Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Bobby Fischer Write Up

For this assignment, please locate the video SEARCHING FOR BOBBY FISCHER (1993).  You can generally find it on TV somewhere– it was on my dish network around 4 am last week, but you may have to rent it or a few $. After viewing the movie “Searching for Bobby Fischer” and reading the Strategic Marketing article,(  ) integrate the article and movie while offering YOUR thoughts on the value of chess as a tool for understanding marketing strategy. What aspects of marketing strategy can be found in the game of chess?  Specifically, be sure to evaluate the significance of Bruce Pandolfini’s (played by Ben Kingsley)  urging “don’t move until you see it?”

Also, we’ve gotten a few questions about the use of sources for the these write ups. While using sources can be helpful, the ideas of others should not take up the bulk of your response. We strongly encourage you to give your own thoughts and reasoning when writing the about the topics, and we look for that thoughtfulness and interest when grading them as well. Hope that helps!

how affective computing determine cyber bully

nowadays social media company using ai to determine bad language

My research question is how to use affective computing to determine cyber bully.

Include at least 15 high quality references (no later than 2013’s journal article, a mixture of academic and other high-quality, credible resources) as in-text citations anywhere within your proposal. The in-text citations must match the items in your References.

You should clarify your proposal topic. This involves reworking your initial topic proposal and drafting a short background of the problem, its significance, and identifying the research gap (Problem). There should be a clear and evidence-supported problem developed in 1.2 and a focused problem statement within 1.2.1. That section should transition into section 1.3, which should have a clear Purpose statement and be worded as The purpose of this study is to. There should be at least one clear research question in 1.4.

more info on the additional file

Process Reengineering

For this discussion question, you will again be referring to the article Death of Patient in Waiting Room Ruled a HomicidePreview the document. In Unit 4, serving as a consultant to Vista Medical Center East, you were asked to perform an objective, post mortem examination of the existing triage process utilized in ED, and then recommend a course of action that the facilitys leadership team should undertake to minimize the likelihood of similar instance occurring in the future. For this discussion assignment, it is assumed that the leadership team has come to realize that changes are, in fact, necessary to strengthen the triage process and minimize the likelihood of future, avoidable deaths in the ED.

Below is a brief recap of the scenario:

On July 9, 2016, the Lake County coroners jury determined that the death of Beatrice Vance, a woman who presented to the Vista Medical Center East Emergency Department (ED) with a complaint of chest pains, was victim of a homicide. The jury made this determination based on what was perceived to be a gross deviations from the standard of care that a reasonable person would have exercised in the situation. The Board, upon the formal recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Vista Medical Center East, has sought the services of outside consultants to help them address serious concerns within their ED and assist the hospital and system in formulating and implementing a plan of damage control.

Change is never an easy process, since it means doing things differently than before. Even when it is widely understood and agreed upon that changes are necessary, the actual act of making the changes can trouble the psyche of those affected. In fact, it has been posited that when people are directly impacted by change initiatives, they grieve the loss of the old way of doing things. More specifically, they find themselves going through the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (Axelrod, n.d.). Some will progress through these stages quickly, while others will take more time, and yet others seem to get stuck in a particular stage. Many changes undertaken within firms are the result of central planning and are intended to more effectively manage capacity. In order to effect the change, organizations need to employ sound project planning and control. Failure to do so can have dire consequences for the company and its key stakeholders. 

Source: Axelrod, J. (n.d.).
Students are to refer back to the previously read article Death of Patient in Waiting Room Ruled a Homicide. If necessary, the article should be reread prior to completing this discussion assignment and peer responses. Based on the information provided in the article and on an outside review of the relevant literature and media sources, the student, serving as the external consultant, has been retained by Vista Medical Center Easts CEO, Mr. Jones, and asked to formulate an action plan that once executed will strengthen the EDs triage process, allowing for it to better manage capacity and minimize the likelihood future medical errors that could result in client fatalities. The plan should be logically presented, well-supported, and thoroughly vetted.

The initial posting should be prepared as a Microsoft Word document, and then attached to the unit discussion thread. There is no minimum or maximum in terms of the word count; however, the response should explicitly address all required components of this discussion assignment. The document should be prepared as a practical business deliverable (single-spaced) and reflect higher-level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation). 

Support the initial posting with at least 3 references of credible or peer-reviewed sources. The in-text citations and the list of references should be consistent with the APA writing style (7th ed.). To earn the maximum number of points for the initial posting, the overall quality of the writing should be consistent with that expected of a graduate student and industry professional.

Use 3 United States references in APA 7

Adriana Kezar

My research topic person is: Adriana Kezar USC.

