Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

DB Reply 727 Week 6 J.Moleski

Please read the attached thread and reply to it. Reply using at least 275 words. Referenced does not count in word count. You must use at least 3 references.  Rubric and instructions are included along with the text book for the class.

Engage in a substantive discussion that meets grading rubric specifications. Submit replies of 275 words each. Make sure that you are adding new and relevant information as well as scholarly research with each reply.

Please integrate a scriptural component to the posts. All citations require either a page or paragraph number. When citing more than 2 authors, must use the term ‘et al.” each time.

Books: Whelan – Chapters 7-9


At least one peer-reviewed resource is presented as a reference and it’s associated in-text citation is appropriately placed; and an associated and approved course resource is present as a reference and it’s associated in-text citation is appropriately placed; and all references and in-text citations are APA formatted.

above is part of the rubric.

You must use my text-book and a peer-reviewed source. you must use in-text citations for all sources.

Please do the discussion below:

Discussion: Clotting


Mrs. Jay, a 73 year old female, has been admitted to the hospital for treatment of a deep vein thrombosis in her right calf. Her PMH includes hypertension. She has been taking Capoten 12.5 mg BID with good control of her pressure.  She is ordered on bedrest with the following orders:

Heparin 5000units IV bolus, followed by a heparin drip of 25,000units in 250ml to infuse at 1000 units per hour. Follow heparin protocol that includes obtaining a stat aPTT 6 hours after initiation and 6 hours after any dose change.

How many mL per hour will you administer the heparin drip to deliver 1000 units per hour?

What is an aPTT? What is a therapeutic range?

How does heparin work? What precautions need to be taken?

What is the treatment for a heparin overdose?

After three days, the physician orders Warfarin (Coumadin) 2mg po daily.  Mrs. Jay asks why she needs to take Coumadin and the heparin.

How will you respond to her?

How does Coumadin work? What is the difference between Heparin and Coumadin?

What lab value will be monitored while on Coumadin? What is a therapeutic range?

What is the antidote for Coumadin overdose?

What are some nursing considerations for a patient taking anticoagulants?

Develop a detailed teaching plan for Mrs. Jay regarding taking Coumadin when she goes home.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the following in essay form (double-spaced, APA format):

a. Complete the creativity exercise in chapter 9 (the cardboard box exercise). (page 226)

b. Evaluate yourself using the three indices of creativity.

c. What strategies can you use to enhance your creativity?

d. What are strategies companies can employ to increase group creativity?

You will need at least five peer-reviewed sources to support your claims.

WRITING Assignment Related to the Life Story Lecture

Do an online search of the leadership observations and qualities found in Sir John A. Macdonald.  Make application of the leadership characteristics discussed in True North.  Reference three online sites.


2 pages (Plus title page and reference page)
Who is Sir John A. Macdonald?
How did he grow up? (use what weve read about in the book relating to life story)
What was his leadership role  (Describe his role in the government system)
Why was his leadership important?
What was the controversy about Sir John A. Macdonald?

company, country, or well known individual, that successfully got out of Platos Cave.

Write a 500-word brief case study on a company, country, or well known individual,  that successfully got out of Platos Cave.

Provide an overview of the company/country/individual, explain what was the problem (the cave),  explain what was the solution and what has been achieved now.

Use pictures/figures/data and references to support your case study. 

APA citations

WRITING Assignment Related to the Life Story Lecture

Do an online search of the leadership observations and qualities found in Sir John A. Macdonald.  Make application of the leadership characteristics discussed in True North.  Reference three online sites.


2 pages (Plus title page and reference page)
Who is Sir John A. Macdonald?
How did he grow up? (use what weve read about in the book relating to life story)
What was his leadership role  (Describe his role in the government system)
Why was his leadership important?
What was the controversy about Sir John A. Macdonald?

business ethics tragic event

Select a significant tragic event (either domestic or global) that has occurred during the last 50 years. The interactive PowerPoint in this unit provides some ideas of historical tragic events but understand that these are just ideas. After describing the event and the post-tragedy events, discuss the ethical aspects revolving around this incident. This may require some additional research to understand the ethical situations and the impact these had on affected people being able to move on with their lives.
1.    Describe the actions of people and organizational leaders directly and indirectly involved with the tragedy. Specifically, address the ethical issues they faced.
2.    What were some of the actions of local, state and federal personnel with respect to dealing with this tragedy?
3.    Explain the strategies of organizations that attempted to assist with the clean-up after the tragic event. Describe several of the pressures that influenced their strategies. Distinguish between social responsibility, integrity and simple business ethics.
4.    How has this event affected the ethical culture here in the United States? What other affect has it had on society as a whole?
Your response should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages. References should include, at minimum, one additional credible reference beyond the required reading. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA 7th ed guidelines.

