Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Communities and Disaster Preparedness

Week 7 Discussion: Communities and Disaster Preparedness
The purpose of this discussion is for learners to identify ways their community is helping members be prepared for potential disasters including the importance of collaboration.

Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

Think about disasters your community has or could potentially face. Now, think about how your community is helping its members prepare.

Explore your community and find an advertisement that represents helping community members be prepared for a disaster.
Examples could be a billboard, poster at a bus stop, marquee sign, flyer, yard sign and more. Example: Sign advertising ‘free’ flu vaccinations at a local pharmacy.
Upload that picture into the discussion.
To have it display in your post:

Click the embed image (looks like a picture of a mountain),
Choose the header Canvas
Go to My files, choose the Upload file
Click on the image you want to display
Choose Open
Click Update
Describe the message the advertisement is conveying.
Describe how the message impact preparedness.
If you cannot find any advertisement in your community, describe a type of advertisement for disaster preparedness you think would be most beneficial to your community and how it would be best conveyed.
Next, identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared
Correctional facilities
Home health
Forensic areas
Faith communities
Occupational health
Analyze at least one nursing role (refer to Week 6 lesson) related to disaster preparedness in that setting. Example: In the school setting, what actions and interventions would be involved with the nurse as coordinator of disaster preparedness?
Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.
Your discussion post should look like:

Uploaded picture
Paragraph one: Describe the message the advertisement is conveying and how the message impact preparedness.
Paragraph two: Identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared. Analyze at least one nursing role related to disaster preparedness in that setting.
Paragraph three: Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.
Resources: Where did you find your data?

Only humans have theory of mind. Support or refute this statement by presenting evidence from studies of captive and wild primates. Be sure to thoroughly explain the concept of theory of mind and how brain size and cognition may play a role in this debate

The writing assignment for this class is an argumentative paper on one of the topics listed below. The purpose of this paper is to explore some facet of primate behavior in depth, gain practice finding and reading primary sources, and to engage with this material by presenting an argument and analysis based on those sources.

Topic: Only humans have theory of mind. Support or refute this statement by presenting evidence from studies of captive and wild primates. Be sure to thoroughly explain the concept of theory of mind and how brain size and cognition may play a role in this debate.

Take a stance on the issue, presenting evidence to convince your reader of your argument (thesis). Introductory paragraph. It should be one half to three quarters of a page long. Underline your thesis statement (central argument). Use a minimum of 5 primary, peer- reviewed sources relating to the topic

Make Sure of the Following!

Argument/Thesis Statement (underlined)
Background Information
At least 2 main supporting evidence paragraphs
At least 1 one counterargument paragraph
Conclusion paragraph
Correct bibliography from 5 at least peer-reviewed sources
No Plagiarism

Should Standardized Test Scores be Required for College Admission?

Must be written in APA 7
Body of paper must be at least 5 pages
Must have correct and accurate Reference Page

Literature review for a problem of practice in higher education  (Should standardized test scores be required for college admission)

This assignment is intended to help students identify a problem of practice in their organization or professional field of interest. To complete this assignment, students will first need to identify a problem of practice, conduct a literature review on the subject, and write a 5-7 page literature review paper. Students are required to follow APA 7th edition guidelines when organizing and writing the literature review paper (e.g., cover page, headings, page numbers, font, double-spaced, and references).

Introduction of the problem (max 1 page)
In this section, clearly and succinctly state the problem of practice you have chosen as the focus of the paper. Make sure that you have incorporated credible evidence that supports your statement that this is indeed a problem of practice in higher education.

Literature review (3-5 pages)
Now that you have stated the problem give the reader a bit of background into this problem. In a literature review paper for a journal manuscript, master’s thesis, or doctoral dissertation, this section is extensive. However, for this paper, you want to give an abbreviated overview of relevant aspects of the problem of practice. Think about the important highlights of the problem of practice and use synthesis topic statements to begin each paragraph. Then support with summaries and paraphrases from key resources as support for the topic sentences.

