Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Project Closeout

Explain the project closeout process for your team’s project in a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper.

Address the following:

Criteria to be met for the customer to agree that the project has been successfully completed.
How customer final approval will be received.
The lessons learned as the project is completed – What was done well? What could have been done better? (Feel free to also add any lessons learned from working with your learning team.)
Project team rolloff – What happens to the project team members? How soon can they roll off the project?
In which form will communication be delivered to stakeholders?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


How do explanations for the behavior of others change as we age? Are younger adults more likely to blame internal factors for events and older adults more likely to blame external variables?

Each student submits and presents a paper (must be between 6-8 pg excluding the cover and references pages which typically include 10-20 refs) on any topic related to developmental psychology. Be original and creative while being logical and scientific. That is, your argument must be based, not on your personal beliefs and opinions, but on existing theories and empirical findings (at least ten references are required).

Social Networking interview

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word interview report.

Identify whom you interviewed, their title, and years of working experience in the area of Operations Management.

Provide insights into your subject’s role and why Operations Management is vital to his/her organization.

Provide the reason for selecting the individual you chose to interview.

List the questions you asked.

Include a summary of the organization.

Give a summary of what you learned as a result of this interview.

Provide a reflection of what is important about this assignment.

Discuss any follow-up activities the person you interviewed suggested.

Flowcharts for Processes

Select a process you perform daily, but would like to spend less time doing, such as driving to work.

Design a flowchart and provide written analysis by using any appropriate tool.

Comment on the factors that affect the process design.

Identify at least one metric to measure the process.

Describe which forecasting methods would be applicable.

Discuss how one could manage this process by using PERT/CPM techniques.

Submit your flowchart for the process and the data collected at the end of the week by collecting data for the identified metric every day of the workweek.

Use APA format to include a reference page with the course text at a minimum.

Submit the assignment.

Banking On IoT

Please read the article below and answer the following questions?

If you are a sports fan, you know that nothing is more gratifying than watching your team come back from a deficit to win. In sports, its not uncommon to see professional teams that are down 31 or 30 in a four-game series turn the tide and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. But have you ever heard of a team on the verge of defeat winning eight consecutive matches for the overall series win? In what is considered by some to be the most prolific comeback in sports history, Oracle Team USA won eight consecutive days of sailing against the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron to win the 34th Americas Cup in 2013 (the final series tally was 98). You may be wondering what contributed to Oracle Team USA turning the tide. Many people think that the key to its triumph was in the data.

Oracle Team USA leveraged an impressive network of sensors and data analytics tools to help it achieve victory. During each race, more than 300 sensors were used to collect roughly 3,000 variables about the performance of the boat. Data for everything, from the strain on the mast to angle sensors on the wings, were captured, stored, and analyzed. These data were transmitted to support teams nearby and to the sailors on the boat who could monitor key performance indicators in real time by looking at devices strapped to their wrists.

Immediate access to these analytics during the race allowed for better strategic decision making as well as opportunities for the support team servicing the boat to make modifications to the vessel between races. While the overall victory of Oracle Team USA was incredible, it is more profound to consider how sensor technologies and the ability to rapidly transmit, store, and analyze large data sets have redefined countless operations and industries. Welcome to the growing world of the Internet of Things (IoT)!

If You Cant Take the IoT, Get Out of  the Kitchen
IoT is generally defined as the proliferation of Internet- connected devices. As more smart devices are connected to the Internet, increasing amounts of data are captured and transmitted by these devices. The potential impact of the IoT is tremendous. Its estimated that there will be roughly 25 billion Internet-connected devices by 2020. As seen in the Oracle Team USA sailing example, having access to more data can result in more efficient processes and better decision making. But what does the IoT mean for business? Could IoT devices change the way businesses operate? Could they fundamentally change the way financial transactions are processed?

A hotbed of innovation for the IoT is the home kitchen. This is because kitchens are typically filled with a variety of appliances that are already plugged in and have embedded computers (of varying degrees of complexity). The cost of adding Wi-Fi connectivity to any of these devices is trivial, yet doing so can enhance functionality (e.g., you can start the coffee maker from bed by using an app on your phone).

