Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)


Here, youll categorize the articles (like you said in the previous section, just before Definitions of Terms). Under each category (labeled as a short heading), you will discuss the findings of the articles grouped under that category. In this section, focus on the findings only, not on the articles literature reviews (the first part of the article).


Try to familiarize yourself with all the findings from all articles. A good way to do this is to read them several times, trying to understand them and then re-write them in your own words. Be accurate, though, when re-writing.

Then, see if you can group some findings together, maybe coming up with 2-3-4 categories. Under each of the main heading you may (but you dont have to) have sub-headings. You need at least 2 articles for the sub-heading. If there is only one, try to fit it under the main heading. Find a short title (heading) for each category.

experiment 2 partial paper

write up contains: Cover Sheet, TITLE PAGE, ABSTRACT, a brief introduction with clear statement of the hypothesis, METHOD, RESULTS, a brief conclusion, a TABLE and a FIGURE. This project will use a between-subjects design.

i uploaded for you the scoring criteria please read it thoroughly and make sure done all things asked for perfect grade.the full paper template so you can do the paper exactly how its asking to do it. I uploaded the data analysis and pictures of the results of the experiment. I was number  #6 in the experiment.


TABLE SHOULD BE ALONE IN ONE PAGE. you need to know how to use the jamovi app to get the table info, thats what we utilizing in class.

copy the figures from jamovi
nothing go into the table only a note in the bottom  like one line.


Student Athletes Challenges

The essay was complete but needs to be revised with the comments.

This was the grading Question fro a peer-reviewed.

1) Is the problem clearly related to the article?
– Response 1: I think I’m a little confused about where the news article is worked into the paper. It looks like from your references, they are all journals or scholarly articles rather than working off an initial story or news article relating to your topic. I might suggest making it more clear where your article lies.

Response 2) Is the historical context clearly connected to the problem?
I would suggest focusing more on the historical context of athletics in general as it relates to the institutions as opposed to the neglected aspect. I think those are important points but I would start by outlining historical issues in athletics first!

Response 3) Does the data clearly prove that this is a “real” problem?
I would have liked to see more quantitative numbers and statistics related to the issue. Are student-athletes unhappy? Are they reporting issues? Have institutions done research or gathered data on this? Those were the main questions that came to mind when reading.

Comments 2

Is the problem clearly related to the article?

Due to your large topic of challenges for student-athletes in higher education, it is somewhat difficult to pinpoint the direct problem in which you are addressing through this paper. But, while reading I can view some trends of discussion such as academics, athleticism, social life, and lack of self-esteem.

Is the historical context clearly connected to the problem?

The historical context is stated in the paper relating to the inequitable system that student athletics are placed within higher education. I would like to see a connection to the history/purpose/foundation of collegiate sports and collegiate athletics today.

Does the data clearly prove that this is a “real” problem?

The data is presented/stated in multiple student views and research collection by authors such as Qurban, Wang, Siddique, Morris, & Qiao, NCAA, and more. I would like to see more statics and numbers, therefore, the reader can understand the problem on a numerical scale.

My essay is title “literature Review”
I attached the directions from the instructor which are titles part 1 and part 2

I attached other articles

Lucas text Link

Sexual transmitted infection

Review information in your assigned readings to work on the assignment. The website below also has a variety of information to support your readings for the week.
Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below:
    What is the pathophysiology of one STI
    What is the etiology of the selected STI
    What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI
    What is the treatment for the selected STI

Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

Nursing Practice

Guidelines for Course Project Part 1
Length requirement: NONE, just whatever it takes to cover the topics, but no more than 5 pages including title page and references. **5 point deduction for exceeding 5 pages in length**
    INTRODUCTION to the assignment (sections of the assignment: role of the nurse, scope of practice, use the Nurse Practice Act to compare and contrast scope of practice for RN and LPN)
    Describe the ROLE OF THE NURSE for the program you are currently enrolled
    Identify the SCOPE OF PRACTICE for the nurse in the state where you intend to practice (or any state you choose)
    Using the NURSE PRACTICE ACT for the state you are discussing, compare and contrast the scope of practice for the LPN and RN
    CONCLUSION (reflect on the assignment including how you will use the scope of practice to support your role)
    Use at least two scholarly resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the State Board of Nursing website, and another resource could be a textbook. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using in-text citations.
    Each section must contain supporting evidence (in-text citation) for full credit.
    Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    Logical, original and insightful
    Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format and style
Tips, hints, and suggestions:
    Run your paper through Grammarly and make corrections to identified errors before submission. Note: You must use the following link to create your Grammarly account. You must use your Rasmussen student email address:
    Read the paper ALOUD or have someone else read it aloud to you.  This is how you will catch run-on sentences, repeated phrases, wrong word choice, etc.
    If you would like feedback from your instructor before you submit, please send an email with the paper attached NO LATER THAN midnight on Sunday, 10/25/2020
To submit your completed assignment:
Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

hand hygiene


It is important for nurse leaders to engage with other nurse leaders to understand professional roles. One of these roles include being a change agent.

You will engage with your clinical preceptor to identify a minor issue or concern that require an immediate change.
You will work collaboratively or independently to make the change.
Consider an appropriate PICOT resolution.
Develop a 15-questionnaire survey to determine if the problem can be changed by your resolution.
Using the research strategy, you previously learned, complete the project and document the steps in writing.

APA Style in-text citations and references where appropriate.
Minimum of 5 scholarly references to support your data.

I attached my 15 question

Hand Hygiene Questionnaire

1.    What is your age?  Circle one.      18- 24  25 34    35-44      45 and above

2.    What is your job status?  Circle one.    CAN    LVN          RN

3.    Which shift do you work?  Please circle all that apply. Circle one.  Day    Evening  Night

4.    Have you previously been trained in hand hygiene?      Yes    No  Never
5.    Do you perform hand hygiene when entering the facility?  Always  Sometimes Never
6.    Do you scrub between fingers and back of hands?  Always Sometimes Never
7.    Do you wash hand for a duration of 30 to 60 seconds?  Yes No
8.    Do you turn off faucet with paper towel after hand wash? Yes  No
9.    Do you rub hands until dry when using hand sanitizer?  Yes  No
10.    Do you wash hands before touching a patient?  Always Sometime Never
11.    Do you wash hands before and after a procedure? Always Sometimes Never
12.    Do you wash hands or use sanitizer after removing gloves?  Always Sometimes Never
13.    Do you wash hands after coming into contact with fluids? Always Sometimes Never
14.    Are you aware that hand sanitizer is less effective than hand washing? Yes  No
15.    Do you perform hand hygiene before handling food for patients? Always Sometimes Never
16.    Do you realize gloves are not a substitute for hand hygiene?  Yes  No

Thanks very much for your time you took to complete this survey.

Were employees at the facility(P) able to demonstrate proper hand hygiene after questionnaire and teaching (I) compared to before teaching (c) and lessen the risk of spreading disease(O)?

. Introduction (20 pts)
An introduction/background information on the chosen objective (and/or the topic).

Assessment Define the issue. Why is this a clinical problem? What are the
risk factors? Statistics? Current prevalence rate in the US?

Why or how the topic/objective interests you?

Diagnosis What are the consequences if issue is not acknowledged? How will
consequences affect the identified clinical? PICO

II. Literature Review (20 pts)
Research on the current policy/interventions/knowledge on how to achieve the
Personal reflection: what do you think about the current policy/interventions?
Any other interventions you believe pertinent?
Any policy you believe should be changed or removed?

