Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Show you care

Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty.
Each scenario must be original to you and this assignment. It cannot be from the discussion boards in this class or any other previous forum.
Articulate (and then assess) the ethical solutions that can found using “care” (care-based ethics) and “rights” ethics to those problems.
Assessment must ask if the solutions are flawed, practicable, persuasive, etc.
What health care technology is involved in the situation?What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Explore such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.
Say how social technologies such as blogs, crowdfunding, online encyclopedias can be used in either case. What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Develop such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.
You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.
Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

Positive Environment

I need all of the chapters in the dissertation paper in-citations to be added to the reference page attached. Some are there, but I need all of them to be added and to be sure to be written in APA.
So-I need the reference page to have all the citations

This course is designed to help students develop a framework for professional decisionmaking from an ethical perspective. Students will learn how to ask the right questions in order to resolve the unpredictable ethical dilemmas each of you may face in yo

This course is designed to help students develop a framework for professional decisionmaking from an ethical perspective. Students will learn how to ask the right questions in order to resolve the unpredictable ethical dilemmas each of you may face in your professional career. Since we cannot always use personal ethics in place of professional ethics, we must be vigilant to separate personal from professional ethics. In this paper, students develop a paper examining both their personal and professional ethics, and discuss the impact of one on the other. Papers will be graded on content and writing. Both the initial draft and the final paper will be graded. A minimum of 2 references are required, one of which may be the textbook.

Tik Tok getting banned in the US

Find a current event article that is interesting to you and relates to the chapter. A current event needs to have taken place no more than 3 weeks prior to submission. Make sure to include the article information in your submission. Answer the questions as concise and informative short answer/paragraph form as possible.
The topic for this week is Media just follow the directions bellow

What area does this topic effect:

World – How the US relates to the incident
National Government (U.S.)
Local (Specific State/County/City)

Who is the article about? Who are the main players on the article. – group of people, organization, one person
When did the event in the article take place? The date of the event and the article. Include time frame/period.
Where did this event happen?  Actual city, county or state.
What is the source of information for this article? Name of website, magazine or newspaper.
In your own words, write an accurate summary of the article.
How do you think this issue impacts your community? Our country? The World?
How does this article relate to the chapter and why is it important to the study of Political Science?

Tik Tok getting banned in the US

Find a current event article that is interesting to you and relates to the chapter. A current event needs to have taken place no more than 3 weeks prior to submission. Make sure to include the article information in your submission. Answer the questions as concise and informative short answer/paragraph form as possible.
The topic for this week is Media just follow the directions bellow

What area does this topic effect:

World – How the US relates to the incident
National Government (U.S.)
Local (Specific State/County/City)

Who is the article about? Who are the main players on the article. – group of people, organization, one person
When did the event in the article take place? The date of the event and the article. Include time frame/period.
Where did this event happen?  Actual city, county or state.
What is the source of information for this article? Name of website, magazine or newspaper.
In your own words, write an accurate summary of the article.
How do you think this issue impacts your community? Our country? The World?
How does this article relate to the chapter and why is it important to the study of Political Science?

Proofreading experiment

The purpose of this assignment is to write out a research paper with information already given to you. In this experiment our research paper will be based of Proofreading. So basically, participants needed to read all the way through (without going back) circling misspelling errors as they read through each of the passages. There were four passages all were 250 words Long consisted of 10 misspelled words in were from popular magazines. There were two different orders the passages could have been displayed the first order was silent, aloud, aloud, silent and the second order was aloud, silent, silent, aloud. These changes in order, were done to counter balance and reduce carryover effect. Below are attached experiment materials, experiment articles (which we will need to reference on), intro/method outline, results/discussion, and experiment appendix A (Which all we have to do is copy and paste on to the paper. Its done!) Finally there is a copy of my methods draft that could be used for the methods draft part once the correction are done. In the outline folders attached they suggest a certain length for each part ignore that, a certain length or word count is not required.

Professional Sports


            1) Examine the NFL Standard Player Contract. What TWO provisions would you suggest be added and why? Be sure to give the specific language of each of your two suggested new clauses.

            2) Imagine that you want to start work as a sports agent in Florida representing National Basketball Association players. Explain the specific steps that you must take in order to be fully registered with the NBPA andlicensed with the State of Florida. Be sure to include the specific websites of the applications that you would need to complete.

You will be graded based on the rubric requirements below:

– NFL Standard player contract provisions ***!
-NBPA Registration
– Florida Licensure

Summary of Codependency Article

Provide a summary of each section of the article provided. Paper heading and summaries should be as follows using APA 7th edition

Title Page

Body of Paper: Summerize

Reference Page list the article provided

Any topic (writer’s choice)

One of the advantages of learning logic and critical thinking is that it can benefit all areas of ones life. The ability to research all sides before arriving at a position on an issue, the humility to consider opposing points of view in a fair-minded way, the wisdom to evaluate the quality of reasoning for and against positions, the capacity to recognize and avoid logical fallacies, and the skill to be able to construct effective reasoning all can benefit us by helping us to arrive at positions that are most justified by the evidence (and therefore most likely to be true).

These habits, when applied, can also help us to make decisions based on a more comprehensive understanding of different points of view, to better appreciate other peoples perspectives, to be clearer and more persuasive in our reasoning, and to avoid making decisions that are not rationally justified. The discussion this week is designed to assist us in this process of applying critical thinking to our daily lives.

Your instructor will choose the discussion question and post it as the first post in the discussion forum. Answer all the questions in the prompt, and read any resources that are required to complete the discussion properly.


One of the advantages of learning logic and critical thinking is that it can benefit all areas of ones life. The ability to research all sides before arriving at a position on an issue, the humility to consider opposing points of view in a fair minded way, the wisdom to evaluate the quality of reasoning for and against decisions, the capacity to recognize and avoid logical fallacies, and the skill to be able to construct effective reasoning all can benefit ones life by helping one to: arrive at positions that are most justified by the evidence (and therefore more likely to be true), make decisions with a more comprehensive perspective of the different points of view, better understand other peoples perspectives, be more clear and persuasive in ones reasoning, and to avoid making decisions that are not carefully thought through and to make decisions that are rationally justified.

Reflect: This discussion will discuss specific ways in which the study of logic and critical thinking can benefit you in your personal life. Some general categories you might consider are:

Performing at the highest level in your education

Achieving your potential in your career

Effectively using your time and skills

Intelligently managing your finances

Making responsible investments/purchases

Not falling for scams of any kind

Improving personal relationships

Correcting bad habits and developing good ones

Choosing a path in life that one finds most personally fulfillment

Or another relevant possibility


Present and explain at least two areas of your life that can be benefitted by using logic and critical thought (you may choose from the list above or use another area of life).

Provide at least one specific example for each of how logic and critical thought can be applied to those areas of life (one example was given in the interactive exercise from week one, of how you could use logic to demonstrate to your boss that you deserve a raise).

Discuss in general terms how application of these skills can contribute to the success and fulfillment in that area of life.

See instructions

To what degree does the environment play on our personal health and to what degree do we influence the environment (assuming that it is something outside of ourselves)? In other words, how does nature impact our health? In what ways? Also, if the two are arguably intertwined, what can you do in your life, and in your circles of influence, to encourage what Aristotle referred to as “eudaimonia” (or shared flourishing)?


*You can use first-person pronouns.