Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Critique of a Systematic Review

Critically appraise one systematic review on the topic article that is attached. Describe and critique the key components of the systematic review:
1. Problem identification
2. Literature search and figure
3. Study quality evaluation
4. Synthesis of the evidence
5. Conclusion of the evidence
6. The literature review table/matrix.

Supporting evidence should be integrated throughout. The rubric is attached (important). Also, other guidance materials including a sample paper are attached.

Theories of Free will in Radical Behaviorism Terms

10 annotated references for the topic of the idea of  free will explained in radical behaviorism terms  the product is a Microsoft Word document that contains:
a. title page;
b. Annotated reference page a minimum of 10 relevant references typed in APA style, and
c. include annotation directly below each reference that briefly (about three to five sentences) summarizes the article and describes its relevance to your topical paper.


This paper is a continuation of the uploaded paper you may see. This paper is considered to be part 2 of my project. There will also be a part 3 to this project as well.


I need to describe the history of the population’s social justice efforts.
I need to describe the progress made in this population.
I need to give setbacks that this population has experienced lately.
I also need to discuss their “status quo” and where they stand in today’s society.


Anemia Clinical Lab findings

Which labs indicate that your patient is anemic? Explain the significance of the following values: MCH, MCV, RDW, reticulocyte count, serum ferritin, TIBC, and serum iron.
Initial Post:

    Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm EST
    Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Yoga and Stress

Answer the following questions (Cite your textbook/articles to support ideas): Article is attached. Textbook is : Introduction to Research and Medical Literature for Health Professionals by Forister and Blessing. 5th edition.

Do you feel the authors provided enough detail in their literature review about the problem they are investigating?  If so, what makes you think this, and if not, what could they have provided to clarify their ideas?

Review the Methods section

Do you feel the sample was large enough and could they have chosen their sample differently, if so how?

Is the data reliable and valid?  Explain your answer

Review the findings/results- do you agree with them?  Is there anything you would have also liked to have been collected and why?

Compare this information to that supplied in the Otiz article that you read in week 1. Which article do you feel supplies you with a stronger literature review ? Which one discussed the methods better and why?

Cite at least one source to support your ideas using APA in-text citation. Posting should be at least a paragraph or more in length with well developed ideas. 

Writing reflects understanding of concept(s) in the assigned readings. Applies textbook and other sources.  Includes personal viewpoints to support answer.

Uses references as appropriate.

Shirley Jacksons The lottery

Why do people fail to act?

After reading “The Lottery,” “The Milgram Experiment,” “The Stanford Prison Experiment,” and “Jonestown,” analyze the actions or inactions of the characters in “The Lottery” and consider why they failed to act.  Question and find, through research, why Shirley Jackson wrote this story.  Then, please compare this tradition with a tradition from your own life that you do not like.  Make three points, your own tradition being one of them.

Forensically Investigating Social Media Cyber Crimes

Forensically Investigating Social Media Cyber Crimes
Our research project is about how digital forensics science play an important role in investigating and acquiring evidence that will help in resolving the cyber crimes which are related to social media platforms. The paper will have an introduction which will give a brief glance of whats digital forensics and what is cybercrimes, it will also address different methods used in forensically investigating social media crimes, it will also give examples of how digital forensics helped to identify suspects based on their social media posts and activities. Also, the paper will include a literature review part, where we will be critically analyzing existing literature in when it comes to digital forensics methods in social media cybercrimes and discuss how our approach will differ or build upon the previous work. Furthermore, we will have methodology part, this part we will determine what is the best methodology that we think be feasible or relevant based on our readings in the literature review when it comes to digital forensics and social media. Additionally, forensics tools for social media, here we should mention different tools of social media forensics tools with their screenshots. The tools should be mentioned with its use and benefits that it can provide any investigator who investigates a social media crime. Finally, we will have a conclusion part where we will summarize the key aspects of the research, expected results, potential future work and overall opinion on the research.
The research SHOULD include figures of processes, methodologies and investigation applications. It should be from 2000 to 2500 words maximum. The references should not be less than 9.

