Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

nature vs nuture

Assignment: Nature Versus Nurture


Define human nature and factors that affect human nature
Describe sociological interactions in everyday life and the factors that affect them
Review the information in the lesson on socialization and nature versus nurture.  Chose the side of the debate that you believe has the greatest effect on human nature. Do some research online to support your opinion.

Is there a lot of information to support your side of the debate?
Is there more or less information to support the other side?
Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you support the nature or nurture side of the debate.

Do innate qualities or socialization ultimately shape who we become?
What information did you find which best supports your theory?

Caring Analysis

I have attached the instructions and also a sample paper of how the professor wants the work to be done.

This writing is about the movie “Like stars on earth (2007) by Aamir Khan.”

The movie is available on netflix on the title “Taare Zameen Par”

community health intervention example

3 Pages Scholarly Written Paper
  Community Health Intervention Example
that 1) targets a specific population in a developing country and addresses one of the WHO Millennium goals  overarching goals.

The Paper must include the following:
1.    Describe by explaining whether this is a real-life example or one that you made up.
2.    In your paper, briefly describe the community health intervention, including the target population.
3.    Explain which WHO Millennium goal is being addressed.
4.    Describe which level(s) of prevention is(are) being address by this intervention (primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention). Your response must demonstrate your understanding of the level(s) of prevention.
5.    If using a real situation, specifically identify the types of public health or health education professionals that are involved, and briefly explain their role or, if using a fictional situation, identify at least one type of public health or health education professional that you think would be involved. Explain what you think their role would be, and why.
6.    Identify at least one public health or health education essential service that is being carried out by the identified professionals and explain how that is being done.
7.    Includ any sources usedin APA 7th ed. format.

Managerial Epidemiology (offer minimum one real-life example)

You were invited to conduct an in-service on Managerial Epidemiology and Decision Making in Healthcare to newly hired employees. Please develop 3-5 minutes educational presentation offering the trainees insight on:

1. Why they need to know about Managerial Epidemiology (offer minimum one real-life example)

2. What type of data and studies they should be familiar with in order to be successful at their jobs (offer minimum one example of a study design and the data that will be collected; explain how this information is applicable to the managerial functions)

3. Create a short managerial issue case (for example, week 4 discussion activity: Your faculty (the hospital you work for  Board of Directors’ representative) is interested in developing a cardiac care unit. The Board believes offering specialized care for patient’s with cardiac diseases will meet an unmet need in the community but want to be sure they are making the right decision. You are directed to identify the current and future need for cardiac services based on the community population characteristics and current use of cardiac services at your hospital.) and explain how the trainees will develop good decisions to solve it:

-List all types of evidence they will need to collect, explain why;

-Name the epidemiological data, studies, and metrics the trainees will need to support the decision-making process, explain why.

-Explain the decision-making process the trainees will need to apply to this case.

4. List your own decisions and solutions for the case.

**The presentation format needs to be approved by the faculty in week 6. It can be anything from a video presentation with visual aids to a tri-fold using data visualization. If you use a power point, infographics or tri-fold as well as any other static formats, you must present them in a video.It CANNOT be a paper.  If you have unsolvable challenges with the video presentation, contact your faculty. Your presentation may happen in real time directly to the faculty who will record it using Zoom.

HINT: Imagine you are the trainee. What would you want to hear to stay awake and learn
something useful?

Week 4 Discussion (Question)

Your faculty (the hospital you work for  Board of Directors’ representative) is interested in developing a cardiac care unit. The Board believes offering specialized care for patient’s with cardiac diseases will meet an unmet need in the community but want to be sure they are making the right decision. You are directed to identify the current and future need for cardiac services based on the community population characteristics and current use of cardiac services at your hospital. Please prepare an email outlining your thoughts on how you would accomplish the task. HINT: to accomplish this activity, pick a zip code and base your outline on the real-life population descriptors in that zip code. Assume there is no other cardiac unit in the area available. Consider the social determinants of health, epidemiological measures and population assessment process. All necessary concepts to accomplish this task successfully are presented in week 1-4. Use the following information to help you develop a business email.