Refrigerators are often considered prime targets for the IoT. Internet connectivity could allow remote viewing of fridge contents (in case you forget your shopping list at home when you go to the store) or tracking of items as they are consumed and need to be replenished. Could a smart refrigerator recognize that you are low on vegetables or fruit and automatically order replacement groceries? Could it complete the financial transaction for you autonomously?

Banking institutions are starting to see the potential impact of IoT devices on their industry. They are interested in becoming the managers of these automated transactions that will be conducted by IoT devices, especially when you consider the potential for loyalty programs and rewards points to be paired with these transactions. Imagine how the magnitude of financial transactions will change over the next decade if instead of making one or two payments at a grocery store each week your debit or credit card is being charged several times a day as various ingredients and foodstuffs run low and your appliances are reordering groceries for you. Now expand the scope to other appliances or even other parts of the home (e.g., 30 percent of the hangers on a rack in your closet are missing, so your IoT closet notifies a dry-cleaning service to come pick up your dirty shirts).

IoT = Winning
It is important to recognize that the IoT not only will revolutionize transactions for private consumers, but it will also change how businesses manage their transactions, loans, and other financial operations. For example, when a business takes out a loan, there is a declaration of some form of collateral. Or when a business is calculating balance sheets, inventories are assessed and reported. In manufacturing and agricultural industries, inventories of products or livestock could be tracked in real time, allowing financial statements to be current at all times, not just when inventories are tallied and official statements are produced.

At an even higher level, as inventories of raw materials or trading goods are placed on ships and are transported around the world to various partners in a supply chain, these materials can be tracked in real time. So whether you are trying to win a race on a sailboat or win a race to get your products manufactured and delivered on time, in the high-tech business environment we are living in today, IoT can be invaluable to helping you win!

The article looked at the enhanced functionality that could come from a smart refrigerator with Internet connectivity. Can you identify any potential drawbacks or complications that may arise from this connectivity?
Take a minute to think about your home or apartment. What types of things would you like to see connect to the Internet? How would this connectivity make your life better or more efficient? 

Provide your response in a 4-5 page word document. Use a double spaced Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1000-1500 words, and APA style for citations and references.

Banking On IoT

Please read the article below and answer the following questions?

If you are a sports fan, you know that nothing is more gratifying than watching your team come back from a deficit to win. In sports, its not uncommon to see professional teams that are down 31 or 30 in a four-game series turn the tide and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. But have you ever heard of a team on the verge of defeat winning eight consecutive matches for the overall series win? In what is considered by some to be the most prolific comeback in sports history, Oracle Team USA won eight consecutive days of sailing against the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron to win the 34th Americas Cup in 2013 (the final series tally was 98). You may be wondering what contributed to Oracle Team USA turning the tide. Many people think that the key to its triumph was in the data.

Oracle Team USA leveraged an impressive network of sensors and data analytics tools to help it achieve victory. During each race, more than 300 sensors were used to collect roughly 3,000 variables about the performance of the boat. Data for everything, from the strain on the mast to angle sensors on the wings, were captured, stored, and analyzed. These data were transmitted to support teams nearby and to the sailors on the boat who could monitor key performance indicators in real time by looking at devices strapped to their wrists.

Immediate access to these analytics during the race allowed for better strategic decision making as well as opportunities for the support team servicing the boat to make modifications to the vessel between races. While the overall victory of Oracle Team USA was incredible, it is more profound to consider how sensor technologies and the ability to rapidly transmit, store, and analyze large data sets have redefined countless operations and industries. Welcome to the growing world of the Internet of Things (IoT)!

If You Cant Take the IoT, Get Out of  the Kitchen
IoT is generally defined as the proliferation of Internet- connected devices. As more smart devices are connected to the Internet, increasing amounts of data are captured and transmitted by these devices. The potential impact of the IoT is tremendous. Its estimated that there will be roughly 25 billion Internet-connected devices by 2020. As seen in the Oracle Team USA sailing example, having access to more data can result in more efficient processes and better decision making. But what does the IoT mean for business? Could IoT devices change the way businesses operate? Could they fundamentally change the way financial transactions are processed?

