Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Nevada History

You have been tasked with explaining to a group of Japanese middle school students how Nevada became a state in 1864 and why that matters for the history of the US, the US West, and Nevada. For now, keep your discussion of significance to 1864 and earlier. Questions to consider: What is the main idea that you want your audience to walk away with? What do they need to know to understand the argument you are making? How should you best organize your evidence to convey your thesis to your audience?
Thesis: Nevada becoming a state was for the progress of the country.

Future Tend in the healthcare industry

1. Identify a future trend in the healthcare industry that interests you. This might be telemedicine, artificial intelligence, robotics, or another trend.
2. Compose a 14001750 word paper in which you:
3. Identify and describe the future trend that you chose.
4. Analyze how this trend could affect the finances of a healthcare organization, or the economics of the overall healthcare industry.
5. Evaluate the ethical implications of this trend for the healthcare industry.
6. Cite a minimum of three scholarly resources.
7. Format your paper according to the: APA 7 Formatting and Style Guide.

Does the cost of healthcare affect macroeconomics?

1. Adopt a position on why or why not the cost of healthcare affects macroeconomics.
2. Describe how the cost of healthcare does or does not affect macroeconomics, such as in the areas of employment, community, and/or legislation.
3. Support your position with at least FOUR sources from Scholarly.
4. Format your paper according to: APA Formatting and Style Guide.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I have completed a mid term paper proposal. I have attached my work and the feedback form it.

I need completed my mid term paper. The instruction have been posted for this assignment. You are expanding on the mid term proposal so you’ll need that to do you paper. Please read instructions carefully.


Then answer the questions to one of the two cases below:

Big Bank case on pg. 820.
Grille Rite Case Page 602
Regardless of which one you choose: Use the format seen in the  Sample_Case_Study_Analysis(1).doc

. Provide an introduction containing theoretical background of Waiting Times theory, empirical research of waiting time in application in the body, and a conclusion and include supporting peer reviewed journal articles.
In your case analysis, incorporate findings from other sources like well as in the online library within academic literature. You can find excellent scholarly articles to support your opinion in the online library’s LIRN ProQuest database. In graduate work these sources are extremely important to use!

Generally, these case study analyses will be between 4 – 6 pages long and APA formatted. Before you begin, please review the handouts on  Case Study Analysis

expectations and evaluation.
Please submit your assignment to the Writing Studio (Optional). The link to the Writing Studio is on the left navigation panel. Review the comments made by the writing instructors, edit your paper, and submit your corrected final copy for grading.


Then answer the questions to one of the two cases below:

Big Bank case on pg. 820.
Grille Rite Case Page 602
Regardless of which one you choose: Use the format seen in the  Sample_Case_Study_Analysis(1).doc

. Provide an introduction containing theoretical background of Waiting Times theory, empirical research of waiting time in application in the body, and a conclusion and include supporting peer reviewed journal articles.
In your case analysis, incorporate findings from other sources like well as in the online library within academic literature. You can find excellent scholarly articles to support your opinion in the online library’s LIRN ProQuest database. In graduate work these sources are extremely important to use!

Generally, these case study analyses will be between 4 – 6 pages long and APA formatted. Before you begin, please review the handouts on  Case Study Analysis

expectations and evaluation.
Please submit your assignment to the Writing Studio (Optional). The link to the Writing Studio is on the left navigation panel. Review the comments made by the writing instructors, edit your paper, and submit your corrected final copy for grading.

Post Colonial Urbanism

The report should research, define, and report on the theory of Post Colonial Urbanism and where it has been used.

To create a 10-15 Page Report With pictures to show the findings. You can use my documents as well as others please make sure to give the documents to me as well so I can review them.

Double Spaced 12-font Times New Roman
Page numbers Bottom Right
10-15 Pages does not include the cover sheet or bibliography

Assignment 3 Nurs 208

Read and watch the video on this link:


Consider the characteristics of a nurse and the nursing profession discussed in class so far this semester. Think about how Catherine McAuley exemplifies these characteristics. Identify one nursing characteristic and discuss ways in which Catherine McAuley embodies the characteristic.

Connect your discussion to class content using supporting statements from assigned readings with corresponding citation to the source.

Academic writing style.

APA formatting.

Writing Assignment Formatting

1.    Use APA formatting
2.    Title page
3.    12 Times New Roman
4.    One inch margins
5.    Citations
6.    No Abstract these are one page papers
7.    No headings necessary, but will be accepted
8.    References
9.    Page numbers
10.    Title on first line of first page
11.    Running head

reflection 9


Read the short article “The Pros and Cons of Caring Deeply”.

Watch the film Wit, 1995 drama Pulitzer Prize Winner, by Margaret Edson, that depicts the English professor, Vivian Bearing, who confronts her death due to ovarian cancer and reflects as she faces the end of her life.

Answer two of the four prompts to complete Reflection Assignment #9.

1. How is suffering addressed in the film?  How do these examples relate to the scholars or topics previously reviewed in this course?
2. How is caring and uncaring portrayed in the film? What connections can you make with the discussion in the assigned article and any of the scholars or topics previously reviewed in this course?
3. What qualities did Susie (the nurse) demonstrate in caring for Vivian? How do these qualities relate to the scholars or topics previously reviewed in this course?
4. How is dignity addressed or not addressed in the film? How do these examples relate to the scholars or topics previously reviewed in this course?

reflection 8

Read the assigned articles for The Good Samaritan and An Anthropologist on Mars and review PPT.

Reflect on the following questions. Choose three questions to answer.

Submit your answers to the questions as a narrative to complete Reflection #8.

Remember to follow discussion board guidelines.

1. Explain the meaning of the title of the short story: An Anthropologist on Mars?
2. How is resilience portrayed in this story?
3. Describe an insight that you gained from reading this short story.
4. How might you help another to become more resilient?
5. Could there have been understandable reasons why the minister and the city-woman passed by the young man?