Week 4 Discussion (My Answer)


To: Board of Directors

Subject: To identify the need for specialized cardiac care unit for the community


A hospital’s cardiac care unit called CCU, is specialized in treatment for cardiac patients. When patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases increasing, the need of these hospital units becomes critical. And the need increases with time due to the violence, contamination so improper eating behaviors. Since there is no nearby cardiac facility, one needs to be established for social and community benefit.

A cardiac medical center is designed to treat people with a heart attack and other cardiac problems requiring constant care and treatment. The establishment of a new CCU takes excellent caution because it is essential to maintain health care quality. The complexity of the emergency unit’s condition is severe and lethal and involves urgent open-heart surgery and other extensive devices.

Measurements of duration, interaction, and potential impacts of pathogens are epidemiological indicators. Social determinants describe conditions or circumstances in which people are born, grow, work, and live. These factors help plan health care initiatives.

There were various factors, including:

1. Diabetes

2. Smoking

3. Overweight and hypertension,

4. High cholesterol, high blood pressure (based on epidemiologic and social determinants, and studies carried out throughout the field).

Around half of the world’s population has at least a cause that continues to grow because people’s healthy and unhealthy habits result in higher perceptions of heart disorders.

Different action is taken to promote a healthy lifestyle and to avoid cardiovascular diseases. Some of the others are:


With a population of around 3.09 million, Nevada is one of the states (Zip Code: 89118) in the USA. In 2017, a total of 6,417 deaths in the same situation were reported in the past 10 years due to heart disease.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Nevada. Approximately 25% of Nevada’s overall fatality is triggered by heart disease and around 4% by heart arrest. Throughout Nevada, nearly 22% of adults are cigarettes. Yet almost 60 percent of adults are overweight or obese, which raises their risk of future heart disorders.

Increasing cardiac treatment facilities in Nevada is, therefore, most significant. There can be rescued and handled thousands of lives to carry a happy life without diseases.

IN sum, cardiac facilities are highly required based on the above statistics, figures, and figures. Since there are no cardiac facilities nearby, one is necessary to benefit the community.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. Nevada.

American Heart Association and American Stroke Association. Nevada State Fact Sheet.

Caring Analysis
It is a 300 pages novel. The work is based on it:The Price of a Child (1995) Lorene Cary.
I have attached the instructions and also a sample paper of how the professor wants the work to be done.

Rizal in the Context of the 19th Century Philippines & The Philippines A Century Hence

1. Analyze the ideas of Jos Rizal by identifying which concepts have influenced him through the events in the major economic, political, religious, and cultural developments in the 19th century.
2. It is your prerogative if you will use this chart, or you can write your analysis in an essay format.
3. If you opt to accomplish this activity in an essay format, follow the below-mentioned guidelines:
Discuss the overview of the paper, or the background of the topic.
Explain the analysis in this section. Make sure to keep one idea to one paragraph in writing an essay. If you begin to transition into a new idea, it belongs in a new paragraph. In a paragraph, mention the idea from Schumacher’s article as your basis/support, then discuss the specific part in the essay of Rizal that is related to the first idea (from John N. Schumacher).
Write the concluding statement/ synthesis of your discussion in this part.
Format: Times New Roman, size 12, double spacing, 6-10 paragraphs

When you open the file called “Activity Sheet,” you will see a table that has 3 columns and 3 rows. In the first column, you will collect 3 ideas/events from Schumacher’s Article, “Rizal in the Context of the Nineteenth-Century Philippines”. In the second column, you will collect Statement/Ideas from Rizal’s Essay, “The Philippine a Century Hence.” In the third column, you will state your 3 Analysis/ Explanations that were based on your collected Ideas/Events from Schumacher’s Article and Rizal’s essay.

You may choose to read between the summarized version and e-book version of The Philippines A Century Hence.

There’s no need to answer the questions in the PowerPoint Presentation called The Philippines A Century Hence, summarized by Shane Tiffanie Halili, Charlene Grace Millano, and  Kristine Denise Tan (Slides 7, 12, 16, 17, 24 and 39).   

