Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

International Business Discuss

There will need to be a review/response of 175 words to each discussion attached. Each review will need to be written separately with the corresponding references below the review/response.

As an example, the paper should be structured like this:

-Title(Key Term of the particular attachment ONLY)

-Title(Key Term of the particular attachment ONLY)

-Title(Key Term of the particular attachment ONLY)

Each review/response will need to cover one of the following.

1. Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research; or 2. Share additional empirical knowledge regarding global business.

Both discussion reviews will need at least ONE PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL to support the response. Websites, Wikipedia, blogs, or etc. CAN NOT be used.

A title page or heading beyond each paragraph is not required.

Write in FIRST PERSON. As an example. ( I agree with you on the…, I think you made a valid point when…, I differ with you on…) DO NOT USE PHRASE SUCH AS. ” This writer had a valid point on…”

References will need to be in APA 7 format with a DOI link.



Each student will prepare a paper (5-7) pages, double-spaced) describing the history and current scope of a social problem, identifying a current policy to address it, and evaluating the success of that policy. The following are examples of social problems you may select: health care, poverty, homelessness, hunger, discrimination, and violence. Use the outline at the end of this syllabus.  Your paper must use APA style and cite references in the text and within the reference list.

4050 DQ RESP 7


Unit 7 Discussion Forum
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Choose one of the evidence-based coping interventions listed in your textbook and describe how it is effective in promoting well-being (e.g., mindfulness, ACT, expressive writing, etc.). Then, find a research article that addresses the approach with a wellness outcome (e.g., reduced depression; increased physical exercise; reduced alcohol use; reduced stress). Share the main findings with the class and why you were interested in the article.


This year has been nothing short of stressful and crazy in the world of education. As a NYC DOE teacher, we have been faced with many challenges through the reopening of schools. How do we cope with the stress that teaching brings while incorporating new blended learning models into our practice? How can we ensure the students are learning but that their emotional and social needs are being met as well? NYC decided to incorporate mindfulness as a method of coping into everyday school curriculums. For me, I complete mindfulness activities in my classroom in the morning, during our morning advisory meeting, to kickstart the day. We begin by reviewing the mindfulness activity, usually lasting from one to five minutes (we are beginning this process slowly) and then I give the students free time to draw or color if there is time to. So, we begin with breathing exercises, or a mindful minute. We focus on breaths, imagery, or sometimes listen to a short-guided meditation for mindfulness (there are tons for kids)!

Research suggests that mindfulness can help relieve stress and improve sleep, as well as improve overall mental health and chronic pain. For my students, this pain may look like the trauma of isolation and anxiety with the new school year or having to be jolted into remote/online learning last year. It can be anxiety around social or emotional family situations at home or the unpreparedness of coming into this current school year. According to Mak, Whittingham, Cunnington, & Boyd (2018), research has suggested that mindfulness is critical to helping the adolescent brain prepare for attention-based tasks and engage in different executive functions. The intervention trials within the study promoted different mindfulness tasks such as traiditonal meditation, deep breathing and yoga. These tasks were evaluated based on efficacy and stress-reduction. Results indicated that mindfulness-based interventions during any time of a child or adolescents daily functioning can enhance executive functioning and attention. Further research should be conducted to show the effectiveness with regard to school learning, however. I was interested in the article because I have begun using mindfulness in my classroom, as mentioned previously, and I think it is especially helpful in calming the body and getting ready to learn within a school setting. So far it has proven to be beneficial for my students.


Mak, C., Whittingham, K., Cunnington, R., & Boyd, R. N. (2018). Efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for attention and executive function in children and adolescentsA systematic review. Mindfulness, 9(1), 59-78.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Description:
This assignment asks you produce a short recommendation report in accordance with the scenario below. Format your report as a memo (it would be sent as an attachment through email).  Cite all sources used in research. Indicate when the wording is not your own with quotes and citation. Paraphrase (do not simply copy-and-paste). Use MLA or APA documentation style.

