Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

reply: Economic Data: The Value on Business Decisions

You will review your classmates initial postings in discussion forum 5 from module/week 6. Choose one classmate and complete the following:

Write a 250 to 300 word response to your classmate.  Your replies must make a recommendation to your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on their topic. In your response, you should give a summary of the article in your own words and discuss why it is relevant to their forum topic. It must  be different than articles they reference in their forum. Include an APA formatted citation at the bottom of the reply.

International Business

Part 1: Focus on this part more ensure that it is no more than 800 words. (Third Person)

Read Hout, Porter, & Rudden’s (1982) article PLUS a minimum of 5 new peer reviewed journal articles.

Review the three examples of the companies that were successful in competing globally.  Each of the companies had a different approach to executing global strategy.

Question #1: In today’s current global environment, why should a company engage in international business? (You must include the question as a HEADING)

Question #2: Provide examples of companies who were successful in executing global strategy. Is their strategy similar to the Hout, Porter, & Rudden (1982) article? Explain.  (You must include the question as a HEADING)

Provide a 600 to 800-word summary (formatted according to APA guidelines) answering the question(s) above.

Part 2 Annotated Bibliography:  1 paragraph per source. Total of 5 paragraphs

In preparation for writing each of your discussion forums, you should submit an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic (Annotated Bibliographies, 2020).

For all sources used in your discussion forum you should:

        Provide an APA formatted Citation

        Summarize the source and discuss the research study that was conducted and what the findings were.

        Assess the source and discuss how useful it is and how it compares with other sources in your paper.

        Reflecton how the source will be useful to you in your forum. How does it help to shape your argument and how are you using it to shape your writing?

A sample APA formatted annotated bibliography can be found here:

Topic: Graffiti: Art or Vandalism?

This is my outline

Thesis: Graffiti can be vandalism but it can also be art that can help a community.

1. Because it is a way to express oneself     

“There are four primary motivating factors for graffiti vandalism: fame, rebellion, self-expression and power.” – Houston, Taxes Gov.
“Art is about expression, creativity, freedom, asking and raising questions, protesting, analysing for the creative type to get things out of their system. For the underdog to take a stand. For artists to step beyond convention. and street, urban art and graffiti is the best proof of this.” – graffitikings
2.  Because it can turn a boring old brick wall into a piece of art as a result; graffiti can decorate a community in some peoples eyes. 

“Graffiti isnt just limited to painting on walls. Its about interaction within the public space. And so many different types and styles of street and urban art come under that umbrella.” –
3.  Because it can bring hope and joy to people. Like murals of people who have passed, brush type which is creating a painterly result and usually is of people.

“Graffiti has been around for as long as humans have had paint and walls to daub it on, but in recent decades graffiti has evolved away from scribbles and crude drawings to sometimes breathtaking works of art.” –
“Graffiti in the street makes people happy; it makes their day and their commute more interesting. It adds character to what would otherwise just be grey and boring. It reminds people to feel alive. It wakes people up. It inspires. Motivates. And sometimes it can make people think. Street art takes the ‘normal’ and makes it a thousand times more interesting.” – ABQ News

Managerial Epidemiology and Decision Making in Healthcare

You were invited to conduct an in-service on Managerial Epidemiology and Decision Making in Healthcare to newly hired employees. Please develop 3-5 minutes educational presentation offering the trainees insight on:

1. Why they need to know about Managerial Epidemiology (offer minimum one real-life example)

2. What type of data and studies they should be familiar with in order to be successful at their jobs (offer minimum one example of a study design and the data that will be collected; explain how this information is applicable to the managerial functions)

3. Create a short managerial issue case (for example, week 4 discussion activity: Your faculty (the hospital you work for  Board of Directors’ representative) is interested in developing a cardiac care unit. The Board believes offering specialized care for patient’s with cardiac diseases will meet an unmet need in the community but want to be sure they are making the right decision. You are directed to identify the current and future need for cardiac services based on the community population characteristics and current use of cardiac services at your hospital.) and explain how the trainees will develop good decisions to solve it:

-List all types of evidence they will need to collect, explain why;

-Name the epidemiological data, studies, and metrics the trainees will need to support the decision-making process, explain why.

-Explain the decision-making process the trainees will need to apply to this case.

4. List your own decisions and solutions for the case.

**The presentation format needs to be approved by the faculty in week 6. It can be anything from a video presentation with visual aids to a tri-fold using data visualization. If you use a power point, infographics or tri-fold as well as any other static formats, you must present them in a video.It CANNOT be a paper.  If you have unsolvable challenges with the video presentation, contact your faculty. Your presentation may happen in real time directly to the faculty who will record it using Zoom.

