Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

505 U6
350 words

In the journal articles for your reading, several historical and current laws were discussed that have negatively impacted African Americans. For this you will share your thoughts on legislations you consider are harmful for African American equality.

Please respond to the following:

Identify a historical or current law that you feel has positively impacted African Americans. Support your reasoning.

Identify a historical or current law that you feel has negatively impacted African Americans. Support your reasoning.

How does knowing about the different laws you identified above help in your cross-cultural work with African Americans?

Aviation Medicine

You have been tasked to transport a 22 year old patient with newly diagnosed schizophrenia from a regional hospital to a secure psychiatric unit 500km away. The patient has been violent and has required sedation overnight.
Describe how you would prepare for and carry out this mission including your rational for aircraft selection, crew configuration, clinical considerations and pre, during and post flight management.
Discuss the issues around physical and chemical restraint during transport, your decision regarding the best approach to take and how you will carry out the restraint.
Identify potential risks for both the crew and patient during the transport of a psychiatric patient and how to minimise these.
Attach as an appendix to your assignment a brief guideline outlining best practice for the transfer of a psychiatric patient by your aeromedical service (either pre-hospital or inter-hospital).

Exercise physiology

There are multiple players who have different types of exercise demands (that is intensities, duration, distance, etc) in soccer. Choose a position from this team sport and think about what each of the athletes do over the course of a game. Next, analyze the energy systems and substrates that may be used by each as they play or compete.

Position assigned: right/left fullback

Additional resources:

These two articles describing the different positions in soccer. These are basic introductions, and I would suggest we find some more detailed resources (the more scientific the better!). Please analyze the energy systems and substrates that may be used by the right/left fullback soccer player and compare it with the goalkeeper, the striker, and the central midfielder.

Cognitive Therapy focusing on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

The theory is Cognitive Therapy but it need to focus on PTSD under the theory. The instructions are below.

Each student will submit a paper in which she or he applies a major theory of counseling to a client presenting problem that is of particular interest to the student. You must follow APA style as delineated by the most recent APA Publication Manual (7th ed.). The paper will contain four sections (each section should be a minimum of 1.5 pages in length): 1) Review of the Theoretical Orientation (including integration of at least 4 references from scholarly journals or book chapters); 2) Self-Analysis (including at minimum your view of counseling, why people enter counseling, how people change, and why the theory you selected appeals to you) 3) brief Review of a Presenting Problem (e.g., etiology, common symptoms) (include at least 2 references from scholarly journals or book chapters); and 4) Application of the Theory to the Problem (including technical aspects of service delivery). In total, a minimum of 6 appropriate (see below) references must be utilized for this paper. Please note: Theoretical orientation typically refers to a broad counseling approach and way of understanding and viewing people, behavior, and change, versus a narrower counseling technique. Theoretical orientations typically involve various techniques..
Additionally, you will need to submit your journal article references electronically (either in PDF format or Microsoft Word) The paper should adhere to APA Style as delineated by the 7th edition APA Publication Manual, meet page requirements described above, be typed, double-spaced, and include the required number of references each from scholarly journals and book chapters (scholarly journals and book chapters do not include things like Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of Psychology, Monitor on Psychology, Psychology Today, Readers Digest, ESPN Magazine, Oprahs magazine, The Globe, Hattiesburg American, etc.).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

502 U8
350 words

Culturally diverse clients who migrate to the U.S. often experience acculturative stress. For this Discussion, refer to the five factors of acculturative stress provided in Chapter 9 of your text.

Please respond to the following:

Share an example of what you consider to be a bias for each of the following: assessing, diagnosing, and recommending mental health service delivery with culturally diverse clients.
What steps would you recommend to address each example of bias?
Choose two factors of acculturative stress and discuss how you would address these factors when assisting culturally diverse clients.

Personal Leadership

Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.
To Prepare:

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Modules readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.
Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.
Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

A description of your core values
A personal mission/vision statement
An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen
A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.
Be sure to incorporate your colleagues feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Modules Discussion 2.

Group Dynamics: Psychology Questions


the attachment is for question #1 just for the diagram 1.2

1. Review Figure 1.2 and the description of McGrath’s Circumplex model of group tasks.
Provide 4 or more examples of tasks you will expect to perform with your class team. For each, identify the quadrant they belong to (generate, choose, execute, or negotiate). Additionally, identify whether they require cooperation among members or if conflict might be likely to arise during those tasks. Finally, identify whether the tasks are behavioral or conceptual. You should have examples that vary on these criteria (i.e., various quadrants, cooperative/conflicting, and behavioral/conceptual).

2. List the three key social motives that influence the tendency to join a group and compare these three needs to those identified by Schutz in his Fundamental Interpersonal Orientation (FIRO) theory.

3. Explain why some people are more likely to join groups than others, drawing on studies of individual differences in personality (e.g., the five factor model) and relationality (e.g., shyness, social anxiety, attachment style, and gender).

International Business Discussion Response

There will need to be a review/response of 150 words to each discussion attached. Each review will need to be written separately with the corresponding references below the review/response.

As an example, the paper should be structured like this:

-Title(Key Term of the particular attachment ONLY)

-Title(Key Term of the particular attachment ONLY)

-Title(Key Term of the particular attachment ONLY)

Each review/response will need to cover one of the following.

1. Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research; or 2. Share additional empirical knowledge regarding global business.

Both discussion reviews will need at least ONE PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL to support the response. Websites, Wikipedia, blogs, or etc. CAN NOT be used.

A title page or heading beyond each paragraph is not required.

Write in FIRST PERSON. As an example. ( I agree with you on the…, I think you made a valid point when…, I differ with you on…) DO NOT USE PHRASE SUCH AS. ” This writer had a valid point on…”

References will need to be in APA 7 format with a DOI link.

Aviation Medicine

You have been tasked to transport a 22 year old patient with newly diagnosed schizophrenia from a regional hospital to a secure psychiatric unit 500km away. The patient has been violent and has required sedation overnight.
Describe how you would prepare for and carry out this mission including your rational for aircraft selection, crew configuration, clinical considerations and pre, during and post flight management.
Discuss the issues around physical and chemical restraint during transport, your decision regarding the best approach to take and how you will carry out the restraint.
Identify potential risks for both the crew and patient during the transport of a psychiatric patient and how to minimise these.
Attach as an appendix to your assignment a brief guideline outlining best practice for the transfer of a psychiatric patient by your aeromedical service (either pre-hospital or inter-hospital).

Risk Response Plan

Write a 1000-word paper in which you address each of the following items:

What is the purpose of a risk response plan?
What is a risk owner?
Who should be appointed to own risk on a project?
What is a risk owner’s role in the risk response plan?
How should a project manager assess and deal with risk?
List and describe the most common areas of the project where risks can originate.
List and discuss at least two types of risk for each area.
In the project you discussed, what were the risks, and how were they handled? Should they have been handled differently?