Female geologist and their contribution (must be specific person)

Your paper must be organized as follows:
1. Title and author name on front page. Nothing else on the front page, please!
2. Abstract 250 word limit summarizing your paper including a sentence on why you chose the particular topic.
3. Introduction Opening paragraphs of your paper that describe the topic in general, its importance or application to you and the community, and why you choose the particular topic.
4. Main Body Discussion of what your research revealed to you and what you want to share.
5. Conclusion(s) The key messages or take-away points that you expect the reader to remember.
6. References List of references you used to research and write your paper; minimum number of references is three.
Please make sure that for any map, picture, graph, or other illustrations that you used in your paper has the source or reference in the items caption.

Your paper must use at least three peer reviewed references. Paper published in journals such as Science, AAPG Bulletin, GSA Bulletin ( ), GSAs Geology, Nature, SEG Leading Edge (, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) ( ) are peer reviewed. Some web sites are also reasonably peer reviewed such as the USGS, NASA, and NOAA. Many web sites are not reasonably peer reviewed and use of information derived from such web sites (e.g. Wikipedia) does not count towards the needed peer reviewed references for your research paper.

Workplace Environment Assessment

Discussion: Workplace Environment Assessment
How healthy is your workplace?
You may think your current organization operates seamlessly, or you may feel it has many issues. You may experience or even observe things that give you pause. Yet, much as you wouldnt try to determine the health of a patient through mere observation, you should not attempt to gauge the health of your work environment based on observation and opinion. Often, there are issues you perceive as problems that others do not; similarly, issues may run much deeper than leadership recognizes.
There are many factors and measures that may impact organizational health. Among these is civility. While an organization can institute policies designed to promote such things as civility, how can it be sure these are managed effectively? In this Discussion, you will examine the use of tools in measuring workplace civility.
To Prepare:
    Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
    Review and complete the Work Environment Assessment Template in the Resources.
Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples.

Do you have any idea how often your life is impacted by Bluetooth technology? In case you didnt know this, it is Bluetooth technology, developed by communication giant Ericsson, that enables all of our electronic and informational devices to talk to one

Do you have any idea how often your life is impacted by Bluetooth technology? In case you didnt know this, it is Bluetooth technology, developed by communication giant Ericsson, that enables all of our electronic and informational devices to talk to one another. For example, Bluetooth technology enables wireless headsets to communicate with other devices. You might have noticed that Aliph has just introduced a new Bluetooth-enabled headset called Jawbone that is smaller, lighter, and cuts wind noise more than any previous headset designs. The headset is about the size of a large rectangular earring or about one-half the size of existing headset models. There is, however, a significant problem that must be addressed before headset communication is advised for everyone. There are reports linking forms of brain cancer to cell phone and headset use. Experts are studying the possibilities and connections. No conclusions have been reached yet. Your task is to assume that you are a member of the Advertising Council and have been asked to design a PSA (public service announcement) that will both quiet fears and encourage information-seeking about the subject as research progresses. Write your message. How do you think those who support headset and cell phone development would respond to what you have to say?

Do you have any idea how often your life is impacted by Bluetooth technology? In case you didnt know this, it is Bluetooth technology, developed by communication giant Ericsson, that enables all of our electronic and informational devices to talk to one

Do you have any idea how often your life is impacted by Bluetooth technology? In case you didnt know this, it is Bluetooth technology, developed by communication giant Ericsson, that enables all of our electronic and informational devices to talk to one another. For example, Bluetooth technology enables wireless headsets to communicate with other devices. You might have noticed that Aliph has just introduced a new Bluetooth-enabled headset called Jawbone that is smaller, lighter, and cuts wind noise more than any previous headset designs. The headset is about the size of a large rectangular earring or about one-half the size of existing headset models. There is, however, a significant problem that must be addressed before headset communication is advised for everyone. There are reports linking forms of brain cancer to cell phone and headset use. Experts are studying the possibilities and connections. No conclusions have been reached yet. Your task is to assume that you are a member of the Advertising Council and have been asked to design a PSA (public service announcement) that will both quiet fears and encourage information-seeking about the subject as research progresses. Write your message. How do you think those who support headset and cell phone development would respond to what you have to say?