Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)


In addition to uploading your reflection as a word document to your e-Portolio. Please submit your reflection via the above submission link. I will not be able to grade this assignment until I see that it was also uploaded to your e-Portfolio.

1- Review the objectives of the course and discuss how you met the objectives. Include specific assignments that assisted in your achieving these objectives.

Advocate for evidence-based policy, procedures and practices within affiliate clinical environments.
Recognize the impact of both art (personal narrative, story-telling) and science (theory, mathematics, economics) on evidence-based nursing care.

Use evidence to evaluate health care decisions for patients while considering the context of diverse and multi-cultural environments.

Develop a personal and professional commitment to providing evidence-based nursing care to promote safe, quality care.

Utilize evidence, outcome data, and best practice guidelines from scholarly sources to reduce risk and improve patient safety.

Communicate effectively through oral and written evaluation of evidence from both qualitative and quantitative nursing studies.

Describe the effect of the media on communicating health research findings.

Explore multiple data sources to retrieve, discern, and evaluate appropriate literature sources to inform clinical questions.

Critically appraise health related literature for level of evidence, reliability to support clinical practice interventions.

Examine value systems related to ethical and legal accountability within health-related research and evidence-based nursing care.

Assessment Tests and Methods

We find that assessment methods are used in the selection process to identify applicant skill and knowledge that may not be easily deciphered via an interview alone. Assessments help organizations build a high-quality workforce due to identifying candidates that have a potential to work effectively and add value to the job. The five common pre-employment assessment tests are:
1.    Cognitive Ability Test
2.    Personality Test
3.    Aptitude Test
4.    Psychomotor Test
5.    Assessment Centers
As the Director of HR, you have been tasked by the executive team to design an assessment process that will be used during the selection of a new Vice President of Finance. Here are your tasks:
1.    Choose two tests listed above.
2.    Discuss the tests and explain their use.
3.    Provide detailed information on how they would be used in the selection process.
4.    Provide detailed information on the value they provide in identifying the right candidate.
Submission Requirements:
    Write a three- to five-page paper, (900-1200 words), not including the title and reference pages, which are required.
    Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the APA7
    Include a formal references page. This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
    You must support your analysis with at least four references (at least two scholarly/peer reviewed), and can include resources from this course.

NURSING EBP week 7 module 1 and Poster Dissemination

Week 7 Module 2 – Checklist


-Boswell & Cannon (2020)- Chapter 15
Chapter 15- Translational Research, Improvement Science, an Evaluation Research with Practical Application
1-Funneling evidence into practice -Mick (2017)
2-Poster creation: Guidelines and tips for success.pdf – Kohtz et al. (2017).  You will be using a template specifically designed for this course, however this article provides best practices for poster design.

Week 7 Module 2 – EBP Project Capstone Assignment

Student Exemplar (Fall 2018) attached

Student Exemplar (Summer 2019)attached

Student Exemplar (Summer 2019)attached

Throughout this 7 of 8 week course you have completed specific assignments to help you create your final EBP Project Capstone e-Poster.  Please review the assignment one more time to ensure that you have provided all the information required for this capstone project.

Evidence Based Practice Project Capstone Assignment_7_8_19.docx attached
e-Poster Grading Rubric 7_6_19.docx attached

———–Week 7 Module 2 – EBP Project Poster Template PART 1

EBP Poster RN-BS Online Template_CT.pptx attached

Please use this EBP poster template to enter the required EBP project research information (see assignment) to present to your class.  I will not be able to grade this assignment until I see that it was also uploaded to your e-Portfolio.

Click on the following link to view a video on how to use the template to create your Poster:

Using the Template to create your Poster (Links to an external site.) (6:00)

How to Create a Poster in PowerPoint

———————Week 7 Module 2 – Discussion: Poster Dissemination PART 2

Please post/attach your poster to this forum, so your peers can analyze it. Imagine you are at a professional conference presenting your poster to other nurses. Please address all of the following prompts in the text box of your discussion board thread and attach your poster you created using the template for this activity too.

Provide us a description of your clinical topic.  Please be sure to include in your post your 3 articles as references in APA  format.

Why did you choose this clinical topic?
How is the topic pertinent to nursing and/or patients?
What does this add to the body of nursing knowledge?
Which finding(s) were you most surprised to learn about? Why?
Were there any ethical or legal implications based on your findings for nurses to consider?
How will this new information impact your evidence based practice in the future?

NURSING EBP week 7 module 1 and Poster Dissemination

Week 7 Module 2 – Checklist


-Boswell & Cannon (2020)- Chapter 15
Chapter 15- Translational Research, Improvement Science, an Evaluation Research with Practical Application
1-Funneling evidence into practice -Mick (2017)
2-Poster creation: Guidelines and tips for success.pdf – Kohtz et al. (2017).  You will be using a template specifically designed for this course, however this article provides best practices for poster design.

