Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

How to successfully apply for a university abroad

i put a screenshot of sample essay in the additional materials
Essay Assignment # 1
Topics and Research
Reading and Writing Workshops

Thesis Statement and Introduction
Body paragraphs  with sources of information cited appropriately.
Transition phrases/sentences

: Writing a Paraphrase

Integrate sources of information 
With a focus on: Signal phrase, paraphrase/quotation and in-text citation


Homelessness in Oshawa Canada

I have a community assessment assignment and what I have chosen for the topic is the opioid crisis in Oshawa Canada.
I provided a document about the assignment’s guidelines (focus on #3 – 4) and format.

I have already done the Appendixes, so you don’t have to do that.


Case Study:
In small rural town, Dr. McCann works as a primary care physician. He is part of a large integrated health care system that operates as a no-profit entity. Dr. McCann normally visits numerous patients per day that has a variety of ailment and injuries.
On Monday, a 52-year-old male patient visits Dr. McCann with a complaint of ankle pain in his left leg. While out on the farm doing chores, he fell and has bruises on both legs, a few cuts, and what appears to be a swollen left ankle. Having seen many sprained ankles, the doctor suggests taking pressure off the ankle and foot by using a walking boot that inflates and suggests ibuprofen for the swelling.
On Friday, the patient is in the emergency room. He is suffering from a fever, shaking, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and appears to be very agitated. The patient explains his recent trip to Dr. McCann and the nurses remove his walking boot and began examining him. They notice an infected cut on the opposite leg. Unfortunately, things get worse as the patient goes into septic shop. On Sunday, the patient dies due to complete organ failure.
As expected, the family is devastated and needs understanding of how a small cut has led to the death of their loved one. Dr. McCann is now caught between a rock and a hard place. The hospital is putting pressure on him to apologize, hoping they can avoid legal issues. Dr. McCann must consider his professional career, however. If he admits that he may have made a mistake, he could face legal issues himself and professional loss as well. He also must consider how his patients and colleagues will view him.
Using critical thought and follow the SOAP method.  Research and respond to the questions. Make sure you have a APA style bibliography.
Question 1: What could Dr. McCann and/ or the hospital have done differently? Was this mistake preventable?
Question 2: Does Dr. McCann have an ethical obligation to admit error? What are the possible benefits to admitting fault? What are some negatives for admission of the error?
Question 3: Based on research, if you were the administrator of the hospital, what would you do? Would you require that Dr. McCann apologize to the patients family and explain to them what went wrong? What are the risks to doing so?

Position Statement Paper

Select one of these controversial nursing issue:
    Nurses Carrying out Orders from Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
    Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, Providing Medical Aspects of Care for Individuals with whom there is a Close Personal Relationship
    Professional Boundaries including Use of Social Media by Nurses
Write a position statement paper (no more than 5 pages, excluding the title page and references) Follow one of the guidelines/formats provided:  15-13, 15-14, 15-15 and the grading rubric provided in the course resources.
APA format is expected to include a title page, body of the paper, and references.

  Frame the policy discussion on the issue or problem.
  Organize and outline the position of an individual or organization
.  Formally inform other constituents about your position on the issue or problem.
  Present recommended policy solutions.
  Provide a framework from which to develop and formulate specific policies or resolutions.
  Establish a voice and credibility on the issue or problem.
Organizations are encouraged to develop a consistent position paper  template. In addition, organizations are encouraged to have a  systematic process for the development and formulation of position papers,  continual analysis and review of current and past position papers, method of  archiving  position papers, and process for the approval of position papers that includes a period of public or organizational comment and debate. If an organization is updating or developing a new position paper, the organization should identify previous or related position statements and clarify which position statement has supremacy or takes precedence. This can be accomplished through one statement: This position paper  supersedes the position paper titled ____________________________, ratified on __________ (date), by ________________________________________ (name of organization).

Typical format of a position paper:
  Cite the mission of the organization, organizational identity, organizational address, and constituents represented.
  Provide supporting evidence and data, factual information.
  Organize into three sections: 
1.    Introduction
2.    Body
3.    Conclusion
1.    Identify the issue or topic of the position paper.
2.    Include a thesis statement that clearly presents the main idea of the position.
1.    Provide background information on the issue with supporting  evidence and data.
2.    Provide one idea per paragraph regarding the issue.
3.    Build your argument logically with transition of thought between the paragraphs.
4.    Provide a discussion of the supporting and opposing position of the argument. Clearly articulate your position and the rationale  supporting your position.
5.    Reference supporting organizations, legislation, regulations.
6.    Cite figures, tables.
7.    Provide cases or exemplars.
8.    Use primary source authoritative references, interviews, expert opinions, leader statements, indisputable dates or events.
9.    Use an inductive logical reasoning approach.
1.    Provide declaration of resolution to the issue.
2.    Suggest courses of action.
3.    Reinforce ideas without repeating.
  Executive summary