111. Methodology (70 pts)
Design — Select a change theorist and theory to guide your change project.
. (3 points)
Planning What is the role of the RN regarding the issue? How can RNs help
the participants regarding the issue? (4 points)
Target population. Sample size ( 5 points)

What tool(s) were used to assess the problem? Develop a 15-point
questionnaire to help assess the problem. (15 points)

Implementation What are your nursing interventions? – Teachings?
/Brochure, New policies etc. Develop a tool (teaching/brochure/new policies
etc) about the topic. (18 points)

Barriers and enablers. Did you identify any barriers to the change? What were
they? Did you use any enablers (develop a checklist) to help you to stay on
track with your project? Elaborate on how the change intervention was
implemented. (10 points)

Evaluation How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions.
Develop 5-question checklist to evaluate effectiveness of your interventions.
. (5 points)

Analysis of the data that were initially collected. (10 points)

IV. Ethic Who approved project activity? Why ethical consideration? (10 pts)

V. Results (20 pts)
How many needs were identified? What were they? Was there a main problem?
What were the demeanor/reaction of the clinical preceptor /and/or participants
about the need(s) and the change? Was a clear need for change identified?
What did the literature say about the effect of the problem on the participants?

VI. Discussion (20 pts)
Finding(s) What did you find after analyzing the data? Explain
Limitations to the study- ex. Sample size, studies, age, race, gender, etc.
Any new ideas about how would conduct a similar future study?

Nursing Implications Example: the nurse administered Lasix. The nursing
implication is that the patient will need to urinate more often, the nurse will
need to monitor the patient often: a) to empty the Foley, b) to prevent fall/injury
as the patient hurry to the bathroom, monitor the lab for possible electrolyte
imbalance, provide adequate hydration or monitor for possible urinary infection

Did the project findings and results match the PICOT statement? Was an
evidence-based approach used. List them. Etc.
VII. References. (10 pts)

Social Cognitive Learning

Albert Bandura was one of the early pioneers in the field of social learning. For this assignment, prepare a lecture suitable for delivery to an undergraduate community college course on the topic: “Social learning: Early development and later impact.” Be sure to discuss the following in your lecture:

    Beginnings of social cognitive learning
    Principles of social cognitive learning (such as modeling, causation, self efficacy, self regulation)
    Cognitive perspectives on information processing
    Impact of social cognitive learning in later years

Support your lecture with at least three scholarly references published in peer-reviewed journals in the past 5 years. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Your lecture should be scholarly, yet engaging. In making your lecture engaging, you may depart from usual writing form and organization and choose to use anecdotes, humor, or other speaking tools; be sure however, to cite your sources appropriately in the print version of the lecture that you submit. Length: 3-5 pages

How to Improve non verbal communication skills


            Description of journal article (e.g., publication date, title, journal name)

            Thesis Statement clearly indicated (main idea of your critique, sum up the main points)

            Explanation of why you think the article is relevant


            Provides overall idea of the content of the article

            Outline main points

            Outline results

            Outline discussion


            Provide critique of the article

            Description of problems with the authors premise, methods, or conclusions

            Well-organized, argument flows well from one point to the next

            Clearly addresses and refers back to thesis statement of critique


            Overview of the articles argument

            State conclusions based on analysis/critique

            Provide your conclusion and your reactions to the article

Grammar and Writing

            Writing clarity and organization

            Reference and documentation of citations in APA style

            Article must come from a scholarly journal

Mental Health

Using the NIMH list below, choose one topic from each category and give a 500-word MINIMUM post providing detailed information about a mental health disorder, treatment or therapy, and a population. For example, you may choose one of your entries to cover depression, available medications, and women. The purpose of this Blog assignment is to be a resource for accurate and well-informed information regarding mental health, using the textbook, and additional resources. All posts must follow APA format, including a References section, with AT LEAST 3 references. All topics must tie together.


Mental Health

ake the CDC Mental Health Quiz here  ( discuss it. How many questions did you miss the first time, if any? What surprised you about the quiz answers? Go back to the CDC Mental Health page here ( and select the Data and Publications option. Select one of the data systems that provide mental health information and discuss the metrics it assesses for mental health. What was the most recent report on mental health with that data system? For example, the BRFSS is a data system, what are a couple of questions about mental health it assesses, and what is the most recent data they evaluated on mental health?

Make sure you provide the information your peers have not already addressed.

Posts should be a minimum of 350-words, not including references.