Week 7 Module 2 – EBP Project Capstone Assignment

Student Exemplar (Fall 2018) attached

Student Exemplar (Summer 2019)attached

Student Exemplar (Summer 2019)attached

Throughout this 7 of 8 week course you have completed specific assignments to help you create your final EBP Project Capstone e-Poster.  Please review the assignment one more time to ensure that you have provided all the information required for this capstone project.

Evidence Based Practice Project Capstone Assignment_7_8_19.docx attached
e-Poster Grading Rubric 7_6_19.docx attached

———–Week 7 Module 2 – EBP Project Poster Template PART 1

EBP Poster RN-BS Online Template_CT.pptx attached

Please use this EBP poster template to enter the required EBP project research information (see assignment) to present to your class.  I will not be able to grade this assignment until I see that it was also uploaded to your e-Portfolio.

Click on the following link to view a video on how to use the template to create your Poster:

Using the Template to create your Poster (Links to an external site.) (6:00)

How to Create a Poster in PowerPoint

———————Week 7 Module 2 – Discussion: Poster Dissemination PART 2

Please post/attach your poster to this forum, so your peers can analyze it. Imagine you are at a professional conference presenting your poster to other nurses. Please address all of the following prompts in the text box of your discussion board thread and attach your poster you created using the template for this activity too.

Provide us a description of your clinical topic.  Please be sure to include in your post your 3 articles as references in APA  format.

Why did you choose this clinical topic?
How is the topic pertinent to nursing and/or patients?
What does this add to the body of nursing knowledge?
Which finding(s) were you most surprised to learn about? Why?
Were there any ethical or legal implications based on your findings for nurses to consider?
How will this new information impact your evidence based practice in the future?

Unemployment rates among young college graduates

In this assignment, you need to analyze unemployment-related issues. You need to analyze only one issue (topic).

You are going to study the past trends, provide an overview of the current status, and provide solutions to overcome any problems related to the issue you are studying. You will use data, articles, and government reports to draw a clear picture of the current unemployment issues.

Your research needs to be structured with consistent and clear thoughts. It also needs to be supported by facts and data. Your results need to be based on solid facts. Your conclusion and recommended solution need to be thorough and based on your findings and understanding of unemployment and GDP.


Include the following in your introduction.

-A clear definition of unemployment and how and why it rises and declines in the economy
-Briefly provide your understanding of the relationship between economic growth (GDP growth), high/low unemployment, high/low wages, and the way they impact one another.
-An overview of the current unemployment rates in the economy using facts and statistics (tables or graphs)
-A brief description of the unemployment-related issue (topic) that you are going to address in this paper

-Obtain data from at least two credible sources (not Wikipedia) to provide facts about unemployment and wages and their growth pattern and their current statuses.
-Obtain data about changes in unemployment rates for a period of 10 years.
-Obtain historical data (10 years or more) about GDP growth rate (percentage) and Real GDP volume (in dollar value).
-Obtain historical data (10 years or more) about the issue (topic) you are going to study in this paper, as well as data about its current status.
-Use tables, graphs, and figures to support your argument. You can find the latest unemployment data at (Links to an external site.) (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

-This section needs to contain the following discussions based on the data that was gathered and your understanding of unemployment and GDP.
-Unemployment Rates: Discuss the trends of unemployment rates over the past 10 years and provide your objective analysis of the changes in unemployment and the current rates. -Place extra emphasis on the periods where unemployment was either too high or too low (higher or lower than the natural rate of unemployment).
-Issues (your choice): Discuss the unemployment-related issue.
-Provide an overview of the trends and use facts to highlight the major changes in the trends and the current status. State the reasons why you believe the issue you are analyzing represents a challenge for the economy.

Conclusion and Solution
-This section needs to cover the following areas.
-Highlight the causes of the issue that you selected and how it impacts the economy negatively and why it needs to be addressed by policy makers.
-State your own solution. Basically, answer the following question.
What would you do to solve the issue you addressed if you were in charge of the U.S. economy? State why.

Reference List
-Use at least three professional sources to support your argument. The references need to be in APA format. To learn more about APA format, click on the link below.

NURSING EBP week 7 module 1

Week 7 Module 1 – Discussion: Consumer of Research

Yoder and colleagues (2014) findings revealed that nurses recognized the importance of applying evidence to practice, however they reported that they needed help in finding the evidence. Results demonstrated that these nurses did not view themselves as active consumers of research. Instead, they looked to unit-based educators or clinical nurse specialists to find, read, analyze, and synthesize the evidence for them.  In your practice setting are you an active consumer of research, if so how is this supported in your organization?  If not, who helps you to understand the components of EBP and engage in research utilization and EBP implementation?  Be sure to provide citations and references.