HINT: Imagine you are the trainee. What would you want to hear to stay awake and learn something useful?

Development of Business Strategy

In your first essay you identified a strategy. Now it is time to execute your strategy so that organizational goals are attained. You also identified some competitive forces that may work against you; in your implementation, this must be taken into consideration.
You should develop a 5 page, APA-formatted paper, in which you explain what strategy you would select, how you would execute the strategy, and answer the following questions:
    What will you do to execute your chosen strategy?
o    What roles will management play in the execution and implementation of your strategy to strengthen the company’s competitive position?
    So, the people within the organization are crucial when implementing and executing strategy. Your strategic plan may have been to compete more heavily in any of the following areas: low cost leadership, differentiation, focused, or quality.
o    Depending on what your strategic approach, what kind of qualities will you look for in employees (skills, knowledge, ethics, etc.) that will ensure the success of your strategy?
o    What type of characteristics, traits, ethics, etc. must they possess?
o    How will you train them?
    At the end of strategic implementation, you should have strengthened your company’s competitive position. What will you do as director to continue to increase your company’s strategic position?
o    Would you stay on the offensive, defensive, stay in problem-solving mode, delve into the creative and innovative?
o    Provide both quantitative and qualitative reasoning for your discussion. This could include how you will measure financials (accounting reports, budgets, etc.), customer and/.or employee evaluations (quantitative surveys), sales reports, etc

Delegation, Prioritization and Time Management Issued in Nursing: Getting the Most from your Team

PowerPoint Presentation Due at the end of week 7 – is designed to address professional aspects of nursing that impact nursing practice, leadership, management, education, and healthcare delivery trends. Created as a group project, the PPT development will allow the opportunity for you to experience preparation and teaching to each of your peers. You will be assigned a group and course-related topic by faculty.  Your group will collaborate to complete an informative presentation using PowerPoint or equivalent compatible software which will be uploaded to Canvas for your classmates to view; all presentations will be available as part of the review for the final exam.  Presentations should be at least 15- 20 minutes in length, not to exceed 30 minutes and must include at least 3 references to support your information (one must be your textbook). All references must be less than or equal to five years old and must be included as the last slide of your presentation using proper APA formatting.


Topic: sepsis in burn unit/patients
Step 1: Identify phenomenon of interest (sepsis in burn patients) that resonates with your area of practice/expertise and describe the target population (burn patients). Conduct a review of literature. The lit review should support the need for a change in the advanced practice nurse role. Thesis should be clear and concise
Describe the background and significance of the problem (sepsis in burn patients)
-what is the background to support this concept? why is it concern?
-who is affected by this issue? target population?
-what is the significance to the target population ?
-what is the significance to the discipline of nursing? how is this relevant to the advanced practice nurse role?
Step 2: situate your phenomenon of concern within a theoretical framework ( Neuman System Model by Betty Neuman). Describe the theoretical framework and demonstrate how this theory informs the phenomenon of interest. Propose a theory-driven intervention to ameliorate the phenomenon of interest. Provide a sufficient overview of the theory describing the major concepts and their relationship to each other. Connect the concepts of the phenomenon of interest(sepsis in burn patients) to the theoretical concepts.
Step 3: Propose a relevant, feasible intervention to address concern (sepsis in burn patients). Describe the theory driven intervention and its relevance to the discipline of advanced practice nursing. Reflect on potential limitations in relation to the proposed change or concerns with the theoretical framework chosen.
Step 4: Include a one page outline as an appendix. The outline demonstrates the organizational structure of your paper’s content. apa 7th. Use level headings to help guide reader.
Thank you 🙂

Recruitment Process through Candidate Selection A Nurse Leaders Guide

Does the supply/demand of the nursing workforce change approach for? The managers role; the organizations role (HR) and communication/process. Interview process/technique. Legal Aspects. Decision-making/choosing the best candidate (model/process for). Team approach? Peer interviews?. Education/Credential Requirements. Reference check/background screening. Role of pre-employment testing. Communication to candidates not selected. Plan for Orientation (Socialization/Staff Development Group will take over from here)

Look at additional material for the rubric.

What I Learned/What I would do differently/ sections (These two sections should be APA)

Please write clearly what I have learned and what I would do differently. Please follow only the yellow highlighted portion on the rubric. Two articles have to be peer-reviewed journals within the last 5 years, and the reference page must be in APA 7 format. Thank you.

current trends in corrections

n a 1350-1600-word essay analyzes two current practice or policy trends of your choice in corrections. Your assignment should:

Identify two current practice or policy trends in corrections then examine how the trends are different than the practices or policies they replace.
Analyze the current trends — how are they supposed to work and how are they an improvement over the previous practices or policies
Assess the effectiveness of the trends using scholarly research.

2 references