  Use official letterhead with organizational logo.
  Cite references.
  Provide contact information for leaders quoted.
  Paper should focus on a single issue or problem.
  Thesis statement should articulate the main premise and position.
  Both supporting and opposing arguments should be recognized.
  Provide rationale for the position
.  Length should be one to two pages.
An organizational position paper should include:
1.    Brief introduction of your organization
2.    Organizational history related to the issue, problem, or topic
3.    Impact of issue or problem on your organization
4.    Organizational current policies with respect to the issue and  supporting rationale for your policies
5.    Quotes from your organizational leaders about the issue or problem
6.    Statistics or empirical research that supports your organizations position
7.    Actions taken by your organization related to the issue or problem
8.    Past position papers or resolutions adopted and ratified by  organization on the issue or problem
9.    Organizational opinion or suggested resolution to the issue or problem

HRD – Peer Analysis

Analyze peer posts and provide a response with a new academic peer reviewed article. This is the feedback instructor provided so please adhere to their feedback as well:
  The discussion board should be a “conversation” between you and your colleagues.  I know you are sticking to third-person voice, but for the discussion board only, its OK to create a friendlier tone for this class.  For example, instead try:

“Hi Lois,

I see how you reflected upon certain aspects of….”

Instead of

“In the post, Jackson reflects…..”

First Post – Author: Lois
A key area of responsibility for human resource personnel is the focus on ensuring a positive cultural diversity climate is cultivated in the organization.  According to Desai and Jayakrishnan (2014), positive climates result in higher productivity and lower desire to leave the position instead of negative climates, which result in decreased productivity, large amounts of leave from work, and potential cases.  Organizations should consider the use of a common business culture operation found in India called OCTAPACE culture, which includes openness, confrontation, trust, authenticity, proaction, autonomy, collaboration and experimentation (Sanaria & Singh, 2019).  Two of the key ones which will help an organization are confrontation and trust approaches.  Confrontation is being willing to stand up to issues that are negatively affecting culture and not hide from the problems (Sanaria & Singh, 2019).  Organizational leaders should be the ones leading the way in confrontation as they are the front line to address issues as they arise.  If they know someone is creating problems for personnel based on gender, race, or bullying, leadership and human resources must get involved.  By setting the example that the behavior will not be tolerated, they encourage a workforce culture that is ready to take a stand when issues arise.  This ties into trust as the employees and leaders must know the organization will support them when they stand up to injustice.  According to Sanaria and Singh (2019),  trust is when the organization members know they are supported and will be helped by any stakeholder when necessary.  By ensuring all organizational members are trained in the ethics, culture, and applicable laws the organization follows as well as be living examples of this training, organizations will realize a positive cultural climate.

Post 2- Author Chad
Positive culture is the hallmark of any HR professional and is the key to higher productivity, lower turnover rates and higher employee satisfaction. (Sahito & Vaisanen, 2017).  It is clearly been shown that a negative climate has decreased productivity, higher turnover, and low job satisfaction which reduces the quality and demeanor of the employees (Bakkal, Serener, & Myrvang, 2019).  Not only is a negative climate contagious, but in recent study it showed it was contagious which is more deadly as it spreads throughout and organization uncontrollably (Bakkal, Serener, & Myrvang, 2019).  Many people label this negative disposition of a culture as a toxic environment.  The definition of toxic is a substance that is poisonous and can be harmful to the point of fatal (Cech & O’Connor, 2017).

            OCTAPACE culture is the exact opposite of toxic where the environment supports an openness, authenticity, pro-action, collaboration, experimentation and confrontation that is positive, healthy and placed in the best interest of the organization and the stakeholders (Sanaria & Singh, 2019).  In OCTAPACE, confrontation is not seen as negative but as a way to achieve the best solution.  It is actually a way of collaborating.  The basis of OCTAPACE is to build a model of trust where members of an organization know and feel that leaders have all stakeholders best interest at heart.  Through this type of trust culture, stakeholders are less fearful to speak up and introduce ideas that might be considered as conflict.  It should be noted that a trust environment is only achieve by disciplining and correcting unwanted behavior.  Through positive reinforcement for corrected behavior, a trust environment will emerge.  This type of environment comes only by way of  strong and descriptive organizational leadership goals, defined and enforced culture, and business rules.  This training on an OCTAPACE culture is essential to ensure all leaders uphold the standards, and all stakeholders embrace the culture.  (Sanaria & Singh, 2019).