Articles( will upload below)

-Staff Nurses Use of Research to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice.pdf  Yoder et al. (2014). Please use for your discussion board assignment.
-A Leader’s Guide to Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Tucker and Melnyk (2019). Please use for your discussion board assignment.
Prevention of Deformational Plagiocephaly in Hospitalized Infants Using a New Orthotic Device.pdf – DeGrazia et al. (2015) What are the outcomes of this study?  How do they differ from the inventors recommendations?  Can these results be generalized to any NICU setting?  What future research is recommended by the researchers?

Draft Assignment #3- Catherine McAuley and Florence Nightingale

Read and watch the video on this link:


Consider the characteristics of a nurse and the nursing profession discussed in class so far this semester. Think about how Catherine McAuley exemplifies these characteristics. Identify one nursing characteristic and discuss ways in which Catherine McAuley embodies the characteristic.

Connect your discussion to class content using supporting statements from assigned readings with corresponding citation to the source.

Academic writing style.

APA formatting.

Writing Assignment Formatting

1.    Use APA formatting
2.    Title page
3.    12 Times New Roman
4.    One inch margins
5.    Citations
6.    No Abstract these are one page papers
7.    No headings necessary, but will be accepted
8.    References
9.    Page numbers
10.    Title on first line of first page
11.    Running head

Tool Proposal- Digital Forensics

Write a professional memo detailing a plan for acquiring tools you may need for a forensic investigation as part of an incident response. Also include anything you may need for data handling and storage. Include rough costs for what you are recommending. You will need to justify the expenditure. Keep in mind that since this would be for a company, anything you acquire would be only part-time use so you need to make sure you can justify any costs (meaning don’t just go for top of the line everything and say it’s worth it — you may need to be creative about what tools you get to keep costs down as low as possible). You do not and will not have ‘carte blanche’ for expenditures. Keep your costs as low as possible. You will have to research and document your costs.  Making statements such as ‘it depends on the situation or on management’s decision’ will not receive credit.

Tool Selection Resources
Review the Network Forensics related Briefings, Arsenal, Features, Events, etc. of recent BlackHat ( (Links to an external site.)) and Digital Forensics Conference ( (Links to an external site.)), and the articles in JDFSL ( (Links to an external site.)).

Determine your single area of focus, e.g., Tools, Evidence Acquisition, Evidence Analysis, Strategy, Remote Access, etc. Review the project in your focus area in Open Source space (e.g., (Links to an external site.)).

Healthcare Coverage Gap

The ACA was meant to provide quality health care coverage for all yet a coverage gap for some populations especially in states that oppose Medicaid expansion. Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the coverage gap problem, who is impacted by the coverage gap, the role the ACA plays in the coverage gap, why the coverage gap should be closed, and solutions/ recommendations for closing the gap. Address the following in your PowerPoint:

Select one state opposed to Medicaid expansion and describe why. Then, consider your own state. What are the benefits and drawbacks to Medicaid expansion in your state?
Define what the coverage gap is (problem/issue)
Discuss how the coverage gap impact low income healthcare consumers population.
What role does the ACA have in widening or closing the coverage gap?
Why is it important to close the gap (implications for positive social change)?
What are some solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? Include recommendations and/or solutions.
Your PowerPoint presentation should include/address:

Title Slide (1 slide)
Objectives Slide (1 slide)
Medicaid expansion (1-2 slides)
Coverage gap – define/problem/issue (1-2 slides)
Coverage gap impact on low income healthcare consumers (2-3 slides)
Role ACA has in widening or closing the coverage gap (1-2 slides)
Close the gap (1-2 slides)
Solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? (2-3 slides)
Reference slide (1-2 slides).
Assignment Expectations

Length: 9-14 slides (in addition to the title slide and reference slides)

Structure: Include a title slide and reference slide in APA format.  These do not count towards the minimum slide count for this assignment.  Your presentation must include an objectives slide.  Be sure to fully explain all slides in the Speaker Notes.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Professional goals

In the IDP, you examined long-term goals and described how you would network to achieve them. After reading about several strategies, you will look at short-term actions to put those networking strategies into action to achieve your professional goals.


1. Select at least two of the professional networking strategies from the Powerful Networking Tools, ABCs of Networking, or 7 Practical Steps for Networking sections of the Unit 7 Reading.

2. Write a 1-page paper (a minimum of 250 words) in which you explain how you will put them to use as you strive to make progress with your own professional network in the next 36 months.

3. Make sure to use specific ideas and examples to develop your response.

The Unit 7 reading and the IDP are uploaded in the additional materials including the assignment rubric