Many companies today provide their employees with professional-development programs, paying for courses they take to enhance their skills.

You are a manager at Halcyon. This is a mid-sized marketing agency, holding its own in a competitive industry, but experiencing the typically higher-than-normal turn-over of such second-tier companies. To date the agency has provided extensive opportunities for employees to seek outside career development. The costs have been considerable, there has been little tracking of results of expenditures on course tuition, and, because the decision to pay for a course is made by each manager, there has been no supervision of all the courses being paid for (in some cases people were reimbursed for classes in cooking and general interest survey courses). Given the current economic climate, the VP of Corporate Development feels the agency can no longer maintain such a generous policy and is trying to phase out the practice completely. The GM has called a meeting of the agency executives to discuss the situation and come to a decision. Jennifer Kulich, the VP of Engagement Strategies, is one of those executives. She is asking all managers to each send her a short recommendation report so she can pool thinking on this issue and present findings at the meeting. In the email you receive, she explains the background (as outlined above) and writes:

What does the research say? What are the benefits and disadvantages of this sort of program for our agency? How should it be done? Is there a way to save it, limit it, modify it or what? What are reasonable expectations for the agency itself and its employees? What about just getting rid of it? Would there be any issues there? Add anything else that is relevant to the topic. Thanks.

In the additional material. There is a rubric and Some ideas I gave in the assigment

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Group Processes and Stages of Formation
    Review this weeks Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on group processes.
    View the media, Group Therapy: A Live Demonstration, and consider the group dynamics.
In a  3-page paper, address the following:
    Explain the groups processes and stage of formation.
    Explain curative factors that occurred in the group. Include how these factors might impact client progress.
    Explain intragroup conflict that occurred and recommend strategies for managing the conflict. Support your recommendations with evidence-based literature.

5 resources  and 3 page.

contemporary issues related to food safety

This week’s assignment is a written paper, formatted according to APA, 7th edition format. Please be sure to use a correctly formatted title page including headers, and an APA formatted reference page. A minimum of 4 valid resources are required and in-text citations are required to show where and how you have used each resource to support your conclusions.

The purpose of this paper is to examine contemporary issues related to food safety, including tampering, bioterrorism, and different food safety standards across the globe, and identifying food safety barriers that can cause issues with food safety in a global, interconnected environment.

I suggest that you divide your papers into sections so that you cover the main topics of: tampering, bioterrorism, differing food safety standards, and finish up by explaining how those issues can cause problems with food safety in a global environment. Basically, you will be writing a paragraph or two on each issue and then finishing up with a few paragraphs that tie them all together and show how those issues impact food safety globally.

Make sure that you include an introduction to the paper as well as a conclusion. Be sure that you are writing from a third person perspective and using sources to back up what you are saying. Remember, in an academic paper, just because you say sothat does not make it true. You need to support your conclusions with a valid resource.

contemporary issues related to food safety

This week’s assignment is a written paper, formatted according to APA, 7th edition format. Please be sure to use a correctly formatted title page including headers, and an APA formatted reference page. A minimum of 4 valid resources are required and in-text citations are required to show where and how you have used each resource to support your conclusions.

The purpose of this paper is to examine contemporary issues related to food safety, including tampering, bioterrorism, and different food safety standards across the globe, and identifying food safety barriers that can cause issues with food safety in a global, interconnected environment.

I suggest that you divide your papers into sections so that you cover the main topics of: tampering, bioterrorism, differing food safety standards, and finish up by explaining how those issues can cause problems with food safety in a global environment. Basically, you will be writing a paragraph or two on each issue and then finishing up with a few paragraphs that tie them all together and show how those issues impact food safety globally.

Make sure that you include an introduction to the paper as well as a conclusion. Be sure that you are writing from a third person perspective and using sources to back up what you are saying. Remember, in an academic paper, just because you say sothat does not make it true. You need to support your conclusions with a valid resource.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Description:
This assignment asks you produce a short recommendation report in accordance with the scenario below. Format your report as a memo (it would be sent as an attachment through email).  Cite all sources used in research. Indicate when the wording is not your own with quotes and citation. Paraphrase (do not simply copy-and-paste). Use MLA or APA documentation style.

