs)

It is required to focus on one Small and Medium-sized Enterprise.

Please refer carefully to the two examples that I have uploaded and the descriptions of main assignments before writing.



here is an outline of what I need.


I) Introduction
    A) Technological developments are a central part of human life.
    B) The scope of accounting information systems
    C) Background The function of accounting information systems
    D) Thesis The evolution of technological advancements plays a vital role for accountants, from data input to the consolidating financial reports to statistical analyzation.

II) Body
    A) The evolution of information systems
    B) The Evolution of the Accounting Information System Model
    C) Traditional practices and future trends
    D) Main challenges arising

III) Summary

IV) Conclusion

The importance of the criminal justice system and law

Students are required to complete a brief research paper, which will suffice as a midterm project. Students must use and incorporate the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Students must utilize and quote a minimum of two independent resources developed from their research. The required course textbook can be used as an additional resource. Students must properly incorporate at least four citations, from their research into the paper. The paper must contain a minimum of six complete pages of text (not including illustrations) with a cover sheet, abstract page, and reference page, totaling a minimum of nine pages. The paper must be typed in 12-point Times Roman font and double spaced as required by the APA format.

The paper must be submitted on or prior to the required date (October 17, 2020). The topic will address: The Importance of The Criminal Justice System and law. The Research Paper is required and mandatory to pass the class.

Research papers will be 25% of your total grade. They will be graded based upon the quality of work and the detail to which you address your selected topic. Remember to review your work for proper grammar and punctuation. The paper should include the various perspectives or perceptions, and be supported by research.  Research papers not properly following the above instructions will not be accepted. Unacceptable papers will be returned and will have an additional 20 points deducted from them. Papers submitted after the required date will have an additional 30 points deducted from them. Papers can be submitted as drafts for review one week prior to due date.

Supreme court

2.    The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court often plays an important part in American society since it makes landmark decisions that can affect the lives of Americans for years to come. With the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a new justice must be appointed. 

Essay question: First, give a short outline of the powers of the Supreme Court, including its part in the system of checks and balances (no more than half a page). Second, discuss how the liberal or conservative preferences of justices can have an impact on American society. Last, discuss briefly why the recent nomination of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court Justice is so controversial.

There are a few points that are important if your paper is to be accepted:
1.    The paper must be written in your own words. It will not be accepted if large sections are copied from a book or the Internet.

2.    APA style, I need sources and everything.

3.    Sources: At least three sources in addition to Contemporary American Society + your lecture notes and handouts. You should have at least two different kinds of sources (not just the internet, but an article or book etc., although you may use an article from the internet edition of a newspaper). In addition, the sources you use must have an identifiable and trustworthy author, thus e.g. Wikipedia and many other web pages cannot be used as sources.

4.    Carefully and critically evaluate your sources to make sure they are trustworthy and not strongly biased.

5.    The paper should be typed (size 12; space 1.5), approximately 800 words (max. 1000 words), excluding footnotes and bibliography.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

7th edition APA format No Abstract
Cover Page
The purpose of this paper is to discuss Evidence based practice in Nursing Education.  This paper will define, for the reader, Learner Needs Assessment, Learning style, Readiness of the learner, and Goal development. After the implementation of EBP Nursing Education, Mrs. Patterson will..
Ms. Patterson is an 89-year-old patient in need of Nursing Education regarding (whatever you decided to teach). She lives in a 2 bedroom . with . Her family will be involved in the education process. She uses H.A and wears.
Learner Needs Assessment
Include a comprehensive assessment of the learners needs using an established tool supported by evidence-based research.  (Identify ONE Education Assessment Tool you will use to assess her Education Needs (See Chapt 4) Explain the tool you picked and why you picked it for Mrs. Patterson (at least 2 paragraphs)
    Psychosocial Vital Signs Assessment Tool
    Assessment of Learning Tool
    Learner Health Assessment Tool
    The Learner Health Status Assessment Tool

Learning style
Include a comprehensive discussion of the learners style with references to evidence-based research (Discuss all learning styles; 3 Domains of Learning/3 paragraphs)
Readiness of the learner
Include a comprehensive assessment of the readiness of the Learner with reference to evidence-based research. (Discuss levels of readiness1-4; which one is Mrs. Patterson and whyInclude Maslow)  6 paragraphs; explain levels 1-4, which one is Mrs. Patterson, and Masow
Goal development
Develop a clear and comprehensive learning goal based on needs assessment data to formulate a teaching plan.  Goals are statements that refer to the learning outcomes to be achieved over a period of time (by the end of this lesson Mrs. Patterson will) There is a difference between goal development and learning outcomes. Discuss the difference between a goal development and learning outcomes. Formulate a comprehensive learning goal for your patient. (Based on what you feel your patient needs to learn, what is your overall goal for her). At least 3 paragraphs
Re write Intro in the past tense what did you accomplish? At least 3 paragraphs
4 references for full points (see rubric). 1 reference is your client education text listed in the syllabus
Remember your in-text citations Plagiarism if more than 5 words in one quote even with citations!