Reference that can be used. I will also add others as I see fit. Questions should be categorized as bold and centered upon each answer.

Kopplin, A. (2020). Preventing Bankruptcy and Transforming City Finances after Hurricane Katrina. New England Journal of Public Policy, 32(1), 114.

Transformational Leadership

Watch James MacGregor Burns on Leadership.
Referencing the video and your textbook readings for this week, write an essay in which you:
Comment on how watching and listening to a primary, conceptual developer of the transformational leadership theory has enhanced your understanding of this approach in its underpinnings as well as the breadth and scope of its application.
In particular, discuss the aspects of intended change and lasting change.
How might you, as a leader, use aspects of this theory in your leadership practice?
Support your ideas with detailed examples or evidence from the video, your textbook, or a peer-reviewed journal
Your essay should be 23 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation.

Medication that affects the nervous system

Discussion Post and Response – Not an essay

2/3 of Page for Post (Pick any medication just not the same as this classmate that response is required for)

The prompt for this week is to gIve an example of a medication that affects the nervous system and explain how it does that using concepts from Chapter 12.

This can be a medication you use in practice or an example from your book or other reference. Try your best to find one your classmates have not already talked about and explain the process in your own words.

Please give both the generic name and common trade name of the drug, what it is most commonly used for and potential side effects.

1/3 of Page for Response to classmates post

Classmates post: Please write a response
One of the drugs we use commonly in the Critical Care area is Norepinephrine also known as Levophed. Norepinephrine (Levophed) is a catecholamine agent with potent alpha-1 and mild beta-1 properties. Norepinephrine has no beta-2 activity, so the vasoconstrictive effects are unopposed (Hallengren, strand, Eksborg, Barle, & Frostell, 2017).  Consequently, norepinephrine is a  potent vasopressor and weak positive inotrope. Norepinephrine is indicated for hypotension due to distributive shock states including septic and neurogenic shock. As a result, Norepinephrine is recommended as the initial vasopressor per the Surviving Sepsis Campaign recommendations.

Due to its massive effect of alpha-1, blood pressure, MAP, SVR, and CO are increased with Norepinephrine (Girbes & Hoogenberg, 1998). Adverse reactions include tachycardia, hypertension, ventricular dysrhythmias, and myocardial ischemia. Because of strong vasoconstrictive effects, high doses of norepinephrine can impede tissue perfusion, particularly of the skin, viscera, and kidneys (Yamamura et al., 2018).


Girbes, A. R. J., & Hoogenberg, K. (1998). The use of dopamine and norepinephrine in the ICU. In Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1998 (pp. 178-187). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Hallengren, M., strand, P., Eksborg, S., Barle, H., & Frostell, C. (2017). Septic shock and the use of norepinephrine in an intermediate care unit: Mortality and adverse events. PLoS One, 12(8), e0183073.

Yamamura, H., Kawazoe, Y., Miyamoto, K., Yamamoto, T., Ohta, Y., & Morimoto, T. (2018). Effect of norepinephrine dosage on mortality in patients with septic shock. Journal of intensive care, 6(1), 1-7.

medication that affects the nervous system

The prompt for this week is to gIve an example of a medication that affects the nervous system and explain how it does that using concepts from Chapter 12. (Attaching Ebook)

This can be a medication you use in practice or an example from your book or other reference. Try your best to find one your classmates have not already talked about and explain the process in your own words.

Please give both the generic name and common trade name of the drug, what it is most commonly used for and potential side effects. Described an experience with the medication in your practice as a registered nurse in the state of Massachusetts.