Emergency Management

Write an essay including four pictures with clear captions and citations describing how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years in your community. Compare those years to that of the Post-Katrina era. Be sure to identify your community.

Interview those in your community to determine lessons learned and improvements that have come from major disasters that have occurred specifically since Hurricane Katrina. Has emergency management been affected based on any events? How?

What changes have there been in mitigation? Preparedness? Has your community been involved in any major disasters? Describe the progression towards federal government involvement in disaster response and recovery during this period. Describe the stakeholders, emergency services participants, and how disasters were managed over the last 50 years. Be sure to cite your sources.

Be sure to include pictures that would be useful to your discussion. Some suggestions would be to include pictures of events during the disaster and during the recovery period after the disaster.

Some examples of disaster mitigation actions are building codes, warning sirens, and fire codes.

Your paper should be in APA format with at least two academic sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Please be sure to include at least four pictures with clear captions and citation.

Comprehensive Literature Review and Defining Theoretical Context

This assignment is designed to further familiarize you with the literature and empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals, and other information sources in the substantive area selected by you.

Arising out of the problem formulation in mini-assignment #1:
A.    State your research question(s). One is fine, and no more than two. The research question(s) will drive your research endeavornot to be confused with the questions that will be in your data collection instrument/questionnaire. 
B.    Locate at least ten (10) articles (five should be reports of empirical studiesquantitative or qualitative) that further inform the problem area you have selected for study. Attach the abstract of one of the empirical studies usedsimply Xerox a copy of the abstract from the manuscript. Do not rewrite!
C.    Provide a clear and focused synthesis and critique of all the literature reviewed.  At the end of the literature review, you may refine your research question(s).

Synthesize the 5 empirical studies, describing how they are related to your research question(s) by weaving the response to the questions below into the body of the review. 
    What was the authors purpose in conducting the study?  What did s/he (they) want to find out?
    What was/were the author(s) research question(s)?  How is it/they similar to or different from your research question(s)?
    Present a detailed and sophisticated analysis of all aspects of the question. The how and why of historical change should be thoroughly explained.
    What are some of the broader theoretical aspects of the four studies reviewed?

Comprehensive Literature Review and Defining Theoretical Context

This assignment is designed to further familiarize you with the literature and empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals, and other information sources in the substantive area selected by you.

Arising out of the problem formulation in mini-assignment #1:
A.    State your research question(s). One is fine, and no more than two. The research question(s) will drive your research endeavornot to be confused with the questions that will be in your data collection instrument/questionnaire. 
B.    Locate at least ten (10) articles (five should be reports of empirical studiesquantitative or qualitative) that further inform the problem area you have selected for study. Attach the abstract of one of the empirical studies usedsimply Xerox a copy of the abstract from the manuscript. Do not rewrite!
C.    Provide a clear and focused synthesis and critique of all the literature reviewed.  At the end of the literature review, you may refine your research question(s).

Synthesize the 5 empirical studies, describing how they are related to your research question(s) by weaving the response to the questions below into the body of the review. 
    What was the authors purpose in conducting the study?  What did s/he (they) want to find out?
    What was/were the author(s) research question(s)?  How is it/they similar to or different from your research question(s)?
    Present a detailed and sophisticated analysis of all aspects of the question. The how and why of historical change should be thoroughly explained.
    What are some of the broader theoretical aspects of the four studies reviewed?

6010 DQ 5 RESP


Watch Video – What we’re missing in the debate about immigration (Links to an external site.)

How did this video influence your understanding/perception of immigration?  As a clinical psychologist, how might the lessons/understanding you gained assist you to be culturally responsive and better meet the needs of clients who are immigrants, and/or have family members facing immigration issues?


In the video, Duarte Geraldino discusses what is missing in the debate about immigration (Geraldino, 2017). He first addresses a situation where a father was getting deported from the United States at the same time that his son was being deployed, to fight for the United States (Geraldino, 2017). I can’t imagine what it feels like to be in either of these individuals’ situations. Often, it seems like immigrants get a bad name and are looked down upon by some U.S. citizens. Geraldino explains that as a child, his mother explained to him that the Statue of Liberty is waving immigrants into the U.S., welcoming them (Geraldino, 2017). This is a nice perspective, as I have never heard it before. I remember studying Ellis Island as a teen, taking a field trip there, and learning about America the melting pot, where cultures collide. I always thought it was cool and interesting that America was one of the only countries where many different cultures are living together and working in unison. With the diversity of culture comes diversity of opinion, and this can have both positive and negative implications. Geraldino also discussed a prominent restaurant owner who was threatened with deportation, but was such a pillar in his community that the court system actually accepted such evidence as good restaurant reviews to demonstrate his role and importance, and allowed him to stay in the U.S. (Geraldino, 2017). There is no one-size-fits-all rule for immigration, and rulings should be determined on a case by case basis, but that decision makers should work to exude fairness and consideration.