1-Abstract [also need to add keywords for the research, important terms not known to common readers]

    Introduce digital forensics and social media cybercrimes.
    Outline the importance of digital forensics science in resolving social media cybercrimes.
    Address methods used to forensically sound investigate social media cybercrimes.
    Give examples of real-life social media cybercrimes that digital forensics have helped to find evidences to solve.

3-Literature Review
    Describe the most relevant prior work and their key insights.
    Critically analyzing existing literature in social media cybercrimes and digital forensics.
    Discuss pros and cons of each methods found.

    Based on the readings, describe the best method found for forensically investigating social media cybercrimes.
    Discuss how your approach will differ or build on previous methodologies.

5-Expermintal procedures
    Detailed description of what you are trying to accomplish.
    Specify the hardware used to investigate such cybercrimes.
    Specify tools you will be using in investigation social media cybercrimes.
    Explain the proper procedures which are done in investigating social media cybercrimes.

    Summarize the key aspects of the research
    Imply potential future work
    Opinion on the research carried out

7-Refereces page
Please provide 9 or more references no less.

Grading will be based on the following:
Content depth and analysis [60%] | Content organization [10%] | Language accuracy[10%] | Presentation[15%] | Language accuracy[5%]

I would like you to kindly update me about your progress frequently, this will help me to review the work and see the way forward. 

Forensically Investigating Social Media Cyber Crimes


Our research project is about how digital forensics science play an important role in investigating and acquiring evidence that will help in resolving the cyber crimes which are related to social media platforms. The paper will have an introduction which will give a brief glance of whats digital forensics and what is cybercrimes, it will also address different methods used in forensically investigating social media crimes, it will also give examples of how digital forensics helped to identify suspects based on their social media posts and activities. Also, the paper will include a literature review part, where we will be critically analyzing existing literature in when it comes to digital forensics methods in social media cybercrimes and discuss how our approach will differ or build upon the previous work. Furthermore, we will have methodology part, this part we will determine what is the best methodology that we think be feasible or relevant based on our readings in the literature review when it comes to digital forensics and social media. Additionally, forensics tools for social media, here we should mention different tools of social media forensics tools with their screenshots. The tools should be mentioned with its use and benefits that it can provide any investigator who investigates a social media crime. Finally, we will have a conclusion part where we will summarize the key aspects of the research, expected results, potential future work and overall opinion on the research.

The research SHOULD include figures of processes, methodologies and investigation applications. It should be from 2000 to 2500 words maximum. The references should not be less than 9.

1-Abstract [also need to add keywords for the research, important terms not known to common readers]

    Introduce digital forensics and social media cybercrimes.
    Outline the importance of digital forensics science in resolving social media cybercrimes.
    Address methods used to forensically sound investigate social media cybercrimes.
    Give examples of real-life social media cybercrimes that digital forensics have helped to find evidences to solve.

3-Literature Review
    Describe the most relevant prior work and their key insights.
    Critically analyzing existing literature in social media cybercrimes and digital forensics.
    Discuss pros and cons of each methods found.

    Based on the readings, describe the best method found for forensically investigating social media cybercrimes.
    Discuss how your approach will differ or build on previous methodologies.

5-Expermintal procedures
    Detailed description of what you are trying to accomplish.
    Specify the hardware used to investigate such cybercrimes.
    Specify tools you will be using in investigation social media cybercrimes.
    Explain the proper procedures which are done in investigating social media cybercrimes.

    Summarize the key aspects of the research
    Imply potential future work
    Opinion on the research carried out

7-Refereces page
Please provide 9 or more references no less.

Grading will be based on the following:
Content depth and analysis [60%] | Content organization [10%] | Language accuracy[10%] | Presentation[15%] | Language accuracy[5%]

I prefer if you could show the progress from time to time so I can review the work and see the way forward.

Vignette # 2

please read all instructions carefully and complete thoroughly …complete paper to fulfill all rubric requirements

If any questions please let me know

Video interview

Please complete all parts  and anything missing in video please put on the paper…( ill say I did separate interview with mom to get everything answered that son had no answers too)

Vignette # 2

please read all instructions carefully and complete thoroughly …complete paper to fulfill all rubric requirements

If any questions please let me know

Video interview

Please complete all parts  and anything missing in video please put on the paper…( ill say I did separate interview with mom to get everything answered that son had no answers too)