In this section, briefly review the literature related to your problem of practice. What is the history of the problem? What has been done in the past to solve the problem? Cite previous research and be sure to include disagreements and discrepancies in the existing literature.

Conclusion/importance of the problem (max 1 page)
Solving educational problems has different implications for practice. There are also varying levels of importance for solving problems, and addressing common problems of practice usually affects other problems as well.

In this section, explain why it is important to solve this problem. Think about and articulate the specific ways in which solving this problem might affect practice. (Think about its impact on a particular population, on the community, on society, and/or on the academic field.) Use citations and research literature to support the need to solve this problem. What are the consequences of not solving this problem?

You will need to have at least 7 empirical references that are related to your problem of practice.

(These are some sources that I found)

Diversity Consciousness and Leadership in Sports

The overall objective is to understand and explain the limited representation of African American populations in athletic leadership positions (specifically the NFL and NBA). The two focal points of this objective are as follow:
– Race and ethnic disparities in leadership
– Diversity and athletics

Minimum of 6 sources

Disney Wedding Event Company

For Disney Event Planning Company, answer the two questions below.
(1) Is the company a defender, prospector, analyzer, or reactors (i.e., the Organization Type framework)? Explain your answer.

(2) Which stage is it at: introduction, growth, maturity, or decline (i.e., the model of Business Life Cycle)? Explain your answer.


The week 6 research paper should be 15 – 20 pages in length double spaced including the title page and the reference page. It should be the culmination of research from weeks 2 and 4, plus additional research. The meat/outline of the paper should consist of the following:

An Abstract (separate page)
An Introduction with problem statement
A summary of the literature presented in your article reviews with sampling comments
An analysis of research methodologies found (including surveys instruments or models from research)
A thorough analysis and evaluation of the problem (from research topic)
Recommended research design/solution (which can be people, process, hardware, data or software based
Conclusion and Future research considerations

See Below

Find and describe three examples of the segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Evaluate each example in terms of effectiveness.

Instructions: Your answers to the questions should be 4 -5 pages (total not each), be in APA format, use outside research and represent overall college level work. Please use the APUS library in addition to just the book to find references to back up your answers to these questions.

Personal Branding and Networking

PC-3.5: Engage in career development and advancement strategies, including effective networking, mentoring, and creating a personal brand.

You have reviewed various resources for propelling your career forward. You started with your IDP and learning styles and values, short and long-term goals, and now it is time to start putting these goals into action.

After reviewing the Learning Activities regarding personal branding and social networking and your reading concerning mentoring, you will apply these concepts to your career based on your stated goals.

In a minimum of a 2-page (i.e., 500-word double-spaced) APA formatted essay (i.e., introduction, checklist item content, and conclusion), with an additional title page, address the following checklist items:


1. Applying the concepts addressed in the branding activity, provide your own personal branding statement and explain how you will use it to leverage your career success.
2. Describe the ongoing networking you will need to do in order to continue to develop your brand.
3. Identify a potential mentor who might be able to help you achieve your career goals. Explain why they would be effective mentors.

The readings and learning activities are uploaded in additional materials 

Cold war and Communism

Textbook: Chapter 9, 10
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Examine the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980s. Include the following in your discussion:

What were the main reasons for the collapse?
What role did the constant state of militarism and the costs of keeping up with the U.S. military buildup have on the Soviet economy?
What role did uprisings and rebellions in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East Germany (among others) have on the sudden collapse of the USSR?

Intermediate Sanctions

You should provide an overview of what intermediate sanctions are. Next, provide three examples of intermediate sanctions. Finally, discuss what types of offenders would be suitable for the intermediate sanctions you identified.
    Your written paper should be 2-3 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.
    Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
You need to cite at least three sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook. Interactive: Introduction to Criminal Justice Interactive eBook
Kenneth John Peak