Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Wholistic Leadership

Locate three peer reviewed, empirical articles related to the potential broad topic area of your dissertation. Remember, your topic area must align with your degree program. Select only articles that have been published within the last 2-3 years and that could logically be included in the literature review of your dissertation.

Write a brief description of the articles (250-300 words total) that includes the following information for each article:

A statement of what the authors studied.
A statement that generally describes the study participants.
A description of the study findings.
A statement of one limitation or future study idea identified in the article.
Write an argument (250-500 words) that presents a potential study topic for your dissertation and defends the need for the potential study. The topic must emerge from a synthesis of the limitations or future study ideas you identified above, and the argument must describe how the potential study might address the synthesized limitations or future study ideas.

See instructions

You will identify a plan for a maximum-security prison when a shortage of flu vaccine is identified during a national influenza outbreak. Your plan will include a nursing intervention for each level of prevention of influenza. You will determine who should receive the flu vaccine among civilian workers and prisoners.

Your plan will include a nursing intervention for each level of prevention of influenza and a determination of who should receive the flu vaccine among civilian workers and prisoners. You will also identify environmental factors that will place the prison population at high-risk.

3 pages APA7th

Start up business plan – 24 hour daycare

Please see attached.  I’ve highlighted key pieces of the business plan project instructions and have already prepared a business plan proposal.  This requires business plan pro or palo alto software.  It has to be done using the “plan as you go” business plan.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Project Paper: Students will complete an in-depth analysis of a current labor event in one of the following countries: China, Hong Kong, France, England/UK, Germany, or Mexico Pick a single specific topic of labor relations to evaluate, such as strikes, formation, impasse resolution, etc. Pick one of the listed countries to investigate how the chosen labor relations topic is complied with or handled in that country. Your paper will be in APA style and in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) or rich text format (.rtf), and it will be 5-7 pages in length not including a title page or reference page and any graphics chosen. You must include references to articles or news events discussed as well as at least three additional references to include the text.  You can include a comparison of how their laws/regulations contrast and are similar to U.S. laws and regulations.

Be sure to include the University Value of Community in your project paper (20% of your paper grade)!

Community value:
We foster a spirit of belonging, unity and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to
create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to

Fossum, J. (2015). Labor Relations: Development, Structure, Process. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (Twelfth Edition)

Phl Unit 6

Read ch. 5 on Kant and watch Sandels Episode 6 (both halves), on Kants Groundwork. (Optional: watch Sandels Episode 7, Part One (first half of episode 7); it’s on lying, but we can skip this part of Kant). In your short essay, answer the following. Also, respond to a peer post.

Explain how Kants moral law is like, and unlike,  the Golden Rule (“Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”) How is it similar and how is it different? What does it mean? What does it imply or entail? What conclusions can you draw from this? Feel free to use examples from real life or imagined ones.


create a PowerPoint presentation suitable to use for a lecture in an introductory statistics class. You should include the following in your presentation:

    A description of why a knowledge of statistics is important in careers in psychology as well as in everyday life.
    A description of the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics.
    A description of the inferential tests discussed during this class. You should discuss the types of data that are appropriate for each test (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio). You should create a specific research example that would yield data appropriate for each of the tests that you mention. You should describe each of the variables involved in your research question and how that variable will be measured.
    A discussion of any ethical concerns that need to be considered for each of the research examples.
    At least one graph demonstrating how the results of the statistical test should be presented.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 12 – 15 slides

Notes Length: 150-200 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate.

Gun Control Act 1968/Federalism

This paper is on the Gun Control Act of 1968.

It is important to remember that your paper should focus on a specific policy and that your paper will need to address the following components:
    Historical and constitutional basis for the American governments structure
    The system of checks and balances
    The various roles (e.g., public opinion, media, special interest groups, etc.) concerning public policy and elections
    The voting system and election process

Once you have found a topic that interests you, you will begin the research for your Final Paper this week. In addition to establishing your topic and the thesis for your paper, you will also provide an Annotated for four of the sources you intend to utilize to support your Final Paper. Each annotation should be a minimum of one full paragraph (five sentences) in length and should explain what the source discusses and how this links to your Final Paper topic.

Within the worksheet, you will address your policy, find four scholarly sources to support your policy, and explain the significance of each of your four sources. Please be sure that each section is at least a full paragraph (minimum of five sentences) in length and fully addresses the questions presented. All references should be listed in full APA format and cited appropriately.

Health Policy Paper

Instructions: Your local, state, or federal legislator is aware that you are a DNP recognized as a nurse leader, health care expert, and constituent in their local community. As a recognized subject matter expert, they ask you to assist them in evaluating pending health legislation by submitting a position paper on this health policy issue. You are to identify a current or emerging health care policy issue identified as critical to the future of health care in your community. This position paper should include a summary of evidence-based research and pertinent background information on the topic providing the legislator with a substantive yet concise briefing on all aspects of the health policy issue. Be sure to provide and cite substantial (pertinent) evidence from the literature that supports your discussion.

710 Amazon

You will complete a research paper in reference to the company AMAZON.  Be sure to maintain a tight focus on how the organizational design, from a systems perspective.

Please see attached instructions.  Do not start this paper without reviewing the grading rubric.

My Abstract for approval is attached for you to review.
The Books are also attached.





These are the steps for submitting your 10 abstracts assignment due this week. If you are using the library resources at Fayetteville State University, you will be able to obtain all the articles you need for your approved research project. The abstracts you would be submitting for evaluation would have to be obtained from the journals and databases link from the library.

If one were to assume that you are interested in searching the Academic Search Complete databases, you would

1. Click that link, and type in your search terms for the articles on your selected research topic.

2. After the computer has pooled all the articles related to your topic, these will be presented on a fresh page with the titles, a short summary of what is in the articles, and a link for the actual article in text and PDF. You are only to use articles from the year 2000 and newer.

3. Your task is to read each of these titles, and if they address your specific research question, click on the title, and not on the PDF or the full text of the article itself. The title will bring you an abstract on the next page.

4. Highlight the abstract, copy, and paste it into a Word document. Repeat this copy and paste exercise for all the research articles you would like to use for your research proposal. Note:  This is the ONLY time you are authorized to “cut and paste.”

5. You may search all the applicable databases for your articles. These include: Academic Search Complete (Links to an external site.); ProQuest Psychology Journals (Links to an external site.); ProQuest Science Journals (Links to an external site.); PsycARTICLES (Links to an external site.); PsycINFO (Links to an external site.); PubMed (Links to an external site.); Science Direct (Links to an external site.); etc.

6. An example of the abstracts you would be submitting has been posted for your review. Note that the information you submit must state the following. Abstracts submitted without the information below will not count. (See module “Sample Abstracts of Articles.”)

title of the article;
author or authors;
the abstract;
the journal in which the article is published, and
the year of publication (which should not be earlier than the year 2000).
7. After obtaining the 10 abstracts, save your Word document and upload it for submission. NOTE All assignments are to be uploaded to the assignments portal. No assignment is to be sent to my e-mail address.

Hopefully, these steps are clear for all, but if there is the need for further clarification, feel free to send your questions to me by the Canvas tool.