Step 1) Find a Journal Article of Adriana Kezar, Highlight (what to highlight is in the instructions below). Literally just find what the professor is asking for and highlight it and upload it with the indicated title (for example highlight the thesis and just write thesis/ literature review etc. )

2) Part 2 Please have 1 example of a book 1 example of a maybe a chapter Adriana was apart of or a presentation.
Please check the Bibliography if I have the Bibliography correct.  I have attached below what I did. Please reference the APA im attaching below.

I originally did this assignment and the assignment was done incorrectly. Please HIGHLIGHT A JOURNAL Article.

Highlight this:
Literature review

Then Upload the Reference Page with the Highlighted portion

The rubric below will be used to grade this assignment.
Correct Reference List formatting for an Article in Periodical. (1 point)
Correct Reference List formatting for a second type of scholarly work. (1 point)
Correct Reference List formatting for a third type of scholarly work. (1 point)
Correct order of works based on APA guidelines. (1 point)
Correct APA formatting for assignment. (1 point)

Annotated Article
Correctly identify Thesis/roadmap. (1 point)
Correctly identify Literature Review section (1 point)
Correctly identify Methods section (1 point)
Correctly identify Results section (1 point)
Correctly identify Discussion section (1 point)

The example attached is not in
APA format Guide

I am attaching the paper with the references that was done previous, which was done incorrectly.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

title:  Most common rehabilitation  for a soccer player
the topic I am player soccer that 2 years ago I injured my meniscus, so we can focus on that, and we can talk about the Most common rehabilitation for a soccer player, the procedures how to occur and why, and of course rehabilitation.
I will attach the instruction in the paper and the template

Managing Diversity Course Project

This month you are to develop a power point presentation on one of the minority groups discussed in chapters in our text. You may also choose another minority group not mentioned in our text.  The presentation is due by Sunday of Week 3. I want you to have fun with this project. Prepare the presentation as if you were developing it for and educational or workplace seminar, and be sure to support all information that you include in your presentation with supporting citations from your references.

Use several pictures throughout your presentation. Make sure to include at least one picture or graphic per section. A power point presentation looks dull with few pictures and a lot of text.
Put the heading of each category on or before the slides in that group, so I know what category each slide is in.
Please follow the order that is listed below. Make sure your slides stay in order.
Part 1 – Introduction of Minority Group: 2 to 3 slides introducing the minority group. This may include things like pictures, symbols, or any cultural characteristics representing the minority group you are researching. 

Part 2 Key Facts: 2 to 3 slides mentioning some of the relevant key facts outlined by the chapter or research. For this part, you must make sure to explain and describe the minority group in detail including the relevant key facts pertaining to the group.

Part 3 History of Minority Group in the US: 2 to 3 slides describing the history of the minority group in the US.

Part 4 Relevant Legislation: 2 to 3 slides describing relevant legislation pertaining to the minority group.

Part 5 Population: 2 to 3 slides describing the population of the minority group in the US.

Part 6 Education, Employment, and Earnings:  2 to 3 slides describing the education levels, employment, and earnings of the minority group.

Part 7 Stereotypes: 2 to 3 slides describing the stereotypes associated with this minority group in the US.

Part 8 Strengths: 2 to 3 slides describing some strengths of this minority group.

Part 9- Reflection: 2 to 3 slides describing how this informations can help you in the workplace.

Part 10 Reference Slide: Conclude your presentation with a reference slide in APA format.

This presentation is worth 20% of your grade.

Please submit your presentation via the assignment link found in Week 3 by Sunday of Week 3.

Grading Criteria

Item Description


Parts 18 are graded on accuracy of information, spelling, grammar, use of pictures, and overall appeal of that section.

Part 1  Introduction of Minority Group


Part 2 Key Facts


Part 3  History of Minority Group in the US


Part 4  Relevant Legislation


Part 5 –  Population


Part 6  Education, employment, and earnings


Part 7 –  Stereotypes


Part 8 –  Strengths


Part 9  Relevance of information to the workplace


Following the listed order of the presentation


Part 10 – Reference Slide in APA format




Course Project

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, unreasonably interferes with an individuals work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. There are two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo, which means this for that, involves a person with power over someone else who uses that power to either benefit or harm a person based on his or her willingness to participate in or tolerate some form of sexual behavior. A hostile work environment exists when an individual is exposed to conduct that is sexual in nature, severe and/or pervasive, and unwelcome or unwanted; a power imbalance may or may not exist. 

Assignment:  Read each scenario below, and then in an APA formatted Word Document explain each scenario and determine whether each constitutes sexual harassment, and explain why or why not.  Be sure to utilize what you have learned about sexual harassment this week, and cite your sources and list your references.