A hotbed of innovation for the IoT is the home kitchen. This is because kitchens are typically filled with a variety of appliances that are already plugged in and have embedded computers (of varying degrees of complexity). The cost of adding Wi-Fi connectivity to any of these devices is trivial, yet doing so can enhance functionality (e.g., you can start the coffee maker from bed by using an app on your phone).

Refrigerators are often considered prime targets for the IoT. Internet connectivity could allow remote viewing of fridge contents (in case you forget your shopping list at home when you go to the store) or tracking of items as they are consumed and need to be replenished. Could a smart refrigerator recognize that you are low on vegetables or fruit and automatically order replacement groceries? Could it complete the financial transaction for you autonomously?

Banking institutions are starting to see the potential impact of IoT devices on their industry. They are interested in becoming the managers of these automated transactions that will be conducted by IoT devices, especially when you consider the potential for loyalty programs and rewards points to be paired with these transactions. Imagine how the magnitude of financial transactions will change over the next decade if instead of making one or two payments at a grocery store each week your debit or credit card is being charged several times a day as various ingredients and foodstuffs run low and your appliances are reordering groceries for you. Now expand the scope to other appliances or even other parts of the home (e.g., 30 percent of the hangers on a rack in your closet are missing, so your IoT closet notifies a dry-cleaning service to come pick up your dirty shirts).

IoT = Winning
It is important to recognize that the IoT not only will revolutionize transactions for private consumers, but it will also change how businesses manage their transactions, loans, and other financial operations. For example, when a business takes out a loan, there is a declaration of some form of collateral. Or when a business is calculating balance sheets, inventories are assessed and reported. In manufacturing and agricultural industries, inventories of products or livestock could be tracked in real time, allowing financial statements to be current at all times, not just when inventories are tallied and official statements are produced.

At an even higher level, as inventories of raw materials or trading goods are placed on ships and are transported around the world to various partners in a supply chain, these materials can be tracked in real time. So whether you are trying to win a race on a sailboat or win a race to get your products manufactured and delivered on time, in the high-tech business environment we are living in today, IoT can be invaluable to helping you win!

The article looked at the enhanced functionality that could come from a smart refrigerator with Internet connectivity. Can you identify any potential drawbacks or complications that may arise from this connectivity?
Take a minute to think about your home or apartment. What types of things would you like to see connect to the Internet? How would this connectivity make your life better or more efficient? 

Provide your response in a 4-5 page word document. Use a double spaced Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1000-1500 words, and APA style for citations and references.

The Green New Deal is not ethical for people or the economy

Teachers instructions;
For NEXT WEEK (Oct 5 – 11) the debate issue will be focused on The Green New Deal
This is an important topic with our upcoming presidential election in November, and our faltering economy due to Covid-19.
Be detailed in your research, and be specific with your points of pro and con, ALWAYS connecting them to ethical points.
Be sure to connect your Green New Deal position with ETHICAL REASONING and BUSINESS ETHICS.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

watch the video then answer the question below

think about what you learned, and then in this Discussion area (2020 Tableau Conference), give a quick summary of what the presentation was about, and discuss the top 3 things you learned.

Christian Ethics of Competition

For research articles, the critique will include a summary of the study’s purpose, the sample, and the method applied.  Furthermore, you will summarize significant findings (if any), and an explanation of how the article relates to the textbook reading as well as to the subject of sport outreach.

For law journal and legal review articles, the critique should include a summary of the  background of the case and argument made, your reaction  and an explanation of how the article relates to the textbook reading as well as to the subject of sport outreach.

The Article Critique must be 2 – 3 pages and adhere to current APA format.  It should be composed in a Word document and include a title page, abstract, and reference page (none of which are included in the page count).  It should be exclusively written in your own words–no quotations should be used.

A New Way To Think About Rules To Live By

After reading the attached material, go the the following link and read the essay by Carl Sagan entitled A New Way To Think About Rules To Live By:

Afterward, please write an essay addressing the following questions.

1.Which rule(s) do you live by personally? Give specific examples of how you apply the rules you identified in your life. Why do you choose these rules over others? Defend your personal position with sound reasoning.