Many companies today provide their employees with professional-development programs, paying for courses they take to enhance their skills.

You are a manager at Halcyon. This is a mid-sized marketing agency, holding its own in a competitive industry, but experiencing the typically higher-than-normal turn-over of such second-tier companies. To date the agency has provided extensive opportunities for employees to seek outside career development. The costs have been considerable, there has been little tracking of results of expenditures on course tuition, and, because the decision to pay for a course is made by each manager, there has been no supervision of all the courses being paid for (in some cases people were reimbursed for classes in cooking and general interest survey courses). Given the current economic climate, the VP of Corporate Development feels the agency can no longer maintain such a generous policy and is trying to phase out the practice completely. The GM has called a meeting of the agency executives to discuss the situation and come to a decision. Jennifer Kulich, the VP of Engagement Strategies, is one of those executives. She is asking all managers to each send her a short recommendation report so she can pool thinking on this issue and present findings at the meeting. In the email you receive, she explains the background (as outlined above) and writes:

What does the research say? What are the benefits and disadvantages of this sort of program for our agency? How should it be done? Is there a way to save it, limit it, modify it or what? What are reasonable expectations for the agency itself and its employees? What about just getting rid of it? Would there be any issues there? Add anything else that is relevant to the topic. Thanks.

On the uploaded, additional material is the rubric of the assignment and also the second attachment is my report. Some ideas I thought of for this assignment.

Human Genetic Traits Lab

Exercise IV Questions
1.    Is a person abnormal who expresses the recessive characteristic of a trait? Support your answer by using scientific explanations.

2.    Curly hair (h) shows a lack of dominance over straight hair (H), and the heterozygote possessing wavy hair (Hh). If two people with wavy hair marry, what hair types would you expect to find among their children? List the proportion (percentage) of each hair type. (Hint: drawing a Punnett Square may help you answer this question)

3.    What is the genotype of a woman who has free ear lobes but whose father has attached ear lobes?  Please demonstrate how you arrived at your answer.

4.    Could two parents who cannot roll their tongues have children who can roll their tongues?  Explain your answer:

5.    Every so often the Ann Landers column has a letter from a mother whose husband and in-laws have been chiding her for having daughters instead of sons. Is this criticism justified? Why or why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims, at least ONE per case study. Please include a conclusion and a references page. I have attached the case studies.

The book we are using is
Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing 7th edition
Ginny Wacker Guido
ISBN-13: 9780134701233

Read You Be the Judge presented at the end of Chapter 5 (Guido, p. 65-66) which begins, The patient had an apparent cardiac event at home and answer the following questions:
    What evidence would you collect from the clinic to determine what standard of care was delivered to this patient both before he was seen and at the time he was seen in the clinic?
    What might the familys attorney allege in a supplemental report?
    How would one decide the standard of care for this patient?
    How would you decide the outcome of this case?

Read the case study You be the Judge, presented at the end of Chapter 6 (Guido, p. 94) which begins, The day after surgery the nurse removed a drainage tube and answer these questions:
    Do the facts of the case support the plaintiffs reliance on res ipsa loquitur?
    Does the fact that the defense did produce expert witness testimony negate a successful res ipsa loquitur outcome?
    What other facts would you need to determine if the nurses actions were negligent?
    If applicable, should damages be assessed?
    How would you decide the case?

Read the case study You be the Judge, presented at the end of Chapter 7 (Guido, p. 112) which begins, The patient was in surgery to remove moles from her back and answer the following questions:
    Were there damages that should be paid to this patient for negligence?
    Who should be the individuals responsible for these damages? For example, is the surgeon the individual most liable for the damages owed to the patient?
    Are there any defenses that the defendants could cite that would mitigate their liability to this patient?
    How should the court decide the damage awards in this instance?