What’s missing in the debate about immigration is the impact of the absence of someone who has been deported, on others. The deportee’s immediate family and social circle (mother, father, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, close friends, colleagues, customers, etc.) will be largely affected by the deportation of their family member (Geraldino, 2017). The deportation of one individual has the capacity to affect several individuals. It is clear that the implications of negative impacts on these individuals can affect home life, work, health and well-being, and social interest. As a whole, if all social circles of deportees were examined following deportation, there would likely be a pattern present where individuals closest to the deportee are socially affected, which will influence their performance in all areas of their everyday life. Looking at the big picture, and the negative impact of deportation on individuals, can provoke the understanding that the country itself is largely affected when individuals are losing members of their social circles and everyday routines. This learning exercise has given me a greater understanding of the stressors the deportees and their families face. Working to gain more knowledge and understanding on the subject, becoming culturally responsive as a clinical psychologist is a major aspect of working with immigrants or families facing immigration problems.

My question this week is what areas of life are most affected for individuals when immigrant family members of the social circle are deported? Home, work, social circle, health, and/or other?


Geraldino, D. (2017). What we’re missing in the debate about immigration. (Links to an external site.)

6010 DQ RES


The instructions for this Discussion Forum is different than the others. Please read carefully.

First please take an Implicit Association Test (link below). You can select whichever one you desire. Secondly, watch How to overcome our bias: Walk toward them video (Link Below).

Please discuss your experience/reaction to completing the test, and watching the video. Please list which test you completed and the reason you selected that particular test. What did you learn about yourself? Were you surprised about the outcome of the test? How did the information in the video help you to more fully understand your test results and what it meant for you based on your lived experiences? 

Please write a reaction/response to at least one of our classmate’s post. (Links to an external site.)

Link (Links to an external site.) Watch Video – How to overcome our bias: Walk toward them.


            After watching the Ted Talks by Verna Myers, I felt not only emotional but had to have a moment were I just laughed and then had to think. I am a white female from a white family. I am my 87 year old grandmothers primary care taker when it comes to medical situations and she has been staying with me for the last week and I had a moment that made me really relate to the example that Verna Myers gave. I had the moment were the thought came across my mindGrandmas is a bigot! We were watching grandma appropriate things; it was a show that looked at the east coast states such as Vermont and Massachusetts. The show talked about the farm where the move Cider House Rules was filmed. They showed the workers on the farm and they were Jamaican Americans that were the primary workers on the farm. My grandmother made an undertone comment that I can`t remember right now, but all I remember is thinkingWow. I also can bring up the reading by Hays, it was discussed that there are words and phrases that we use that can be interpreted negatively.

This is what Hays calls microaggression. Microaggression refers to verbal, behavioral, and environmental insults and slights that minority group members experience from the dominate culture (Hays, 2016). I have noticed many times people that I know, or that I might overhear lump a minority group together and say something like they are just here to live on welfare and take jobs from us, This is a continued bias that unfortunately is throughout the county I live in because I live in a white rural area that uses allot of Mexican immigrants for their vineyards and orchards. We even see it in our Cal-Trans workers. As discussed by Michael Moats in the Hoffman reading, white privilege is still very real. Moats discussed that the tendency to give the better opportunities to white men is still very real. It is very prevalent in our local Cal-Trans, the hard labor is typically done by men of color and the white males are typically the supervisors.

For the Implicit Association Test I chose the age test. I chose this because I am in an age gap relationship and I wanted to see what kind of result I would have. My partner is much older than me so I assumed that I would have a slight preference for older people. My actual result was a moderate automatic preference for Young people over Old people. I was shocked at first but then I thought, most of my close friends are similar in age to me and I am young. The video reminded me that there are so many biases out there in our everyday life as well as in the media. We are told and showed that youth is good and old age is bad. Every commercial and advertisement about age is negative and vice versa.


Hays, P.A. (2016). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and

therapy. (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hoffman, L., Hoffman-Cleare, H., Granger, N., & St. John, D. (Eds.) (2019). Humanistic

              approaches to multiculturalism and diversity: perspectives on existence and

              difference. New York, NY: Routledge Francis. Available as E-book via the

            following link. (Proxied for Saybrook use) Access URL: (Links to an external site.)

Myers, V. (2014). How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them . Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Project Implicit. (2020). Take a Test. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)