2. Red Corp hires you to consult on an ethical issue they are facing. Red Corp recently discovered that its customer database has been hacked and published online, along with the customer database of its biggest competitor, Blue Corp. Red Corp had no prior knowledge of or involvement with the hacking until a Red Corp employee stumbled upon the files published on the internet and brought it to the attention of Red Corp management.

Red Corp has no idea how the files were hacked and published, or by whom. Obviously, since Blue Corp’s customer database is also published online, Red Corp doesn’t believe that Blue Corp had anything to do with the hacking (i.e. it appears Blue Corp was a victim to the same hacking as Red Corp).

Red Corp doesn’t know if Blue Corp knows about the databases online yet. Red Corp believes that if Blue Corp knew about it, Blue Corp would almost certainly use Red Corp’s customer information against Red Corp (i.e. try to steal Red Corp’s customers). Red Corp checked its account activity over the last quarter, and there doesn’t appear to be any unusual changes in business, so it is unlikely that Blue Corp knows about the databases (yet). Red Corp has begun the legal process of petitioning for its database to be removed from the internet, but the process is expected to take at least a few weeks because of the information rights issues involved.

What do you advise Red Corp to do? Tell Blue Corp about the databases online, and hope they will agree to a mutual good faith non-use of competitor information? Use Blue Corp’s database and go after Blue Corp’s customers, in anticipation that Blue Corp will likely do the same eventually? Ignore it and hope that Blue Corp doesn’t find it? Something else? On which of the rule(s) discussed in the Sagan essay do you base your recommendations, and why?

3. Suppose that Red Corp decides to use the database, and begins under-bidding Blue Corp and taking its customers. Witnessing this, Blue Corp investigates and discovers the customer databases (both Blue Corp’s and Red Corp’s) online. If Blue Corp does nothing, it believes that Red Corp will continue to steal customers. Blue Corp hires you to consult on a response. What do you advise Blue Corp to do? Retaliate? Ignore the information and the attack by Red Corp? Something else? On which of the rule(s) discussed in the Sagan essay do you base your recommendations, and why?

4. Did you rely on the same rules in your advice to question #1 and #2?
If you did, can you think of a different set of circumstances in which you would have given different advice (and relied on different rules)?
If you did not, why not? How were these situations different such that the difference caused you to change your basis of morality?

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the sake of these questions, you may assume that the published customer databases cannot be removed from the internet, and that law enforcement cannot help. While in reality, these options would be perfectly reasonable, they aren’t relevant to the purpose of the assignment.

The paper should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least five (5) academic references to include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain your original thoughts or ideas as well as the portion of your work that is credited to credible sources. It is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field.


Develops a focused and sophisticated research question or thesis that enhances the scholarly discussion of questions and ideas that are important to scholars in the discipline.

The writing provides an exceptional roadmap for the essay. In addition, the introduction includes meets all of the following criteria:
    The introduction contextualizes the thesis statement by referring to larger issues in the discipline.
    The introduction provides rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or question.
    The introduction articulates how the paper will address the key question or issue being studied.
    The introduction refers to relevant, appropriate scholarly literature.

Argument and Synthesis
The argument builds logically upon the thesis with research-based, discipline-appropriate supporting facts, evidence, and/or data.

The writing clearly describes major methodologies and practices of the field and implements them in creative and innovative ways.

The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyze, and synthesize information to advance the argument.

Sources and Support
The writing communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex and contradictory information from multiple sources to advance knowledge in the discipline at a professional level.

The writing accurately quotes, paraphrases, and cites information in ways that are true to the original context with no errors.

The writing flows smoothly and logically from a well-defined thesis. There is a coherence in each sentence and paragraph that relates clearly to the controlling idea using appropriate examples. The flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning without jumps or shifts. The writing contains a through introduction, body sections, conclusion, and smooth transitions.

The writing engages the reader through an original prose style appropriate to the subject. Language is precise and uses terminology appropriate to the discipline. All sentences are solid and reflect mature writing. Variety in sentence structure contributes to the logical flow and enhances readability.  Active voice and passive voice are used appropriately for the subject matter.

Mechanics and Grammar
The writing is free of spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammatical errors and proofreading errors.

Provides a high-caliber, correctly formatted assignment in the assigned citation style. All citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.