Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Delegation, Prioritization and Time Management Issued in Nursing: Getting the Most from your Team

PowerPoint Presentation Due at the end of week 7 – is designed to address professional aspects of nursing that impact nursing practice, leadership, management, education, and healthcare delivery trends. Created as a group project, the PPT development will allow the opportunity for you to experience preparation and teaching to each of your peers. You will be assigned a group and course-related topic by faculty.  Your group will collaborate to complete an informative presentation using PowerPoint or equivalent compatible software which will be uploaded to Canvas for your classmates to view; all presentations will be available as part of the review for the final exam.  Presentations should be at least 15- 20 minutes in length, not to exceed 30 minutes and must include at least 3 references to support your information (one must be your textbook). All references must be less than or equal to five years old and must be included as the last slide of your presentation using proper APA formatting.

Annotate the Literature Review

Please see document for instructions,

I started on the references page but im not sure if I have it correctly done in APA.

Im attaching the article that will be used for highlight and annotate.(Literally just highlight the PDF and upload the PDF with highlights and for example next to it, says “thesis” etc.
I have not included this article in the references page. Can you please check if I have the correct sources? if not we can remove them of this list?

Bilingualism, Multicultural Education, English as a Second Language

Length and elements: The paper length will be 5 pages maximum (do NOT go over the page limit, this does not include your title page, abstract, or references page). You must include a cover sheet with the title of your paper and your name. After the cover page (but before the body of the paper) you must include an abstract, which is a brief, comprehensive summary of the paper, no longer than 120 words. Finally, references should be listed on a separate page after the body of the paper. Your research paper must be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″), with 1″ margins on all sides. You should use a clear font that is highly readable. APA recommends using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Include a page header (also known as the “running head”) at the top of every page.
Number of references: Your paper should include a minimum of 5 references. Appropriate sources include: (a) research articles from scientific journals, (b) books (may include textbook). You must be able to cite your source according to APA format.
Suggested topics: Bilingualism, Multicultural Education, English as a Second Language, Language Acquisition, Dual Language Education, etc.

Discuss your opinion of the Zimbardo experiment. Why do you believe that the men who took the role as prison guards became overtly authoritarian? Why do you believe the men who took the role of prisoners became emotionally imbalanced? If you were a prison

Discuss your opinion of the Zimbardo experiment. Why do you believe that the men who took the role as prison guards became overtly authoritarian? Why do you believe the men who took the role of prisoners became emotionally imbalanced? If you were a prison warden, what changes would you make to prevent these types of occurrences from happening?

mandating arrest

In a one-page summary complete with intro, body, and conclusion, answer the following question:
What are the pros and cons of a mandatory arrest policy for spousal assault cases?

I only want an intro, body, and conclusion
12-point font
No requirement for sources but use
textbook and outside sources.

Class textbook: Family Violence: legal. Medical, and social perspectives
Author: Wallace year: 2014 Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group LLC

Journal Article Review

~Always include the comments and critique section. This is the most valuable part of
the summary as far as points earned. This is where I want you to discuss problems with their thinking/opinion. This is where I want to see that you are thinking. Discuss the
general topic as well.

~The article attached is what to write about, This is ALL YOUR OWN OPINION SO DO NOT HAVE ANY QUOTES PLEASE

Caregiver Staffing in Skilled Nursing Facilities and the Influence on Quality of Care

Ethical and Cultural Perspectives of Inquiry Paper
Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue or topic from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

Form and answer two levels of research questions for each inquiry to address your chosen topic.

Choose a Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt from both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
Compose a Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt for each kind of inquiry that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
State your research questions in your paper’s introduction.
Form the body of your paper by answering each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research).
In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
ETHICAL Perspective of Inquiry

What laws govern or pertain to the issue?
What ethical obstacles affect how the medical community addresses the issue?
How do ethical theories apply to the issue?
How do money, power, and control matters relate to the issue and its treatment?

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry

Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue?
How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations?
Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why?
Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)?

Your paper must be three pages in length and reference four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (sources must be not be older than 5 years old). Be sure to follow current APA Style formatting standards (spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering, etc.).

Artificial Reefs Create Habitat in Once-Barren Canals

I provided my outline , my first paragraph FEEL free to re work it. please write this in 3rd person , the title has to be in bold text i provided the link to the ARTICLE THAT I Have to use.  no long sentence straight to the point my professor said.  the first and second paragraph has to have a intext citation.  short quatuion used on the 2& 3 paragraph  & in text citation also a intext citation in the summary paragraph.
its about dealife  are being impacted by people dredge-and-fill operations that created canals waterfront  development how the seawalls are not strong enough due to scructer damage then my 3rd paragraph is about the positive how people are building artificial reefs to keep sea life alive in the canlas  and whats its made of.

i only did the first Paragraph because it was assignment last week,I had to turn in. but feel free to  change it. its not that great. thank you!!

Leadership Style

Dr. Wassmiah is a leader in a local hospital and works well in the environment. The hospitals environment is characterized by well-defined individual roles where each employee knows what is expected of him or her. Employee conflicts are minimized as everyone understands his or her responsibility, and the coordination of all activities leads to goal attainment. There is no duplication of work. Dr. Wassmiah encourages people to perform well and rewards positive behavior to boost productivity. Most goals Dr. Wassmiah sets are short-term, making them easier to fulfill, less intimidating to achieve, and as a result, employees are interested in obtaining the various rewards. When a problem arises, Dr. Wassmiah directs the employees in what to do and is quick to point out if the employee does not deliver results. However, Dr. Wassmiah suspects that employees are not working when there is no supervision.

What style of leadership is most likely described in this case and why have you reached that conclusion? What are the advantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the disadvantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership? What other styles of leadership might be complementary to that described in the case and why?

Please include introduction and conclusion also use 9 references including this book as main reference Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 9781506362311

book in the attachment

Residential Evictions in Ontario during Covid-19

Position Paper Assignment
Length: Approximately 750 words (plus short audience description paragraph)

Our first assignment focused on informative or expository writing by summarizing and paraphrasing material from sources in a very specific Issue Brief format. For the next assignment, well focus on persuasion (making a strong central claim and supporting it), and youll have a more flexible format and the opportunity to write in your own voice.

For this assignment:

1.    You will use your Issue Brief as the basis for the assignment (so, you would write about the same topic). If you choose this option, you will also be able to use the sources Ive provided.

You also have some freedom in how you decide to format the assignment. If you would like to stick with an entirely written assignment, think of a newspaper opinion piece (like the one you read for Process Portfolio 2) as your model.

If you have another format idea, email me before the end of Week 5 to discuss. As long as it can be submitted through Blackboard/electronically, Im open!

    A short paragraph describing the audience you imagined for your argument (separate from the argument itself). If you have used a creative format, include a brief explanation of how and why you decided to use that format.
    A strong central claim
    Different types of evidence to support the claim, cited in APA format
    Evidence drawn from three different sources (one popular, one professional, one academic)
    A focus on persuading your chosen audience