Scenario 1
Mary and Bill work in the same department and have known each other for over a year. Mary and Bill are friendly, but nothing romantic has occurred between them. One day, Mary asks Bill if he would like to go out after work.

Scenario 2
Charles is attracted to his coworker, Shelly, but Shelly is unaware of the attraction. He tells her one morning, You look really nice today.

Scenario 3
At a company party, employees are called up individually to receive year-end bonuses. Susan is shocked to discover that whereas the men in her department receive cash, she and her female coworkers receive flowers.

Scenario 4
Adam and a coworker are looking at a sexually explicit Web site. Someone walks in and sees the Web site. That person is offended and reports the incident to Adams supervisor, who never tells Adam about the complaint. The person walks into Adams office three more times in the next several months and again sees sexually explicit material on Adams screen. The person never tells Adam that he is offended.

Grading Rubric for Weekly Assignment


Point Value


Adequately covers the topic -Writing is within the required minimum word count  (300 words)

40 points

Organization- Uses correct APA format in paper as well as with citations and references

20 points

Spelling/Grammar/Posts Word count

20 points

Uses 2 good scholarly resources
One may be your text

20 points


Read attached discussion:

Write a 250 to 300 word response to your classmate.  Your reply must make a recommendation to your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on their topic. In your response, you should give a summary of the article in your own words and discuss why it is relevant to their forum topic. It must  be different than articles they reference in their forum. Include an APA formatted citation at the bottom of the reply.

Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Cultural Engagement

Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Cultural Engagement

Kellar (2014) states we must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us very specific teachings about human nature and what makes human beings flourish. We must make sure that our work is done in line with these understandings. Faithful work, then, is to operate out of a Christian Worldview (p. 21).

The different Christian traditions give somewhat different answers of how we should go about the task of recapturing vocation. The streams are often confusing to Christians, for they are not perfectly complementary to one another (Kellar, 2014, p.21).

We are going to reflect on some of these sentiments that Kellar introduces in Every Good Endeavor.

The third sentiment we are going to look at is: The way to serve God is to work from a Christian motivation to glorify God, seeking to engage and influence culture to that end.

        Read Kellar (2014) Chapter 10: A New Conception of Work

What do you make of his thesis that Ultimately a grasp of the gospel and of biblical teaching on cultural engagement should lead Christians to be the most appreciative of the hands of God behind the work of our colleagues and neighbors (p. 198)? Write a 250 to 500-word reflection incorporating one article (doesnt have to be peer reviewed).

Economic Data and Business Decision Making

Must follow APA 7 guidelines Needs a running head.

Part 1. Economic Data and Business Decision Making (600-800 words)

Read Hughes-Cromwick & Coronados (2019) article on the value of economic data on business decisions. (Attached)

Identify and Discuss examples of economic data used by specific industries to enhance business decision making. (Last 5 years)

Prepare a 600 to 800-word SUMMARY of the research conducted for the key area using a minimum of 5 additional  new peer reviewed journal articles (last 5 years)- Stay within the word count.

        There should be an introduction (Remember APA 7 does not allow the word Introduction as a sub header)

        Use the title of each research article as the Heading above your Discussion/Response.

        Last paragraph Further Research. Identify QUESTIONS the researchers identified as needing further exploration in these areas.

Find five (5) Scholarly peer reviewed articles in this area Within the last 5 years

Discuss the contributions of the 5 additional journal articles and how these articles help to provide additional clarity on the topic.

Each Journal Articles title is the Heading above your response, and this heading is left justified.

(State the name of the Journal Article)

            Discuss the Contribution of this article and in a separate paragraph discuss how this article provide additional clarity on the topic.

(State the name of the Journal Article)

            Discuss the Contribution of this article and in a separate paragraph discuss how this article provide additional clarity on the topic.

(State the name of the Journal Article)

            Discuss the Contribution of this article and in a separate paragraph discuss how this article provide additional clarity on the topic.

Etc. for the remaining 2 journal articles.

Part 2 Annotated Bibliography:  1 paragraph per source. Total of 5 paragraphs

In preparation for writing each of your discussion forums, you should submit an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic (Annotated Bibliographies, 2020).

For all sources used in your discussion forum you should:

        Provide an APA formatted Citation

        Summarizethe source and discuss the research study that was conducted and what the findings were.

        Assess the source and discuss how useful it is and how it compares with other sources in your paper.

        Reflecton how the source will be useful to you in your forum. How does it help to shape your argument and how are you using it to shape your writing?

A sample APA formatted annotated bibliography can be found here: